Prototype Miedknk

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Prototype Designing

The one of a kind of an event within the domains of cognizance 2013 Where innovation, skill and creativity will be on its zenith. MIED,IIT Roorkee Presents you with its most unique set of event this year where not only knowledge would weigh heavier but the imagination equally. If your mind doesnt let you stop thinking about the eventualities we will face in future or keeps you imbibed in improving the existing you are the one suited for this event. Problem Solvers, ponderers, explorers and creators are sure to find their place in this event. But mere suggesting isnt the idea of this event, here you are required to present your own prototype (physical or virtual) dealing with a specific problem. Though the event is open to all kinds of prototypes implementing the studies related to Mechanical Engineering, we have kept two broad spectrums of categories.

1. Power from Space

Now as the doomsday prediction didnt prove to be right and the world population soaring day by day with medical science to its avail, besides the technology penetrating deeper and deeper into our socities the energy needs of the future generations would be exponential. While the amount of non-renewable sources are fixed and the amount of land, rivers and coastal regions too, we may have to look up to the sky for fulfilling our future needs. Within this category you will be required to choose a source of energy eg. sun and a mechanism to capture that energy and bringing it onto the earth. E.g. Solar panels would have a higher percentage of efficiency in the outer atmosphere of earth. You can devise a mechanism to set up solar panels in space and build a virtual model to bring it onto earth surface. NOTE: The models developed using any kind of cad software or any other software should be clear and coherent in their specifics.

2. Industrial Waste Management And Environmental Improvement

Technology improves so does the industry producing it but the impact of the waste generated on the environment is a heavy price that we are paying. Not only the environment outside is subjected to the adverse affects of industrial waste but the health of officials or workers employed in industries gets affected too. In this event category you are needed to select any type of industry and the kind of waste it produces or the health problems that it generates among its workers. In order to solve the problem you need to formulate a mechanism and hence a prototype dealing with the problems cited by you. The domain of problems that you can incorporate in your project is flexible it can simply range from prototype dealing with the smoke billowing industry to nuclear waste generated by a nuclear power plant. NOTE: The model can deal with the existing situations or the situation that can seem to arise in imminent future. (hint: movie wall-e)

Rules and Guidelines

1. 2. 3.

4. 5. 6.

The prototype developed should be original and shouldnt be copied from somewhere else. Individual or team participation is accepted. Maximum number of team members can be four. The abstract clearly stating the scenario of problem and your approach to solve it should be mailed before 15 Feb 13. The mail should include the team member names and Prototype : (college name),(team id) in subject. Email id: (see Registration Procedure) Both working and non-working are acceptable. Virtual model developed using SolidWorks, Catia etc. are also acceptable. Only selected entries on the basis of submitted abstract will be given a chance to showcase their prototype at Cognizance 13. For Queries: Mail us at above mentioned email id or contact undersigned.

Registration Procedure

The registration shall be done through the Cognizance website.

Steps to Register:
1. Each Member needs to register on the website. This will generate a unique cognizance ID. 2. The Team Leader (which you will select yourself) needs to login into the website through his username and password. 3. The Ideaz event page has the tab Register to register the team for the event. 4. This will generate your Team Id and a mail shall be sent to the mail id of team leader about the registration.

Submit your entries and mail your queries to:

For any queries, Contact: Pranav Bajpai Co-Convener Cognizance-2013:MIED +91-8430628580

Nikhil Goel Manager Events Cognizance-2013:MIED +91-7895661678

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