Aquaculture: Names of Students

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A Business Plan submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Bachelor of Technology XXX University




Under the guidance



This business plan was prepared on behalf of the members of the PQR Aquaculture Group (OAG). The purpose of the plan was to determine the feasibility of developing an economic and environmentally sustainable aquaculture and fish distribution venture based on fish stock produced and provided by pastoralists in the PQR region. During the course of the planning process, members of the OAG consortium have been conducting trials at their respective properties to determine the capacity of selected freshwater ornamental fish (swordtails, mollies and comets) to breed and grow in the conditions likely to be experienced throughout a "normal" year. These trials will eventually determine the abilities of individual pastoralists to produce suitable quality fish stock for marketing and distribution by the venture. This business plan is based on the concept that a company (OAG) be established to provide a marketing and distribution function for ornamental freshwater fish and other product (including, potentially, advanced native juvenile food fish) supplied by pastoralists in the PQR Region of Eastern India. The company will also provide technical advice to producers, enabling them to successfully breed, grow and deliver fish stock which will be appropriate to the target markets which OAG will seek to exploit.

We express our deep sense of gratitude to , Name of guide, Project Advisor, for his valuable guidance and constant unfailing encouragement for completing this project. We are also grateful to our friends for tirelessly and patiently pursuing us to finish this report without whose help completion of the project report was the next thing to impossible. Last, but not the least, We give our sincere thanks to Name of enterprenuer, for giving us the opportunity and creating a nice work environment for us to complete our Business Plan report within the stipulated period of time. Finally, I would like to thank Mr. Name of enterprenuer for providing us proper environment for the completion of the report.

Name of students

ABSTRACT...................................................................................................................ii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT............................................................................................iii

TABLE OF CONTENTS..............................................................................................iii 1. GENERAL INFORMATION...................................................................................iv 2. DETAILS OF THE PROPOSED 2.1.Land and 2.2.Machineries / Equipments:.................................................................................vii 2.3. Miscellaneous Fixed Assets:.............................................................................vii 2.4. Preliminary and Pre Operative Expenses:.........................................................vii 2.5 Working Capital:................................................................................................vii 3. MARKET POTENTIAL...........................................................................................ix 3.1. Present Demand and Supply of the Product Competition:.................................ix 3.2 Target Clients:.....................................................................................................ix 3.3 Marketing Strategy:.............................................................................................ix 4. MANUFACTURING PROCESS..............................................................................x 4.1 Technical Know How Availability:.....................................................................x 4.2 Steps by Step Description:...................................................................................x 5. PRODUCTION SCHEDULE..................................................................................xii 5.1Number of Working Days per Annum:...............................................................xii 5.2Number of Working Shifts:.................................................................................xii 5.2.1 Sales Revenue:..........................................................................................xii 5.2.2 Utilities:.....................................................................................................xii 5.2.3 Salaries/Wages: ......................................................................................xii 5.2.4 Repairs and Maintance :...........................................................................xiii 5.2.5 Selling and Distrubution Expenses :........................................................xiii 5.2.6 Administrative Expenses:........................................................................xiii 5.2.7Interest:........................................................................................................xiii 5.2.8Depreciation:...............................................................................................xiii 5.2.9Misc. Expenses:...........................................................................................xiv 5.2.10Rent:..........................................................................................................xiv 5.2.11Total Cost of the Project:..........................................................................xiv 5.2.12Means Of Finance:....................................................................................xiv 6. PROFIBILTY PROJECTIONS .............................................................................xv

Name of the Entrepreneurs: Proposed Project :

Major Product / Services :

Fish supplying, Fish Marketing & Fish products

Proposed Locations :
Orissa/ Jharkhand /West Bengal / Andra Pradesh

Type of Organization :
Fisheries Organization

1. Name : Educational Qualification: Bachelor of Technology Technical Skills: C, C++, Oracle, JAVA


Name: Educational Qualification: Bachelor of Technology Technical Skills: C,C++, Oracle


Name :

Educational Qualification: Bachelor of Technology Technical Skills: C,C++,Networking.


1. Type of the Project :

To provide a marketing and distribution function for ornamental freshwater fish and other product. 2. Product / Services Description :

It is a fish development farm. Our Farm cultivates a wide Varity of fishes of different sub continents. We supply the fish to different states with in our vicinity, with a promise of good service with in the given time limit. 3. Major Consumers :

Wholesalers, Retailers, Consumers, Clubs & Associations.

1. Major Promoter of our project will be loans taken from banks. 2. Capital from reliable and Supportive Capital Ventures. 3. Mac Hi Tech, Trichur, Tamil Nadu.


It is proposed that OAG be established to provide a marketing and distribution function for ornamental freshwater fish and other product (including, potentially, advanced native juvenile food fish) supplied by pastoralists in the PQR Region of Eastern India. The company will also provide technical advice to producers, enabling them to successfully breed, grow and deliver fish stock which will be appropriate to the target markets which OAG will seek to exploit.

2.1. Land and Building:

Sr. No. Particular Area Required Total Value Remarks

1. 2.

Land Building

3 Acres 2000sqFt Total:

Rs. 5,00,000 Rs. 1,40,000 Rs. 7,40,000

2.2. Machineries / Equipments:

Sr. No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Description Computer Printer Scanner Fax Motor pump Nos. Required 5 2 2 1 1 Rate(Rs.) 20,000 3,000 4,000 5,000 10,000 Total: Total Value(Rs.) 1,00,000 6,000 8,000 5,000 10,000 1,29,000

2.3. Miscellaneous Fixed Assets:

Sr. No. 1. 2. 3. Description Furniture Coffee Maker A.C. Nos. Required T(5),C(5) 1 2 Rate(Rs.) 1,000 5,000 20,000 Total: Total Value(Rs.) 10,000 5,000 40,000 45,000

2.4. Preliminary and Pre Operative Expenses:

Sr. No. 1. 2. 3. Particulars Interest during implementation Establishment Expenses Start-Up Expenses Misc. expenses Total Amount (Rs.) Remarks

1,70,000 1,70,000

2.5 Working Capital:

Sr. No. ITEM Rs.

1. 2. 3. 4.

Fish for cultivation Salary/Labour Rent Interest on loan

30,000/year 5,000/labour/month 2,40,000/year 3,00,000/year

3.1. Present Demand and Supply of the Product Competition:
The demand of Aquaculture now a day is very high due to the increase in demand rate of fish in international market. Also now peoples are very much interested in keeping aquariums in their houses to for display. The major distinctive competencies of OAG and the producers group are: Natural resource availability of both water and land suitable for breeding and growing ornamental fish and advanced native juvenile food fish A capacity to quickly and dramatically expand production (additional quantities and new species) by enrolling additional producers and/or expanding the activities of existing producers and An alliance with an experienced aquaculture business, Simco Fisheries Pty Ltd

3.2 Target Clients:

Our main target clients are Wholesalers, Retailers, Consumers, Exporters and local markets.

3.3 Marketing Strategy:

OAG's purpose is to market the fish produced by pastoralists in the PQR region. Its key focus is to develop strong relationships with existing wholesalers to become their supplier of choice. A secondary, but financially significant, focus will be to develop new methods of distribution to reach retailers and end consumers.

4.1 Technical Know How Availability:
It is anticipated that research and development will be an ongoing process that will be undertaken by the pastoralist producers. OAG will provide technical assistance and expertise as required, particularly during the start-up phase for producers. In the first year, this assistance will be provided by the General Manager who must therefore have a sound knowledge base in aquaculture and a good problem solving aptitude. From years 2 to 5 inclusive, OAG will have the services of a Technical Expert to assist producers in species selection, bloodstock, water management, disease management and related technical matters and to ensure rapid development of new producers and new species. During this period, producers' expertise will develop as their fish-farming practices stabilize. It is envisaged that the producer group will be self-supporting technically from year 6 and that there will be sufficient expertise to continue development of new species and producers without having to call on external advice.

4.2 Steps by Step Description:

1. Establishment of a marketing and distribution organization (OAG) for ornamental freshwater fish (and, subsequently, advanced native juvenile food fish) supplied by pastoralists in the PQR Region; 2. OAG would provide technical advice and support to producers - but its primary role would be marketing; 3. OAG's facilities, for acclimatization, consolidation and distribution of fish stock, should be in Car Narvon. 4. OAG's primary marketing strategy will be to develop strong relationships with existing Indian wholesalers. Secondary strategies will involve development of new methods of distribution to reach retailers and end consumers; 5. OAG will encourage the expansion of production resources by encouraging more pastoralists to develop facilities and by assisting existing producers to regularly duplicate production capacity;

6. OAG would be managed by an individual with good marketing experience and with technical skills in aquaculture and, preferably, in breeding and growing freshwater ornamentals; 7. OAG would be owned by those pastoralists and other groups involved in the initial development of the business. Producers of fish stock who become involved at later stages may or may not be offered opportunities to invest in the company, depending on the views of existing shareholders; 8. OAG's funding requirements would be met by contributions of share capital.

5.1 Number of Working Days per Annum:

The Firm will remain open for all weekdays except Sundays and National holidays.


Number of Working Shifts:

Since it is a service and solution firm it does not follow any shift system rather it has working hours from 9:00am to 6:00 pm. 5.2.1 Sales Revenue: The sales revenue of the business depends on the sale of fish from the farm per annum. 5.2.2 Utilities: Sr. No. 1. 2. 3. 4. Particulars Power/Electricity Water Coal/Oil/Stream Any other item Total 5.2.3 Sr. No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Salaries/Wages: Particulars Skilled Semi Skilled Unskilled Office Staff Any Other Total No. 15 3 Wages/Salaries per Month(Rs.) 20,000 5,000 Annual Expenses(Rs) 36,00,000 1,80,000 Annual Expenditure(Rs) 1,00,000 10,000 --------50,000 1,60,000 Remarks


5.2.4 Repairs and Maintance : Sr. No. 1. Particulars Computer and Electronic goods Amount(Rs) 20,000

5.2.5 Selling and Distrubution Expenses : Sr. No 1. 2. 3. Particulars Publicity Expenses Traveling Freight Amount(Rs) 1,00,000 50,000 10,000 Total 1,60,000 5.2.6 Administrative Expenses: Sr. No 1. 2. 3. Particulars Stationery & Printing Post/Telephone/Telegrams Entertainment Expenses Amount(Rs) 20,000 50,000 20,000 Total 90,000 5.2.7 Year 1 5.2.8 Sr. No. 1. Interest: Outstanding Loan Amount (Rs) 40,00,000 Depreciation: Type of Asset Computer Cost of Asset 30,000 Expected Life 5 yrs Depreciation 15,000 Interest 4,00,000 Installment(Rs) 5,00,000 Balance(Rs) 44,00,000 Remarks Remarks

5.2.9 Sr. No. 1. 2. 3. 5.2.10 Sr. No. 1. 2. 3. 4.

Misc. Expenses: Description Furniture Coffee Maker A.C. Total Rent: Item Building Electricity Water Phone Total Rs. 2,40,000 1,00,000 10,000 50,000 3,60,000 Cost 40,000 5,000 1,00,000 1,45,000

5.2.11 Sr. No. 1. 2. 3.

Total Cost of the Project: Particulars Fixed Capital (Total if item No.2.1,2.2,2.3) Working Capital margin (Total of item No. 2.5) Preliminary & Pre-operative Expenses (Total of item No. 2.4) Total Value(Rs.) 9,14,000 5,90,000 1,60,000

Total 16,64,000

5.2.12 Sr. No. 1. 2. 3. 4.

Means Of Finance: Particulars Own Investment Term Loan Working Capital Loan Any Other Source Amount (Rs.) 10,00,000 15,00,000 Total: 25,00,000 Remarks

Sr. No. A. B. i) ii) iii) iv) v) vi) vii) viii) ix) x) Particulars Sale Realization Cost of Manufacturing/ Servicing Raw Material Utilities Salaries/Wages Repairs & Maintenance Selling & Distribution Expenses Administrative Expenses Interest Rent Depreciation Misc. Expenses Total C. D. E. Gross Profit/Loss(A-B) Income-tax Net Profit/Loss Amount (Rs.) 1,00,00,000

6,85,000 1,60,000 37,80,000 20,000 1,60,000 90,000 4,00,000 2,40,000 3,42,000 1,45,000 60,22,000 43,78,000 13,93,000 30,85,000

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