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Singapore Industry Flash Note

Singapore Property Companies

DBS Group Research . Equity 21 Jan 2013
STI : 3,211.22

Good response to new launches

New launches continue to be well received More pricing incentives means less upside momentum Maintain BUY on CMA, Capitaland and Wing Tai Brisk sales continue. Our visit to the Q Bay Residences showflat over the weekend showed that crowds continue to flock to new project launches even after the recent cooling measures. Far East Organisation/ Frasers Centrepoint/ Sekisui Houses JV project, Q Bay Residences, located near Tampines Ave 10 and Tampines Ave 1, is a 630 unit development, which is accessible to major arterial roads such as the TPE and PIE and is about 10mins walk from the new Tampines West MRT, scheduled to open in 2016. It also has shopping and schooling amenities such as UWC close by. It is also in close proximity to the Tampines Quarry Park and Bedok Reservoir Park. The developer has released 388 units comprising the smaller SUITES 1-2BR units, 3-bedder Verandah units and larger TRIO units. Of these, we understand an estimated 90% had been taken up since its preview launch on Friday. Developers respond with more incentives, buyer profile leaning towards upgrader/investment demand. Prices averaged S$985-1,050psf, after taking into account total discounts of up to 23-24% including early bird discount of 14-15%, another 4% incentives from loyalty, HDB upgrader, special vicinity or multiple purchase discounts as well as a 7% stamp duty discount. We understand buyers were largely Singaporeans, and for this development, there was interest from upgraders as well as investment demand from those who are looking for investment units but still qualify for up to 80% LTV. Mortgage rates are still at sub 1.5% for the first 3 years. Elsewhere, in other developments such as DLeedon, developers are also dangling more incentives with higher discounts of 10% for the 1-2 bedders to 15% for the 3-bedders or 3+study units. Prefer CMA, Capitaland and Wing Tai. The response above shows that price upside momentum is likely to be eroded by increased incentives and we maintain our expectation for a 5% drop in average private home prices this year, although volume demand seems to be ahead of our expectations at this point. With limited price upside, we expect developers RNAVs to remain flat. Hence, our strategy for the sector is to continue to prefer companies with asset monetisation capabilities such as CMA and Capitaland and our top mid cap pick remains Wing Tai for its attractive valuations.

Analyst LOCK Mun Yee +65 6398 7972

Price S$ Mkt Cap Target Price US$m S$ Performance (%) 3 mth 12 mth Rating

CapitaMalls Asia CapitaLand Wing Tai

2.18 6,903 3.87 13,400 1.87 1,192

2.30 4.09 2.33

22.1 18.4 10.3

69.7 62.6 83.3


Source: DBS Vickers

CapitaMalls Asia Limited : CMA is one of the largest listed shopping mall developer, owner, operator, asset manager and fund manager in Asia CapitaLand : Residential, commercial and integrated property owner and developer. Wing Tai : Core business in property development, investment and management. Refer to important disclosures at the end of this report ed: JS / sa: JC

Industry Flash Note Singapore Property

Location of Q Bay Residences

Q Bay Residences

Project Details Total Units Tenure Expected TOP Unit Configuration 1 BR/ 1+ Study 2 BR/ 2+ Study 3BR 4 BR 5BR 630 99 years May 2017 Size (sf) 524 - 663 sf 791-1184 sf 897-1461 sf 1375-1648 sf 1609-1971 sf % of Project 19.9% 29.6% 38.6% 9.5% 2.4%

Attendance at Q Bay showflat

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Industry Flash Note Singapore Property

DBSV recommendations are based an Absolute Total Return* Rating system, defined as follows: STRONG BUY (>20% total return over the next 3 months, with identifiable share price catalysts within this time frame) BUY (>15% total return over the next 12 months for small caps, >10% for large caps) HOLD (-10% to +15% total return over the next 12 months for small caps, -10% to +10% for large caps) FULLY VALUED (negative total return i.e. > -10% over the next 12 months) SELL (negative total return of > -20% over the next 3 months, with identifiable catalysts within this time frame)

Share price appreciation + dividends

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Industry Flash Note Singapore Property

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