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Applicant Name:


Field of Training Program to Extend Scholarships and Training to Achieve Sustainable Impacts Phase II (PRESTASI II) provides opportunities for Indonesians to earn Master degrees which focus on areas that are relevant to the achievement of USAID/Indonesia and Government of Indonesia development goals. The focus areas are as following: Economic Growth Economics, Finance, Accounting, Insurance and Fiscal Policy Agribusiness, Agricultural Economics and Agricultural Biotechnology Policy Public Policy Democracy and Governance Education Education Technology focusing on applying information communication technology (ICT) in teaching methodology in the classroom Math and Science Education in elementary and high schools Education Management and Administration, with focus on Leadership, Management, Financing and Planning Curriculum and Instruction in Primary Education Vocational Education to prepare individuals for leadership positions in secondary, postsecondary, community or technical colleges, higher education, business and industry Inclusion and Special Education Health U.S. university Indonesia university

Public Affairs Public Administration, with focus on Public Accountability or Administration of Justice Public Policy Political Science Public Management, with focus on Public Accounting Business Administration, with focus on: Organization and Capacity Building, Private Partnership, and Non-profit Management Environment Biodiversity Conservation and Natural Resources Management Sustainable Forest Management, Agro-forestry and Community Forestry Marine and Coastal Zone Management Clean Energy Water and Sanitation Climate Change Adaptation and Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR)

Maternal child health and reproductive health Health system strengthening: health financing/economics, health management and policy, data information management, and logistic supply chain management Public Health Health promotion and behavior Hospital Management Nursing Management and Health Care Biostatistics/Epidemiology Infectious Diseases and Vaccinology (for U.S. universities only) Medical laboratory science (for U.S. universities only) Emerging disease and emerging infectious disease (for U.S. universities only)

PRESTASI II Program to Extend Scholarships and Training to Achieve Sustainable Impacts, Phase II

Applicant Name:


Health (continued) Health/Medical Science and Technology (include: pathology, respiratory, immunology, reproductive biology, clinical medicine, etc.) for U.S. universities only Occupational safety and health for Indonesia universities only Drug management and policy for Indonesia universities only Nutrition and Health for Indonesia universities only Environmental Health for Indonesia universities only Field epidemiology for Indonesia universities only Note: For Applicants who wish to apply for the Health sector, please choose either the U.S. universities or Indonesia universities. Choosing both options is not permitted.

PRESTASI II Program to Extend Scholarships and Training to Achieve Sustainable Impacts, Phase II

Applicant Name:


List of Required Documents Mandatory Documents 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Completed and signed application form Certified Undergraduate Certificate Certified Undergraduate Academic Transcripts Recent photographs (4 x 6, B/W or color) Recent Curriculum Vitae (in English) Copy of valid national ID Card (KTP or Passport) Valid TOEFL ITP or TOEFL IBT or IELTS scores result Original Reference Letters, in sealed envelopes Letter of Approval from the Personnel Office *

1 original and 3 copies 1 original and 3 copies 1 original and 3 copies 4 copies, attach to each copy of application form 4 copies, attach to each package of application form 1 copy 1 copy 3 copies 1 copy

Supplementary Documents 1. 2. 3. Latest salary slip Copy of certificates and awards Copy of article, journal, research, or cover page of your publication etc. 1 copy 1 copy 1 copy

Important * Do not submit original documents. Application forms and attached documents will not be returned. No mandatory and/or supplementary documents can be delivered separately from the application forms, except the Reference Letters. For Applicant who wishes to apply to study in the U.S, Approval Letter from the Personnel Office must stated that, if chosen as scholarship recipient, applicant will be permitted to join the preparation activity prior to departure and will start the study in accordance with USAID PRESTASIs schedule. For Applicant who wishes to apply to study in Indonesia (Health sector only), Approval Letter from the Personnel Office must stated that, if chosen as scholarship recipient, approval letter stating that applicant will be released from tasks while studying.

PRESTASI II Program to Extend Scholarships and Training to Achieve Sustainable Impacts, Phase II

Applicant Name:


To expedite the process, please pay attention to the following instruction below: Put together all documents and arrange them into 4 separate sets. Each set should contain documents as described above and every set should be in the same order. Please see below example:

Original Form (No 1 12) Copy 1 (No 1 5) Copy 2 (No 1 5) Copy 3 (No 1 5) Please do not bind the documents. Please use paper clips to expedite the dividing process. From where did you first hear about PRESTASI?

Newspaper or magazine Brochure or flyer Education Fair or presentation session Social media (Facebook or Twitter)

Television Radio Internet or mailing list Advertisement at university

Other, please specify: _________________________________________

Application Delivery Application packages should be delivered via post / mail or hand-delivered to IIEF office to the below address: USAID Scholarship PRESTASI Program Menara Imperium, 28th Fl. Suite A Jl. HR Rasuna Said Kav.1, Kuningan, Jakarta 12980 The application packages should arrive at IIEF office at the latest on April 12, 2013, before 4.30 PM . No documents are allowed to be sent via email or fax. Late or incomplete application will not be considered. Early application submission is highly encouraged.

PRESTASI II Program to Extend Scholarships and Training to Achieve Sustainable Impacts, Phase II

Applicant Name:



PERSONAL INFORMATION Please give your personal details exactly as it appear on official documents (National ID, Passport, Birth Certificate, etc.). Each field is mandatory.

First Name:___________________________________________________________ Middle Name:_________________________________________________________ Last Name / Family Name:_______________________________________________

*if you have only one name, please write down your name in the Last Name section

Please attach a recent photo (color or B/W)

National ID Details: (please tick only one box


Date of Birth (DD/MM/YY) Place of Birth Gender Nationality City Province Postal Code Male

KTP Passport
No:_________________________________ Expiry Date (DD/MM/YY):_______________ Address:



*please fill in with your current address

Home phone no.

*please write down the code area

Mobile no.

Email Physical Limitation / Impairment: Yes

Marital Status

Single Married Widow/widower


If yes, please specify:


SPOUSE DETAILS (if applicable)

Name Tel. / Mobile Phone Working Institution Address: City


Not Working

Province Postal Code

*please fill in only if the spouses address is different than yours


DEPENDANTS DETAILS (if applicable)

PRESTASI II Program to Extend Scholarships and Training to Achieve Sustainable Impacts, Phase II 5

Applicant Name:


Dependant is a person (s) who rely on you for financial support. For example: child or siblings. Please use additional paper if necessary. Name 1. 2. 3. Gender Age Relationship



Fathers Details Name Status Tel. / Mobile No.



Working Status

Position City Province

Not Working

Highest Level of Education Working Institution Home Address:

None Primary Secondary Diploma Undergraduate Graduate/Postgraduate

*please fill in only if it is different than yours

Postal Code

Mothers Details Name Status Tel. / Mobile No.



Working Status

Position City Province

Not Working

Highest Level of Education Working Institution Home Address:

None Primary Secondary Diploma Undergraduate Graduate/Postgraduate

*please fill in only if it is different than yours

Postal Code

Note: Information given for question number 2 4 are for statistical purposes only and will have no bearing on your selection as a USAID PRESTASI Participant. All information will be kept strictly confidential by IIEF.

PRESTASI II Program to Extend Scholarships and Training to Achieve Sustainable Impacts, Phase II

Applicant Name:



PROPOSED FIELD OF STUDY Please refer to page 1 and 2 in this Application Form. You are allowed to propose up to 3 choices under the same Field of Training.

Field of Training

Area of Study

Briefly describe the reason why you choose the above study. It should not be more than 100 words. Additional paper is not allowed.

Field of Training

Area of Study

Briefly describe the reason why you choose the above study. It should not be more than 100 words. Additional paper is not allowed.

Field of Training

Area of Study

Briefly describe the reason why you choose the above study. It should not be more than 100 words. Additional paper is not allowed.


ENGLISH LANGUAGE PROFICIENCY Please tick only one box below and attached the copy of certificate. Prediction test is not allowed.

Type of test Date of test taken (DD/MM/YY)






Overall score

Test Location

PRESTASI II Program to Extend Scholarships and Training to Achieve Sustainable Impacts, Phase II

Applicant Name:



PROPOSED UNIVERSITY If you have no particular preferences and would like PRESTASI to identify a suitable institution for you, please proceed to the next section. First Choice of University

Name of University Faculty / Department Have you requested admission to the university Are you receiving or applying to get funding support Contact Person

Complete Address:

Yes Yes

No No

Have you received an admission from the university

*if yes, please attached the Letter of Admission



If receiving, please specify the amount Email

Second Choice of University Name of University Faculty / Department Have you requested admission to the university Are you receiving or applying to get funding support Contact Person Have you received an admission from the university
*if yes, please attached the Letter of Admission

Complete Address:

Yes Yes

No No



If receiving, please specify the amount Email


EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND List of universities and colleges attended. Please start with the most recent one.


Name of Institution City Faculty Start Date (MM/YY) End Date (MM/YY) Country Major

Degree (s) Obtained


PRESTASI II Program to Extend Scholarships and Training to Achieve Sustainable Impacts, Phase II

Applicant Name:



EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND (continued) List of universities and colleges attended. Please start with the most recent one.


Name of Institution City Faculty Start Date (MM/YY) End Date (MM/YY) Country Major

Degree (s) Obtained



Name of Institution City Faculty Start Date (MM/YY) End Date (MM/YY) Country Major

Degree (s) Obtained



Name of Institution City Faculty Start Date (MM/YY) End Date (MM/YY) Country Major

Degree (s) Obtained



Name of Institution City Faculty Start Date (MM/YY) End Date (MM/YY) Country Major

Degree (s) Obtained


PRESTASI II Program to Extend Scholarships and Training to Achieve Sustainable Impacts, Phase II

Applicant Name:



SCHOLARSHIP HISTORY Only write down scholarship or fellowship that you received started from university until present. Additional paper is allowed if necessary.

Have you ever received a scholarship or other funding support from any institution?
*if no, please proceed to the next section

Level of Education


Scholarship title Start date (DD/MM/YY) Scholarship Provider Funding

End Date (DD/MM/YY) Contact Person (Name & Email)



Type of scholarship


Non degree
Level of Education

Scholarship title Start date (DD/MM/YY) Scholarship Provider Funding

End Date (DD/MM/YY) Contact Person (Name & Email)



Type of scholarship


Non degree
Level of Education

Scholarship title Start date (DD/MM/YY) Scholarship Provider Funding

End Date (DD/MM/YY) Contact Person (Name & Email)



Type of scholarship


Non degree


PRESTASI II Program to Extend Scholarships and Training to Achieve Sustainable Impacts, Phase II 10

Applicant Name:


List your work experiences since university until present. Start with the most current one. Additional paper is allowed if necessary. a. Name of Institution Full Address : Position Title Start date (MM/YY) End date (MM/YY) Monthly salary
*if applicable, please enclose the salary slip

Phone Responsibility:

*please write down the code area

Email address Level of staffing:

Low rank Middle rank Top management Not applicable

b. Name of Institution Full Address : Position Title Start date (MM / YY)

End date (MM / YY) Responsibility:


Name of Institution Full Address :

Position Title Start date (MM / YY)

End date (MM / YY) Responsibility:

10. EMPLOYMENT HISTORY (continued)

PRESTASI II Program to Extend Scholarships and Training to Achieve Sustainable Impacts, Phase II 11

Applicant Name: d. Name of Institution Full Address :

Position Title Start date (MM / YY)

End date (MM / YY) Responsibility:


Name of Institution Full Address :

Position Title Start date (MM / YY)

End date (MM / YY) Responsibility:


Name of Institution Full Address :

Position Title Start date (MM / YY)

End date (MM / YY) Responsibility:

PRESTASI II Program to Extend Scholarships and Training to Achieve Sustainable Impacts, Phase II


Applicant Name:


11. COMMUNITY SERVICES ACTIVITIES List professional, societal or other organizations in which you now hold membership or in which you have been active in the past. You are allowed to use additional paper if necessary. a. Name of institution Start date (MM/YY) End date (MM/YY) Position Responsibility: Address:


Name of institution Start date (MM/YY) End date (MM/YY) Position Responsibility: Address:


Name of institution Start date (MM/YY) End date (MM/YY) Position Responsibility: Address:

PRESTASI II Program to Extend Scholarships and Training to Achieve Sustainable Impacts, Phase II


Applicant Name:


12. LIST OF SIGNIFICANT AWARDS (if applicable) List of significant awards and accomplishments relevant to your application, starting from university level. Please use additional paper, if you need more space. If it is not applicable, please proceed to the next section. a. Name of award Year of award Award provider Scope of award

District level Regional level

National level International level


Name of award Year of award Award provider Scope of award

District level Regional level

National level International level


Name of award Year of award Award provider Scope of award

District level Regional level

National level International level


Name of award Year of award Award provider Scope of award

District level Regional level

National level International level


Name of award Year of award Award provider Scope of award

District level Regional level

National level International level

PRESTASI II Program to Extend Scholarships and Training to Achieve Sustainable Impacts, Phase II


Applicant Name:


13. LIST OF PUBLICATIONS AND ARTICLES (if applicable) List of publications and articles relevant to your application. Please attach the copy of your articles or the cover page of your publications. You can use additional paper if you need more space. If it is not applicable, please proceed to the next section. a. Title Publication date Co writer (if applicable) b. Title Publication date Co writer (if applicable) c. Title Publication date Co writer (if applicable) d. Title Publication date Co writer (if applicable) Publishers name Publishers name Publishers name Publishers name

14. SHORT ESSAYS Please note that your answers should not be more than 250 words for each question. Anything over this limit will not be considered. Attach additional paper if necessary. a. Briefly describe your personal history and daily activities, including interaction with your family members and community.


Briefly describe significant factors that have influenced your educational and professional development. What challenges have you overcome in pursuing your professional development? Describe the challenges as well as any insights,
PRESTASI II Program to Extend Scholarships and Training to Achieve Sustainable Impacts, Phase II 15

Applicant Name: perspectives or skills you gained in overcoming them.



What is the topic that you are interested in for your future research? Please elaborate more on the mentioned topic.


Briefly describe your professional goals and how they are related to major problems in your country or region.


If you are awarded the grant, how will you apply your newly-acquired skills and knowledge to develop your country or region and to improve your performance in your institution?

PRESTASI II Program to Extend Scholarships and Training to Achieve Sustainable Impacts, Phase II


Applicant Name:



Illustrate the chain of command in your current institution, which best describe the line of responsibility between you and your supervisor(s), colleagues and/or your subordinate.


Please give example(s) on how you demonstrated your leadership skills on your daily activities, whether in your current or previous employment, or within the community.


If you are awarded the grant, briefly explain your major concern(s) during your future study and your plan to overcome these concern(s).

PRESTASI II Program to Extend Scholarships and Training to Achieve Sustainable Impacts, Phase II


Applicant Name:



Please propose a plan on how will you share your new skills, knowledge and perceptions with your colleagues and community.


Briefly describe what you consider to be your strengths and weaknesses

PRESTASI II Program to Extend Scholarships and Training to Achieve Sustainable Impacts, Phase II


Applicant Name:


15. REFERENCE SUMMARY Please provide the data of your referees. This section should stay attached with the application form. a. Title and Name





How long have you known this referee

Professional relationship to you

Please tick only one box

Lecturer or Professor Employer or Job Supervisor Research Advisor Other:______________________


Title and Name





How long have you known this referee

Professional relationship to you

Please tick only one box

Lecturer or Professor Employer or Job Supervisor Research Advisor Other:______________________


Title and Name





How long have you known this referee

Professional relationship to you

Please tick only one box

Lecturer or Professor Employer or Job Supervisor Research Advisor Other:______________________

PRESTASI II Program to Extend Scholarships and Training to Achieve Sustainable Impacts, Phase II


Applicant Name:


By my signature below, I certify that, to the best of my knowledge and belief, the information provided in all parts of my application is accurate and complete. I understand that any false statement or the withholding of any relevant information may provide grounds for the withdrawal of any offer of appointment or, if an appointment has been accepted, for its immediate cancellation or termination. If awarded, I agree to comply with any necessary regulations made by the USAID Scholarship PRESTASI Program.

Note: If sees fit and with your consent, information contains in this application form might be shared to other scholarships program under the USAID Indonesia (please tick Agree). If you decline (please tick Disagree), your information will not be shared to other scholarship program outside USAID PRESTASI and this condition will not affect your selection process under USAID PRESTASI.



Name & Signature of applicant _______________________________________ Date ____________________

PRESTASI II Program to Extend Scholarships and Training to Achieve Sustainable Impacts, Phase II


Applicant Name:



1. Name and the title of Referee :

______________________________________________ 2. Referees Institution :

______________________________________________ 3. How long have you known the applicant? :


4. In what capacity have you known the applicant?

Teacher or Professor Research Advisor

Employer or Job Supervisor Other professional / academic relation (Please Specify):


By checking () the columns below, please evaluate the applicant compared to the other students or employees you have known during your professional career.

Leadership Intellectual ability Knowledge of the field Work habits Motivation to pursue graduate study Initiative Adaptability Emotional maturity Professional integrity Social commitment Problem Solving




Below Average

Please circle the number which indicate where the applicant would rank among individuals you have supervised 1 Poor 2 3 4 Excellent

PRESTASI II Program to Extend Scholarships and Training to Achieve Sustainable Impacts, Phase II

Applicant Name:


Q1. Overall, what was your general impression of the applicant?

Q2. How would you describe the applicants management style? How does she/he motivate people?

Q3. What are the applicants strengths and weakness?

Q4. How would you describe the applicants social commitment to his/her community? Please give an example.

Q5. In your opinion, what is the financial need of this applicant?

PRESTASI II Program to Extend Scholarships and Training to Achieve Sustainable Impacts, Phase II


Applicant Name:


Q6. Please give additional facts or comments that may help evaluate the applicant.

Name of Referee: _______________________________________________________________________

Signature: __________________________________Date: _______________________________________

GUIDELINES FOR REFEREE 1. You can use either English or Bahasa Indonesia to fill in this reference letter. The letter can be handwritten or type if possible. 2. For confidentiality, once the reference letter have been filled in, kindly insert the letter into an envelope, seal and sign it across the border of the tongue, before handing back the letter to the applicant. 3. Please be informed that the Referee is allowed to post the reference letter directly to IIEF, with below address: USAID Scholarship PRESTASI Program Menara Imperium Lt. 28, Suite A, Jl. HR Rasuna Said Kav.1 Jakarta 12980, Indonesia 4. The Selection Committee should receive the reference letter no later than the deadline: April 12, 2013. Late submission will not be considered. 5. 6. The reference letter should be submitted in its original form. Submission via fax or email is not permitted. Should the Referee has any queries, please contact:

PRESTASI II Program to Extend Scholarships and Training to Achieve Sustainable Impacts, Phase II


Applicant Name:



1. Name and the title of Referee :

______________________________________________ 2. Referees Institution :

______________________________________________ 3. How long have you known the applicant? :


4. In what capacity have you known the applicant?

Teacher or Professor Research Advisor

Employer or Job Supervisor Other professional / academic relation (Please Specify):


By checking () the columns below, please evaluate the applicant compared to the other students or employees you have known during your professional career.

Leadership Intellectual ability Knowledge of the field Work habits Motivation to pursue graduate study Initiative Adaptability Emotional maturity Professional integrity Social commitment Problem Solving




Below Average

Please circle the number which indicate where the applicant would rank among individuals you have supervised 1 Poor 2 3 4 Excellent

PRESTASI II Program to Extend Scholarships and Training to Achieve Sustainable Impacts, Phase II

Applicant Name:


Q1. Overall, what was your general impression of the applicant?

Q2. How would you describe the applicants management style? How does she/he motivate people?

Q3. What are the applicants strengths and weakness?

Q4. How would you describe the applicants social commitment to his/her community? Please give an example.

Q5. In your opinion, what is the financial need of this applicant?

PRESTASI II Program to Extend Scholarships and Training to Achieve Sustainable Impacts, Phase II


Applicant Name:


Q6. Please give additional facts or comments that may help evaluate the applicant.

Name of Referee: _______________________________________________________________________

Signature: __________________________________Date: _______________________________________

GUIDELINES FOR REFEREE 1. You can use either English or Bahasa Indonesia to fill in this reference letter. The letter can be handwritten or type if possible. 2. For confidentiality, once the reference letter have been filled in, kindly insert the letter into an envelope, seal and sign it across the border of the tongue, before handing back the letter to the applicant. 3. Please be informed that the Referee is allowed to post the reference letter directly to IIEF, with below address: USAID Scholarship PRESTASI Program Menara Imperium Lt. 28, Suite A, Jl. HR Rasuna Said Kav.1 Jakarta 12980, Indonesia 4. The Selection Committee should receive the reference letter no later than the deadline: April 12, 2013. Late submission will not be considered. 5. 6. The reference letter should be submitted in its original form. Submission via fax or email is not permitted. Should the Referee has any queries, please contact:

PRESTASI II Program to Extend Scholarships and Training to Achieve Sustainable Impacts, Phase II


Applicant Name:



1. Name and the title of Referee :

______________________________________________ 2. Referees Institution :

______________________________________________ 3. How long have you known the applicant? :


4. In what capacity have you known the applicant?

Teacher or Professor Research Advisor

Employer or Job Supervisor Other professional / academic relation (Please Specify):


By checking () the columns below, please evaluate the applicant compared to the other students or employees you have known during your professional career.

Leadership Intellectual ability Knowledge of the field Work habits Motivation to pursue graduate study Initiative Adaptability Emotional maturity Professional integrity Social commitment Problem Solving




Below Average

Please circle the number which indicate where the applicant would rank among individuals you have supervised 1 Poor 2 3 4 Excellent

PRESTASI II Program to Extend Scholarships and Training to Achieve Sustainable Impacts, Phase II

Applicant Name:


Q1. Overall, what was your general impression of the applicant?

Q2. How would you describe the applicants management style? How does she/he motivate people?

Q3. What are the applicants strengths and weakness?

Q4. How would you describe the applicants social commitment to his/her community? Please give an example.

Q5. In your opinion, what is the financial need of this applicant?

PRESTASI II Program to Extend Scholarships and Training to Achieve Sustainable Impacts, Phase II


Applicant Name:


Q6. Please give additional facts or comments that may help evaluate the applicant.

Name of Referee: _______________________________________________________________________

Signature: __________________________________Date: _______________________________________

GUIDELINES FOR REFEREE 1. You can use either English or Bahasa Indonesia to fill in this reference letter. The letter can be handwritten or type if possible. 2. For confidentiality, once the reference letter have been filled in, kindly insert the letter into an envelope, seal and sign it across the border of the tongue, before handing back the letter to the applicant. 3. Please be informed that the Referee is allowed to post the reference letter directly to IIEF, with below address: USAID Scholarship PRESTASI Program Menara Imperium Lt. 28, Suite A, Jl. HR Rasuna Said Kav.1 Jakarta 12980, Indonesia 4. The Selection Committee should receive the reference letter no later than the deadline: April 12, 2013. Late submission will not be considered. 5. 6. The reference letter should be submitted in its original form. Submission via fax or email is not permitted. Should the Referee has any queries, please contact:

PRESTASI II Program to Extend Scholarships and Training to Achieve Sustainable Impacts, Phase II


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