Form Four 2012

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Section A : Directed Writing [35 marks] You are advised to spend about 45 minutes on this section.

Question 1 You are a student counselor. Bullying is a problem in your school and the School Counselor has asked you to write an article about this problem and steps to overcome it for the school bulletin.Based on the notes below, write your article.

Tell an adult you trust. Get your friends together and say no to the bully. Stay with groups of people, even if they are not your friends. There is safety in numbers. avoid being alone in places where bullying happens. Try being assertive. Walk quickly and confidently. If you are in danger, walk away. Do not get involved in a fight.

When writing the article, you should remember

to give it a title. to use all the notes given to elaborate on the information given. to add any other relevant information to use paragraphs. To make it interesting. Section B : Continuous Writing [50 marks] [Time suggested: one hour]

Write a composition of about 350 words on one of the following topics. 1. 2. 3. 4. Describe a person who left a lasting impression on you. Modern inventions are making us lazy Do you agree? The benefits of learning English. Write a story beginning with: I sensed from the beginning that something was not right



Answer scheme

Section A [15 marks] Questions 1 - 8 For each of the questions, read the question first and then study the information given to find the best answer. Then circle the answer A, B, C or D on the answer sheet procided.


Read the advertisement and answer the question that follows. Pleasure (draw a bottle of perfume) Mild and pleasing, romantic yet alluring Introductory price RM150 When you produce this coupon you are entitled to a further 10 % discount Normal price: RM180 The product advertised here will most probably appeal to A elderly ladies B young lady executives

C young urban executives D mature ladies 2. Read the dialogue below and answer the question that follows. Andrea: Mum, I don't want to take part in tomorrow's inter-school debate. I'm sure I'll be tongue tied. Mum: But, you are the best speaker in your school inter-class debate. Andrea: Mum, this is a different kettle of fish. The audience then was my school mates. Tomorrow's audience will be a sea of strangers! What does Andrea mean by 'a different kettle of fish'? A B C D Different type of debate She would know everyone in the audience. The audience speaks a different language from her. The audience would not be familiar to her.

3. Read the text and answer the question that follows. Child abuse is a serious social problem and it is happening right under our nose and in our midst. Yet, many of us prefer to ignore or pretend it is not happening. After all, it is not happening to me. Moreover, it is not my business. Why do people abuse their own children? They could have been abused when they were children. Parents have workplace problems and also lack self confidence. They are by nature violent. These parents can be turned around with counselling. Which of the following is not a reason for child abuse? A B C D Parents were victims of abuse when young. Parents lack self confidence. Parents are by nature violent.. Parents can be given counselling.

4. Read the notice and answer the question that follows.

Why do patrons to the restaurant have to wait to be seated? A B C D 5. There are no tables available. To make sure the tables are properly used according to the number in the party. Patrons can enjoy their meal without being disturbed. The seating arrangement is fixed.

Read the invitation card below and answer the question that follows. The Principal, Staff, PIBG and students of SMK Bukit Kiara cordially invite ________________________________________ to their annual Prize Giving Day cum Family Day Venue and time: Prize Giving: School hall, 9.00 a.m.-11.00 a.m. Family Day: School field and canteen, 12.30 p.m. - 6.00 p.m. on 1 May 200_ The card above is an invitation to SMK Bukit Kiara's A B C D Prize Giving Day in the school canteen Family Day and opening of the school hall Prize Giving Day and Family Day school hall, field and canteen


Read the advertisement below and answer the question that follows. Taste of Thailand

Special Offer! Discount for travel to Bangkok for the Songkran Festival - shopping galore - Thai massage - Thai food - handicrafts Minimum: FOUR PAX Travel period:

April only Which statement best describes the advertisement above? A B C D This offer is only for groups of four. The offer is for the whole year. Tourists can participate in many Thai festivals. A taste of Thailand is a trip to try out Thai food only.

7. Study the bar chart and answer the question that follows. 8. Reasons for Workplace Accidents

Which of the following statement is true? A B C D Most accidents happen because of poor lighting. The workers are directly responsible for their own accidents. The management is the main cause for the high accident rates. The majority of the workers have experience.

Questions 9 -15

Read the following passage and choose the best answer. Then, circle A, B, C or D on the answer sheet. The fire-walking ceremony took place at night in an isolated temple some distance away from the city. A shallow, [9]_________ pit had been filled up with logs of wood which had blazed away like a furnace for hours. These had been [10]________ down to a red-hot carpet of crimson ashes. The walkers were adults of different ages and sexes, not [11]_________ from the Indian community but from other communities as well. They had passed the three previous days in[12]_________ meditation, fasting and spiritual exercises. Soon, dressed in full white, they filed out from the inner chambers of the temple onto the courtyard. They circled the [13]________ pit three times. The pit gave out so intense a heat that the milling throng could not approach within metres of it but not one of the walkers flinched or showed any signs of nervousness or tension at the grim test that was to confront them. The group which included some priests was preceded by a few drummers and there were a few medical attendants at hand, [14]________ accidents. At a given signal, the leader of the party turned calmly at the head of the pit and walked [15]_________ across the smouldering ashes. Unerringly the rest followed in a single disciplined file. It was all soon over. When I later inspected the soles of the walkers' feet, there was not one blister or abrasion as evidence of their ordeal. 9. A B C D A B C D A B C D A B C D A B C D A B C D rectangle rectangle rectangular rectangle's rake raked raking rakes only one once of devotee devotees devotion devout roast roasts roasted roasting in case of because of when







A steadfast B steadfastly

C steadfastness D steady Section B [10 marks] Questions 16 - 25 Read the following information on the different rides and shows in Hongkong Disneyland and answer the questions that follow. Space Mountain This indoor roller coaster sends you hurtling into the darkness of deep space. At the end of it, remember to look up and smile for the camera. You may want to buy the shot from the souvenir shop. Rating: Fantastic fun for all ages Mickeys Philharmagic Mickeys enchanted wizards cap transforms a mere concert into a fantasy trip comprising scenes from some of the best-loved Disney movies, beginning with Beauty and the Beast going on to Peter Pan and Alladin. There are spectacular 3D effects and other neat tricks like gusts of wind, wafts of odour and droplets of water to complete the magical experience. Rating: Not to be missed

Autopia Recently launched. You drive electric cars along narrow highways. Rating: Once is enough

Buzz LightyearAstro Blasters You sit in your space pod, draw your infrared lasers and blast away at different targets. Rating: Kids stuff

Festival of the Lion King A simplified retelling of the Lion Kings story has everything from larger-than-life puppets in the form of Simba, Pumbaa and a stately African elephant to human tribal dancers, hyenas, gazelles and zebras. Rating: Not to be missed

Jungle River Cruise This river safari has mysterious Cambodian ruins inhabited by cobras and spiders, fearsome warriors, menacing elephants, unfriendly hippos, snapping crocs, a hissing volcano and underwater explorations. Rating: Fantastic fun for all ages

Using the information on the different rides, select the most suitable name for each description below. Write the titles in the boxes. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. Descriptions A journey into outer space Relive some wonderful scenes on Disney shows Shooting at different targets Retells the story of The Lion King A cruise through ruins and watch animal and underwater Name of ride

creatures [5 marks] Questions 21 - 25 Using the information on the different rides, complete the sentences with short answers. 21. This ride has the rating of Once is enough________________________________.

22. At the end of the ride, Space Mountain, one should look up and____________________________________. 23. In the ride, Autopia, one will be______________________________. 24. The rides, Space Mountain and Jungle River Cruise, are considered as________________________. 25. In the Festival of the Lion King, the characters are______________________. [5 marks]

Section D [25 marks] 32. Read the following lines of Nature by H. D. Carberry and answer the questions that follow. When the gold sun shines on the lush green canefields Magnificently. The days when the rain beats like bullets on the roofs And there is no sound but the swish of water in the gullies And trees struggling in the high Jamaica winds. Also there are the days when leaves fade from off guango trees H. D. Carberry 32. [a] Why is the sun described as gold in colour? [1 mark]

[b] Write two words that are related to places the rain flows down. [i] [ii] [c] Why do you think the leaves fade from off the guango trees? In your own words, give a reason to support your answer.

[1 mark] [1 mark]

[1 mark] 33. Read the extract from the short story The Fruitcake Special below and answer the questions that follow. So she hit David on the face. The waiter sang even louder than before. David hit him on the chin. As I moved away from the table, a fight developed between Sabina, David, the singing waiter and several more waiters who were trying to calm things down. Soon the place was a loud confused mess of cake, pieces of lobster, pools of wine and bits of broken guitar. . [a] What made Sabina hit David? [1 mark] [b] Explain why David hit the waiter and what happened after this. [i] [ii] [c] What did Anna do when the fight broke out? Do you think it was right of her to do that? Why or why not?

[1 mark] [1 mark]

[2 mark]


The following are the novels studied in the literature component in English Language. The Curse Step By Wicked Step Catch Us If You Can Lee Su Ann Catherine MacPhail Anne Fine

Choose any one of the novels and answer the following question. Using details from the novel you have studied, explain why you would or would not recommend it to your friend.

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