Prayer Diary 2013 Week 15 041413

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MONDAYEVANGELISTIC PRAYER Chronological Bible Reading: 1 Samuel 28-29; Luke 11:1-27 Monday, April 15 Deut. 32:9 For the LORDS portion is his people; Jacob is the lot of his inheritance. O Lord My God: Need I entice you today to claim those souls who belong to Jesus? THEY ARE YOURS BY SOVEREIGN CHOICE. You set your love on them in eternity past. You did that apart from any goodness in them at the time, or any goodness you foresaw them to have in the end. You have already determined to have mercy on many of my workmates, family, and neighborsbut they are not yet saved. I pray for their salvation because they are yours by election. THEY ARE YOURS BY THE SAVIORS PURCHASE. Jesus bought and paid for their souls to the utmost sin. You own the title to their life, because they were not paid for with corruptible things but with the precious blood of your Son. There is no mortgage on your ownership, and no lien on your purchase. No one can file a lawsuit, because the payment was made in open court. Look at the mark of the blood on them, invisible to the human eye, but known by the Spirit of Christ: 2 Tim. 2:19 The Lord knoweth them that are his. Add to your sheepfold those who are yours by redemption because also, THEY ARE YOURS BY SOUL CONQUEST. What a battle you had before I was won! I am ashamed to remember how long you had to lay siege to my heart. How often you sent me gracious terms of surrender, and I did not listen. Thank you for carrying my heart by storm. I now pray for you to place your cross against the wall of the hearts of __________ and __________, scale their defenses, and plant on their stronghold the blood-red flag of your mercy. Make them the conquered captives of your omnipotent love. Chosen, purchased and subdued, your right to save them is inalienable. Show forth your gospel through me today to Jesus glory. Amen. A DAILY PATTERN FOR PRAYER & BIBLE READING Chronological Bible Reading: 2 Samuel 4-6; Luke 12:31-59 Thursday, April 18 2 Cor. 9:7 Every man according as he purposeth in his heart, so let him give; not grudgingly, or of necessity: for God loveth a cheerful giver. TUESDAYFOCUS ON CHRISTS CROSS Chronological Bible Reading: 1 Samuel 30-31; Luke 11:28-54 Tuesday, April 16 Psa. 22:15 My strength is dried up like a potsherd; and my tongue cleaveth to my jaws; and thou hast brought me into the dust of death. Dearest Lord Jesus: You thirsted for water, but your soul was thirsty in a higher sense. Always your body was expressive of your souls cravings and your own longings. Your heart was thirsting to save the souls of men and women. You were thirsty to be loved by the woman at the well. You thirst today to see me looking at you with a believing eye, not distrustfully. I want to look to your fullness and hold out my emptiness, so you can fill me with all in all. What makes you love me so much that you thirst for a relationship with me? I cannot tell, except your own great love. I know it is nothing in me; it must simply be something in your own nature. I come to you by prayer; I come to you in fellowship; I come to you for perfect consecration; I come to you by surrendering my whole being to the influences of your Spirit. I want to sit at your feet with Mary and lean on your breast with John. S of S. 1:2 Let him kiss me with the kisses of his mouth: for thy love is better than wine. You called me for that. I must give it to you. I cannot be so frozen of heart that a cup of cold water cannot be melted for Jesus. If you say, I thirst, and yet I bring you my lukewarm heart, that is worse than offering you gall and vinegar. Rev. 3:16 So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth. You can swallow vinegar but not lukewarm love. Light me on fire for your cross and your cause. I ask it to Gods glory. Amen. FRIDAY CORPORATE PRAYER MINISTRY Chronological Bible Reading: 2 Samuel 7-9; Luke 13 Friday, April 19 1 Pet. 2:5 Ye also, as lively stones, are built up a spiritual house, an holy priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices, acceptable to God by Jesus Christ. Great and Mighty God: We are building a church made of living bricks. Stones are only broken by an energetic use of the hammer. We cannot pray once and expect to fulfill the Great Commission. Each week and every day we need to swing the hammer again. And every good bricklayer usually goes down on his knees. Let us bend the knee of diligence, and swing the hammer of prayer. There is not a difficult doctrine of the Bible that will not break-down into understandable pieces when we exercise prayer and our faith in the Spirit. The old saints used to say, To have prayed well is to have studied well. We can force our way through any obstacle by using the leverage of prayer! Our thoughts and reasoning can open a crack into truth, but prayer opens the treasure chest into the mystery. The kingdom of heaven is still only taken by violent force (Matt. 11:12). Help us use prayer more forcefully as the implement of our progress, because then we can live the Great Commission. We expect to discover deeper experiences and uncover more of the higher Christian life by prayer. This is the secret of maturity. Not all growth is similarly easy to obtain. There are times when we have to violently assault the objective in order to win it. If the goal is discipleship, then we must fight to complete it. Give us that upper room of rapture, communion, and conscious union with Christ. All believers see him, but not all of us put our fingers into the prints of the nails. Not all of us have the privilege of leaning on his bosombut we can! We are only up to our ankles; make us swimmers! Give us an experiential knowledge of Christ so we can achieve his mission. Amen. WEDNESDAYREVIVAL PRAYING Chronological Bible Reading: 2 Samuel 1-3; Luke 12:1-30 Wednesday, April 17 Rev. 3:16 So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth. Gracious Lord and Holy God: You are not sick of my sin so much as of my lukewarmness. If I were on fire it would burn-out my sin. Instead, I have become drunk with the world and lost the freshness of my devotion to Jesus. 2 Cor. 11:2 For I am jealous over you with godly jealousy: for I have espoused you to one husband, that I may present you as a chaste virgin to Christ. Master, you might pass over sin in a thousand others, but you cannot wink at the failures of your bride because you are a jealous God. Your love is so loving that it is as cruel as the grave to the coldhearted. Therefore I have fallen if I have left my first love. What must I do? What must I do? Rev. 2:5 Remember therefore from whence thou art fallen, and repent, and do the first works; or else I will come unto thee quickly, and will remove thy candlestick out of his place, except thou repent. I remember what my first love for you was like, and I compare my present condition to it. At first, nothing distracted me from devotion. Nothing diverted me from discipleship. You were my life and my joy, no matter what my circumstance. You were my happiness no matter what happened. But now I look for entertainment somewhere else. Other charms win my heart. I am ashamed of this. At one time I was never tired of hearing the Bible, but now sermons are long and services are dull. I jaded my appetite with junk-food experiences. At first I was never displeased with Jesus no matter what he did with me. If I was sick or poor, I would still bless your name and give thanks in all things. I remember that affection, and I regret that departure. Forgive and revive me! Amen. SATURDAYIN THE PSALMS Chronological Bible Reading: 2 Samuel 10-12; Luke 14 Saturday, April 20 Psa. 105:8 He hath remembered his covenant for ever, the word which he commanded to a thousand generations. Glorious God and Father: This is the basis for all your dealings with me. You made a covenant with Abrahamfather of all those who have faithand you are faithful to that covenant. Since you remember your promise, surely I should not forget how you have kept it. You threaten judgment down to the third and fourth generation of those that hate you (Exod. 20:5), but your love goes on to a thousand generations. Your promise is commanded, meaning it is vested with all the authority of law. It comes from a King whose laws will be followed to the jot and the tittle, even though heaven and earth pass away (Matt. 5:18). The blessings of Abrahams seed were not dependent on the number of descendants, and the smallness of our church or the poverty of its members are no barrier to your blessing if we seek it. Psa. 105:17 He sent a man before them, even Joseph, who was sold for a servant: Your presence in Canaan does not desert me while I am in Egypt. Prepare my way and prosper me until you lead me back into the land of promise. Your plan is wise even when it includes famine. Make me the advance-guard for others. I want to lead, and become a leader of leaders. Your way is the right way. It may take me past the cross, but it is still correct. The road to glory may run me by the rivers of grief. Make me ready. Because all your afflicted ones will one day step out of their prisons and onto their thrones. Send me on a mission for you. A mission to win more subjects for your kingdom before the return of the King. Do it for Jesus sake. Amen.

LORD, Thou lovst the cheerful giver, who with open heart and hand
Blesses freely, as a river that refreshes all the land. Grant us then the grace of giving with a spirit large and free, That our life and all our living we may consecrate to Thee. We are Thine, Thy mercy sought us, found us in deaths dreadful way, To the fold in safety brought us, nevermore from Thee to stray. Thine own life Thou freely gavest as an offring on the cross For each sinner whom Thou savest from eternal shame and loss. Blest by Thee with gifts and graces, may we heed Thy churchs call: Gladly in all times and places give to Thee Who givest all. Thou hast bought us, and no longer can we claim to be our own; Ever free and ever stronger, we shall serve Thee, Lord, alone. Savior, Thou hast freely given all the blessings we enjoy. Earthly store and bread of heaven, love and peace without alloy; Humbly now we bow before Thee, and our all to Thee resign; For the kingdom, powr and glory, are, O Lord, forever Thine. Robert Murray, 1898

Focus Verse (for memorization & meditation)Prayer Diary link available online at



APRIL 14, 2013





Benevolence Offering designate money above your tithe through April 15


TIMEWORSHIP Mark 1:35 And in the morning, rising up a great while before day, he went out, and departed into a solitary place, and there prayed.




Baptists tend to ridicule liturgical churches that use "prepared prayers" because they lack spontaneity. But for many Baptists, their prayers are so predictable they are no more spontaneous than written-out prayers. The result is we end up praying the same things over and over. This daily Prayer Diary will prompt you on a wide range of prayer requests you might not normally think of, while forcing you to articulate a deeper devotion to God. We have included a daily Bible reading schedule. This plan will take you through the Bible chronologically in a year. Do not read ahead and do not try to catch up. Use each day as it comes. Then you can know that on any given day, dozens of other people are lifting their hearts in the same mind to God. Pray what is written, but use what is prayed as a springboard for your own relationship with God. You learn to pray by praying. Alan

9:00A.M. Adult Sunday School Discipleship II class rm 6 10:45A.M. Adult Sunday School Defenders apologetics class rm 6 5:00P.M. The Book of Revelation chapter 1 - Jesus unveiled SNL Sunday Night Live! for kids K-5th Grade

GIVE GOD THE FIRST PART OF EVERY DAY. The first commitment is to a daily quiet time with God. Our weekly Prayer Diary provides a template for daily devotions. 2) TITHEWORK 1 Cor 16:2 Upon the first day of the week let every one of you lay by him in store, as God hath prospered him, that there be no gatherings when I come. GIVE GOD THE FIRST DIME OF EVERY DOLLARno questions asked. Ten percent is a miniscule amount in our affluent society, but it must come off the top in order to show that God is our priority. We want the blessing of the firstfruits (first devotion, first dime and first day) to flow out to the rest of our resources. 3) TEAMWORD Heb 10:25 Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching. GIVE GOD THE FIRST DAY OF EVERY WEEK. You should fellowship with a group of believers around the word of God every Sunday in our church.

10:00A.M. Pinterest Live ladies craft circle in the gym 7:00P.M. Gospel Choir practiceall are welcome!

7:00P.M. AWANA program for kids 2yrs-6th Grade Devotional study for adults in the auditorium, Psalm 129

Secret prayer is the secret of prayer, the soul of prayer, the seal of prayer, the strength of prayer. If you do not pray alone you do not pray at all. Our Lord Jesus Christ would go nowhere till He had prayed. He would attempt nothing till He had prayed. Oh, says one, I live in the spirit of prayer, and therefore I do not need times and seasons for prayer. And do you think that Christ did not live in the spirit of prayer? Yet He had to have his special time and place to pray. Do not fall under the injurious notion that because your spirit cries to God in prayer all day long, therefore there must not be some season for more immediately coming into Gods presence. If you imagine this, I am afraid that it will prove a snare to your feet. The Lord Jesus Christ, who knew better than you do that the main thing is the spirit of prayer rather than the act of prayer, yet Himself retired into desert places to maintain the act and exercise of prayer. Be spiritual. Be baptized into the spirit of prayer. But do not be deceived by the enemy, who can steal a spirit away while we dream that we only spiritualize it. We had better preserve the very bones of prayerthe posture, the time, placerather than let it all ooze away into an impalpable mental condition. God keep us prayerful. He will do so if He makes us like His dear Son. Charles H. Spurgeon, 1834-92

10:00A.M. The Challenge team weight loss competition for women NOON College / Career / Young Couples BBQ @Matt & Michelle Ceases 526 NE Summit Dr, Blue Springs, 64014 Pastor Alan will be cooking! Question Line: 517-8631

9:00 & 10:45A.M. The Essentials #11 Possessions: Getting Over a Liability Lifestyle 5:00P.M. The Book of Revelation chapter 2 Christ among the candlesticks

Keeping Christ at the center (your core relationship of worship to God) Keeping the body of Christ a priority (your congregational relationship of walking with us) Basing beliefs and actions on the mind of Christ (your church relationship in the Word)


Adult Sunday School class cycle 9:00A.M. Discipleship II Room 6. A six-week taste of our five-phase course on biblical & spiritual character qualities, doctrinal studies, principles of datingmarriage-family, and rules on how to study the Bible. 10:45A.M. Defenders Christian apologetics course, room 6

Prayer Diary link available online at

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