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BIG Reflection Day 2 21st March 2012

Morning exercise awakened the day two of BIG. We have to wake up early around 5 in the morning. Before we started our morning exercise, we have to assemble first and sang three songs which are Lagu Negeraku, our institute song and Perwira Negara. After one of our cohort members finished recited the prayer, we started to jog around our camping site and do some exercises. This activity made me felt fresh and ready for next activities. After the exercises, we were required to shout our cheer. We were given 5 minutes to create our group cheers before we shouted our group cheers. After we had our breakfast, we were required to assemble again to be ready for next activity. For the next activity, we were divided into two groups. First group will do the water confidence and the second group will have orienteering sessions. Luckily I am in the first group. Our activity that we were going to do was to test our confident level in the water. When I heard about water, I felt excited because I am really into water sport. My parent sent me to swimming class when I was young so the water confidence should not be a problem for me. However, I reminded myself not to over confident in the water because accident can happen anytime to anyone no matter how good you are at swimming. Before we started doing our activity, we were given a short talk on safety. Everyone must wear the safety jacket before come into the water. The activity that we did before the water confident was tiring yet fun. We rolled ourselves on the sand until our body full with the sand. When we came into the water, I found that many of my friends have no experiences and knowledge. They cannot even move their legs and hands. I tried my best to teach them what I know. After we done the water confident, we were required to build a raft using PVC pipes. Using that raft, we will go to other island. I always thought that making a raft is easy but after making the raft I took back my thought. I have no experience and knowledge in making a raft and I was afraid and kept thinking that our raft will sink in the middle of the sea. However, with the help of experience trainer we finally invented a stable raft. Our raft only able to accommodate four peoples and I volunteered myself to be the first who sail with our raft. This is big decision that I ever made since we did not know the strength of our raft. Our raft can sail smoothly at first but unfortunately in the middle of the sea, one of PVC pipe was broken and our raft became unstable. Luckily,

we found alternative to solve the problem. At last, with the good cooperation and full with high spirit we finally success arrived at the island. Sailing using the raft was very tiring compare to the canoe. I am so proud with my group members which were Mading Anak Ngalang, Su Lee Lee and Asan Banta. Even though, we were the tired but we never give up reaching to the Island and as a result only our group and two other can made it. My interesting experience on that day was during the cooking time. I am excited as this was my first experience cooking Laksa Penang and I really enjoyed did it with my friend. This reminded me at my hometown while preparing foods for big event. Other than, I am quite impressed with some of the boys. They can cook very well and I even learnt from them on how to cook some of the food that was new for me. For example like rojak. Our next activity after lunch was orienteering. We gathered at the hall while waiting for our activity started. This activity was quite boring and nothing much I can get from this activity since not everyone in the group was involved. The LDK session on that night was not educating for me. The activity was quite boring and most of it done without any plan. I feel that LDK should suit our ages and interest so that we could have more engaging participants. The night session ended very late and causing lack of concentration. I think as a teacher we should take note on this. In a nutshell, as exhausting as it was we all had a joyful day together. We all united as one and completed as much as we could within a short period of time. We sleep soundly at that as everyone was tired. However, around 4 in the morning heavy rain awaken us from sleep. As for my group, we were so lucky compare to other group as we did not have to move since our tent was able to keep us from the rain. We continued our sleep to keep our momentum going and kept the stamina strong for the next day.

Morning exercise

We do cheer for our group after the exercise.

We build our raft

Orienteering session

Cooking time

Second LDK

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