Speaking Topics

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Speaking Topics

Topic 1: Talk about the good/ bad effects of developments in science and technology on our life Good

As you know, science and technology are developing very fast. It is very important to our life it helps you a lot in jobs and entertainment The first, science and technology help you work faster than in the old days. The computers help you edit text, email, exchange information, learn and if you connect internet, you can talk with your friend. It helps you see my family although they live far from you. It helps you maintain love and mutual understanding. The second, the science and technology help you travel faster. Cars or airplane help save time. If the weather is raining, you wont get wet. The cars help you travel anywhere easily, you dont worry bad weather. And you can go anywhere you want. The 3rd science and technology help you entertain and make our life comfort. For example, you can play game then you work and it helps you relax. Or you can listen to music which help you love life. The end, developments in science and technology help your life more comfort and better. Bad

As you know, science and technology are developing very fast. It is importain on your life. It helps you in the working, entertainment, learning but science and technology are also the cause of the environmental pollution. The first, the science and technology help you and me move faster as car, airplane but it causes the air pollution. Cars or airplanes exhaust more CO2, CO to the atmosphere. For example, big cities have many cars which makes the air polluted and we feel more stuffy than in the country. The second, the science and technology help the Industry develop faster. It helps people make more products than in the old days so it makes the world more junk. The developments of industrial need more clean water in production and so the clean water is scare. It also causes water pollution. The end, developments of science technology help our life more comfortable but it is cause our environmental is more polluted and dangerous.

Topic 2: Talk about advantages of life in a great city As you know, If you live in the city, you will feel better than in the country because of its services, healthy, entertainment, education The first, health is very important to anyone and so when you live in the city, your health will be taken care of better. In the city, hospitals are equipped more sufficiently, therefore you and your family will be looked after better. If you are seriously ill, you will not have to worry about medicine because they can provide a wide range of medicine. The second, education is one advantage when you reside in the city. The city will be a good choice because they can be educated in a good environment. And in the city education is concerned. It is a good environment for children to learn better and a show their talents. And when your children live in the city, they will develop better and more actively. The 3th, in the city has very work and you can easily find a favorite work. it has very good work because you can bind a good work and your favorite company. When you work in the city, you will meet a lot of and develop your relationships. Working in the city can make you feel busy and tired but you can find entertainment locations. In the city it has entertainment locations which help you feel more comfortable and relaxed.

Topic 3 and Topic 8: Talk about your career My name is Hung, Im from to Phu ly Ha Nam. When I was a student, I learned at Ha Noi Pedagogical University 2. And now Im teaching at the high school. My school opens in the morning so I always go to the school in the morning. In afternoon, I often prepare the lesson plans at home. At the high school Im a chemistry teacher. I teach the pupils about chemicals, chemistry reaction, chemical tools I help my pupil understand about more chemistry and help them use their knowledge in their life. And people have asked me why I chose job teacher. I think it is because I like chemistry. I want to understand more about chemistry. Chemistry also helps me understand more about life. I want to help people understand more chemistry and know its importance to our lives. And I like my job because it help me to have steady income.

Topic 4: talk about what can be done to improve the quality of public transportation in our city. As you know, Im studying in the university, Im live in the big city. My home away from university because I often get up early and go to the university by bus. Bus is popular public transportation in our city. People usually used to catch bus to go to work, learn Bus are everywhere and It will take you to all parts in the city. But I see public transportation is not that great and it needs to be improve to serve the people in the city. The first, I should increase the number of public transport. More public transportation help reduce the time waiting for the bus and help us move faster saving time. Many people have complained of service attitude very bad car accessories because I need to improve the service attitude of spare bus. The second, we should encourage people to use public transport to reduce personal vehicles and to encourage us to reduce public transport fares for the poor, the disabled, students and many people use public transportation to reduce congestion and pollution. The 3th, I see roads in the city is quite small, it makes the vehicle travel is difficult and slow. So the public transportation is not good for the people. And we need to widen the road and upgrade roads, it makes traveling easier and faster. The expansion of roads to help vehicles move faster saving time and it helps to improve the quality of public transport.

Topics 6 and Topic 1: Describle a latest technology item you often use at home or at home. As you know, science and technology is developing very fast. The science and technology are used in life including computers, smartphones ...technological devices has its own uses. Computer is used for work, gaming, connectivity and widely used in factories. Smartphones are used for communication, entertainment, gaming, reading newspapers ...Smartphone technology compact device, you can use it anytime, anywhere. The scientific equipment always support the people in your life and work.It helps people save labor and time savings. I am a teacher and I'm using a laptop, it is a shrink version of the desktop. My laptop is manufactured by Dell, it has glossy black. Laptop is lightweight and compact, so I often take it when I go to work. It is not large and heavy as desktop, it is widely used in the work and it is very popular in life. I often use the laptop to edit documents, I feel very comfortable when using laptop, it helped me a text editor faster. I can edit documents faster and not take more time. Sometimes I use the laptop to send mail, communicate with friends and relatives. I often use a laptop to access facebook. On facebook, I can know where my friends are, what they are doing and much more. And I often use a laptop to update news, my work on facebook. After a day of work, I feel tired, laptop helps me relax and love life by soothing music. Or I play games on my laptop. Laptop-tech equipment that I frequently use.It is always associated with life and my work.

Topic 7: Talk about one way you have used keep fit and healthy. As you know, health is very important. So we need to keep our shape and health. We need to do the exercises, diet ... The first, you should have a reasonable diet. You should eat less meat. If you eat a lot of meat it will not be good for your health. You can eat fish instead of meat. You should eat more vegetables, vegetables are very good for health. You should also eat less oil. You should not eat a lot of fast food because it will make you fat. The second, you should also exercise often. You should exercise in the morning so it will help you start a new day. You should choose a sport that you love. You should exercise gently in the morning. You should not exercise too hard, it will not be good for your health. . If you often do exercise , you will have a good body. And last, you should sleep early to stay healthy. You should not stay up late, it will not be good for your health. You should get up early because the air in the morning is good for health .You should not work too hard, it will make you tired. All in all, you should have a healthy diet, often exercise, sleep early and wake up early. You should not overworked. If you do all that, you will keep fit and healthy

Topic 9 : Describe the difficulties of living in the place where you are living now I'm Hung, I'm living in a city. I from Phu Ly-Ha Nam. As you know, if you live in a city you will have difficulty with issues such as transportation, living space, environmental pollution ... The first, I live in a crowded city. I usually have to go to work in the morning. In the morning, the traffic in the city is often very difficult. The move is very difficult because people often go to work in the morning. I usually have to get up early to avoid traffic jams. The second, I live in a house between city. My life is normal but I find living space cramped. Living space in the city is not as comfortable in the countryside. Living space in the city is very stuffy. Although my city has a park but I feel it's not enough for everyone. I want to have more space so that we can walk and play. The third, my city is very clean, they often clean up the junk. But my city is very big and there are so many factories. Therefore, I feel the air is not clean. The air in the city is not as clean and fresh as in the countryside. I think they should plant more trees to make more fresh air. All in all, in the city I find it difficult living space, traffic and pollution. I want my city to solve the problem

Topic 10: Talk about a school subject you liked when you were younger When I was a pupil, I learned in school Phu Ly A. Our class is a natural class. We like to study subjects such as mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology. I like the most is the chemistry of the subject. The first, I like chemistry because I like doing chemical experiments. I often see the experiments in class at school. It is very interesting and exciting. Experiments sessions help me better understand the lesson. I also like doing the exercises chemistry. I usually do the chemistry exercises and I do the exercises very quickly. The second, we like chemistry because my teacher taught very well. She is always enthusiastic to help us. She gave me the tools chemistry, chemical reactions ...it is very interesting. In chemistry class, I studied very hard. And I like chemistry because my friends were also like in chemistry. We usually study together and my friends often helped me when I got stuck. All in all, I like chemistry, I hope to study more chemistry

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