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James Walbert, electronic harassment and gang stalking

by atom ictraveller 10,783 view s A concise presentation about the reality of electronic harassment and control. James Walbert is the first person to have their electronic harassment recognised in a US court of law and championed...

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yod sun 2 w eeks ago 1. After long months of Gang Stalking I realized that I was targeted by the American Government to make experiments on my body as if I am a lab rat. I am radiated all the time. In San Jose, California where I used to live, several young F.B.I. agents rented a room in the neighbor townhome and from there they were radiating me. I saw John Gannly the stupid groundskeeper electronically harassing me as well. Continue yod sun 2 w eeks ago The CIA and FBI conduct experiments on American citizens RIGHT NOW. Radiating them from a distance without leaving a trace; inflicting cancer +. FBI criminal agents follow their victims anywhere they go. When victims in USA ask for help, the FBI make sure they will be labeled as mentally ill and if the victims try to expose them, they will soon die from natural causes of course.

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Jeiygo 1 month ago Meanwhile, in another part of YouTube gangnam style has over 9 million views.. Is their a video one can pass around (share) with all the information about this? For example is their a video to inform the public of what TI is, who's behind it, who gets targeted, why are civilians getting targeted, how long has this been occurring, & what can someone do to assist etc etc?.. TorturedbyFreemasons 3 months ago The entire world is enslaved by a psychotronic computerized mass mind control computer that uses an artificial intelligence to control all life on earth. Since nobody had a choice in being enslaved in a high tech manner that will keep all life on earth enslaved. targeted individuals should be thankful to have been selected to not have to be a high tech slave drone of the future. Had people had a choice between high tech enslavement or death, majority would die. That is why it was done secretly. mdcory3470 2 months ago You do have a point there. libertyjane8 3 months ago how do THEY get access to your unconscious body in order to implant one of these in you? atomictraveller 3 months ago iirc in bob boyce's well documented case this was done with a drugged soda. OMAIM HREEM 5 months ago In Malaysia , I suffer practically everyday.......almost 100% semilar to what u are going through. U are not alone. Sharon Poet
5 months ago

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Sharon Poet 5 months ago I too am a Targeted Individual and victim of electronic torture. The more I write about it and talk to people the worse it gets. Stalked and harassed 24/7 and shot with lasers and microwave energy...etc. The last time I had passed out and was later seeing a large yellow blotch through my left eye. I have begged for help in every possible direction with no results also. They used mind control technologies on my relatives to prevent me from being believed and helped. targetedinamerica com Elior Tichner 5 months ago every victim of these operations is diagnosed so they would attribute the best psychological strategies - they are experts in mental health - but they're doing this to damage the victim - they know what triggers negative emotions in victims as a result of a specific research on the victim, the operation is making progress and at some point they have so much info they know everything about u - the only option left is to isolate yourself unless you're a mental superman timberwolves100 6 months ago There is allot of BS going around lately about gang stalking (global mafia would be better term) only existing in your mind, only being done with technology and no human participation, only being done by a few people. It's technology being used locally and internationally with the help of MILLIONS of dupes that are either being forced to participate or enjoy torturing innocents. They are fools that will be murdered when their is no use left for them. meynard1 5 months ago Gangstalking is real. haze2136 6 months ago Fuck them diana delgado 7 months ago I WOULD LIKE TO KNOW MORE ABOUT THIS..... Tracy spencer 7 months ago People are talking and having general intelligent conversations about this...great ...we are winning this one !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Erika Peirce 8 months ago I do not what is more evil than the terrorist or the goberment Is this is the American dream or American nightmare. I is a constant suffering I wish this pain to his children and grandchildren. and I apologize to say this to rest of god people. SpringChatty 9 months ago Praise God , Amen ! Thank You. This is common to me as well. !

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Musicistwowords Mu 10 months ago I have two implants that I can feel, located one at each ear, just infront, where the top of the ear joins the head. I know voices r coming tru them. I know I am having nervous system stimulation. I am experiencing gangstalking. I can prove these implants because they can be seen when I move the skin, and they can be felt. Voices made me think God was talking to me, made me look nuts, lost my job, lost everything. I think they are slowly killing me so it doesnt look like a murder. wwwtotalitaerde 10 months ago Check out the books you find on the Wuala link in the description of my films. They were written in the 1930s but still give an idea how Germany "works". For an example of torture using modern techniques check out my english film about the Anneliese Michel "exorcism" case. For brainwashing and steering techniques used against defendants in court look at my 3 films about Ulrike Meinhof and Jan-Carl Raspe. Cynthia Hamil 11 months ago "Project: Soul Catcher" -- is a book on Psychotronic Weapons. This book spells out this covert electronic harassment and gives you a whistleblower inside report from a consortium of scientists that worked on the inside of the program on the CIA and with the Dept. of Defense. has an article called "Chemtrails: The 'Shocking' Truth" which gives extensive videos on this topic. This information could save a targeted individual's life. Check it out. Ramaniac007 Pigs
11 months ago

wwwtotalitaerde 1 year ago Some of the murders by the German BND, the ex GESTAPO, known to the public:

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Uwe Barschel (politician), Jrgen Mllemann (politician), Heiner Gehring (author), Martina Pflock (political activist), Tron (internet activist), Karl Koch (political/internet activist), Bernd Seiffert (human rights activist), Kirsten Heisig (author/judge), Fritz Bauer (persecutor of the Frankfurt Auschwitz processes), Markus Bott (human rights activist). Google the names and check out my channel and homepage. adrian byucaxciuc 1 year ago anybody can see my post here? atomictraveller 1 year ago hi, comments need to be approved before they are displayed. that said, for some reason youtube hasn't been sending me notifications........... hoochiemama1897 1 year ago ITS REAL JOSH AND JEREMY THOMAS LIKE THIS LOL SILICONE VALLEY ARIZONA BIKE BOYS FROM ARIZONA LOL THEY DID THIS TO ME FOR NO REASON JEREMY MOVED TO FLORIDA/GEORGIA F THEM sweet6b9 1 year ago The implants are a violation of our person and our Free Will. The organizations behind this are the same ones that killed JFK. I have found that a specific meditation exercise can help us to fight this technology. NSA is running a secret space program and they have been working with the Life that they found on the Moon and Mars. People need to understand that this goes beyond Human control methods. Clia Os 1 year ago ACERCA DE 18 ANOS AQUI NO BRASIL, EU SENTIA ALGO ASSIM NA C&A E MERCADO RAINHA. EU SEMPRE FAZIA COMPRAS COM LISTA E NO EXCEDIA BornAgainKen 1 year ago My medical records read "shot by air-projectile weapon"; had to have most my colon surgically removed. And, a muscle toxin was used to cause low number of nuclei to physically disable. And, "mind hacking" to harass and interfere. Organized group stalking by thousands of citizen force who are perpetrators to vandalize, prove mental illness sounding claims, organized timed heavy vehicular hit to maim and kill. . Direct energy and acoustial weapons for physical & assault. USA freedom to Fascism. SuperBingo21 1 year ago Medicen don't help bec, it is a "GANG-STALKERS" out their that using a very very sofisticated "NEURAL DECODING" also called "ARTIFICIAL TELEPATHY" or "SYNTETIC-TELEPATHY" is one of the worse way to harass and to tortur inneconts people the "TARGET-INDIVIDUAL" he or she hear voices but it's actually are ways to get to your head (that just you can hear) it have nothing to do with health it is technology they munipilate and control your mind and your thoughts! It is Russians-style

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of harassments! atomictraveller 1 year ago often called "voice to skull" or "v2k". you can *buy* this technology in the form of HSS speakers, though there are various forms of it - search for USA TODAY article: 5/20/2003 "Sound technology turns the way you hear on its ear" By Kevin Maney, USA TODAY - other versions are satellite mounted et al. so nobody should doubt that this is feasible sweet6b9 1 year ago We were warned that this type of Satelite to Implant technology would be used by our government in the Billy Meier contacts. Will McCoy 1 year ago Pt 1. Looking for instructions on how to build a COPPER CAGE for sleeping in. Tin foil hats make my ears ring and stop the confusion and depressing thoughts/voices. After years of bizarre experiences and beyond coincidental happenings, torturous nightmares and gang stalking in a small community by various people for what i believe are various diferent reasons, atomictraveller 1 year ago "faraday cage"- you can build one out of steel window screen (check the wikipedia page). i'm not so sure it will work. mrkodak2788 1 year ago Ppl that dont go through it cant relate nor do they understand atomictraveller 1 year ago well, some people can, to an extent. being marginalised by a community isn't all that rare. victims of eg. workplace mobbing have a better chance of understanding what it means, of coruse that doesn't mean they know what it's like with stalking that follows you around the globe. i lived close to the mexican border and people that grew up around gangs have an awareness

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of the factors involved, but sadly are often given into the mob mentality by rite of their familial allegiance. James Walbert 1 year ago Wow!!! I think hat every single victim in this shit, kicks ass!! atomictraveller 1 year ago right james :) though in my case i amputate the ass. thirty years of big swords, folks. 144000V 1 year ago my family is beeing destroy by the unites staes airforce and psychootronics mind control and electronic microwave weapons ,i was hit by a helicopter and about 12 people monitoring my house the police was involve in walton county florida where they have a lab and using humans for experiments and TORTURE wich is what it is now this guy is lucky because i have not beein able to find a lawyer to represent me i really like to suit this criminals for millions of dollar because this aclu do nothing nzrosebud1 11 months ago Please contact me, I would like to know more? bbbBobbyMoore 1 year ago Will an EMP end this in me & my wife? We know who is doing it to us.., Ryann Kline. Last Known Address 3651 Cardiff Ave, Los Angeles, CA. We were implanted by Audra Christensen, Dana Christensen and Silvia Christensen at 3651 Cardiff Av, Los Angeles, CA., whom we shared a house with for 10 months ending April 4th 2009. Audra Lynn Christensen (old) 310-866-1452 (new) 310-929-5595 Dana & Sylvia Christensen 507-369-3062 507-391-3689 67402 295th St Hartland, MN 56042 atomictraveller 1 year ago i don't know if an EMP will help - i'm keen to try it. i've heard the use of magnets bunked and debunked.. and i figure that there are several technologies at play here. at least it's fairly inexpensive and simple to try an EM pulse. commins100
1 year ago

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commins100 1 year ago Thank you for your information. I have been a victim from 2002-2006. I know why.. I was aware of information that would have caused havoc for a Politician in my country, if I spoke out. They came after me with Directed Energy. So many people were involved, I thought I was losing my mind. I am still in shock over the Voice to Skull Technology, or the sounds of ELF. I was hearing voices in my head, my children crying. Eventually I tracked them, a Jesuit Priest and he was able to get SuperBingo21 1 year ago Media are behind it! James Walbert 1 year ago w w w. fortean times . com /features /fbi/5383 /a_game_of_tag. h t m l cant post links here but its my personal story right here... all 100% truth!! facts be known this is real... Nina Gonzales 1 year ago That is the "smoking gun" when it is military microchip that law enforcement, etc are perpetrating the crimes against James Walbert .. to prove "POSSE Comitatus Act!" atomictraveller 1 year ago i've heard about the rare earth magnets, can you give a guideline for what strength is needed? i'd rather disable them than carry around a magnet everywhere.. :) afa reich goes, i never saw anything on the 50 year FDA suppression of his publications. i've yet to encounter an accumulator. sweet6b9 1 year ago I have had some success with the Earth Magnets disrupting the implant but they do not dissable them. I am aware that technology can be produced that disrupts the signals that operate these implants and that will dissable the implants remote connection but they also have AI Programs running that kick in when the signal is disrupted. What needs to happen is the technology needs to be taken from the Organizations using it and then dissabled. mrmashman83
1 year ago

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mrmashman83 1 year ago I am a Victim Of electronic harassment and gang stalking Secret chips Implants in my Brain Neck Sinus Cavity Ear Spinal , I be tortured every day for three years I want a help from any human being to discover the chips are in my head and my neck I think there are more than 5 chips in my body knowing that I make MRI for my head and my neck and back .I think hospital that covered the because they were looking at me weirdly theonlyjamesbohan 1 year ago i have a tiny chip in my finger , dont know how it got there, its red Laverne Swanson 1 year ago I didn't hear how they were able to implant the chips without his knowledge? I know many of our troops in the military have them. Great video and a great victory for we, the people. atomictraveller 1 year ago apparently a significant number of civilians are being targeted and harassed in an obviously coordinated manner for a variety of reasons - some are activists or whistle blowers, some aren't. it's commonly referred to as "gang stalking," meaning stalking by an organised group. there is a great amount of misinformation designed to make reports of gang stalking seem like schizophrenia. there is precious little accredited reference, which is why j.w's case is so important to so many. Jerry Hanlon 1 year ago Significant numbers are not targeted. Whistle blowers, political activists are not likely targeted. Average people are. Implants are not common. Most sites dealing with harassment are fake. They give you 1 fact, that civilian electronic harassment is happening but all else is a honeytrap of half-truths & lies. All harassment exactly replicates schizophrenia making it impossible to be believed. Every profession cooperates, no one talks, favors act as rewards. PeeperFrogs 1 year ago You will need to do a bit more research. You are mostly wrong here on your statements. James Walbert 1 year ago This is James Walbert The reason that I have been targeted is for the facts of being an inventor and having the Intellectual properties to get knocked off for... A high tech hit!! Thats all this shit is.... jamestargetedindiv 1 year ago Listen very very closely to a dvd of Inception made before the Arizona tragedy. atomictraveller 1 year ago hi bm ;) this was discussed on a more recent interview (1st week of april 2011) with j. walbert on 'cash flow' radio show w

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james martinez. it's often elicited that j. walbert doesn't "do what doesn't work for others," eg. postulating these things can draw criticism. imo, when one is uncertain of something, it is best to consider all the possibilities. and sometimes, not to turn your cards over. atomictraveller 1 year ago i approve all the comments on this page to prevent ppl posting abuse for TIs. re: your other comment, i know you didn't post a link, you asked for one. my answer was to explain a possible reason why there was no link. i would send a private message to the poster if you want the url. atomictraveller 1 year ago bohemian grove may be a good choice as well bountle 1 year ago don't doubt this activity and it is all criminal julioluisveve 1 year ago Leslie, you said "I found a web Page that LIterally Describes Everything they use-See Next Pst". Is that a link? It leads me to nowhere. Can you please post the correct link? Thanks James Walbert 1 year ago Wow this really neeeds! to be dealt with at this point its looking like this fella really has the solid evidence that is needed to be shown and still nothing WTF folks...Exactly How Much Evidence Do WE really need HERE??? atomictraveller 1 year ago tbh i don't think evidence/facts have much bearing - society is acclimatised to sensationalism and a regime of other responsivities.. i have heard of very unusual things in this regard of course.. it also seems like many people today have "practical" issues that consign them to avoidance of consideration of "ideals" like social or governmental form and practice.. to summarise, while doing what we can to move these issues into discourse, (continued) atomictraveller 1 year ago (continued) one wonders if the real intent here is to intentionally boil the pot over. checking your channel, fun fun :p sweet6b9 1 year ago More people need to know the truth about this, then there can be an awakening, otherwise most people are just going to be controled.

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jamamuyo 2 years ago I am a victim of electronic harassment and gang stalking . I've been attacked from the offenders for more than 10 years here in Shimonoseki,Yamaguchi,Japan. Please investigate my situation and help me. atomictraveller 2 years ago in my opinion there is precious little footing in regards to public recognition of gang stalking. james walbert's case is about the best evidence going.. i have found that even presenting related information, eg. domestic psyops transgressions, yields very little response from the public. ppl are very resistant to the idea of conspiracy (look for jfk speech april 27 1961 on global conspiracy!) so we must all help ourselves and each other to survive and raise awareness :) :) <3 luck! <3 randy0987 1 year ago but wasnt JFK's speech about the threat of communism, instead of freemasons or NWO as many people think? I agree the public, the sheeple dont want to make waves. Youd think more Americans would at least question the official 9-11 story. Anyways, good video, thanks for sharing it. atomictraveller 1 year ago communism isn't a conspiracy fitting jfk's description, communism would clearly have fallen in the "armies by day" category of his delineation. plenty of people will tell you he meant communism, or the press in that speech, but even an off-handed comparison with the criteria doesn't fit his statement. people don't say "ruthless and monolithic conspiracy" to talk about high prices at the shops when they're issuing statements as the president of a nation. Figaro991 2 years ago Fellow Ti's Understand this and be clear these people are connected to Oraganized crime Groups and Cults are also engaged in it and they share a Pool of Availble memebers thru meany organizations-Their are many aspirations for why they pick people -Human Trafficking is one-So watch your back carefully-I found a web Page that LIterally Describes Everything they use-See Next Pst LeslieWilliams

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julioluisveve 1 year ago Leslie, you said "I found a web Page that LIterally Describes Everything they use-See Next Pst". Is that a link? It leads me to nowhere. Can you please post the correct link? Thanks atomictraveller 1 year ago ftr i don't think you can post links in youtube comments. unitedtis 2 years ago I agree that gang stalking is organized serial and mass murder Figaro991 2 years ago I am a Victim Of MKULtra Implants in my Brain Neck Sinus Cavity Ear Spinal Colum Human Experiementation Leslie K Williams--368-84-6514--Stared out Masonic Cult memebers eneterd my Life I didnt Know it AT ALL Im a Christian Extremeley Devout-Google and READ EVERYTHING Learning Disabled OWman Tortured in Dearborn Mi--I have so much proof its mind Boogling No Press Now Lawyers No Help atomictraveller 2 years ago i'm a TI, subsequentially activist, and work in music software and am doing everything i can to increase public awareness. i do not feel that anything other than a change in public awareness will change what is happening. i am not waiting for the government to do anything, though i do think it is possible that individuals in politics may help to bring change. i have also found the freemasons to be a recurring constant in my experiences and those of others. probatedc 2 years ago Thank you for posting this. My sister and myself were targeted right after our father died. Lawyers with close connections to

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Thank you for posting this. My sister and myself were targeted right after our father died. Lawyers with close connections to the CIA lied to us and told us our father died bankrupt and owing back taxes. The more I discovered the more I was targeted.My child is now being targeted. I am trying to get my documentation out there;but it's hard while watching the same happen to your only child Thank you so much to James Martinez and Mr. Walbert for presenting this. We need help (TI's) atomictraveller 2 years ago btw - thanks James Martinez, host of Cash Flow. Thank you very much.. I've been a TI for six years.. I visited one of Mr. Bowart's refuges in the 1980's and it has affected someone around me for as long as I've been alive.

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