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PAPER Compiled and Proposed In Order to Fulfill the Structured Task Subject: The History of Islamic Civilization Lecturers: Drs. Munjin, M.Pd.I. M. Hanif, M. Pd Naeli Rosyidah, S.S., M.Hum. Compiled by: 1. 2. 3. 4. Alfi Nurkhasanah Faizah Nur Atika Maria Ummu Atiqoh Suvi Nurvikoh (1223301188) (1223301195) (1223301204) (1223301220)

Tarbiyah/ 2-PAI-1




In writing the history of Islam, it is customary to begin with a survey of the political, economic, social and religious conditions of Arabia on the eve of the Proclamation by Muhammad (may God bless him and his Ahlul-Bait) of his mission as Messenger of God. It is the second convention of the historians (the first being to give a geographical description of the region). I shall also abide by this convention, and will review briefly, the economical and intellectual conditions in Arabia in the late sixth and early seventh century A.D. See from the history of Arabic nation that desert citizen almost not familiar with other people. As we can know from the history, we only know them who have started from approximately 50 years before Islam, as for who exist before it, we cant know it. It is caused because Arabic society (desert citizen) consist of many kind of clan that always warring. The war is caused by the desire of maintaining life, because only who are strong that have right to possess the wet places and meadows for tend to a group of animals. Whereas the weak, they only have the right for death or become servant. In general, geographic condition of Arab peninsula, especially Mecca, is a spread of barren desert. This geographical condition has formed the Arabic society who have dynamic typology in having effort (trading), brave (having long journey), honest, assertive attitude, and has strong memory. Moreover, with their memory ability and even though they cant read and write, they can express their literature value by verbal expression like memorizing couplets of poem excellently. If it is seen from its geographical location, Mecca is exist in very strategic area. Meanwhile, with the existence of Kaaba that every year always crowded by visitation of outer Arab people, becoming Mecca as center of trading and religious matters.1 In this paper, we will tell about the economical and intellectual conditions in Arabia before Islam clearly.

Dr. H. Samsul Nizar, M.A., Sejarah dan Pergolakan Pemikiran Pendidikan Islam (Potret Timur Tengah Era Awal dan Indonesia), (Pub. I, Ciputat: Quantum Teaching, 2005), p.2-3



Intellectual Conditions Before Islam was revealed, Arabic nation was known as Jahili clan. Most of the

Arabic society was named ummi (cant read and write). 2 Quraisy clan, Mecca citizen as a titled people in Arabic nation people only have 17 peoples who can write and read. Aus dan Khazroj clan, Yatsrib citizen (Madinah) only has 11 peoples who can read. It is caused Arabic nation know little about science and other skills. Their life only follow the desire, not reconciled, warring each other because of unimportant thing, the strong dominate the weak, the women dont have self-respect, the jungle law was undertaken. Their specialty only in the high of Jahili poems that was distributed by memorizing because Arabic society is a nation that has strong memory. The Prophet Ibrahim as. and Ismail as.s heritage religion just leave its remainder that have diverged.3 Among the Arabs there were extremely few individuals who could read and write. Most of them were not very eager to learn these arts. Some historians are of the opinion that the culture of the period was almost entirely oral. The Jews and the Christians were the custodians of such knowledge as Arabia had. The greatest intellectual accomplishment of the pagan Arabs was their poetry. They claimed that God had bestowed the most remarkable qualities of the head upon the Greeks (its proof is their science and philosophy); of hand upon the Chinese (its proof is their craftsmanship); and of the tongue upon the Arabs (its proof is their eloquence). Their greatest pride, both before and after Islam, was their eloquence and poetry.4

Dr. H. Samsul Nizar, M.A., Sejarah dan Pergolakan Pemikiran Pendidikan Islam (Potret Timur Tengah Era Awal dan Indonesia), (Pub. I, Ciputat: Quantum Teaching, 2005), p.4 3 Prof. Dr. Hj. Musyrifah Sunanto, Sejarah Islam Klasik Perkembangan Ilmu Pengetahuan Islam, (Pub. IV, Jakarta: Kencana, 2011) p. 13-14
4, has accessed in 8 March 2013


Economical conditions Arabic society is known as a nation that has spirit, such as in searching high

livelihood, patient in facing the hard of nature, the society that love freedom, and has strong principle in defending the existence of its community. With that behavior, becoming Arabic society as an expert seller, brave person, and even often having interactions with other people, it is difficult to be entered by foreign cultures.5 Different to the Medina (Yathrib) that has a rich geographical location. With this condition makes Medina as an agricultural country. Even people also have a variety of skills as own commodity. Although they are composed of various clans and tribes, but in general, they can live side by side each other.6 Because the soil is less fertile in the regions of the Arabian Peninsula, the Arabs often migrate in search of livelihood. Arabs prefer to maintain a camel to ride, and herding cattle like sheep, goats, horses and others for their livelihood. Camels and Horses play an important role in the life in the desert. For the Bedouin, camel means the animal that give everyday supplies, transportation equipment, and tool exchange and the meat is very special to eat. Value camel can be used for dowry amount, the fine for murder, gambling profits, and wealth of a sheikh. Camel's milk is drunk as substitute of water because water is only fed to livestock. . For Arabs, horse can give benefit as a fast motion animal, for hunt and exercise. Horse gives the benefit in attacking to fight for get meadow and other aspect of life. But, their income from maintaining and raising livestock are not sufficient, so from that often caused commotion from one clan or group with another clan. The strength law that have right to speak, who are strong can live better, while a weak oppressed. Therefore, there is among the Arabs who like to rob and seize property of others.

Dr. H. Samsul Nizar, M.A., Sejarah dan Pergolakan Pemikiran Pendidikan Islam (Potret Timur Tengah Era Awal dan Indonesia), (Pub. I, Ciputat: Quantum Teaching, 2005), p.3-4 6 Dr. H. Samsul Nizar, M.A., Sejarah dan Pergolakan Pemikiran Pendidikan Islam (Potret Timur Tengah Era Awal dan Indonesia), (Pub. I, Ciputat: Quantum Teaching, 2005), p.4

For example, the economic situation in Arabia: there is an Arab businessman named Muhammad ibn Abdallah. Every year he went to a cave atop Mount Hira, outside Mecca in the Arabian Hijaz, where he was praying, fasting and giving alms to the poor. He has long been concerned with what is perceived to be a crisis in the Arab society. In the last few decades of his, the Quraysh, had become rich by trading around the country. Mecca has been a growing mercantile city, but in aggressive raids for wealth some old tribal values have been lost.7 Some of them have a trading. In economic terms of trade, the Arabs are progressing very rapidly. Trade is the most dominant to fulfill life need. Quraysh are a nation who loves trading merchant. They relate to the nations that have been advanced. Makkah into local trading path and the path of world trade is very important, which connects the north (Sham) and south (Yemen), the east (Persia) and west (Abesinia and Egypt). Trading in Mecca became more advanced. Mecca became the center of civilization and culture. Via trade, Arab relations with other nations such as the Syrians, Persia, Ethiopia, Egypt and Rome. The Arabs know that many industrial and craft crafts such as sewing, leather tanning and the other comes from the Yemeni people, Hirah and Sham. Arab women who handle spinning. While agriculture in Arabic only certain areas and the presence of fertile wadi / oasis that can produce. Hijaz overgrown palm. Dates are excellent agriculture in the Arabian peninsula. Dates are the main food Bedouin Arab community. Wheat grown in Yemen. Wine and Olives cultivated in Syria which was then brought to Taif. Other products from Arab oases such as pomegranate, apple, apricot, almond, orange, lemon, sugar cane and others.8

Karen Armstrong, Islam A Short History, (New York: Modern Library, 2002), p. 4

Khoiriyah, M.A.g, Reorientasi Wawasan Sejarah Islam Dari Arab Sebelum Islam hingga Dinasti-dinasti Islam, (Pub. I, Yogyakarta: Teras, 2012), p. 18-19


In general, geographic condition of Arab peninsula, especially Mecca, is a spread of barren desert. Before Islam, Arabic nation was known as Jahili clan. Most of the Arabic society was named ummi (cant read and write) but they have strong memory. Moreover, with their memory ability and even though they cant read and write, they can express their literature value by verbal expression like memorizing couplets of poem excellently. If it is seen from its geographical location, Mecca is exist in very strategic area, becoming Mecca as center of trading and religious matters. Some of them have a trading. In economic terms of trade, the Arabs are progressing very rapidly. Trade is the most dominant to make ends meet. The Arabs also know that most of the craft industry and handicrafts such as sewing, leather tanning, and others, as well as the Arab economic conditions also affected by agriculture, especially in the fertile areas.


Nizar, Samsul, Sejarah dan Pergolakan Pemikiran Pendidikan Islam (Potret Timur Tengah Era Awal dan Indonesia), Pub. I, Ciputat: Quantum Teaching, 2005

Sunanto, Musyrifah, Sejarah Islam Klasik Perkembangan Ilmu Pengetahuan Islam , Pub. IV, Jakarta: Kencana, 2011

Armstrong, Karen, Islam A Short History, New York: Modern Library, 2002 Khoiriyah, M.A.g, Reorientasi Wawasan Sejarah Islam Dari Arab Sebelum Islam hingga Dinasti-dinasti Islam, Pub. I, Yogyakarta: Teras, 2012

Other source:, has accessed in 8 March 2013

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