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EDUC 327

Lesson Plan Template Lesson 1 2 3 4 5

Teacher Candidate: Erica Shuler Grade: 1st grade

Subject/EEDA/SSCA: Math Date and Time of Lesson: 2/7/2013

Learning Objective: While exploring an alligator comparison activity, first graders will compare two, two-digit numbers based on meanings of the tens and ones digits and will record the results of comparisons with the symbols >,=, and <. Alignment with Standards: 1.NBT.3: Compare two two-digit numbers based on meanings of the tens and ones digits, recording the results of comparisons with the symbols >,=, and <. Developmental Appropriateness: Students have a basic understanding and order of whole numbers. Though students have been introduced to the concept of comparing whole numbers before, many students are unclear of what symbol and wording to connect with the numbers being compared. Assessment(s) of the Objectives: Students will be pre-assessed with prompting questions given by the teacher. Teacher observation will determine the students understandings of the concept being introduced. Students will be given laminated charts, erasable markers, and damp paper towels to repeat the actions that the teacher displays on the smart board. The teacher will pause and observe the class throughout the lesson to evaluate student strategies and meaning with regard to comparing two-digit numbers. Students will be given an individual Alligator Alligator three page packet to complete at the end of the lesson for post assessment. Accommodations: I will provide manipulative items to keep students more focused and engaged. The majority of the lesson will be group related to keep students on task; however, after completing the problem worksheet, students will be instructed to complete the Alligator Alligator packets with coloring sheets and related Alligator activities for homework. If students finish the packet, they will then be instructed to read silently. The Allie the Alligator Popsicle sticks will help students to form the correct < or > symbols, because there are two students in the classroom with Down syndrome, this can really help them to keep the symbols straight and connected. Materials: Smart Board, Power point presentation of Allie the Alligator, apple cutouts or small pom-pom balls, Popsicle sticks (can be colored/painted green), markers, small eye balls (eye ball cutouts), white paper cutout in the shape of alligator teeth, plastic container half full of water, laminated dry erase problem templates, non-permanent markers or dry erase markers, construction paper, cutouts of <,>, and= symbols. Use of Technology: The smart board will be used to introduce students to the lesson. The teacher will present students with a power point that shows step by step how to work the problem and give a picture example of how to complete the problems with the manipulative materials. Procedures: (1.NBT.3)

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Lesson Plan Template Lesson 1 2 3 4 5

(Prior to lesson, ask the students to get a dry erase or non-permanent maker to bring to the carpet or desk) DAY ONE Step 1: Introduction Today I am going to introduce you to Allie the Alligator, but before that, I need everyone to get one marker, a nonpermanent marker, out of your pencil cases and come and sit on the carpet/rug I would like you all to meet Allie he Alligator! (After pressing the smart board or next button, a picture of an alligator and the name Allie the alligator will appear on the smart board/first page of power point) Everyone wave hello to Allie the Alligator (demonstrate how to wave by moving hand back and forth in waving movement) Students should repeat waving movement Everyone say, HI ALLIE! Students repeat, Hi Allie Everyone say, Whats up Allie? Students repeat, Whats up Allie? Now, Allie has not eaten lunch for a few days and she is VERY hungry! Can anybody tell me what you think Allie wants to eat? (picture of thought bubble appears (it is preprogrammed on power point to come up automatically after going to second page) with a picture of an apple) Students exclaim, She wants an apple! Now, how do you know that she wants an apple? Students respond, Because, its on the screen Yes, that is exactly what Allie wants, Allie the Alligator has been craving apples for DAYS! (press the button to continue to slide 3 on the power point presentation Picture of two plates, one with eight apples and one with nine apples, appear on the screen) So, before you guys got here, I prepared Allie two different plates of apples. I told Allie that she would have to pick the plate that she wanted the most! If students are having difficulty counting numbers, I will provide the cutout apples or pom-pom balls for counters Step 2/Problem Solving Standard 1: Problem Solving If you were Allie the Alligator, and you were VERY HUNGRY, which plate would you want? Would you want the plate with more apples, or less apples? Students respond, The one with more apples! How would you know one has more? Students respond, The bigger number means that there is more and the lower number means that there is less So, how many apples are on plate number one? (count out the apples as a class) Thats right, there are eight apples, let me list that number under the first plate How many apples are on plate number two? (count out the apples as a class) Thats right, there are nine apples on plate number two, let me list that So, what plate would you want to eat if you were VERY hungry?

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Lesson Plan Template Lesson 1 2 3 4 5

Students reply Plate number two And why is that? Students reply, Because there are more apples on that plate I think I would want the one with more apples too, Allie always wants the plate with more apples, she always wants to eat more! (press the next button; at the bottom of the screen a small picture of Allie the Alligator appears with a speech bubble that says, I always want to eat more! Step 3/Problem Solving Standard 2: Reasoning and Proof Can I please have three volunteers to help me pass out materials? One student passes out the dry erase sheets, one student passes out the Allie the Alligator models (two popsicle sticks hot glued together with teeth and eyes) , one student passes out damp paper towels (teacher can use small, plastic container with water at front of classroom to help keep damp) Now, I told Allie that we would help her fix some more plates of apples for her to choose from, can you help me? Make sure to write the information off of the smart board on your individual dry erase sheets too! Students reply, Okay, we will help! Okay, so how many apples will we put on the left side? Students reply with multiple numbers, 500,50, 60, 30, 33, 44,16,5,ext. Okay, lets go with 50, there are 50 apples on the left side/plate How many apples should we put on the right side? Students reply with multiple numbers, 65, 32,22,11,12,13,6,ext. Alright, well put 11 apples on the right side So, if you were Allie the alligator, which side would you choose? Students reply, The left side Now, why is that? Students reply, Because there is more! Okay, so now you will point your Allie the Alligator tool (the popsicle sticks) with Allies mouth eating the bigger number, or with the teeth towards the bigger number After placing Allies mouth the correct way, you will trace the inside of her mouth to make either the < or > symbol Students then place the alligators mouth on the paper pointing towards the larger number, I will walk around the classroom to make sure that students are placing the mouth the right way Okay, that looks great! Now, Allie just told me that she wants even more apples! Lets erase this plate and make Allie more to choose from! (students will erase papers while I erase the board) Now, lets put 25 apples on the left side (can either draw apples or just write the number 25) Make sure that you also put 25 on the left side of your paper! On the right side we will put 30 apples If you were Allie the Alligator, which plate would you choose? Students respond, The plate with 30! Why would you choose that plate? Students respond, Because there is more! Okay, good job! So lets put Allies mouth down on the paper a nd trace the

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symbol! I will walk around the class to make sure that everyone is making the correct symbol I will go over 3-6 more similar problems with the class, for example: 30 and 45, 70 and 12, 99 and 4, 11 and 22, ext. Oh, no class! You wont believe what just happened! I lost my Allie the Alligator tool! What can I do now? Umm, I got it! Everybody stand to your feet and put your hands high in the air (students stand up and follow movements of instructor) Now what hand is this? (I will lift my left hand in the air) Students respond, Your left hand And what hand is this? (I will then lift my right hand in the air) Students respond, Your right hand So, can you make the two symbols we just learned with your hands? The symbols are called Less than and Greater than (make shape of two symbols with your hands and make sure that student imitate the same move) So, repeat after me! o LEFT HAND (raise left hand up in the shape of less than symbol) Students repeat LEFT HAND LESS THAN! (keep hand in same position or move to beat) Students repeat LESS THAN LEFT HAND (raise left hand in the shape of less than symbol a little higher) Students repeat LEFT HAND LESS THAN! Students repeat LESS THAN LEFT HANNNNDDDD (raise left hand in the shape of less than symbol and shake in the air) Students repeat LEFT HAND LESS THAN (keep shaking left hand in the air with less than symbol) Students repeat LESS THAN BUT YOUR RIGHT HAND (stick out hip and fling right hand out to the side in the shape of the greater than symbol) IS NOT Students repeat IS NOT ITS GREATER THAN (extend arm in the air in the form of the greater than symbol) Students repeat ITS GREATER THAN! Repeat the jingle above 5-10x with students or until they repeat without confusion or pauses So lets try to make Allie the Alligator another set of plates to choose from just using our hands! On the left side we will put 42 apples, on the right side we will put 13 apples Which side do you think Allie will want? Students respond, The left side, the one with 42 apples! Why do you think that? Students respond, Because there are more! Thats right class, because Allie always wants. (wait for students to reply)

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Students reply, MORE Thats right, so lets make our hands look like theyre eating something (move hands in a mouth motion with your thumb as the lower lip and the rest of your figures together going in an up and down motion) That looks great, so which way would our hands go to eat the bigger number? Students reply, To the left, to eat 42! Thats right, so let draw the symbol that our hand made on our dry erase chart! What hand did you have to use to eat the bigger number/to make that sign? Students respond, Our right hand! So, what symbol is that? Students respond, Greater Than! I will then prompt student with 5-10 more example questions, I will try to do half of the problems with a Greater than answer and the other half with a less than answer (ex: 50 and 60, 35 and 30, 12 and 13, 20 and 45) What pattern do you see when solving these problems? When you use your left hand, the symbol is always... Students respond, LESS THAN Thats right, and when you use your right hand, the answer is always.? Students respond, GREATER THAN Thats right! Now, I have a little bit of a dilemma! I just fixed Allie another plate of apples and look! (I will press the next slide button and two plates will appear on the smart board, one with 25 apples and the other also with 25 apples) How many apples are on each plate? Lets count them together! 1,2,3. There are 25 apples on each plate, let me right that down underneath the plates. So what do we do now? The numbers are the same, right? When Allie sees two plates with the same numbers, do you know what she does? Wait for students response (examples: She eats all of them, She doesnt eat any, ext.) Those are some great ideas, Allie the Alligator thinks really hard and makes her concentration face, can you show me your concentration face? (model a concentration face to students to show them how their face should also look) Thats right, and that is exactly what Allie looks like! She closes her lips together and makes a symbol that looks somewhat like this (After hitting the next slide button, I will then write the equal than symbol on the smart board, or I would have a slide set up to display the equal too symbol) Does anyone know what this symbol is? Wait for students responses (examples: equal too, two lines, parallel, ext.) This is the equal to symbol. We will always use the equal to symbol when we have two number that are the same! I will then model about five more example questions using the equal to symbols (ex. 4=4,40=40,20=20,10=10,23=23,ext.) Step 4/Problem Solving Standard 3: Communication Now, I will let you complete individual questions using your dry erase papers

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I will write a question on the board, and when you are finished please raise your dry erase paper in the air (Hit the next slide button on PowerPoint to display a clean chart) Ok, so Im going to fix Allie a plate with 20 apples and another plate with 35 apples (I will then wait for students to lift papers in the air and call on one of the students randomly) Emily, what symbol did you write? Emily: I wrote the less than symbol And why did you pick the less than symbol? Emily: Because I had to use my left hand to make my hand eat the plate with more apples So which plate had more apples? Emily: The plate with 35 apples, the one on the right Thats great, can anyone else explain why they chose to put the less than symbol, or did anyone else choose another symbol to write? (Wait on student response) I will go over 5-10 more example problems and continue to call on students for their opinions/answers. For example: 20 and 25, 30 and 30, 60 and 90, 30 and 15, ext. DAY TWO Step 5/Problem Solving Standard 4: Connection So, are there any times throughout the day that you have to use the symbols that we have reviewed today? (<,>,=) Wait for student response Okay, what about this, have you ever had to tell anyone if something had more or less? Students respond with answers, such as: I have to tell my mom that there is more milk in one can compared to another, I told my dad that there was more toys in the box that I wanted, ext. Thats right, many times we have to know the difference between two numbers or amounts! I would like you to make up your own Allie the Alligator problem, instead of apples, you could fix Allie a plate of grapes, or hamburgers; whatever kind of food that you would like her to eat! You will need to draw your example on construction paper and put the symbol that needs to go in the middle, depending on the numbers that you use. After 10 minutes, we will come back together as a class and everyone can share their Allie the Alligator Problem. I will set a clock at the front of the classroom on the smart board or a timer to keep the time of 10 minutes Step 6/ Problem Solving Standard 5: Representation Okay students, does anyone need any more time to work on their model? Alright, lets all come back to the rug to present our models, when presenting I

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want you to tell the class why you chose what you did and how your problem works, for example: Why did you use the symbol that you did and why did you chose to give Allie Hamburgers? Okay, Amanda, you can go first, tell the class about your Allie the Alligator Model I will then let the students, one by one, come to the front of the class and present their models During their presentations, I will prompt students with questions like, Why did you chose Grapes? or Why did you put the equal to symbol?, and ext. Step 7/Post Assessment and Display For homework, I have put an Alligator Alligator packet in your folders with a few example problems and Alligator activity sheets. Make sure that the packets are completed by this Friday! I will also hang the students Allie the Alligator Models either in the classroom or down the hall References: Chitwood, D. (2012, August 15). Pre-k and sharing. Retrieved from Activity Analysis: I will use the smart board and a power point presentation to get students more involved and to provide a visual for the lesson. The power point presentation will include the following: A picture of Allie the Alligator, an introduction activity, examples problems, and a picture and description of the materials used. I will also model and get students to repeat a jingle for when to use the < and > symbol.

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Lesson Plan Template Lesson 1 2 3 4 5

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