Week Three Database Assignment 2 - Answers Autosaved

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EDT 715 Summer 2011 Week Three Assignment Subscription Database Exercises

Please answer the following questions using the online databases designated. The questions represent a variety of databases available to students and educators. Many are open-ended questions without a single, correct answer and are designed simply to provide practice.
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For the following questions, try to determine what source would be the most useful. Start by reading about the databases in OhioLINK or the information pages available on the WSU pages. Think about what the questions are asking and which of the sources lends itself to that type of information. Look at the following sources for the questions below: ATLA Religion Database Communication & Mass Media Complete Contemporary Women's Issues Dissertation Abstracts EBSCO Databases ERIC Humanities International Complete JSTOR Library, Information Science & Technology Abstracts MLA International Papers First Proceedings First PsycINFO Social Work Abstracts SocINDEX 1. I'm writing a research proposal and I've been referred to a PhD dissertation on aggression written by Stephen Haas entitled: High School Aggression: A Social Learning Analysis. What information in the dissertation database is available about Haas study? I found the article on the Dissertation Abstracts database, provided by ProQuest. I completed an advanced search on the database and typed in Haas, Stephen and choose to do an author search, limited to the

manuscript type dissertations and theses. The result gave me three dissertations to choose from the above article being the first choice. The information available about Haass study is a detailed abstract, a scanned pdf view of the first 24 pages of the study (includes chapter 1), and the option to purchase the study in full. I also found the option to translate the abstract from English to a variety of other languages to be a neat feature of the database. 2. I'm searching for information on the prevalence of learning disabilities in homeless children. Which databases (Try to name at least 3) would you search and why? 1. I would search the database Education Abstracts, available by Wilson Web, for full text articles related to various aspects of education. 2. ERIC (Education Resource Information Center), is going to provide articles about various topics related to education and how being homeless can be related to learning disabilities. 3. Social Work Abstracts, which provided articles with social implications of being homeless and these effects on learning. 4. SocINDEX, provided information on the implications of being homeless and how it affects a childs learning outcome. On this same subject, I remember seeing an article in the Journal of Research on Adolescence by Melanie Barwick. What's the title of the article? **Not all databases have the same coverage for articles -- this article was written in 1996 -- so note which database has coverage back to 1996 when youre looking. The title of the article is, Learning difficulties in adolescent clients of a shelter for runaway and homeless street youth. I was not sure which database would have this article so I decided to search the EBSCOhost database collections; I selected ALL databases and then completed an advanced search. I completed author search and typed in the name Barwick, Melanie. I put limiters on the results by narrowing the publication date 1996 to 1996. This resulted in the above article. The article is available through the Sociological Collection Database. It is in Volume 6 Issue 4 of the Journal and can be viewed in pdf full text. The journal Childhood Education has been recommended to me. In what database can I search for this journal title and view full text articles? The database that contains the journal Childhood Education is Academic Search Premier. I found the database by searching ALL EBSCO base through an advanced search. I typed childhood education and limited to a search source. The result was the Master FILE Database; this was not providing articles with full text. I wanted to know which database contains this journal but with full text articles, so I limited the search again to FULL TEXT. This resulted in the database above. If I needed a paper presented at a conference, where might I look?




I would use the Paper First DB because it is specific to papers presented by individuals or groups at conferences. I reviewed the differences between the Paper First and the Proceedings Databases. The Paper First DB provides a searchable index of papers presented at a variety of conferences. The Proceedings First DB provides an index of searchable conference proceedings. 6. Where could I find information on cloning? What if I wanted information on the moral views surrounding this topic? Information on cloning could be found using Humanities International Complete Database. If information was needed on the moral views related to the topic of cloning the ATLA Religion Database could be used. I found these databases to be the best choices by the information I gathered when searching them. I first searched the Hum. Int. Comp. DB, I completed a search by typing in the word cloning, it gave 520 results. I narrowed these results to those most relevant by using the limiters Academic Journals and Peer Reviewed, it resulted in 151 articles. I limited the search again to include Full Text only, this resulted in 107. I then wanted to see if I could narrow the results any further; so I limited the publication years to the range of 2000 to 2011, this gave 86 articles that all had relevance to cloning. I found the ATLA Rel. DB to be the best choice for resources related to moral views by typing the words cloning AND morals, this gave me 15 sources related to the topic.


Im doing a paper on the Harry Potter books. a) Are there any critical articles written about the books? What about any articles discussing all the controversy about the witchcraft elements and whether the books should be read in schools? Yes, there are many articles written about the Harry Potter books. Yes, there are articles discussing controversial topics related to the Harry Potter books. I found articles related to the books by completing a search of ALL EBSCO. I chose an advanced search and typed in the words Harry Potter limiting to Full text and scholarly journals = 28 resources, I limited these results by including the word book and limiting the years to only 2002-2010 which = 19 resources. I wanted to see if the topic could be narrowed to include more controversial information; so I eliminated the word book and included the words school AND witchcraft and adding the limiter of Peer Reviewed Articles to the other limiters I previously chose. This resulted in 1 article. The article was Potter and was in the Education Journal, on the Academic Search Complete

Database. b) Find an article available in full-text from your search in Part A of this question and email me a copy of the article: tamar.kreke@wright.edu. Be sure to put your name in the subject line. I found the article: Hubbard, B. (2002). Potter. Education Journal. 60, p17. I emailed this to the above address, and included my name in the subject. 2. Search for both a journal article and a document in ERIC. Were you able to complete the search and view the ERIC document? Link to the journal article if using OhioLINK (or take the citation from ERIC and use e-journal finder in OhioLINK to find out how the article is available to you). I found the journal article: Happe, F.; Henry, L.A.; & McCrory, E. (2007). Eyewitness memory and suggestibility in children with Aspergers Syndrome. Journal of child psychology and psychiatry. 48:5, p.82-89. The document I found is titled Autism Training Sourcebook. I found the article and document by searching the ERIC database. I typed in the words Aspergers AND social concerns and used the journal article, full text and publication years (2005-2011) limiters. This gave me 2 articles related to my topic. I then completed a search by typing Aspergers AND social concerns, and limiting to ERIC documents and full text, this gave me 4 documents. The one I chose to open and view was the Autism Training Sourcebook, it was a pdf scanned image of the 343 page document.

If you have access to a Dayton Metro Library card (if not, go to question 10), use their ONE SEARCH option (http://www.daytonmetrolibrary.org/one-search) to answer the following question: 3. Select General, Literary Resources, Reading Fun and Include Catalog Results. Search Percy Jackson Riordan. How many results were found in the following sources: a) Dayton Metro Library Catalog b) Ebscohost MasterFILE Premier c) Contemporary Authors d) How relevant were the results retrieved to the Rick Riordan book series Percy Jackson and the Olympians? I do not have a Dayton Metro Library Card, so I used the database Art Collection. It was available through OhioLINK and I found it to be wonderful. The database contains high quality digital images that are from museums form around the world. The base can be searched by topic, or there is the option to browse by owner, creator, culture-nationality or object type. The images of the objects can be enlarged, viewed at various angles and contain a detailed description page.

This would be a great database to use with students of any age. It would provide students and teachers a way to view authentic items related to various time periods or events being studied. Many students never have the opportunity to visit a museum and this is a way to bring museums to the class.

If you have access to a Greene County Public Library card (if not, go to question 11). 4. Use their Research Pro option (from the www.greenelibrary.info page, select Find Articles and More link). If a student was researching the recent election turmoil in Iran, including Iranian history, what databases would you recommend? Complete a sample search for this example. How relevant were the results? I do not have a Greene County Public Library Card, so I used the database Books in Print. Booksinprint.com is a subscription database that provides users with bibliographic descriptions and publication statuses on books. The database is listed as a resource offered through OhipLINK and WSU, the day I was trying to access it the servers were having problems connecting so I went to the site directly. I had limited access but what I did see makes this a great site for professional use. The base provides information on books from publishers, distributors, wholesalers and book agents. Information can be reviewed about books that are in-print, out of print or going to be printed. It allows you to search by general subject, index, or complete and advanced search. The titles can then be limited by current, out of print, to come or by format. I think this database would be an excellent resource for professionals working with childrens or any type of literature. Both Dayton Metro Library (http://webster.dayton.lib.oh.us/rpa/webauth.exe?rs=bookflix) and Greene County Public Library (www.greenelibrary.info/bookflix) subscribe to the BookFLIX database. If you do not have access to either a Greene County or Dayton Metro library card, go to question 12). 5. Using either public librarys BookFLIX database, locate and view a book reading of your choice and examine all of the database features. What impact would this type of database have on a literacy classroom setting? I was not able to access BookFLIX because I do not have library cards with either of the above libraries, so I used the database Digital Video Collection. The database is offered through OhioLINK and contains full length educational films and documentaries covering a wide range of subjects. The videos are from 2 distributors Ambrose Video Publishing

and Films for the Humanities & Sciences. You can search the base by using a basic search or by series, title or subject. The videos are provided in Real Media Format and guidelines for permission and acceptable use is given. Each video provides a detailed description of the content, date it was made, producer, subject area it relates to, length and copyright information. This would be a good way to provide video resources to students conducting research or for teachers to enhance curriculum topics being discussed. Using the Ohio Web Library available from Libraries Connect Ohio (a partnership of Ohio Libraries and organizations state wide) available at http://www.librariesconnectohio.org 6. Locate a database of your choice, preferably one that is new to you and one that would be of value to you as a professional educator. Evaluate the database and all available features. How would your students benefit from using this resource? I chose to view the Literary Reference Center Database. The database provides information about authors and their works across literary disciplines. The information contains timeframes, reference works, books, literary journals as well as original content from EBSCO Publishing. The base was very appealing and user friendly. I liked the research guide, which gave information on how to efficiently conduct literary research and write research papers on such topics. The site lets you browse by author, most studied author, works and most studied works. Some of the limiters that can be applied are document types, author cultural identity, genre or to search the MLA International Bibliography Database. There is also an option to view search tips for the database. The search tips provide written and visual instructions on how to successfully search the base. Students would benefit from this site because it provides access to resources about literary authors and their works. The information would be great for high school students (or any student) completing research on authors or for social study curriculum tieins. They could gather information about particular authors and works from particular time periods or related events. If you skipped the Dayton Metro Library or Greene County Public Library questions number 9-11 above, please complete an extra database evaluation for each one skipped.

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