The Rising Star of Liyah Lapidot

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The Rising Star Of

Liyah Lapidot

iyah Lapidots journey began in Israel where she was born. She says growing up, it was her mother Chana who encouraged her towards her natural music talent. Liyahs mother loved American music and had a collection of about 500 albums from music greats such as Carole King, Stevie Wonder, Aretha Franklin and the Beatles, to the Rolling Stones, Ray Charles, Jackson 5, Prince, Tina Turner, Billie Holiday and many others. Liyah recalls their home being a happy one, with music playing all the time. Her own favorites growing up were the Jackson 5 and Stevie Wonder. Little did her parents realize that listening to American music since she was barely old enough to walk had not only taught their daughter a love for singing, but also another language as Liyah began to emulate the artists she heard.

My mom has two degrees in philosophy and two degrees in psychology. She wanted to be a singer, but was afraid of the stage and the crazy life of being a performer. So, she became a psychologist (laughs). In Israel people speak Hebrew, but the songs my mom listened to were American artists, so that is the music I grew up with. I cant remember this because I was one and a half years old, but my parents said one day when we were driving, I started singing Carole Kings, You've Got A Friend in English! They were shocked. My mom looked at my father, Shachar (Liyah also has a younger sister) and said are you hearing what Im hearing? They couldnt believe it. Growing up I was always attracted to American music and American artists. My two favorite artists are Aretha Franklin and Barbra Streisand. While studying piano and guitar, Liyah only 10-years old, did her first stage performance in Israel, at the student festival performing in front of thousands of students. Natural and fearless, everyone, especially her parents were impressed, and seven years of vocal training followed. After graduating from Mekief Vav School of Fine Arts in Israel, Liyah was ready to head out into the world and make her dream come true. ST: What inspires you about singing? LL: The message of a song. For example my song, Night Games; what is the game? The first verse explains the games people play at night and is about a man who is a player; the second verse is about a woman and she is also a player. Then comes the chorus, the bridgethe answer we want. It describes how during the daytime it is all about work, then comes the night and the games that people play take over. The song is about the illusion of love we have...before the games people play begin. ST: How would you describe your new recordings? LL: My new recordings are a combination of old and new; soulful, but with an upbeat tempo; pop and electro, rock and roll and blues. Ive worked hard to create something different, a sound of my own. ST: What is the experience like to record songs you have written? LL: For me, its what I do before I get to the studio that is important; the preparation to choose lyrics, find the melodies to fit the words. I look for people to work with who share my vision and bring positive intention to my projects. Music is my life and I want my songs to reflect my passion. I have actually been sleeping and a song came to me in my dream. I woke up, grabbed my cell phone and recorded the idea so I wouldnt forget it, and then went back to sleep. I just couldnt take the chance I wouldnt remember it in the morning. Liyah has written more than 50 songs; some she recorded for herself and some were written for other artists. She lends her vocal talents to topselling CDs with well-known artists such as Rita and Kool and the Gang where she is heard on their album. She has performed in New York venues such as Red Lion Club, Canal Room, Village Underground, The Groove, Cupping Room and Larger Than Life Show with Alabina in Great Neck Long Islandall ushered her further into the music scene. She performed at the Venetian Hotel in Las Vegas and Deutsche Bank hired her to sing its Super Bowl commercial. Other corporate accounts have hired her to perform at events in Miami, Georgia, Amsterdam, Las Vegas, Italy, London, Scotland, Canada and Europe. A seasoned performer, she has appeared in concerts throughout Europe, the Middle East and North America to crowds upwards of 30,000 at music festivals. At 20-years old, Liyah began collaborating with brilliant musicians Danni Bushkenitz and Tal Forer. They combined their musical talents to write and produce the sell-out show, Lady Soul: Tribute to Aretha Franklin. The show was a huge hit in concert arenas and famous nightclubs in many countries.

Music is amazing. It touches people on so many levels. Music brings people, all ages and cultures together to enjoy the moment. With my songs I connect people to the story I am telling a story they can hopefully relate to one that touches their hearts. Songs tell of many, sadness, joy... music is a story.

By Suzanne Takowsky
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The show stayed on tour for two years and was televised as a music special. With a long-running musical hit under her belt and a taste for performing in her heart, new aspirations appeared as the New York music scene called to her. I was afraid to move from my family and go to a place I knew nothing about. But the hand of God stepped in and made the decision. Six months after I started thinking about moving to America, an Israeli producer I knew called and had a gig for me in New York. I couldnt believe it. He said he would get me accommodations at a Hilton Hotel, where I could stay and the company would pay for it. He asked if I was interested. I could barely speak. Though I had dreams of going to New York, I knew I couldnt afford to make such a move. Then, an invitation with expenses paid. God was speaking to me and telling me not to be afraid. From the moment I arrived in Manhattan, my dream came true. Every Starbucks, restaurant, every place I looked was heart and soul and music. I loved the energy; jazz and blues clubs, dance clubs. I lived in the Village and this was exactly what I was looking environment filled with music and artists every place I went. It was the beginning of a new life for me. Liyah lived and performed in New York for four years. As her popularity grew within the music genre, she began to feel a move out West might advance her career to the next level. Already at such a young age, she had accomplished so much; become a celebrity in her homeland not only as a singer, but she had a top-rated radio talk show, concert appearances and sell-out Tribute To Aretha Franklin tour were all successes. Plus, her videos had attracted a world wide audience. As Liyahs voice became more well-known invitations poured in from notables in the music industry wanting her contribute to their projects. Next up. Hollywood and the music scene in L.A. ST: What prompted your move to Los Angeles? LL: I was invited by someone who wanted me to record, and they flew me out. I stayed in Santa Monica and while in L.A.,

I worked with the very talenetd Tal Bergman, Gerry Brown (Stevie Wonders ex drummer), AVLI Productions and more. I love New York, but nothing beats the warm weather here. While in Santa Monica I took walks every day to the beach. The atmosphere reminded me of Tel Aviv which I think is a combination of New York and L.A. I loved everything about Los Angeles, but there was one big problem...I didnt know how to drive. So, I took driving lessons, bought a car, and got my Green Card. It was a lot to get done, but I was determined to live and make my music here, in Los Angeles. ST: What do you love about living in America? LL: What is amazing about America is people are so generous. Look at all the charities that help people around the world. People in Los Angeles give so much to so many causes. I have always thought that giving is the way we get connected to God. By giving we connect with others. In one sentence: love other people as you love yourself. It is about awareness towards others; love people for who they are. America provides opportunity for everyone. You have a chance to make your dreams come true. I came to America with only $6,000. I had two weeks paid in a hotel for the show I did, and then it was up to me. It was scary, but you know what...I wanted to enjoy life and experience everything. So, I enjoyed every minute of where I was at that moment. ST: With all the unrest in the world, as you travel what stands out in your mind? LL: I see people who are tired of living in poverty; people who have been under the hand of leaders who dont have their best interests in mind. Leaders who get rich, while people starve and live in poverty. Now we see people standing up for their freedom and a better life. My grandfather survived the Holocaust, but lost those he loved and all his possessions. He came to America alone, without any- thing but hope for a better life. And, that life was about building something good. When people come from a positive energy of wanting to build something for the good of all, they feel good about themselves and their lives. We dont see this today. Instead, greed is destroying hearts and hopes. Where is the light? What has happened to our divine purpose? Its something to think about and make changes toward finding in the future. We must see beyond money, and start seeing people as people. Liyah is a newlywed, married five months to husband Mark Beychok, Managing Member/Chief Executive Officer of MBA Holdings, a firm founded to provide advisory services to companies. Liyah lived in Los Angeles for three years before

she met Mark, and it proved to be a match made in heaven; the couple were introduced by a Rabbi they knew from Israel and hit it off from day one. Mark and Liyah dated for almost a year before flying back to Israel to get married, so both families could attend. Liyah carries the smile of a newlywed in love, as she recalls the time she and Mark met. When we first started dating I didnt want Mark to see me perform; I wanted him to fall in love with the woman, not the excitement and glamour of the singer he saw on stage. I wanted him to love me for who I am, one-on-one. Finally after about four months Mark came to see me perform. He was surprised...I think shocked. After seeing me, he was immediately my biggest fan and encourages me every day to stay focused and continue performing and writing. Mark helps me in every way you can imagine. I tease him about being more into my career than I amwhich would be difficult to do. Music is what makes me happy and so I write and co-write and perform and I try to put my own signature style on my songs. I feel that right now I have everything; the man I love by my side and a music career that makes me happy and fulfills my passion in life. l

Listen yourself to the voice of this angel.


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