Microbiology #1

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Journal of 08/24/2012

7:00 a.m- I woke up and got dressed. Opened the bathroom door Took a bath Grabbed my tooth brush, Rinsed it thoroughly applied toothpaste 7:50 a.m- I got in my car and drove to work. 8:02 a.m- I opened the building with my key Entered the code to set off the alarm. 8:31 a.m I picked up my package at the post office Drove back to Affordable Insurance. Ate a plain biscuit from McDonalds with grape Jelly 11:00 a.m- I drove to ULM bookstore Switched my books for World Literature 12:02 p.m- I made it back to work 5:00 p.m- I left the office Dropped off the bank bag at the banks Over-night box Drove home Opened the door 5:31 p.m I made it home. I laid on the couch Played with my niece 7:30 p.m. I ate smothered chicken wings, rice, rolls, and bake beans. 9ish I said my prayers with my niece Watched more t.v. Feel Asleep

Kelli LeNae Neal August 24, 2012 My Personal Interactions with Microbes: My first interactions with Microbes actually began while I was sleeping. Microbes are everywhere especially in the air. My second encounter with microbes was in the process of bathing. Bathrooms are some of the dirtest places in the world. Door handles, sink knobs, as well as shower curtains all are exposed to different germs on a daily basis. My next encounter with Microbes was at the post office. The post office is a very busy place. There is always a very large quantity of people coming in and out of building. These different people could be sick and therefore exposing their germs to others as well as different objects in the building. Also, the transfer of mailed objects could be tampered with different microbes. Microbes from different places such as the post office are very harmful. Switching books at the ULM bookstore is another way I could get expose to microbes. All books in use by others have germs, especially used books. Used books contain the most germs because you never know what person contain the book before you, neither do know the amount of owners it had. All foods have certain microbes and bacteria. I ate smothered chicken, beans, rolls, and seasoned rice. The ingredients to the meal I ate contained the most bacteria. Once the ingredient were mixed and heated, whether it was by boiling or baking. The microbes become extent. However, once the food was cooked bacteria colonies began to form again. Although I am not positive, I believe the microbes that I encountered while eating were not harmful. These microbes were beneficial and were responsible for the taste.

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