Hexaware PeopleSoft Test Framework June2012

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PeopleSoft Test Framework

Presented by : Vishal Rao

Hexaware Overview: Key Facts PTF Overview

Creating and Executing Tests

Best Practices for Optimizing Tests

New Features in PTF 8.53 beta

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PeopleSoft Test Framework Overview

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PeopleSoft Test Framework

Record and Playback tool Automates Functional testing within PeopleSoft Application More tests - Greater Accuracy- Shorter time Stored in Database as App Designer Objects Included in PT 8.51 & above

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Record and Playback

PTF works by replicating the actions of a single user executing functional tests against the PeopleSoft browser-based application Users can record manual test procedures and save them within the framework Users can execute those tests against the application to verify whether the application still behaves as expected

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PeopleTools Metadata

When PTF records a test, it recognizes the metadata, the actual name of a field rather than the position of that field on a page If the field is moved in a subsequent revision, PTF is still able to locate it when the test is executed
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Developing Tests
Robust Test Development Platform

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Interface with Other PeopleTools

Process Scheduler


P S Query


PTF tests can run processes and reports through Process Scheduler, as well as queries and Data Mover programs

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Where PTF is Used

Use PTF Yes Yes Test Unit System Description Validate data, business rules, and business processes Test all processes, such as online and batch functionality, interfaces, conversions, customizations, and reports Test business processes and groups of related processes Optionally perform throughout all testing stages Measure current system performance Validate business requirements in the test move-toproduction phase Retest previous tests
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Yes Yes Limited Yes Yes

Integration Parallel Performance Acceptance Regression

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Typical Usage in PS Projects

PTF can be used in
New Implementation projects Limited / No existing testing documentation Limited functional resources to participate in testing Highly customized environment Significant ongoing development projects Routinely deploying patches and fixes Savings on cost to buy a separate test automation software

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Test Assets Are Stored in the Database

As test assets are stored in the database they are readily accessible to anyone with authorized access Tests and test cases (test data) are PeopleTools managed objects They can be included in upgrade projects along with other managed objects and moved to a new database as part of the upgrade process.
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Facilitate Maintenance Due to Upgrades

The PTF test maintenance process drastically reduces the expense and risk in testing upgrades Provides reports that tell you what changes in the upgrade affect which tests in your test library.
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Integrated Maintenance Reports

A Test Maintenance Report shows which objects were changed in an upgrade and which tests are affected by each change.

Navigation Create Test Maintenance Report - Manual Tasks Select PeopleTools, Lifecycle Tools, Test Framework, Create Maintenance Reports

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Benefits of PTF
Automated testing Consistent across environments Functional testing Speeds testing Reduces testing time and resources Easy to migrate

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Creating and Executing Test Cases

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Configuring PTF Clients

Cleaning Up Tests

Creating Tests

PeopleSoft Test Framework

Executing Tests & Reviewing Logs

Recording Tests

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PTF Architecture

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Configuring PTF Clients

Creating a Connection to a PTF Environment

Selecting a PTF Environment

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Execution Options

Navigation Select PTF menu, Execution Options.

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Local Options

Navigation Select PTF menu, Local Options.

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Creating Tests
Using PeopleSoft Test Framework Explorer

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Recording Tests
Launching the Test Recorder
Recording a Test
To record a test: 1. Open a test. 2. Launch the test recorder. 3. Hook a browser. 4. Start recording. 5. Perform the test steps in the PeopleSoft application. 6. Stop recording. 7. Close the rest recorder. 8. Save the test.

Test Recorder Toolbar

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Executing Tests & Reviewing Logs

Executing a Test
1. With a test open in PTF, select Test, Run. 2. PTF opens the PeopleSoft application specified in Execution Options and executes the test steps. 3. After the test executes, PTF opens the test log in the Log Viewer.

Using the Log Viewer

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Reviewing Execution Logs

Logs Folder

Log Icons

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Cleaning Up Tests
Removing Unneeded Steps
When you record a test you often record unneeded steps.

Correcting Typos
To change a value, click in the Value column and retype or edit the text.

Modifying the steps

Modifying the steps to meet the actual requirement.

Adding Steps Manually

Some steps which cannot be recorded can be added by giving insert step.

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Best Practices

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Page Prompting & Process Run

Page Prompting
Testers should record all PTF tests using Page Prompting by default, PTF administrator can update this setting at the database level in PIA at PeopleTools > Lifecycle Tools > Test Framework > Define Configuration Options.

Process Run
ACTION RECOGNITION VALUE TYPE Use Process Run Feature to run a process in process scheduler. Process Run prcname=PAT07; prctype=SQR Report; wait=True; expected=Success

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Scroll handling, Libraries & Using Test Cases

Scroll handling
PTF tests should use scroll handling whenever test data residing in a scroll or grid could change between executions

Whenever testers find that they are coding the same sequence of PTF steps multiple times, they should try to isolate that sequence of steps in a library Library is a special type of PTF test that can then be called by another test Parameter feature provides the user with flexibility in passing values to the library

Using Test Cases

Testers should clone a unique test case specific to the functionality being entered from the default test case using the test case save as feature
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Comments fields
Comments fields
PTF supports comments at the Test, Test Case, and Test Step levels. Comments must be used to clearly document the functional testware being automated

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Types Of Variables
System Variables, Global Variables, and Reserved Words
Use these when the value of an object being set or verified is not known prior to run time Document the usage in the appropriate comment field (usually best at the test step level)

Persistent Variables
Testers should use persistent variables when they need a test to refer to the value of a global variable that was set during a previous execution of PTF Persistent variables are saved to the PTF database rather than in temporary computer memory .

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Persistent Variables

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Log Messages & Conditional Logic

Log Messages
Use of log messages (Log.Fail, Log.Message, Log.Pass, etc.) is strongly recommended to help users executing PTF tests to interpret execution log results.

Conditional and Looping Logic

Use PTFs conditional steps (Conditional.If_Then, .Else, and .End_If) and looping steps (Loop.Do, .For, and .While) to design custom logic not provided by other delivered steps and features.

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PTF Tool Limitations

PTF Limitations: Unable to do mass testing Manually updating data for each test case in PTF environment Running Multiple iterations of test data for one test case PTF Sequencer Tool has been designed to overcome three major limitations of PTF To do mass testing through Process Scheduler To update the test data in PTF tables through a spreadsheet. Running multiple iterations of test data for one test case

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Hexaware - PTF Sequencer Tool

Technical Process
Fetch data from Excel file to Staging table by CI Data moved from Staging table to state record Update the PTF Table data by state record value Passing required Parameter to run the PTF

Automatically updates the data for the required test case from the flat file Automatically run the updated test case by calling PTF executable file through Application Engine Program User can activate the required sequence test and run the same in the Shell Test program No need to open the PTF environment to change the data or run the test case, it will automatically run through PIA
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New Features added in PTF 8.53 beta

Syntax Check Process Run Recognition in recorder settings HTML getcellindex & getcellvalue in the recorder toolbar Prompt for values in the recognition field for complex action types in the PTF editor All strings are recognized only if enclosed within quotes

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Time for


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Poll Results

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Poll Question Results

Which PeopleTools Version You Are Using




8.49 & Below 0 10 20 30 40 50


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Poll Question Results

Which PeopleSoft Application Are You Using

PeopleSoft HCM PeopleSoft FSCM PeopleSoft CRM PeopleSoft Campus

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Poll Question Results

Planning To Use PTF For Testing

Yes No

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Poll Question Results

Planning To Do A PeopleTools or Application Upgrade

Yes No

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About Hexaware
Follow Hexaware on Twitter: @hexawaretech
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Hexaware Overview: Key Facts

Delivery Centers

Active Clients served worldwide (April 12)

Employees globally (April 12)

Million dollar clients (April 12)

Mumbai, Chennai, Nagpur, Pune, Bangalore,

New Jersey, Mexico

Industry Recognitions

Offices worldwide

The prestigious Golden Peacock Award for Excellence in Corporate Governance Ranked among the GLOBAL CIO 2011 winners. Hexaware is the only IT Company to receive this award BPO Excellence Awards 2010- 2011 subsidiary Caliber Point Best in Corporate Responsibility Practice award by Indy's Awards Top 100 Innovative service Provider by Global Services
Golden Peacock Award

$ mn Revenues in CY 11

CMMI Level 5, ISO 9001 & ISO 27001, SAS 70 Type II, PCIDSS
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CIO 100 Ingenious Award EMC Cloud Pioneer Awards Honorees 2011. 43

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Vertical Industry Focus

Core Banking Core Retail Banking, Leasing, Cards, and Payments processing Capital Markets - Asset Management, Reference Data, Enterprise Data Management Insurance Life and Non-Life around Policy admin, Claims, and Analytics Compliance and Risk Management Counterparty risk models, Stress testing models, and Basel III compliance roadmap


Core expertise in critical applications like E-Ticketing, E Commerce, Passenger Reservations, Cargo Handling, Crew Scheduling & Aircraft Maintenance,, MRO. Expertise in IBM/UNISYS Mainframe, Open Systems, Web Technologies and specialized skills in TPF, ALCS, TIP, USAS Expertise in Logistics systems, Warehouse management systems, Transportation management systems, logistics business intelligence and analytics

Travel & Transportation

Healthcare & Insurance

Expertise in Employee Benefits, Policy Administration and Claims for Life, Health, General and Annuities. Innovative & automated solutions / services with specialization in Regulatory Compliance (HIPAA 4010 to 5010, ICD-9 to ICD-10, Solvency II, SIGeDIS, 401K). Enterprise Data Management, Business and Predictive Analytics for Insurance. Expertise in Pharma Analytics (Market Research Services and Managed Care Services) and Payer Analytics. Automated test accelerators for Policy Admin, Claims, Enrollment products. Specialized testing services around ICD-9 to ICD-10 transition. End-to-end Integrated Claims Management Services (IT & BPO).

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Technology Practice Focus

One stop ERP provider: SAP, Oracle, PeopleSoft, Siebel Alliances with SAP, Oracle-PeopleSoft Specialized in HRMS, Financials, CRM, Supply Chain Shared Services Support

Enterprise Solutions

Comprehensive set of solutions Consulting and Governance, TCoEs, Automated and Manual Testing, ERP testing accelerators, OneSource, eSignature and CloudTesting, Strategic alliance with HP, IBM, ORACLE, SOASTA, Jamo Solutions, Greenline and Validata Dedicated Testing Center of Excellence Dedicated Automation and Performance Center of Excellence (CoE) Mobile Application Testing (CoE) HP award: BTO Implementation Partner of the Year in 2006, 2008 & 2009

Quality Assurance & Testing Services

Infrastructure Management Services

Expertise Spanning Entire IT Infrastructure Lifecycle World Class Tier III Datacenter 24/7 End User Services Global NOC & Global SOC dedicated to Infrastructure Services Enterprise Security Solutions Cloud & Virtualization

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Technology Practice Focus

Wholly owned BPO arm - Caliber Point Business Solutions Recognized as Emerging global HRO leader Proven processes and delivery capability in Shared Service Center Setup and Execution, Transaction Processing for complex processes, Transition Management

Business Process Outsourcing

Business Intelligence/Analytics
Actionable Intelligence Enabled

Establish : Strategic BI Roadmap Definition, Enterprise Data Warehouse Governance, BI Platform Evaluation, Business Case - Benefits Insight Enhance : Analytics Implementation, Product Upgrades, Dashboard Deployment, Data Integration Extensions, Data Quality - MDM Transform : BI CoE Setup - Factory model, Platform Consolidation, Product Migration, Metadata Management, BI 3.0 Integration (Mobility, Social Media, Cloud, Big Data) Experts on multiple BI platforms, BI Innovation Lab- Saves up to 40% of effort on your DW / BI deployment with absolute focus on quality with our patent pending IPs.

Custom Application Services

JAVA application services NET application services Legacy re-engineering

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Thank You

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