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EIN 4364 - Facilities Planning, Spring 2013 Homework 4 - Solutions

Problem 1.

From A to B, unit load size is 50. So, between these two machines we need

40 trips. This

also holds for B-C and C-D, resulting in 40 trips in-between each pair. So, from A to D, our vehicle makes 40 3 120 trips. Between D and E, unit load size is 100 units. So, it requires 20 trips. In total, our vehicle makes 120 20 140 trips in-between all machine pairs. (Your answer might be different based on your assumption for what makes a trip.)

Problem 2. This problem will be graded based on how you support your answer.

Problem 3. See hw4.xlsx, sheet Problem3.

Problem 4.



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