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Chapter 12-16

Chapter 12 Felix and Agatha. Family loves each other French exiles to Germany De Lacey Notices they are unhappy Realizes it is from poverty He had stolen from them Guilty Stops stealing repairs leaves them wood Learns some of their language(French?) He really likes them is surprised by his own ugliness compared to them Cares for them

Chapter 13 Spring now Felix seems very sad Happy to see the black dressed person Safie Felix's lost love Turkish rescued Safie's father from death in France Nunnery She does not know the language Felix teaches her using a istory book Monster learns history Learns language Learns of human society Pleasures of family Realizes he is alone

Ugly The family makes him sadder about his own situation "protectors"

Chapter 14 Family was wealthy in France Safie's father a turkish Merchant falsely accused and sentenced to death Felix visited her father in jail Love at first site with Safie Felix going to help her father sent letters to each other Her mother was a Christian Arab woman Enslaved by Turks Safie wanted to marry European man Felix came up with a plan to help her father escape He got out Plan discovered DeLacy family exiled from France Safie escaped from father who wanted to return to Constantinople

Chapter 15 In the woods looking for food He finds Victor's bag Books and clothes in it Wants to learn more Paradise Lost-Milton Does not realize it is fiction Talks about creation and Adam Causes him to question his existence Lives of Illustrious Greeks and Romans-Plutarch Sorrows of Werter- Goethe Finds papers from Victor's journal Finds out about his creation Creator's disgust

Sad about truth Hopes the family will accept him Reveals himself to the old man first Old man is blind Begins to explain his situation Other three return Felix drives him away

Chapter 16 Feels rejected Swears revenge on humans Especially Victor Family leaves and burns down their cottage Walks to Geneva Sees a girl drowning Saves her Man with her thinks he attacked her shoots him Close to Geneva he meets William Figures out who William is Strangles him Take photo and puts it in Justine pocket while she is sleeping in the barn Asks Victor for a mate

Chapters 17-20
Chapter 17 Right to female counterpart Victor refuses Monster says it is his responsibility All the terrible actions are Victors fault Monster is lonely Promises to go to South America with mate Hide in Jungles Far from humans Promises not hurt or kill anymore Finally agrees Monster will monitor progress do not worry about contacting him when he is done

Chapter 18 Victor starts to feel doubtful Puts off making a monster Afraid of doing it Sad Has to do it to protect his family Victor realizes he must go to England Alphonse notices Asks if he is afraid of Marriage Victor says that the marriage makes him happy Alphonse Wants to speed up marriage Victor refuses Wants to wait until he is done with his project Asks to go to England Alphonse agrees to it 2 years Wants to get monster away from family Henry is like the old Victor Nature does not cheer him up Arrives in London

Chapter 19 Henry mingles with intellectuals in London Victor just gathered information Monster is following Hated being with people All over England They go to Scotland Perth He has a friend in this village Wants to start project Gets Henry to stay Goes to a remote island Orkneys Works many hours Depressed Knows monster will be ugly and horrible'

Chapter 20 Working late one night Imagines what can happen Girl Monster might not want to seclude herself May have kids monster race Monster grins through window Scared he destroys his new creation Monster gets really mad Enraged by loneliness Revenge Will be with him on wedding night Henry writes him Wants to leave Scotland Victor packs up Goes to dump second monsters remains in Ocean Falls asleep in boat Drifts far away Afraid of Dying at sea

Drifts to town Villagers accuse him of murder

Chapters 21-24
Chapter 21 Mr. Kirwin Questioned About murder Body found on Beach Brings victor to body Wants to see victors reaction to it He is horrified The victim is Henry The monsters handprints are on his neck Victor has convusions Gets sick Two months pass Recovered but still in Jail Father comes to visit Thought it was the monster Father stays Now three months pass Trial Mr. Kirwin is his defense attorney He was on the island the night of the murder Only has circumstantial evidence Found not guilty Still feels guilty though because he is responsible for the monster who took yet another life Goes back to Geneva He started to take laudanum to help him sleep Chapter 22 Rests in Paris His father let his son be alone tried to cheer him up Victor confesses but his father thinks it is dilerium He could not explain what he meant He could not bear do that to his father He is mad and crazy

Elizabeth writes Asks if he loves someone else says he is not bound to marry her He says she is his one source of Joy He plans to fight the monster in Geneva on his wedding day Blind to Monsters true intent SO PAINFULLY OBVIOUS AT THIS POINT!!!!!!!!!!!!! Returns to Geneva Plans wedding Carries weapons in case of monster tell Elizabeth he has a terrible secret Have weeding Go to Cottage (honeymoon?)

Chapter 23 He is terrified as they walk the grounds together Afraid monster to show up As to not upset Elizabeth, he tells her to go to bed He goes to search alone After a little bit he hears her screams He finally gets the monsters internt He is hearybroken, He feels responsible Tells his father that she died Father dies of shock Locked up for madness (victor is) Victor is alone and miserable. Just like the monster he created. When he is released, he tells the magistrate of Geneva everything Magistrate acts kind Does not believe him Victor has nothing left to live for so he decides to spend the rest of his life hunting down his creation

Chapter 24 Goes to the cemetery where his family is burried Swears on their graves to avenge them

Hears the monster laugh Goes to hun down Monster He follows the monster everywhere Goes Across Europe Gets to the North pole When he is weak, the monster leaves food and notes It spurs Victor on This prolongs his misery The monster is having fun with the chase Peasants inform him Monster leaves clues He always stay just out of reach for Victor Gets close Ice breaks and they are separated Thats why he demands to know direction of Ship so he could continue his search for the monster he created Asks Walton to kill the monster if he gets a chance Victor is still sick Walton narrating again Crewmen convince Walton to return to England once they are free Against Victors wishes, Walton Consents Right before return, Victor dies Walton hears noises Finds Monster with Victors body he is weeping describes his suffering He is ready to die Regrets being evil Leaves into the darkness

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