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Agenda Annual Meeting MinutesAnnual Meeting Secretarys Report Report to MDIN Centennial Vision Report List of Awardees

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Pictures from the Conference

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Amended By-Laws


AAPOTA Annual Meeting

Friday, April 30, 2010 - 7:00-9:00 pm Hilton Orlando, Lake Nona AB Hall

1. Welcome and Introduction 2. State of the Association

10 min 7 min

A. Secretarys report B. Treasurers report C. Strategic plans: Where we are, where we want to be. 13 min All contribute to AOTAs centennial vision a. Student essay competition b. Trail blazing a dynamic future elections, by-laws, recruitment c. Recognizing our contributions database, d. Promoting information exchange content column in Spotlight e. Promoting professional development - speaker nomination for 2010 AAPOTA Annual Meeting and Lets Continue Learning series 3. Awards presentation 15 min 4. Presentation by Dr. Gupta

Minutes to the Annual Meeting

07:00 pm 08:15 PM , April 30th, 2010. Hilton Orlando, FL. The following attended the meeting: Members Meena Iyer Joe Wells Marianne Mortera Madhav Kulkarni Jyothi Gupta K. Kshepakaran Guru Nam Kaur Khalsa Jayanthi Subramanian Asha Asher 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Non- Members Yu-Hsuan Lee Maria M. Cox Lalit Kumar Vikram Asher

6. 7.



The meeting was called to order by Meena Iyer, the presiding officer of the annual meeting. Joe Wells was the acting secretary of the meeting. Meena Iyer welcomed the attendees and sought self-introductions. After the introductions, Meena Iyer went over the benefits of joining as a member and the types of the MDI groups. Meena then went over the Secretarys and Treasurers Annual Reports. The reports were projected via a powerpoint presentation. These reports were also e-mailed to the membership by Joe Wells a week prior to this meeting. Joe Wells made a motion to accept the Secretarys and Treasurers annual reports. Madhav Kulkarni seconded it. The motions were unanimously accepted. Karen Smith, AOTA Liaison, briefly attended the meeting, and at this point Meena requested Karen to inform AAPOTA of the process of co-hosting a pre-conference institute at the AOTA annual conference. Karen indicated that not too many would register if the cost was too high. Meena then suggested that instead of a one-day it could be a half-day event. A discussion followed involving Karen Smith, Meena Iyer, Jyothi Gupta and Jayanthi Subramanian as to how AAPOTA would benefit through this sponsorship, and the exact nature of AAPOTAs involvement in co-hosting this event. Meena stated possibility of her co-presenting. Karen stated concerns of AAPOTA getting proceeds through the event, and sought clarifications on why the event should not go through the usual selection process that AOTA has for preconferences. Meena agreed to contact Frank Gainer and go through regular channels. Jayanthi, Jyothi and Meena emphasized that the event will bring in more visibility for the organization, and further the Centennial Vision goals involving emphasis on evidence-based practice and being science-driven. Meena stated that she will get back with Karen with more details. Following the above discussions, Joe Wells asked Karen on how AOTA and AAPOTA could further collaborate. Karen suggested posting more information on AOTAs website. She then left to attend other MDI meetings. Meena Iyer then proceeded to go over the following strategic plans: A.Student Essay Competition: Meena stated the competition was deferred due to poor student response, and that an alternative would be to open it to practitioners. She stated that the practitioner winning the contest will be given a paid AOTA annual membership. Joe Wells commented that if a winner already has an AOTA membership, the prize could include reimbursement of the membership fees. Meena said that more details will be sorted later. B.Meena informed the attendees of the efforts to conduct elections and need for recruitment of members. Joe briefly stated the positions that elections will be held for before October of 2010. C.Meena then presented the need for amendments to the bylaws. Joe read the amendments required. They are summarized as follows: Article I, Section 2: Mission Statement to reflect the change from previous statement Article II, Section 3: To remove the requirement to be a member of AOTA in order to be a voting AAPOTA member Article III: Title to include Officers to reflect distinction between a smaller group and the extended board -continued on page 5 4

Article III, Section 2, 3,4: To reflect use of standard terminology President and Vice- President versus Chair and Vice- Chair Article III, Section 6: To define officers and their combined executive role Article IV, Section 3: To define the quorum for executive meetings, since it has not been possible to meet the quorum requirements for the members in general D. Joe Wells made a motion to accept the amended bylaws. Madhav Kulkarni seconded it. The motion was carried through unanimously. E. Meena Iyer then briefed the attendees on the creation of a database of contributions by AAPOTA members, a project headed by Surya Shah. A discussion followed on the need to do so. Marianne Mortera talked about the ELDP efforts. Meena and Jyothi talked about COOL. Jyothi informed the attendees that the proposed organizational re-structuring by AOTA had not carried through RA. F. Meena Iyer requested attendees to contribute and spread the word to contribute contents for the Spotlight. Marianne Mortera suggested someone new to write an article for the June issue since she has contributed before. Jayanthi Subramanian volunteered to write an article pertaining to Medicare regulations. G. Meena Iyer proposed promotion of professional development including nomination of speakers following a Lets Continue Learning Series model. 10. The meeting was then adjourned by Meena Iyer followed by Awards Presentation by Joe Wells.

Additional Notes: 11. Membership Updates: Following the annual meeting, Jayanthi Subramanian, Gurunam Khalsa and K. Kshepakran renewed their membership. Bill Wong enrolled as a student member. 12. Jyothi Gupta as a part of her annual lecture mentioned need and ways to collaborate on research, and that she is willing to assist therapists to do case reports.

Respectfully submitted,

Joe Wells, OTD, DPMIR, OTR/L Membership Chair/ Newsletter Editor

Secretarys Report: 2009-10

During this year, the AAPOTA board members continued their consistent effort to discuss various issues to promote our mission and purpose via conference call on an average once a month. During this year, from April 2009 until March 2010, we had 12 conference calls with an average attendance of 80% board members at each conference call. In addition to these conference calls, the executive board had conference calls to discuss urgent issues and a conference call was also arranged with the regional representatives to discuss their concerns and to promote membership. The 15th AAPOTA annual membership meeting was held on April 24, 2009 at the Hilton Americas; Houston, Texas. AOTA Representative, Karen Smith attended the beginning part of our membership meeting, she was apprised of the request to offer AOTA approved CEU for our presentation session at the annual membership meeting. Karen Smith made note of the request and informed that she would follow it up with Frank Gainer. The highlight of the meeting was second annual AAPOTA guest lecture presented by Marianne Mortera who discussed her research on the development and testing of the Mortera Cognitive Screening Measure (M-CSM). Her presentation was very well received by the members. Our vice-president, Meena Iyer informed members that AAPOTA would request Dr. Moyers at the MDIN leadership meeting to urge AOTPAC to address following two issues: 1. OT not being on U.S. Department of Labors shortage list (schedule 1, list 1), therefore delaying permanent residence / labor clearance applications. 2. Language misinterpretation resulting in visa denials by the US Citizen and Immigration Services: This issue was taken up by NBCOT with US Citizens and Immigration Services (USCIS). USCIS within the dept. of Homeland security issued a memorandum to the standards for adjudicating H-1B petitions filed on behalf of beneficiaries seeking employment in health care specialty occupations including occupational therapy and physical therapy. This clarified that Masters degrees are not required for OTs and PTs seeking H1-B visas. However, NBCOT requires US equivalency in qualification to apply for OTR certification examination. Following ad- hoc committees were formed at the membership meeting: Research Liaison: Surya Shah (Surya Shah will also act as liaison from AAPOTA board) Immigrations Support: Marc Dy and Guru Nam Kaur Khalsa (S. Rai will be liaison from AAPOTA board) Student Committee: Vanitha John and Aarti Dayaram (Joe Wells and Marrianne Mortera will be AAPOTA liaison) Membership Recruitment Coordinators: (Joe Wells and Bhagwan Sharma will be AAPOTA liaison) Following members volunteered to work as regional coordinators; 1. Sanchala Sen- North Carolina 2. Marc Dy- Tennessee 3. Surya Shah- New Jersey 4. Vanitha John- Washington 5. Guru Nam Khalsa- New Mexico 6. Vijay Mishra Michigan 7. Animesh Anand -Ohio Joe Wells, after taking over as the Membership Chair and the Newsletter Editor has contributed significantly to the growth of AAPOTA membership. With the efforts of Joe, the first issue of SPOTLIGHT was published on October 6, 2008, thereafter; 4 issues were published in 2009, the November issue was a student special edition on the occasion of the student conclave. This issue included an important announcement of First Essay Competition for OT Students on the topic Evidence Evaluating the Effectiveness of Culturally Sensitive Health Care. The newsletter has provided vital information and featured the contribution of AAPOTA members. The creation of the Newsletter has been very well received and appreciated not only by the membership but also from various occupational therapy fraternities from Asian Pacific Associations as well. - continued on page 7 6

Vice President, Meena Iyer was appointed the AAPOTA liaison to MDI Network. In 2009, AAPOTA nominated Meena as an MDI candidate to the Centennial Vision and Penny Moyers, the President of AOTA selected Meena as the MDI representative to AOTAs Centennial Vision Commission. It is an honor for AAPOTA. Eastern Representative, Marrianne Mortera was appointed to AOTAs committee that structured and oversees the Emerging Leaders Development program (ELPD), this was a charge from AOTAs Representative Assembly for developing professional leadership in OT students who are about to finish their education or new graduates out less than 3 years. The AAPOTA website that was launched last year with the web address is managed and updated with the dedicated efforts of Joe Wells. The link was created for 2009 newsletter issues and other resources. A type-able membership form button is also created on the webpage. AAPOTA is planning to buy the software so that the website can be managed effectively, for which our vice president Meena is planning on taking classes and share information with Joe to work on the website. AAPOTA board is instituting awards to recognize the achievement and encourage participation by AAPOTA members (academicians, clinicians, and students) from the year 2010 for following categories: 1. The outstanding Achievement Award: The highest honor of AAPOTA for a member in good standing, who has demonstrated outstanding qualities of leadership, academics, or clinical achievement in the initiation, development, or perpetuation of occupational therapy or healthcare in general. 2. Service Award: To recognize individual members of AAPOTA who have provided services to the association and/or profession through time or task limited activities, or to recognize individual members who have served in state offices. 3. OT/ OTA Student of the Year: To acknowledge student members of AAPOTA who participate in activities to promote occupational therapy in their community and who contribute to the professional growth of occupational therapy by participation in leadership roles in their district, state, and/or national associations. AAPOTA board has continued actions with ongoing development in following areas: Developing resource group of Asian/ Pacific Occupational Therapists to promote education, research, and practice at district, state, national, and international level by exchange of information, lectures, and seminars. Lectures by experts are arranged at the annual meeting since April 2008 Initiation of collaborative efforts with the Asian Pacific Regional Group Involvement of clinician and academicians at the state and local level Set strategic goals for achieving AOTAs centennial vision by promoting education and awareness of multicultural diversity and inclusiveness issues. AAPOTA representation in MDI network and AOTA Centennial Vision Commision Encourage contribution from our members on cultural issues, research activities, and professional development for publication in newsletter and periodicals. Publication of our newsletter SPOTLIGHT AAPOTA is fortunate to have a strong board under the leadership of our President, Chana Hiranaka, as the pillar of the group, Vice President, Meena Iyer, as the dynamic force in advancing our mission, and Bhagwan Sharma, the treasurer to keep us moving forward. Membership Chair and Newsletter Editor, Joe Wells, has been instrumental in developing the website and publication of the newsletter. During 2009, AAPOTA board was further strengthened by the appointment of 3 scholarly academicians to the board; Surya Shah, Associate Professor at Richard Stockton college of New Jersey, acting as a research liaison and membership recruitment coordinator for New Jersey; Jyothi Gupta, PhD, OTR, who is the chair elect for the commission on Education of AOTA, and Kinsuk Maitra, Associate Professor at Rush University, Chicago. In addition, our representatives M.R. Kulkarni, Marrianne Mortera, and Canadian Representative, Vijay Suple have been there for valuable suggestions. The efforts of regional recruitment coordinators, Surya Shah from New Jersey, Vijay Mishra from Michigan and Animesh from Ohio is commendable. We need many more leaders to join the force and take responsibilities for advancing our mission and purpose. Respectfully submitted, March 31, 2010 Shreeavtar Rai, MHS, OTR/L 7

AAPOTA Report for the Multicultural Diversity and Inclusion Network (MDIN)
AAPOTA appreciates the efforts of NBCOT and AOTA in resolving the H1-B petitions with the US Citizen and Immigration Services (USCIS). The association worked diligently to support and promotes AOTAs centennial vision. The following, highlights the activities engaged by the association in 2009-2010:

The association is an active member of the MDIN and participates in all of MDIN activities including the annual MDIN exchange workshop, student conclave efforts, and recruitment efforts.

The organizations vice-president, Meena Iyer, PhD, OTR/L was selected by Dr. Penny Moyers, President
AOTA, to represent the MDIN group on the Centennial Commission. Dr. Iyer in collaboration with other Centennial Vision Commission members organized a teleconference call with MDIN leaders regarding the work of the Participation Review Ad Hoc Committee. Dr. Marianne Mortera, Executive Board Member AAPOTA, was on AOTAs committee that structured and formulated the Emerging Leaders Development Program. Dr. Jyothi Gupta, served as the Chairperson, Education, Special Interest Section and as the Chairperson Elect Commission on Education. Ms. Jayanthi Subramanian served as the Professional Development Coordinator, Gerontology Special Interest Section. Dr. Iyer was a reviewer of the E K Wise Scholarship program. Dr. Iyer was an invited speaker at the 2009 AOTA Annual Conference session conducted by Dr. Florence Clark entitled The Centennial Vision and Diversity Within Our Profession: Celebrating Success. Continue to inform AOTA membership through OT Practice, OT Connections, and AAPOTA website on cultural beliefs and other related issues pertinent to the health care and occupational needs of Asian-Pacific consumers. The association publishes a quarterly e-newsletter and fosters exchange of ideas and mentoring relationships among its members. Provides support on immigration and relocation related issues to its members. A special student-newsletter was distributed at the AOTA organized student conclave. In an effort to increase AOTA student membership and promote cultural awareness the association is conducting an essay competition for students on Evidence Evaluating the Effectiveness of Culturally Sensitive Care. The top five finalists will receive a free one-year AOTA student membership (or equivalent amount paid toward a new practitioner AOTA membership). The association also recognizes the contributions of Asian and Pacific Islanders to Occupational Therapy by holding a Distinguished Lecture series at its annual meeting, and presenting Outstanding Achievement and Service Awards. The association supports AOTAs global outreach vision by having an active relationship with countries of the Asian-Pacific Occupational Therapy Regional Group.

Respectfully submitted,

Meena Iyer, PhD, OTR/L

Centennial Vision Report to Multicultural Diversity and Inclusion Network (MDIN)


On being selected by Dr. Penny Moyers as the MDIN representative on the centennial commission, I called Dr. Jaime Munoz and asked for an update re: role and pending items that I would need to carry forward. Dr. Munoz informed that there no items tasked to the MDIN representative and that there were no pending items. The centennial vision commission has had 2 conference calls since my appointment. One, on 8/3/09 day of my move to Missouri. I called in to introduce myself. Second, in late January, this was attended by all of the commission members. I see my role as being an effective liaison. In this capacity, I requested the Centennial Vision Commission members to inform the MDIN leaders about the work of the Participation Review Ad Hoc Committee and the proposed changes. Accordingly, a teleconference call was arranged and each MDIN group had at least one member participating in the call. I sent a thank you note to Dr. Ginny Stoffel for arranging and conducting the teleconference call. And in the future, as and when occasion arises, organize such meetings and information sessions. The CV commission would like to know how the MDIN group can contribute to the diversity initiative of the centennial vision. They would like me to submit a written outline of our directive/s and plan/s so that it can be discussed at the next conference call. I have informed all the MDIN leaders of this request. However, thus far what I have received are individual network activities. What is needed is a vision long-range goal/s that we would like to see in place in the next 10 years. And a plans for achieving our vision a road map with measureable outcomes. What would we collectively like to achieve? Think I have a dream and share it with us. We collectively can then develop a roadmap with outcome measures. This is our chance to show that we are a group of thinkers, movers and shakers. We need to be proactive. My job is to sell our collective plan to the CV commission. I promise I will do my best. But this is team work and needs harmony and collective effort. Right now, THEY ARE WAITING TO HEAR FROM US. I have informed them that we will be discussing this at our annual meeting and that I will get back with our suggestions at the next meeting which is scheduled for June 1, 2010 (my attendance will depend on the clarity of the phone connection, irrespective, I can call Dr. Stoffel separately pursue the matter).

- Meena Iyer, PhD, OTR/L

List of Awardees 2010

Outstanding Achievement Award Meena Iyer, PhD, OTR/L Distinguished Lectureship Award Jyothi Gupta, PhD, OTR/L Service Awards Chana Hiranaka, Med, OTR/L K. Kshepakaran, OTR Bhagwan Sharma, MS, OTR/L Madhav Kulkarni, PhD, OTR (retd.) Razak Buddha, OTR/L

The following members were also awarded by AOTA:

Ricardo C. Carrasco, PhD, OTR/L, FAOTA.Award of Merit Asha Asher, MA, MEd, OTR/L..Roster of Fellows Jyothi Gupta, PhD, OTR/L..Service Commendation Meena Iyer, PhD, OTR/LService Commendation Jayanthi Subramanian, MHS, OTR/L...Service Commendation


P.O. Box 450 Palos Heights, IL 60463

Treasurer's Report 2009-2010

Income: Balance brought forward Membership dues: Donations: STI Therapy (Bhagwan Sharma) student essay contest Total: Expenses (rest, P.O. Box, postage, printing, web hosting bank charges, telephone, utilities, miscellanous): $306.38 $640.00 $500.00 $1446.38


Glimpses at AOTA Balance at hand as of 03-31-2010: $1446.38 Annual Conference 2010

Bank: TCF (800)823-2265 Account #: 4865427478 Non-interest bearing, no-fee account Respectfully submitted; Bhagwan Sharma; M.S., O.T.R. Treasurer AAPOTA (708)257-1199

Top and bottom: Dr. Madhav Kulkarni manning the Multicultural Diversity and Inclusion Network (MDIN) resource booth 11

Top: Dr. Madhav Kulkarni at the MDIN resource booth Bottom: Dr. Joe Wells presenting Dr. Madhav Kulkarni with the associations Service Award.


Top and bottom: Dr. Jyothi Gupta receiving the award for the Annual Distinguished Lectureship from Dr. Joe Wells. Her lecture was titled : Where is the Evidence: Practitioners Roles and Responsibilities.


Top and bottom: Dr. Joe Wells presenting Dr. Meenakshi Iyer with the Outstanding Achievement Award and the Distinguished Lectureship Award (retroactively for 2009).


Top: Mr. K. Kshepakaran receiving the Service Award from Dr. Joe Wells Bottom: A few of the attendees of the annual meeting (from left to right): Asha Asher, MAOT, MEd, OTR/L, FAOTA (AOTAs Chair of Developmental Disabilities SIS), Jayanthi Subramanian, MHS, OTR/L (AOTAs Geriatric SIS Research / Education Program Development Coordinator) , K. Kshepakaran, OTR/L (AOTAs MDI Contact Person), Madhav Kulkarni, PhD, OTR (retd.), Joe Wells, OTD, OTR/L (AAPOTAs Membership Chair/ Editor), Jyothi Gupta, PhD, OTR/L (AOTAs Chair of the Commission on Education), Gurunam Khalsa, MS, OTR/L, (AAPOTAs Immigrations Support Chair & Recruitment Coordinator for New Mexico) and Meena Iyer, PhD, OTR/L (AAPOTAs Vice President).



ArticleI:Title,MissionandPurpose Section1. TheNameoftheorganizationshallbeAssociationofAsian/PacificOccupationalTherapistsinAmerica Section2. ThemissionoftheAssociationofAsian/PacificOccupationalTherapistsinAmericais: toadvanceagreaterunderstandingofAsian/Pacificculturalissuesaffectingoccupationaltherapyprac tice,and tosupportcareeropportunitiesandadvancementsinoccupationaltherapybypeopleofAsian/Pacific heritage. Section3. Thepurposeoftheorganizationshallbe: ServeasaliaisonbetweenoccupationaltherapypractitionerswithconcernsaboutAsian/Pacificcul turalissuesaffectingoccupationaltherapypracticeandtheAmericanOccupationalTherapyAsso ciation PromotescholarlyactivitiesandresearchonAsian/Pacificculturalissuesaffectingoccupationaltherapy practice Identifyandworktoachievecommongoalsandneeds. Promoteandsupportlearningandscholarship. SupportOccupationaltherapypractitionersemigratingfromAsian/Pacificcountrieswithtransitionand integrationintotheNorthAmericanoccupationaltherapypractice. PromoteoccupationaltherapyeducationalandscholarlyexchangeamongrespectiveAsian/Pacific countriesandNorthAmerica. ArticleII:Membership Section1. Themembershipisdefinedbythepaymentofdues.TheExecutiveBoardoftheAssociationshalldetermine theamountofmembershipdues Section2. Membershipisopentoalloccupationaltherapists,occupationaltherapyassistantsandoccupationaltherapy studentswhosupportthemissionandpurposeoftheAssociation Section3. Avotingmemberisonewhohaspaidduesforthatyear. Section4. Associatememberisonewhohaspaidduesforthatyearandissupportiveofthemissionandpurposeof theAssociation. Section5. ArecordofthemembershipwillbemaintainedbytheMembershipChairpersonandmaybeusedfordistri butionwithwrittenconsentofthemembers continuedonpage18 16

ArticleIII:OfficersandExecutiveBoard Section1. ThepurposeoftheExecutiveBoardistocoordinateandfacilitatetheactivitiesoftheAssociationthrough regionalchaptersandtodirecttheinternalactivitieswithothergroupsandindividualsintheAssociation Section2. TheExecutiveBoardshallconsistofPresident,VicePresident,Secretary,TreasurerandMembershipChair andfourRegionalExecutiveBoardmembers. Section3. TheExecutiveBoardmembersshallbeelectedbythevotingmembersfromthemembershipandshallserve fortwoyearsonastaggeringbasisamongthemembershipoftheboard. President(electedinevennumberyears) VicePresident(electedinoddnumberyears) Secretary(electedinoddnumberyears) Treasurer(electedinevennumberyears) Membershipchair(electedinoddnumberyears) ExecutiveBoardmembersshallbeelectedbytheregionalmembership(2electedinoddnumberyears and2electedinevennumberyears). Section4. ShouldavacancyoccursduringthetermofamemberthePresidentshallappointareplacement Section5. ExecutiveBoardmembersshallbevotingmembersoftheAssociation Section6. TheOfficersoftheassociationshallmeanthePresident,VicePresident,SecretaryandTreasurer.TheOffi cersshallhavetheoverallresponsibilitytocoordinateallassociationactivitiesandtoexecutedecisionsre quiringurgentaction. ArticleIV:Meetings Section1. ExecutiveBoardshallmeetthroughconferencecallsandduringanannualmeetinginconjunctionwith AOTAannualconferences Section2. Agendaitemsshallbesubmittedtothesecretary,threeweekspriortothescheduledmeetingdate. Section3. Aquorumshallconsistof1/3ofthemembersoftheExecutiveBoardforboardmeetings. ArticleV:Local/RegionalChapters Section1. MembersoftheAssociationmayorganizelocallytopromotethemissionandpurposeoftheAssociation. Section2. Theofficersofthelocal/regionalchaptersshallberesponsibleforcoordinatingandconsultingwiththeex ecutiveboard ArticleVI:NominationandElection Section1. TheMembershipChairwillberesponsibleforsolicitingnominationsandconductingelection continuedonpage19 17

Section2. NomineesshallbevotingmembersoftheAssociation Section3. ThevotingmembersshallelecttheExecutiveboardwhosetermexpire. ArticleVII:StandingRules Section1. InadditiontothebylawstheAssociationshallbegovernedbystandingrulesadoptedbytheExecutive Board. ArticleVIII:Amendments Section1. AmendmentstothebylawsshallbesubmittedinwritingtotheExecutiveBoardandshallbevoteduponby themembershipattheannualmeeting.

Board Members 2010

Chana Hiranaka, MEd, OTR /L President/Founding Member Meenakshi Iyer, PhD, OTR/L Vice-President Bhagwan Sharma, MS, OTR/L Treasurer S.L. Rai, MHS, OTR Secretary Joe Wells, OTD, DPMIR, OTR/L Membership Chair/ Newsletter Editor M. R. Kulkarni, PhD, OTR, LPC Midwest Representative/ Founding Member Marianne Mortera, PhD, OTR Eastern Representative Vijay Suple, MA, PhD, OT (C) Representative for Canada COMMITTEES: Research Liaisons: Surya Shah, PhD, OTR/L, FAOTA Jyothi Gupta, PhD, OTR/L Kinshuk Maitra, PhD, OTR/L

Immigrations Support: Guru Nam Kaur Khalsa, MOT, OTR Student Committee:
Bill Wong

Membership Recruitment Coordinators: Sanchala Sen, OTR/L- North Carolina Surya Shah, PhD, OTR/L, FAOTA- New Jersey Vanitha John, MOT- Washington Guru Nam Khalsa, MOT, OTR/L - New Mexico Vijay Mishra, OTR/L Michigan Animesh Anand, OTD(stu.), OTR/L- Ohio


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