Rishi Ji's Knowledge

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Pearls and words of Wisdom from Rishiji (Rishi Vidhyadharji)

What is WOW comfortable with or without . is art of living is WOW! Emotional stability through knowledge Inner peace through sadhana Happiness through seva Bliss through satsang Creativity through meditation Four ways to handle the mind

Faith things will change 2. Somethings dont change so what just accept it 3. Wake up the valour invoke take the challenge take the plunge 4. Offer it to the divine helplessness

Four types of problems faced by humans

1. 2. 3. 4.

Negative emotions anger, sorrow, regrets, jealousy, etc. Boredom wanting for new Inertia disinterest in life Mistrust

Identify where does the problem lie, i.e. root cause and apply the solution Problems / misery in life are due to excess or too much of love. Ten heads of Ravana .... When loving each of the following more than required it becomes / manifests into a feeling / observation: When love in excess for
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

Status => this becomes Ego Somebody => this becomes attachement Perfection from others => anger Perfection from self => guilt, sorrow Past => regret, hatred Future => fear, anxiety Something/object => greed Appearance (more than required) => jealousy Fantasy => lust

Security => inertia (disinterest in life leading to stubbornness


This is also known as the 10 heads of Ravana. Ram is symbolic for commitment. Ravana was destroyed by Ram. When we watch/observe these negative emotions/feelings they flip to positive energy/vibrations Wanting to be with a person is attachment Not wanting to be with a person is detachment Using a person is Lust Being useful to a person is Love Bringing out the divine in a person is devotion Love gets fragnance with devotion Hurry and worry makes a man diseased Impatience and intolerance cause problems in life Analysis breaks a person Synthesis brings together Our positivity should make others positive Nothing under the sun can remain negative In the presence of a calm person everything becomes calm Looking for love results in loneliness Looking for respect results in insult Looking for perfection brings anger Four things in life changes feelings, emotions, opinions/judgements, and logic Only knowledge is constant. When learning from any situation the knowledge should be positive. By merely observing the sensation in the body, we can convert the negative energy like anger, etc to positive energy and put it to good use. Hari Om meditation helps in observing the sensations and flipping them to positive energy. Movement of energy from the bottom to the top is bliss. Different instruments and its impact on our body - Music and instrument of lifeInertia - Base of spine interest in life (Instrument that helps to flip the negative energy to positive energy is drums) Feverishness / aversion or procreative (obsession about sex) - Behind the genitals when observed can flipped to creativity Jealousy, greed sensations in the Naval area when observed flip to generosity, joy. Instrument associated with this is bells Heart region associated with fear, anger, or love. Only one feeling manifests observe and identify the feeling and flip it to love. Instrument associated with this is string instruments. Think of cupid and the violin in his hand

Throat associated with sorrow. By observing the sensations here we convert them to gratitude. Dwellign into self pity is sorrow, start thinking all the big problems your sorrow dissolves. Think of all the things you are greatful for. Instrument associated with this is flute air instrument When angry sensations in the head are observed. On observing the same energy can be manifested into alertness. Conch associated with the sensations above the head bliss crown chakra Whenever there are positive energy or vibrations, sensations in the body no thoughts appear Objects should gain value from you not you get value because of the things you possess This is successful living A person in the present moment they are never confused but not clear If you feel good you automatically look good Praises to the head become ego. Praises to the soul is blossoming in your consciousness. Buddha said There are 2 mistakes one can make along the road to truth not going all the way and not starting.
.... Jai at Thursday, December 31, 2009

1 comment:
1. JaiMarch 24, 2012 at 9:10 PM True knowledge is when you know the edges .... either extremes, i.e. both low and high! So just reviewing the ten heads of Ravana, what happens when love is on the lower side? I asked myself let me revise each one again to see what other emotions come up? When loving each of the following more than required it becomes / manifests into a feeling / observation: When Not love worthy in low levels type of (on ego, the left) and <= in excess Status => (on this the right) for Ego




Wanting to be alone, loneliness, or detachment <= Somebody => this becomes attachment Being Careless Shame, Worry, submissive <= guilt anxious <= Perfection <= <= Perfection from Past Future from self => => others => => guilt, regret, fear, anger sorrow hatred anxiety

Disinterest, Self-pity Aversion, Restlessness

selfless <=



too => <=

much jealousy


Something/object (more than => leading to


greed required) lust

Appearance avoiding

Fantasy (disinterest in life






Knowledge is a sharp double edge sword, when you know both the edges you you are not on the extremes but rather constant right in the middle a very powerful neutrality .... ZERO!

This should be your goal: Becoming 'MUKT' (free) from the 5 deepest, strongest and oldest impressions: Food, Sleep, Sex, Fear and Laziness. He added that once you have become free from these impressions then you will know what your real purpose in life is. The humour and liveliness with which he explained this was exemplary. Q: How to avoid being conscious when amongst people? A: Rather than bothering about looking good, focus on feeling good. In looking good you lose your naturalness and peace. When you feel good then you will NOT become a football of others opinions and will be more effective. Q: Should we be perfectionists? A: Rather than looking for perfection, be with that which is perfect Q: How to handle competition as it involves comparison with others? A: Competition is sugar coated greed and jealousy. A person who is caught in competition is a victim of greed and jealousy. He tries to do several things 100% and gets stressed. Its important to BE (not necessarily DO) 100% in whatever you do. Q: I am confused about marriage. How to decide whether to marry or not? If one or more of the following five are of concern (needs) for a girl, then she should marry: Security, Companionship, Sex, Progeny and learning surrender If one or more of the following four are of concern (needs) for a boy, then he should marry: Companionship, Sex, Progeny and learning surrender Q: While on my way to meet Guruji, the excitement I feel, is it feverishness or longing? A: While on your way if you are relaxed then its longing, else its feverishness. And on meeting him, if Guruji doesn't look at you and you don't mind it as you are happy that YOU saw HIM, then it was longing and if you feel upset or disappointed that HE didn't look at YOU, then it was feverishness

We base our happiness on factors which are outside our control. Life is ever changing and full of opposites. Basing our state of mind on such factors outside our control leads to depression, frustration and unhappiness. For e.g.; if we are happy because of good health then we are sure to lose our happiness as and when our health deteriorates. If we feel secure because we have money then its opposite is also not far away. If we are in high spirits being in love then whenever we are alone again due to death or separation from partner and without any assurance that the partner will ever come back, we are bound to be depressed. If we are contented because of our progeny, then losing our progeny to death or separation due to some other cause will lead to utter discontentment. If we are happy due to fame and power then their lack will also cause total unhappiness. All these factors are outside our control and hence basing our mental state on any one of these is dangerous and is bound to end in unhappiness. The only happiness which is stable and free from external influences is the one which is what we feel when we do sudarshan kriya, which is without any reason.The happiness based on the 9 factorspleasures based on 5 senses, fame, love, progeny and money is short lived and leads to pain whenever one of these factors is missing from our lives.On 26th June, 2000, Gujarat lost 120,000 people due to earthquakes but was back on track in an years time. In 2005, in Tsunami, a lady in Nagapattinam lost both her sons and when she met Gurudev sometime after she was all smiles. In contrast, USA is still reeling under the effects of 9/11 even after 5 years. This is the power of spirituality which allows us to come back from setbacks and be happy Imagine being in an environment which is stinking with smell of dead bodies some of whom are your relatives and loved ones, very very unpleasant to the eyes, a depressing scene. This is what Krishna stood amidst and was smiling still. This is the power of spirituality. When you can smile through all these situations in life- losing a loved one to separation or death, losing fame and status, losing money and there is no hope for any redemption, then that state is of a liberated person. This is enlightenment and this is the Art of Living.

Few things Rishiji Told: Did You Know About This!!!!!!

AAHARA Before meal hr if u drink water its good for digestion after meal if you have its not good for the body. Non Veg Meal has an effect on the human mind for 65 Days???!!!!!! So you better shift to veggie to avoid unnecessary fights,irritations if you havent yet!!!!!!!!! Our Sri Sri Ayurveda Products Have Effective Herbs Written On It Effective herbs means that these are the herbs which we used to eat as a part of the staple diet !!!!!!in the ancient period.but now these herbs are not known where are their available their place of cultivation nor are available locally Hence Sri Sri Ayurveda has made it available through its products in tablets form-easy to eat than the herbs as it is!!!! Take a tablet of Triphala everyday SADHANA,SEVA & SATSANG: Meditate Everyday For it is observed that your desires become your botherations..take any desire hasnt it turned into a botheration Rishiji Said Remember the amount of hours you do Sadhana x 6=time we remain in the Present moment. So If you decided to do only an hour of Sadhana,hmmm you remain in the present momentfor hr x6=3hours only

Sahaj Meditation: Continued Practice can result in your words carrying immense strength,hard for anyone to say no to You and it also breaks off your physical ailments,restlessness. Control Over Your Thoughts During Advance Course: Rishiji provided a simple way to have a state of thoughtlessness(with practice it can happen!!!) or a state of mind with almost little thoughts. Visualise a red basket on your right, yellow basket on your left and a blue basket kept behind you. Moment a thought comes related to past visualize that you are throwing the thought from the mind in the basket on your right, thats the red basket .If a thought comes related to the future visualize that you are throwing the thought with your hand in the left basket thats the yellow basket. If you are not able to distinguish the thought as of past or future then put it in the miscellaneous blue basket kept behind you. During Meditations in Advance Course if too many thoughts come or even if they come, practice this, soon you will find a state that the thoughts will stop bothering you leading to a blissful meditative state. Even in day to day life if we practice this with eyes open, we will find ourselves in a state of handling thoughts.Isnt that cool!!!!! Rishiji tells all of us everything is being told on experience!!!!!!!!! Tamas during Sadhana given by excessive-less exercise;hot water bath;too much food. Watch your diet and your exercise level to make your Sadhana happen!!!!!! Q::How is Complete Silence observed? Ans:: Three level of silence step by step can be achieved. First is Shabdik Maun (Silence of Speech)-implies you do not speakCan be observed in Advance Courses. Second is Vaicharik Maun(Silence of thoughts)-implies you have no thought . Third and Finally is Bhavana Ka Maun(Silence of Emotions)Implies a complete control over your emotions.. Ecstasy felt every moment,you transcend every emotion leading to a state of happiness. Transcending or achieving all them reaches Nirvana-Salvation. Do religiously practice Sadhana,Seva and Satsang and you see your hard work attitude being turned into smart work attitude. MISCELLANEOUS: A normal human cannot concentrate on one thing for more than 20 minutes!!!!!! After every 20 minutes you will find yourselves wanting to do some activityscratching head,blinking the eye,from the minutest activity to the major activity such as switching the job at hand after 20 minutes.. Any Activity(Good or bad) requires a span of 18 days(mind you continuous) to become a habit and 41 Days(continuous) to sink in the system ..become your characterNow Understood why 40 Days Kriya recommended by the teachers!!!!!!! During the course. Every animal has a Asana mind you human being is the only animal ( I mean social animal)that does not have a asana of its speciesSo Every animal performs its asana gifted by nature as a part of their daily activity. Yoga can become Exercise and vice-versa only difference is that of breath

Open your mouth for things as Praising Blessing Delegating Guru Stories Singing . And You see how your life changes.. Watch Your Words if you dislike something then it becomes cause of misery,for if you dislike something there are six things of the same frequency as the thing you dislike so if you dislike something you will have allergy from other six things when you encounter them. So you get it dont say no say maybe later I can have it!!!!! A cleverer way to avoid it Rishiji said when you say no your cells align themselves against the thing you said no to..so next time you come across thing of the same frequency you find yourself at unease!!!! And wonder how come I was allergic to it even though I never had one till now!!!!! Always ask how can I do things possible (Only Sadhana,Satsang and Seva REGULAR can make it possible) Instead of asking why,but,if ,then.. Why leads to passive state you only want to know!!! How indicates your desire to know of the possible solution and a willingness to act over that situation!!! Shraddha or Faith does not mean you cannot question!!!! Example you sit in a Pooja ,you sit with complete faith and you can ask why is this performed. A sincere question to know about the thing does not mean you disrespect the thing. Be aware of what you eat. Excerpts From Rishijis Advance Course Which I did from 5-8 March09 At Andheri East.. Have Put whatever I could recall:-) Love,Jai Gurudeva Swapnil PS: Must Attend his advance course once for sure of course you can do many times for his simply amazing aerobics

Here are few amazing sutras for happy and peaceful journey of life from Rishi Vidhyadhar ji. 1. What should one talk about? When ever you hav a conversation talk about blessings, knowledge/self, guru stories, delegation of work, praising Any thing other than this is not at all required What should one not talk about ?? opposite gender, atheist, enemies, money. All of this has karma attached to this. 2. How to praise others?

when ever you are praising any one praise in positive degree and not either in comparative or superlative degree. He said when ever Guruji praises some one He always says GOOD GOOD GOOD !! 3. How to ask question to Guruji? When ever you ask guruji a question do frame it as it starts from How and not why !! 4. Advicing people "Unless ones really helpless he wont listen to your advice so stop giving advice to every one " 5. Dealing with different people He said for duhki (unhappy) people stay away from them sukhi (happy) people be friendly people who are doing nice work praise them people who are doing some bad work educate them and ignore 6. Hurry and Worry "hurry and worry make you loose your center." Hurry and worry depends on plan and not on the target. work hard. Hurry comes with doership. 7. Problem "every problem has a solution and every solution has a problem with it." Any obstacle in life is change in divines plan and accept it as a blessing. 8. Presence Make people happy by your presence and not your presentation." 9. Judgment See judgement as judgement and not as a reality. 10. Spiritual Path When ever you come to a spiritual path first your feelings change, then your speech, and finally your behavior change. Smile and move in devotion !!! All Glory to Gurudev

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