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Theme parks Tourism is already messy destroyed many unique nature.

Therefore, the process as a kind of holiday has to manage natural resources. Preservation and development of protected areas (parks) is one of the priorities of the state environmental and recreation policy of the Russian Federation. Specially protected areas are designed to maintain the typical and unique natural landscapes, the diversity of flora and fauna, protection of natural and cultural heritage. Completely or partially excluded from economic use, they have special protection, and on adjacent plots of land and water areas can be created buffer zones or districts with adjustable mode of business. Specially protected areas are sites of national heritage. There are the following main categories of these areas:

state nature reserves, including biosphere reserves; national parks; parks; state nature reserves; natural monuments; dendrological parks and botanical gardens; therapeutic areas and resorts. In this paper, we will focus only national, natural, dendrological parks and botanical gardens. National Parks. National parks are declared areas which include natural complexes and objects of special ecological, historical and aesthetic value, to be used in environmental, educational, scientific and cultural purposes and controlled tourism. The state system of national parks of the Russian Federation began to emerge recently, the first national park of the Russian Federation, "Sochi" was formed in 1983, "Alania" In 1998 in the Republic of North Ossetia - Alania. Parks. Natural parks of regional importance - a relatively new category of protected areas of Russia. Natural parks are nature recreational institutions under the jurisdiction of the Russian Federation territory (area) which includes natural complexes and objects that have significant ecological and aesthetic value, and are intended for use in environmental, educational and recreational purposes. Botanical gardens and dendrological parks. In accordance with the Federal Law "On Specially Protected Natural Territories" botanical gardens and dendrological parks are a separate category of independent objects with a special regime of protection and performance. In recent years, a network of botanical gardens and

arboretums parks of Russia continued to expand, primarily through gardens, located at the resort areas and recreational facilities.

With children Horse riding with children Museums for kids Theme parks and amusement parks Swedish zoos Favorites Save to Favorites Theme parks and amusement parks And the kids are happy ... and you are satisfied. Sweden has a lot of great theme parks and amusement parks. Naturally, the most important thing that the children were having fun. But you might like it too.

Display 4 (10) Amusement park Grna Lund at Royal Djurgrden Stockholm This is not a theme park and an amusement park, but we will tell you about it. Located in Stockholm, "museum Tales" Junibacken ( Junibacken ) - a place where the characters come to life books by Astrid Lindgren. One of the main attractions - the magic train Storybook (Sagotget), who whistled carries you above the roofs and some scenes from the books. Here you will find a children's library, children's organized a variety of activities, such as singing the chorus. Junibacken all year. Come to the park Gren Lund ( Lund Grna ) in Stockholm, where you will meet the heady scent of cotton candy and hot dogs, terrifying rides such as "Twister", the wooden roller coaster from the past, and the "Free-fall tower (Fritt Fall ), which will reveal stunning views of Stockholm. The names really speak for themselves. In Gren Lund take an example from local residents who choose pentathlon (five forms of competition) (Femkamp), which competes the whole family. The park is open from late April to late September. Directly across the street from the park is located Gren Lund Ethnographic Open-air Skansen ( Skansen ). This is a working model of Sweden of the 1900s, here from across the country gathered 160 buildings of that period and recreates the atmosphere of the time. The park has a farm buildings, mills and shops of the "old world (oldeworlde). At Skansen also has a children's amusement park Galeyan (Galejan) with old swings and roundabouts. If you are in Stockholm, be sure to visit Skansen, it is open daily throughout the year.

Gothenburg and surroundings Liseberg park ( Liseberg ) in Gothenburg - the largest amusement park in Scandinavia. And therein lies one of the worst rides in the world - "the atmosphere (Atmosfear), 116-meter tower, with which you can take a free fall. You need 90 seconds to get to the top of the tower, and only 3 seconds to achieve a rapid fall of the land. In addition to 35 other rides, Liseberg is a huge number of restaurants, fast food outlets and coffee shops, a hotel, a cottage, a youth hostel and camping. Rides open from April to the end of September. In Gothenburg there is still Yuniverseum ( Universeum ), the largest research center in Sweden. Do not let the word "science" to cool your interest in this place - just "fireworks" (sometimes literally, when you allow for experiments). All seven floors Yuniverseuma full of adventure. There is a pilot plant, spaceships, giant aquarium with sharks, rays, to game, deadly poisonous snakes, mountain slopes and even the rain forest with monkeys, caimans, piranhas. In short, the weight of all. If you want good old fun, head to the "High Chaparrel" ( High Chaparall ), this scrubby dry area, located to the southwest of Gothenburg. As you might expect, in this park on westerns have cowboys, theme bars, staged shootout, washing auriferous sand and a trip to the diligence. Your little cowboys and kovgerly will be delighted. Construction and decoration - straight from cowboy movie. World of Astrid Lindgren Kids and adults love the book and the characters of Astrid Lindgren. So what could be better park "Astrid Lindgren's World" ( Astrid Lindgren's World ), located in Vimmerby in Smland in southern Sweden, where the author herself grew up? He is full of big and bright "scenery", and of course, here the characters live out her books: Carlson, Emil and Rasmus, and, of course, Pippi Longstocking. The park has a theater, a stage on which are arranged presentation, staging, and there are other activities in which children are directly immersed in the world of pleasure. In addition, the park offers a stay in the chalet and camping. Other theme parks and amusement parks in Sweden include park Skara Sommarland ( Skara Sommarland ) in Western Sweden, the park "Tom Tits Experiment" ( Tom Tits Experiment ) in Sdertlje and Park Museum Yamtli ( Jamtli ) near the town of Ostersund.

Amusement Park - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia The current version of the page while not tested experienced participants and may differ significantly from the version , tested June 5, 2012, checks take six revisions . Jump to: navigation , search On the TV, see Amusement Park (TV channel) .

Amusement Park Bobbejaanland , Belgium Amusement Park (amusement park, theme park) - a collective term used to describe a number of rides and other entertainment , located in the same area. Amusement Park is different from the usual park that is specifically designed to entertain people, mostly adults, adolescents and children. Sometimes there are theme parks, ie parks, attractions, environment, staff are stylized in certain subjects, such as the Wild West or the Isle of pirates .

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1 History of parks 2 Standard area park o 2.1 Extreme Zone o 2.2 Family Zone o 2.3 Children's Zone 3 Trivia 4 See also 5 Sources

[ edit ] History of parks In 1583 in Denmark was built park " Bakken ". This event is considered the beginning of the history of stationary amusement parks. According to legend, a girl walking in the Royal deer park north of Copenhagen , said the striker out of the ground spring . Get water, she brought it home. The water source was considered to be curative. Here were pulled thousands. Danes rested next to a spring, enjoying the cool and quiet. Artists began to play here street performances to the delight of the audience. Began to build booths . There are inns . This was followed by the primitive rides. It is noteworthy that the park "Bakken" without interruption continues to work to this day. In the XVII - XVIII centuries in Europe ( France , Italy ), and later in Russia in the parks and gardens of the nobility were held in a variety of leisure holidays . Aristocrats tried to surprise each other. At first, their architects , using all their imagination, have focused only on the change in the landscape ( water cascades , artificial lakes , caves ). Then came the first rides. One example is the park a sacred forest in Bomarzo ("Monster House"). Normal aristocratic mansion turned into a park, where the attractions were statues of monsters . It was the world's first ride of this type. There was widespread amusement park with water games (comic fountains ). An ingenious solution engineering are sudden gushing stream of water. In the middle of the XVIII century, the famous Russian scientist and engineer Andrew Nartov invented for King Peter I "mechanical natal mountain." Construction function, but industrial production has been established only in the next century. Former soldiers of Napoleon's army , defeated at Moscow, created an analogue of the attraction, calling it "Russian hills." Under this name attraction known so far (in Russia often called " Rollercoaster "). Until now, this - the most popular game in any park in the world. Just great popularity of the carousel with horses. Carousel with horses became the first mobile rides that can be easily disassembled and transported on carts.

At the beginning of XIX century in America, where the weekend Passenger trams significantly reduced, have come up with a kind of commercial move. Customer decided to involve trips to amusement parks, installed on end stations tram routes. By 1925 it was built about a thousand of these parks. At first they assumed entrance is free. Then they started to charge for entry into the territory. These parks are called "barn" ( English. trolley park), as trolley - Rod current collector - was popular on the trams U.S. at the time. In the time of NEP begins the real park boom. In 1928 in the Soviet Union built the largest in existence in Eastern Europe, Moscow's Central Park of Culture and Rest named after Maxim Gorky (Gorky Park). Due to the devastation wrought by the Second World War , the development of the industry for long rides stopped.

Abandoned amusement park on the island of Pemba , Tanzania The real breakthrough is the construction of the park for families, created at the initiative and with the money Walt Disney . In 1955 , he invested in a 100 thousand dollars. But business partners consider the idea of Disney utopia and maitre have to lay all of their shares for the construction of the first Disneyland in Orlando . $ 17 million invested in the entertainment industry, not only paid off, but also brought a huge profit. The concept of the park - a journey to the magical land of famous cartoons . Popularity of the first Disney park was inspired to build similar parks across America. In Arlington appears park "Six Flags Over Texas ", dedicated to American history . In Nashville (State of Tennessee ) is constructed "Opryland" in the style of country music . In New Jersey parks "Big Adventure" and "Safari in the country of lions" combine rides with an open zoo where the animals are in the wild. The rest of the civilized world is far behind the number of erected amusement parks. In Europe and Asia, the major entertainment centers have appeared only in the next few decades.

Among the best known include built in 1992 , Disneyland Paris and the amusement park in Seoul (Korea) "Lotte World." The latter is listed in the Guinness Book as the world's largest indoor park (total area of over 7560 square meters). Amusement parks are very popular. According to " Business Magazine ", but in the U.S. they are visited by over 170 million years. The aggregate income of such parks exceeds $ 1 billion a year. In Russia in 2006 were approximately 700 amusement parks, which brought revenue to 3.5 billion rubles. [ edit ] Standard area park [ edit ] Extreme Zone There are attractions that attract people active lifestyles who want "to tickle your nerves." Usually on the extreme rides zone do not let children under 14. These are the attractions:

Free-fall tower Roller coaster (" Rollercoaster ") Giant swing (with the effect of weightlessness ) Catapult (attraction) Bungee trampoline Taypark

[ edit ] Family Zone Family area attractions are completed design for entertainment, both adults and children. Examples of these attractions:

Ferris Wheel Room laughing Gidrodrom (pool with bumper Keel) Children's Train Laser (or normal) shooting Autodrome with electric typewriters

[ edit ] Children's Zone This area is provided exclusively for children 7-14 years. The main types of attractions:

Carousel chained Gidrodrom (pool with bumper Keel) Air Trampoline Inflatable slides Children play mazes

For children under 7 years old are electro-mechanical rocking.

[ edit ] Trivia

Tokyo Disneyland scored highest attendance at the end of XX century . In the last decade the park visited 179.11 million. It is noteworthy that this is more than half of the population in Japan and higher than in any other park in the world. In the city of Sandusky (USA) is an amusement park " Cedar Point ", which is the largest number of attractions for skiing (77). Park is open from 1870 and is considered one of the oldest in the world. Some, "Rollercoaster" is 17 pieces, which is also higher than in any other park in the world. The highest hill - Top Thrill Dragster - was built in 2003 and more than the Statue of Liberty . Every autumn in Munich ( Germany ), especially for the annual festival of Oktoberfest built the world's largest temporary amusement park. It is a huge complex, which is located in about 50 different rides. Attraction of such temporary parks - incredibly cool "roller coaster." For example, the "Olympia looping ban", developed the famous German designer Anton Schwarzkopf, has as many as five sharp turns. First Chinese Disneyland was built in Hong Kong (Hong Kong). It was opened in September 2005 and was fully established by the laws of Feng Shui . It is the smallest of the Disney parks. An area of only 126 hectares, the park serves 5,000 employees.

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