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Me & Tony By Ben Ellenberg 10 Southfield Road Easton, CT. 06612 (203) 445 3321

BLACK SCREEN TIM (O.S.) Yea? JANE (O.S.) Yea! TIM (O.S.) How excited? INT. BEDROOM - AFTERNOON TIM (25) and JANE (27) are in bed. The blankets cover their bodies. Jane has her head on Tims chest. Tim has his arms behind his head. Jane smiles and playfully hits Tim. JANE Stop asking that! You know I cant wait for this trip. TIM Yea, it should be great. JANE Whats wrong? Tim sits up in bed, leaning against the headboard. Jane sits up too, she puts her head on Tims shoulder. TIM I have to tell you something. Jane smiles. JANE Youre excited for the trip? TIM No. I have to tell you something serious, Jane. Jane takes her head off Tims shoulder and looks at him. JANE What is it? Tim sighs. He strokes his face slowly. TIM Theres someone else coming with us on this trip.


JANE What? Who? WIDE-SHOT: TONY, a demonic figure, is standing at the foot of the bed. He is covered in an excessive amount of blood, and is wearing a torn business suit. His voice is a chorus of low-pitched, trembling sounds. TONY Me. Jane screams uncontrollably at the sight of Tony. She falls out of bed, taking the sheets with her. TIM Goddamnit, Tony! Jane continues screaming. She crawls backwards until she is against the wall, shaking and wailing. Tim looks exhausted. He throws his hand up in the air frustratedly. TIM Thats Tony. Hes... a demon. Tony snaps his fingers and the lights in the room go dark. The windows no longer cast sunlight. The only source of light is a red glow emanating from Tony. TIM Could you just stop doing that? Jane, listen, its fine. Hes been around since I was like, five or something. I dont know. Tony begins to walk towards Jane. He drags his hand on the wall next to him, smearing blood on it. Jane keeps screaming. TIM Tony! Goddamnit man, I told you to just chill the fuck out while I told her! Tony turns to look at Tim. The light returns to the room. Jane takes her chance and runs past him, screaming and half-naked.

3. EXT. HOUSE - AFTERNOON Jane exits the front door of the house, still wrapped only in the sheets from Tims bed. She gets into her car, crying, and starts it. She looks up from the dashboard and sees a shadowy figure in the window. It waves slowly. She blinks, and it dissipates. The car starts. Tim exits his house from the same door. He is putting on sweatpants as he does so, shirtless. TIM Jane, wait! Tim stops, he puts his palm to his face. TIM Tony, get out of the car. Jane looks into her rearview mirror and sees Tony in the backseat. Terrified, she floors the gas in reverse, sending her out into the street. Tony laughs demonically, then disappears again. Jane drives away, Tims sheets stuck in the door of her car, dragging on the road as the car drives off. Tim stands, dumbfounded, on his front lawn. His eyes are wide and his mouth sits in a twisted frown. He mutters to himself as he goes back inside. TIM Three times. Three fucking times he does this. Tim slams the door behind him. FADE OUT Text on-screen: ME & TONY. INT. HOUSE HALLWAY - MIDNIGHT FADE IN Tim walks down the hallway of his house. He is wearing a pair of boxers and a t-shirt. He yawns and scratches his ass idly. He walks, eyes half-open, feeling around in the darkness. Behind Tim at the end of the hallway, Tony, cast in shadows, stands immobile. Tim finds a doorknob and opens the door, blocking Tony from the camera. Tim enters through the door. When the door closes, Tony is gone.


INT. KITCHEN - MIDNIGHT Tim yawns and stretches out his arms as he moves towards the refrigerator. He opens the refrigerator. Inside, Tonys head sits, ants crawling out of its agape mouth. TIM Tony, goddamnit man. As if today wasnt enough? Those better be imaginary ants. Tim pushes Tonys head to the side and grabs a carton of milk. He closes the fridge, uncaps the milk bottle, and take a big swig. As he drinks, Tony stands behind him silently. Tim finishes drinking and caps the bottle. He opens the fridge and puts back the milk, closes it, then turns around to come face-to-face with Tony. He sighs a bored sigh. TIM Fuck you, Tony. TONY I taste the blood of the violated. TIM I told you to just chill the fuck out, man. Tony stays silent. Tim sighs again and walks out of the kitchen, leaving Tony standing alone. DAVE (O.S.) Hi, Im Dave, and Ive been haunted for three months. INT. GYMNASIUM - AFTERNOON A support group is happening. Foldable metal chairs are set up in a circle, and a table of coffee and cookies sits off to the side. A big banner is hung on a wall of the gymnasium that reads "THIS TOO SHALL PASS" in big blue letters, with a small Alcoholics Anonymous logo in the corner thats been scribbled out. Seated in the chairs is a group of average-looking people. Behind them stand different demons, all of them terrifying and evil in appearance. SUPPORT GROUP (In Unison) Hi Dave.


Tim is seated next to Dave. He has his hands clasped tightely around a steaming styrophome cup, and is hanging his head. Hes wearing a white shirt and khakis, his tie is loosened. Dave is a fidgety man. Hes slightly overweight and balding. He tugs at his already-loosened tie with a religious adherence. His demon is a green, terrible thing, with boils and blisters all over it. DAVE Uh, Ive been doing better, I think. You know? The, uh... Sleeping has gotten easier. I only wake up a few times a night now, and well, Im ready to accept it. You know? IDaves demon belches. DAVE Uh... Im done asking why this happened to me, and uh, Im ready to start living with it. The crowd claps briefly. Tim does not. EXT. NEIGHBORHOOD SIDEWALK - LATE AFTERNOON The sidewalk is cracked and decaying. Tim walks along it at a fast pace, his hands planted firmly in his pockets. Behind him walks Tony, imitating Tims pattern. ROB (V.O.) So if people cant see him all the time, why could Jane see him? TIM (V.O.) Because, hes Tony. He fucks with me like that. INT. BAR - NIGHT Tim is seated at a bar counter. There is a respectable number within the small dive. A local band plays awful music to an uninterested crowd. Next to him sits Rob, a man of similar age and attire to Tim. In their hands are beer bottles. Tim is taking a swig from his bottle. He sets it onto the counter with a CLINK and sighs.


ROB You mean he knew to scare her off? TIM I havent been putting up with his shit lately, so I guess hes been getting creative with the ways he tortures me. Rob lets out a chuckle. ROB Gotta hand it to the dude. He cant scare you, so he scares off your poontang instead. Rob tips his beerglass slightly in a nod of appreciation. ROB Its clever. TIM Hes an asshole. ROB Yeah, but I mean, its his job. Tim takes another sip of his beer. ROB So, is he in the bar right now? Tim puts his beer down and looks up from the counter. Tony is across the counter from him, standing rigidly still and staring at him, his facial features sharp and menacing. He slowly lifts a hand and waves. TIM Yea. Rob looks around excitedly ROB Where is he, whats he doing? TIM Just.... Tony begins to subtly yet violently shake in a rhythmic, wholly unnatural way. Tim shrugs.

7. TIM Hanging out. Tim sips his beer again. TIM I think Ive had enough for the night. ROB Wait, man. Rob grabs Tims sleeve, preventing him from getting up. ROB That chick at the end of the bars been looking at you all night. A stunning brunette girl is seated at the edge of the bar, playing with the straw in her drink. She casually glances at Tim, then back down at the counter. She subtly smiles. TIM I dunno... ROB Cmon, just go back to her place. Isnt that what you did with Jane? TIM Im pretty sure Tony let that happen just to hurt me later. Rob is stunned for a moment. He blinks a few times, then stammers out a sentence. ROB. Thats..... fucking dark. Tim gets up from his stool at the counter, opening his wallet and counting out bills for the tab. TIM Yes, Rob. Life with a demon usually is fucking dark. ROB Why doesnt he ever fuck with people at the bar? TIM Too crowded, I think. Tim drains the last of his beer.


He was stuff. better crazy.

TIM never visible in crowds or Guess he thought it was if everyone thought I was Dunno, though.

Tim puts his cash on the counter, he puts his empty bottle on top of it. He turns around. Tony is right there, standing rigid once again. Tim doesnt react. He just rolls his eyes and walks around the demon. TIM (Exasperated) It never gets old, Tony. TONY I will live forever. TIM Aint that just the tragedy of it all? Im gonna die someday, Tony. Tim exits the bar. EXT. - BAR PARKING LOT - NIGHT Tim makes his way towards his car. He gets in and adjusts the rearview mirror. Tony sits ominously in the backseat, his favorite spot. Tim sighs. TIM Im gonna die someday Tony, then what the fuck are you gonna do? Tim starts the car and pulls out of the parking lot.

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