Cendrillon Vocal Piano Score

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EDITION ee CINDERELLA |A FAIRY TALE IN 4 ACTS AND 6 TARLEADX Given for the first time at the Wédtve National de UOpéra-Comigue on May 24th 1899 Under the Direction of M. Albert CARRE M. A. MESSAGER Leader of orchestra : M. A. LUIGINI M. L. LANDRY Chorus-Master : M. H. CARRE Director of the Stage : M. A. VIZENTINI CHARACTERS : CINDERELLA... 2... MADAME DE LA HALTIERE PRINCE CHARMING THE FAIRY. NOEMIE . . . DOROTHEE. . PANDOLFE. . THEKING....... ‘Taz MASTER or CEREMONIES. ‘Tur DEAN or tHe FACULTY. ‘Tue FIRST MINISTER... . SIX SPIRITS. ........ CHORUS . . BALLET. . FIGURATION. . . ‘ THE HERALD'S VOICE Soprano... . Mi Guiravpow, “Megjo-Sop. or Contral, M™° Drscaurs-Jentw. Falcon or Soprano Mie Eweuew Soprano... M®® Brisnan-Gravitne. Soprano . MO Tremaine. Mezzo-Soprano . MM Marui oe Lisue. Bass or Baryton . . . MM. Fuckae. Baryton 2435 Dososc. Tenor... 1... Gourvox. Baryton fee ‘Troy. Bass or Baryton . . . Huserveav. 4 Soprani€ 2 Contralti Mo Devorx,Oswato, Vina, peCraronne, Fovquit: ann SréPHANE. em # Servants, Courtiers, Doctors, Ministers, Ladies @ Lords. Elves - Dressmakers - Hairdressers - Modistes - Two Betrothed - The Daughters of the Nobility - The Princesses - The Dewdrops. Ladies and Lords - Pages - Musicians - Princesses - Servants, etc. A man speaking behind the stage. BR ® DANCES by M"™* Manrourra ; M"* Caastes; M'™* Nexcy, Rat, Dusut and the Ballet. SCENERY by MM. Runs, Morssox, COSTUMES by M. Cx. Biaxciunt, , Canwezar, Janpow and Jusseaume, TABLE INTRODUCTION. ©. 02-2 ee cae SCENE I. SCENE Il. SCENE III, SCENE IV. SCENE V. SCENE VI. ACT I. At THE HOME OF MapaMe bE La Hattiére Mrs sunvars ano Maio stavanrs. — They are calling! and ringing! Paxnours. — Goon, I pray. 'Tis only 1. os ss Paxooure, — On the side of the beard les all power and allegiance Mone ta HALribRe aN HER pausHTERs.— Try to look your best tonight M=* pe La Hatrikee. — Wear a gracious, sweet, pleasant air . . ‘Tue Servants. — These are the modistes! Tailors too are here . . Me pe La Hatribre. — You must make the folds of her dress . Pannorre. — Please congratulate me, that I'm on hand so early! M ne La Hatttiee, Nomis, Dorotnés, Panours. — We've position, we have distinction, and ambition! ©. 6 oe ve ee Ciwpereiis, — AA! But my sisters are happy! «2... ss « Cinpeneiua. — Stay by the hearth, poor cricket, stay... 0... Cixperetta, — How bright the moon is glowing ! cena CINDERELLA SLEEPING 6 eo Tue Farr. — Dearest child, think’st thou that Teare mot... . SvipHs ap Eves. i Tue Fanev. — It's my desire this charming maiden you see there... ‘Tue Fairy. — That a web you may weave, magical, silky fine ‘Tue Spinrrs.—Now all the little birds their swiftest wings shall send us. Cinpereia. — Gond heavens ! Ak! am I mad? . Tae Farr. — Now harken well : when chimes the midnight peal . Tus Famy ano tue Srimits, — Away, my princess of princesses. Pages.

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