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Brownings Publishing Inc. is proud to be a nonprofit organization. It was founded in 1861 by Mr. Arnold Jenkins and has continued to be a success for over a century. Brownings specializes in the publishing of Christian books, along with childrens and public schools readings. It is our honor and duty to keep clean the values and morals in the books we publish to the community, for the benefit of our readers. Visit our website at for more information.

Next! The secretary calls through the crackling of the speaker. I stand and smooth the wrinkles in my skirt and walk confidently through the overwhelmingly sized rosewood double doors towards my future. This interview would be the culmination of all the hard work I put in attending Georgia Southern for four years and earning my Bachelors. Currently working on my Masters, I am beginning to go out for interviews in the corporate world. Sitting at the round mahogany table in the center of the room, the interviewer and head of the department I am applying for in Brownings Publishing Inc. look up from their intimate chat, most likely about the whimpering candidate that exited before I entered. It is now time to turn on the charm and display my confidence in snagging this job. Hi, my name is Samantha Warren. I say as I walk towards the two men and extend my hand for handshakes from each of them. Im here to apply for the entry level position in your department, Mr. Johnson. I direct my statement to the newly-greying, auburn-haired man in his crisp, black suit whose green eyes sparkle mischievously in my direction. And you are-? I ask the young, blond man sitting behind a Mac and a folder with my name scrawled across the front. His blue eyes finally meet mine with some resistance and I discern nothing but indifference from his expression. Im Henry Doyle and Ill be your interviewer for today. Mr. Johnson is here to offer his opinions and questions, but mostly to oversee your file and scrutinize your attitude towards this job in person. Are you ready? I nod as he flips open the folder to a marked page with several bullet points typed on it. Doyle: So, Ms. Warren, I see that you are interested in the entry-level position here. Is this correct? Samantha: Yes, sir. Doyle: Why is this? I turn and make eye contact with Mr. Johnson who is observing quietly. Samantha: Well, Ive followed Mr. Johnsons published works in many journals and books since I was a sophomore at Southern. My writing has been greatly influenced by you and I always said that I would jump at the chance to work under you and possibly even alongside you. Mr. Johnson chuckles heartily and tilts his head towards Doyle, directing me to focus my attention more towards the younger man. I reluctantly focus back on Doyle who is steadily typing at his laptop.

Doyle: You mentioned that you attended Georgia Southern. Were you involved in any extracurricular activities or community service that would have allowed you to develop skills necessary to work here? Samantha: Of course! I was Editor-in-Chief of the school periodical newspaper. Three articles I wrote senior year received awards from the city and state. I was an active member of the Campus Union Board and we had numerous book drives and sales to benefit local charities. We also sponsored the Writing Center at my university and hosted many tutorials, in which I was a tutor multiple times. I glance at Mr. Johnson, who has crossed his arms and is nodding approvingly. He notices my eyes on him and grins at me. Its slightly unnerving. It seems as if hes hiding something. I turn my attention back to Doyle who is now glancing back and forth between his computer and the folder. Doyle: Are you a member of a sorority? Samantha: I am not. I was thinking about joining one though. Many of my friends are members of sororities. Doyle: I see. So you have consumed illegal substances? Samantha: What? Doyle: Youve done drugs, correct? Ecstasy? Cannabis? Samantha: Excuse me, where is this coming from? Are you assuming I have? Doyle: Its a fact. I stand, outraged, and turn towards Mr. Johnson. Samantha: Pardon me, but can you please control your employee? I am completely clean. I can take a drug test if you like, but I will not have him portraying me as something that I am not. Mr. Johnson: Samantha, I implore you to sit back down and finish the interview please. Let Doyle do his job. If you would rather not answer the question then you are free to leave. I survey the department head for a moment and sit back down. He still seems slightly suspicious to me, but I do not intend to blow my cool again. I calmly turn back towards Mr. Doyle who seems to have perked up and has a trace of a smile on his face. Samantha: I dont do drugs, Mr. Doyle. Doyle: But you have tried them before? Samantha: No. Doyle: That is a lie, sir. He hands the folder to Mr. Johnson who pulls out five pictures

and places them in front of me on the mahogany table. I gasp as the younger version of me stares back from the pictures and grins drunkenly. I cover my mouth with my hand in surprise and sink down in my seat. Samantha: Wherewhere did you? Doyle: Facebook, Ms. Warren. I groan and curse under my breath at my absentmindedness. These are pictures of me from my freshman year in college when everything was a party. I completely forgot about these pictures buried deep in my timeline once I got my act together halfway through my sophomore year. There are two pictures that I remember being tagged in by my sorority friends of me smoking marijuana for the first time. Both of these pictures have the date July 15, 2009 written in bold ink across the top. The third is of me cheering on a round of beer pong. In the next picture, I am playing bartender and am surrounded by liquor. The last is a picture of me and a group of my friends passed out in someones vomit. Each of the pictures is accompanied by vulgar captions that must have been the originals from Facebook. I sigh and stare down at my hands. I never expected to have these pictures being paraded in front of me or that my potential employers would ever know about that short, but stupid, phase in my life. Samantha: Mr. Johnson, IMr. Johnson: Samantha, you dont have to say anything else. You have a promising portfolio and resume, but we did some simple research on the internet and found a ton of contradictory evidence. The pictures of you drinking are dated to May 10, 2010, when you were clearly underage at 19. I dont think I would take pleasure in having someone so interested in illegal activity connected to me or my company. It wasnt difficult to find these pictures. I think you should have some serious conversations with your friends and clean up your social media. Be more professional. I stare with my mouth agape at Mr. Johnson. I turn and look pleadingly towards Doyle. Samantha: Doyle, IDoyle: Good day, Ms. Warren. Samantha: ButDoyle: Good day.

Commentary In todays modern society, young adults sometimes make careless decisions on social media web pages. Many young adults post images and occasional videos of public displays of affection, nudity, underaged drinking and drug consumption, which may become readily available to the public. Todays employers are using the Internet as a resource to evaluate potential employees as a virtual representation of their company. Corporate America is becoming more and more intolerant of such irresponsible displays of inappropriate or potentially illegal behavior. In this particular narrative we have highlighted a scenario in which a young womans past decisions have negatively impacted her career goals. We formatted the story in a way which separates the dialogue from the narration. The narration describes the picture of what is going on along with the inner workings of the protagonists head while the dialogue is strictly between the characters. We chose an office setting to complement our moral and tie together all of the moving parts. The conflict is dependent on the temporal aspect of our narrative in respect to the present. In previous generations, behavior, such as previously discussed, would not have been as accessible as it is in todays society. The moral expressed identifies the journey that most young adults go through when trying to integrate themselves into corporate life by learning to separate media from the professional world. Listed below are individual members contributions to this project.

Tyranny Reeves
Our short story went through many transformations and rough starts throughout the entire process. It started as a fairy tale, but we ended up with a narrative that is more script-like than anything. As we were editing our rough drafts together, this format was the only real way we could mesh them together. I feel it turned out wonderfully and that we all contributed to the design and development of our current story. Once we figured out how to divide the parts and cooperate in a group, the project went smoothly. I worked on a rough draft which is mostly contained in the body of the main story. I also brainstormed and did some editing on both the story and the body of the commentary.

Brittany Elliott
This project was challenging for all of us because, as honors

students, most of us work better independently. We had to think of a modern issue to write about, and Facebook was instantly proposed. This social media page, for several years now, has been evolving into an issue; it is often times the base of drama and internet addiction. This is how we came up with our idea. Too often do we see inappropriate posts on Facebook such as minors in possession, sexual displays, and the consumption of illegal substances. We also hear rumors about employers searching social media pages for such representations and base their hiring decisions on them. As a group, we wanted to emphasis this issue and how serious and real it really is. We wanted to caution our fellow classmates in their journey to their dream career. Posting bad images seems so easy to avoid, yet so many people make this decision. The project started out very rocky because we did not know how to divide up the work. Additionally, we all have hectic schedules so it was difficult to find a time that everyone could meet up at. Once we had our story idea, it got much easier and things began to fall into place. We each came up with one version of the story and we chose to best one to use as the final draft. After this, we edited it, created the prologue and cover page, and wrote the commentary. I contributed to the project by writing a potential version of the story. Additionally, I wrote the prologue, edited the story, and contributed to the introductory paragraph of the commentary.

Kirstie Huckleberry
This is my Commentary regarding the Group One Project for Spring 2013. For my part I was the developer of the idea behind the moral. I feel this is a fitting moral for the technological society that we have become and which is still evolving. Many business owners feel the same as our Mr. Johnson in this interview. Corporations are beginning to see their employees in the same light as people in the media world who represent their labels, sponsors, affiliates or teams. In addition, most employers do want as much information as can be gained about the people that they may be bringing into their businesses. This is why employers are now performing credit checks, background checks, drug screens, physicals, and that personal and professional references are asked for. The internet is simply as way to access information on an individual without having to get their signature to access it. This moral has had an effect on my personal life in regards to my children. I have a daughter that lost a job which she had worked throughout High School and during her freshman summer while home from college. She decided to call in sick so that she could go to a concert with some her old friends. Not surprisingly, this social event was during a period of peak business for her employer. Now I know

that many people have made this same decision, and if you had a Benefit Plan on your job, than perhaps you could have simply used a personal day for such an event. My daughter did not have any benefits provided by this particular employer. She did indeed go to the show and she reported on time as usual to work the following work day. She worked many days following the event with no repercussions or further incidents of absence. Now, one of my daughters coworkers was very interested in having my daughters hours that she had gained via seniority at time with her employer. This individual happened to be linked in to my daughters Face Book page, as well as some of my daughters friends pages. My daughters employer was subsequently informed of how sick my daughter was when she called in sick on that high volume business day by being shown images and video on more than one page of my daughter on that evening, as well as comments by my daughter describing how great the show was and that she had called in sick to work so that she could attend. She was fired on that same day and seemingly shocked and dismayed that her employer that she had worked for would do this to her. I explained to her that in todays business world filled with employers that do not offer benefit plans and the lack of employment unions that she simply had to accept that it was within her employers rights to do exactly what they did. I know that the virtual world can impact your employability whether it may be that you are unable to obtain a job or that you may lose your job due to the repercussions of things loosed onto the internet. So, this is my reasoning behind coming up with this moral and the group decided together in how to present it in interview fashion and the formatting of it.

Jesse Eason
Group work has never been the highlight of my school years. I have always dreaded it, and I went into this project with that same outlook. However, after our second meeting, I actually felt confident that we could pull this whole thing together as a group. We worked extremely well together after our second meeting and came up with a story that we could all relate to. All during high school, adults would tell us not to post anything on the Internet that we did not want everyone to see. Several peers of mine have disregarded this advice, but for my sake, I took it to heart. I rarely ever post anything on Facebook simply because I know that somewhere down the line, there will be repercussions for my actions. I related to this story we created because it is exactly what I try to avoid

in my life. We all contributed to every part of the story, but my main contribution was creating the cover page. In doing so, I wanted to really capture the essence of the story. There were four different parts that I included in the coverthe title, the names of the authors, the background, and the resume. I placed the background first. Since our main character is interviewing for a writing position, I chose a backdrop with an ink spot on it. That serves as the first clue to what the story is about. I created the resume secondly to add to the background. I took information from the story to form the resume. I faded it out, blurred it slightly, and rotated it approximately thirty degrees. I wanted it to be visible, yet not an attention-getter. The title, Forgotten Mistakes, and the names were separated on the top and bottom, respectively. They are both displayed in a shade of red, outlined in black. I selected the red color to symbolize sins and mistakes, which is essentially what our story is based upon. The title can be misleading in that it could be reflecting any type of mistake; however, we didnt want the title to explain the whole story in itself. The cover page was completed after all four components were added and perfected. All in all, I am thoroughly pleased with our work and with the way we worked together.


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