FM Throwing Energy

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Throwing Energy By Jim Self

Many years ago, when I first began my conversations with the archangels and ascended masters, Master Kuthumi said to me: To enter and remain in the fifth dimension you must master every thought, every emotion, and every action. Every moment. Cautiously, and with great respect (and without grimacing or rolling my eyes), I replied, Well, it looks like I wont be entering the fifth dimension anytime soon. Kuthumi smiled and said, We shall see. Thus began the pathway we call Mastering Alchemythe pathway to master ourselves so that we may enter and remain in higher levels of consciousness. How you respond to the quickly increasing noise and drama during this Shift is a wonderful and consistent training ground for becoming masterful. How do you respond to an unexpected situation? Do you absorb it and let it affect you physically or emotionally? Do you internalize it as stress? Do you react and complain? Are you sarcastic? Demanding? Do you cut the person off at the knees and reject them? (All third dimensional reactions/) And then how do you respond when someone else reacts and throws energy? Do you match them, go down to their level, and throw back? Or do you take a break and see that they are revealing a great deal about their own pain? Pain speaks very loudly sometimes. Email exchanges can be a fun place for watching energy being thrown, and for watching if you throw it, too. Emails to businesses are somewhat anonymous, and therefore easy to hide behind. Notice if you forget there may be real live people with feelings (and intense issues going on in their office) on the other side of that send button. Apologizing for your lousy behavior can be more difficult than managing it in the first place. The drafts folder is there for a reason. Write it once, save it, and read it out loud later.

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How are you presenting yourself? Machine Gun Irritation Send a progression of five complaining emails, minutes apart (around midnight is best), each expecting an instant response. Be sure each one gets louder and bolder and redder and nastier. No need to apologize for your behavior when you are helped that afternoon. You are the customer after all. Cut Them Off at the Knees. Complain and threaten to quit and take them to court if you dont get your money back. Youll get faster help and maybe extra gifts. Sarcasm. It is very easy to throw this energy in emails. If the recipient calls you on it, you can always blame the innate troubles of email communication. Poor Me. Act like a victim. Ive just lost my job/house/mind. I have cancer/leprosy/emergency. If you can make them feel sorry for you (it is not your fault you are in this situation), you might get extra attention, scholarships, and free gifts. Hider. When the unexpected situation arises, do not do anything at all. It was probably your mistake/misunderstanding/bad vibes that caused it. Go eat some chocolate and drink a beer. The company is probably too busy to bother with you anyway. Ripples on a Still Lake. When one throws energy, it creates a ripple effect. This is very much like the concentric circles that form when you toss a pebble into a still lake. Ripples are created that move out to touch and influence others. If I were to punch you (throw negative energy at you), you might turn to the man sitting next to you and punch him. He then turns to the woman sitting next to him and insults her. She carries that energy around with her until she gets home. She then yells at her son, who then kicks the dog, who then... you get the picture. Because I began that ripple by throwing energy at you, it is my responsibility to clean it up. Not an easy thing to do when, by the next day, tens of people (or more) have been affected by my rippling energy. We have all thrown energy at others in our lives. During this time of Shift, it is now urgently important to become aware of and change this habit in ourselves. It is possible to master every thought, every emotion, and every action. Every moment. Your job is to be a big, solid boulder in the rippling lake. You are the boulder that keeps the ripple from continuing to touch others. The master neither passes the energy along to others, nor absorbs it into her space. The master
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transmutes the thrown energy and gives it back to the giver in a higher vibration of kindness, upliftment, and grace. First, be the example of what you want to experience more of.

ABOUT THE AUTHOR JIM SELF is an international teacher, speaker and author. He has been a leader in the field of spiritual development for over 27 years. He offers us the tools of Mastering Alchemy as a Way of Life.

This work is co-created with the Archangels, Ascended Masters and Teachers of Light. You can find more free articles, e-books, DVDs, audio recordings of teleclasses, webinars, and Q & A sessions, along with more advanced Mastering Alchemy teaching programs at Sign up for our FREE Newsletter and get regular updates on new articles, teleclasses and webinars as they become available.

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