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08.2322 AP.1

Review of Challenged Instructional Materials

REQUEST FOR REVIEW The review of instructional materials, including textbooks, supplementary materials, library books, audiovisual media, class content, and technology on the basis of citizen concerns will be conducted in response to a properly filed request. Forms for such requests will be made available to any resident of the District at the Principal's Office. The request shall include a statement of reason for objection and a statement of desired action regarding the material. In the event of a citizen complaint regarding instructional materials, freedom of information and professional responsibility shall be the guiding principles. The use of challenged material may be restricted until final disposition has been made. However, individuals may be assigned other materials in lieu of those being challenged. REVIEW COMMITTEE The Superintendent/designee shall establish a Review Committee, composed of the Principal, professional librarian(s), two (2) staff members as designated by the Principal and whose subject area is affected, and two (2) parents. All committee members shall represent the school receiving the complaint. The following steps shall be taken by the Review Committee: 1. Review the specific written complaint. 2. Read and/or examine the materials in question. 3. Determine general acceptance of the challenged materials in the community, other school systems and professional media. 4. Discuss the complaint and merit of the challenged material; make a value judgment based on the materials as a whole, and not on parts taken out of context. 5. Determine the merit of potential alternative instructional materials. 6. Prepare a recommendation for disposition of the complaint. 7. File a written decision with the Principal and/or school council, as appropriate, and send a copy to the Superintendent/designee. The Principal shall inform the complainant in writing of the decision within ten (10) school days after receipt of the completed form. APPEAL Within ten (10) school days after the complainant has been informed of the committee's decision, the complainant may appeal the decision, in writing, to the Superintendent/designee. Upon receipt of the appeal, the Superintendent/designee will review the challenged material and the decision of the Review Committee and, within ten (10) school days, notify the complainant and Principal of his/her determination.


08.2322 AP.1 (CONTINUED)

Review of Challenged Instructional Materials

APPEAL (CONTINUED) Within ten (10) school days after the complainant has been informed of the decision of the Superintendent/designee, the complainant may appeal the decision, in writing, to the Board. The Board will consider the appeal at the next scheduled meeting and so notify the complainant of its final decision regarding the challenged material. SCHOOLS ADOPTING SBDM Reviews of challenged instructional materials in schools which have adopted School Based Decision Making shall follow policies which have been adopted by the School Council. Review/Revised:7/13/1998

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