Screens & Feeders Maintenace

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Sandvik Mining and Construction

Vibrating screens & feeders naintenance

Sandvik Mining and Construction
Vibrating 5creens & Feeders Maintenance
1. General
Most typlcal malntenance tasks
sbort cbeck llsts
2. |nstallatlon
3. Start-up
4. Aojustlng
Stroke lengtb
Stroke angle
Potatlon speeo
Natural |requency 8 resonance
5. Malntenance
Oll cbange
8earlng Cbange
8elt Drlve
Lmergency repalr o| cracks
6. Trouble sbootlng
8. Warnlngs
Sandvik Mining and Construction
Tbe |ollowlng lnstructlons are maoe malnly |or LF 8 MSO Screens
malntenance, but can be useo also |or otber type o| vlbratlng screens ano
vlbratlng |eeoers.
Maln ol||erences are ln vlbratlng mecbanlsm, please see tbe specl|lc lnstructlons ln
tbe manuals
Vibrating 5creens & Feeders Maintenance
1. GeneraI
Sandvik Mining and Construction
Tbere are certaln tblngs wblcb are not alloweo to oo ln any clrcumstances wltbout consultlng
screen manu|acturer |lrst. Some o| tbese tblngs can sborten tbe screens ll|e tlme oramatlcally,
cause major |ault or cause severe accloent.
Some o| tbose tblngs are llsteo below:
Wben repalrlng or malntalnlng screen or |eeoer secure tbat anybooy can not start tbe screen or
Always use proper tools ano spare parts!
Welolng or ecesslve beatlng (torcblng) o| screen booy ls not alloweo!
consult screen manu|acturer |or welolng metboos l| welolng ls neeoeo ano posslble.
Cbanglng rotatlon speeo can brlng screen booy to resonance zone!
unnecessary lncreaslng o| rotatlon speeo also sbortens bearlng ll|etlme
Aoolng stroke lengtb by aoolng too mucb etra counterwelgbts lncreases screen booy G-|orce
ano can cause major |ault
aoolng G-|orce sbortens bearlng ll|etlme.
Always use proper tools ano spare parts!
Vibrating 5creens & Feeders Maintenance
Sandvik Mining and Construction
5creens & Feeders
"5hort" Check List
Wben tbe equlpment ls runnlng:
Llsten, notlce tbe abnormal souno 8 cbeck tbe reason
Loose parts
Hlttlng to structures 8 materlal bullt-up ln vlbratlng equlpment
Cbeck tbat tbe materlal |low ln tbe centre o| tbe unlt
Look tbe bolt jolnts, loose jolnts?
Measure tbe stroke lengtb ln eacb corner
Measure / estlmate tbe beo oeptb ln all oecks botb on |eeo 8 olscbarge eno
|| posslble, measure tbe rotatlon speeo
Sandvik Mining and Construction
5creens & Feeders
"5hort" Check List
Wben tbe equlpment ls not runnlng:
F|PST: ensure tbat tbe equlpment can not be starteo ourlng tbe lnspectlon
Cbeck tbat tbere ls enougb space |or |ree equlpment movement
Cbeck tbe bearlng temperature a|ter couple o| bours runnlng
Cbeck tbe oll level
Cbeck tbe oll leakage
Cbeck tbe conoltlon o| tbe wear plates
Cbeck tbe wear rate ln structural parts o| tbe unlt
Cbeck tbe posslble cracks ln tbe unlt
Cbeck tbe bolt jolnts, loose jolnts (especlally tbe mecbanlsm / vlbratlng motor
Cbeck tbe conoltlon o| tbe sprlngs
Sandvik Mining and Construction
5creens & Feeders
Most typicaI naintenance tasks
Cbange o| wear plates 8 screenlng meola
Aojust tbe stroke lengtb
Oll cbange
Cbange tbe seallngs ln mecbanlsm
8earlngs cbange
v-belt / Tlmlng belt cbange
8reatber cleanlng
Cbange tbe sprlngs
Sandvik Mining and Construction
Vibrating 5creen
Operatlon prlnclple
Screenlng ls tbe separatlon o| materlals lnto two or more |ractlon slzes by uslng one or many per|orateo
mesbes wltb a specl|lc aperture slze. For tbe process to be contlnuous, tbe |eeo bas to be transporteo on tbe
screen, wblcb ls oone by attacblng tbe mesb to tbe vlbratlng |rame or by maklng tbe mesb vlbrate wltb tbe alo
o| vlbrators olrectly |leo to lt.
A screen ls |eo by a materlals banollng system |rom tbe rear, |rom tbe |ront, |rom tbe sloe as |rom above but
always as evenly as posslble. Tbe materlal ls o|ten olscbargeo tbrougb cbutes to as many conveyors as tbere
are oecks plus to an aooltlonal cbute conveyor |or tbe |lne unoerslze materlal.
Tbere are screens accorolng to tbelr amount o| oecks one, two or tbree oeck screens wltb one or two sba|t
orlve unlts.
One oeck screens are usable ln all types o| screenlng but especlally ln |lne ano coarse screenlng.
Screens wltb two sba|t unlts are use|ul wben tbe avallable vertlcal space ls llmlteo ano wben blgb capacltles are
Tbe screen ls selecteo rellably by computerlzeo calculatlon ano tbere|ore lt ls not alloweo to use a screen to
any otber purpose tban lt bas been agreeo, wltbout |lrst consultlng tbe manu|acturer.
Sanovlk bas no responslblllty |or oamages causeo by lnapproprlate operatlon.
Sandvik Mining and Construction
Vibrating 5creen
System oescrlptlon
System oescrlptlon o| 1-, 2- ano 3-oeck MSO ano LF screens.
1. Screen booy
Tbe sloe plates are reln|orceo wltb u-beams ano angle bars. Tbe sloe plates are connecteo to eacb otber by
tbe screen oeck oeslgneo wltb transversal tubular beams, by tbe |eeo bo, tbe olscbarge llps ano by tbe
mecbanlsm tubes. Togetber tbese parts |orm tbe screen booy.
Screen clotbs are belo ln place by tenslon bars, wblcb are attacbeo to tbe sloe plates tenslonlng tbe clotb
over tbe screen oeck.
Parts eposeo to wear are protecteo by wear plates.
Welolng or ecesslve beatlng (torcblng) o| screen booy ls not alloweo!
2. Screen clotbs, |llng ano tenslonlng
Screen clotbs are maoe o| wlre, steel plate, rubber or polyuretbane ano tbey can be lnstalleo ln tbe screen.
LF ano MSO screens can be oellvereo eltber wltb sloe or longltuolnal tenslonlng.
Sandvik Mining and Construction
Vibrating 5creen
3. Drlve motor / unlt
A blgb torque squlrrel cage motor ls useo.
Power ls transmltteo |rom tbe motor to tbe orlve sba|t by a tlmlng - or v-belt transmlsslon. Also orlve
sba|ts o| llnear stroke screens are botb provloeo wltb tbelr own orlve unlts. Tbe speeo o| tbe equlpment
(vlbratlon |requency) can be aojusteo by cbanglng tbe ratlo o| v-belt sbeaves.
4. Mecbanlsm
Tbe mecbanlsm can be oeslgneo wltb eltber one or two orlve sba|ts. Tbe mecbanlsm ls bolteo to tbe upper
part o| tbe two sloe plates. Tbe mecbanlsm ls oll lubrlcateo.
Wben only one orlve sba|t ls useo, tbe stroke o| tbe screen ls clrcular ln tbe centre ano elllptlcal ln tbe
|eeo ano olscbarge enos. Tbe normal lncllnatlon o| tbe screen ls tben 15- 20 oegrees.
A oual mecbanlsm wltb counter rotatlng sba|ts wlll proouce a llnear/elllptlcal stroke.
Tbe olrectlon ano sbape o| tbe llnear/elllptlcal stroke can be aojusteo to sult tbe requlrement. Tbe
lncllnatlon o| tbe screen ls tben 0-10 oegrees.
Tbe stroke lengtb can be aojusteo by cbanglng tbe number o| counterwelgbts at tbe enos o| tbe sba|ts.
Speclal bearlngs are useo ln tbe screens to guarantee a long ll|etlme. Tbe bearlngs are oll lubrlcateo.
Sandvik Mining and Construction
Vibrating 5creen
5. Sprlngs
Tbe sprlng support brackets are bolteo to tbe screen booy by turnable mounts, allowlng tbe screen to
be lnstalleo ln alternatlve lncllnatlons.
Coll sprlngs maoe o| steel are useo.
6. Screen support structure (support |rame oellvery as optlon)
Tbe screen supports (ano cbutes) must be su||lclently strong to wltbstano botb tbe statlc ano oynamlc
loaos o| botb tbe screen ano tbe materlal. Tbe screen must be erecteo accorolng to tbe lnstructlons ln
tbls manual ano at tbe angle lt ls oeslgneo |or.
7. Dust enclosure (oellvery as optlon)
A complete oust enclosure ls avallable |or tbe screens. Tbe enclosure lncluoes tbe supports ano tbe
upper part o| tbe unoerslze cbute, coverlng tbe wbole screen. Only tbe orlve equlpment remalns
outsloe tbe enclosure to ensure easy lnspectlon ano malntenance.
Detacbable covers ln tbe enclosure oeslgn allow easy malntenance ano repalr o| tbe screen.
Sandvik Mining and Construction
Vibrating 5creen
1. Screen body
2. Screen cloths / screening
3. Drive motor / unit
4. Mechanism
5. Spring support
6. Dust encapsulation (option,
not shown in photo)
4 3
Sandvik Mining and Construction
Vibrating 5creen
Feeo eno
Dlscbarge eno
Hanolness o| screen
Hanolness ls oetermlneo by
looklng |rom |eeo eno to
olscbarge eno to materlal |low
|n tbls case screen ls rlgbt
Stroke angle
Stroke lengtb
Macblne rate plate
Lqulpment / serlal number
Material flow direction Material flow direction Material flow direction Material flow direction
Drive unit Drive unit Drive unit Drive unit
Discharge end Discharge end Discharge end Discharge end Feed end Feed end Feed end Feed end
Vibrating unit Vibrating unit Vibrating unit Vibrating unit
Right Side Right Side Right Side Right Side
Left Side Left Side Left Side Left Side
Sandvik Mining and Construction
Vibrating 5creen
Pate plate
1. Lqulpment name
vlbratlng screen
2. Serlal number
3. Screen type
4. Welgbt
5. Manu|acturlng year
6. Customers number
7. CL-marklng
8. Manu|acturer
Always mentlon
equlpment serlal
number ano
equlpment type wben
oroerlng spare parts
or consultlng
1 2
3 4
5 7 8
Sandvik Mining and Construction
Vibrating 5creen
5eriaI nunbers 2009
From tbe beglnnlng o| year 2009 Sanovlk bas starteo to use new serlal numbers |or screens ano |eeoers.
Pecently eacb manu|acturlng unlts or assembly centers bao tbelr own serlal numbers.
Now serlal number tells wblcb Sanovlk's manu|acturlng unlt or assembly center bas maoe equlpment ln
Sanovlk bas 7 assembly centers, AC,
Chauny C
Arbr A
Pune P
jiading j
Vespasiano V
BaIIygawIey B
New serlal number ls e.g. ln |ollowlng |orm:
1188 H 09 001, wbere
Proouct Unlt comp. AC comp. Year Punnlng number, wblcb nulls every year
1188 H 09 001
Sandvik Mining and Construction
Vibrating 5creen
Supportlng structures
Tbe supportlng steel structures on wblcb tbe screen ano orlve motor are mounteo must be su||lclently strong
ano braceo to accept wltbout oe|lectlon tbe oynamlc loaos causeo by tbe vlbratlon o| tbe screen.
Tbe natural |requency o| tbe structure must be at least 1.5 tlmes tbe operatlng |requency o| tbe screen.
Aoequate clearances must be alloweo between tbe screen ano tbe |leo structure, cbutes etc., to allow
enougb space because tbe movement o| tbe screen ls ample ln tbe so-calleo resonance areas wben startlng
ano stopplng tbe screen (at least 100 mm vertlcally, 50 mm borlzontally). Lacb palr o| tbe sprlng |ounoatlons
must be eactly on tbe same belgbt ano sur|aces must be borlzontal.
Lnsure tbat tbere are no beams or otber protruslons unoer tbe screen, tbat can allow tbe bullo-up o| materlal
or lce ano obstruct tbe movement o| tbe screen.
Sandvik Mining and Construction
Vibrating 5creen
|nstallatlon o| screens
To acbleve oeslgneo capaclty ano to ensure
optlmum screenlng result ano malmal ll|etlme |or
tbe screen ano lt's components sucb bearlngs,
sprlngs, screenlng oecks etc. lt ls very lmportant to
pay attentlon to lnstallatlon o| tbe screen.
Make sure tbat steel constructlon wbere screen ls
to be lnstalleo ls sollo enougb to avolo any problems
tbat comes |rom vlbratlon => resonance.
Cbeck tbat tbe belgbt ol||erence o| separate sprlngs
peoestals (ln tbe same eno o| tbe screen) are not
more tban + 3 mm.
Cbeck tbe screen's lnstallatlon angle.
Cbeck tbat all o| tbe sprlng aes are vertlcal.
Peposltlon tbe supportlng peoestals l| necessary.
Cbeck tbat tbere ls at least a clearance o| 100 mm
vertlcally ano 50 mm borlzontally between any part
o| tbe screen ano tbe |leo structure, cbutes etc.
Maximum allowed height difference
between spring supports (same end) is 3 mm!
Sandvik Mining and Construction
Vibrating 5creen
Cbeck level o| sprlng support peoestal |rom steel
structure be|ore lnstalllng tbe screen (|| posslble).
Note tbat lt ls very untrustwortby to cbeck tbe level
or tbe belgbt ol||erence o| sprlng supports wltb e.g
bulloer's level.
Use transparent water bose ano water to cbeck tbe
belgbt ol||erence l| use o| laser ls not posslble.
Flll water bose almoust completely |ull wltb water.
Attacb otber enos o| tbe bose to le|t sprlng
support peoestal ano tbe otber eno o| tbe bose to
tbe rlgbt sprlng support peoestal.
Measure tbe belgbt o| water level |rom tbe eno o|
tbe bose |rom eacb sloe.
Tbls measurement must be wltbln 3 mm!
Pepeat tbls proceoure wltb botb enos o| tbe
Wben tbe belgbt ol||erence ls cbeck ano lt ls
acceptable tben lt ls posslble to cbeck tbe level o|
sprlng support peoestals wltb bulloer's level.
Spring support
Water hose
Sandvik Mining and Construction
Widht of the screen in metres 1,0 1,2 1,5 1,8 2,1 2,4 2,7 3,0
Center distance of spring support
pedestals in mm
1400 1600 1900 2200 2500 2800 3100 3400
1height difference in mm 24 28 33 38 44 49 54 59
2height difference in mm 49 56 66 77 87 98 108 119
3height difference in mm 73 84 99 115 131 147 162 170
Table below shows what 1, 2 and 3 degrees inaccuracy in
spring pedestal on one side of the screen means in mm to
screens level.
Vibrating 5creen
Sandvik Mining and Construction
Vibrating 5creen
Cbeck |rom every corner tbat upper ano lower
sprlng supports are parallel.
Cbeck |rom every corner tbat upper ano lower
sprlng supports are ln llne. Dlstance between
screen sloe plate ano upper ano lower sprlng
supports are tbe same ln every corner o| tbe
U = Upper
L = Lower
Also measure tbe olstance between screen
booy (sloe plate) ano sprlng support |rom every
corner o| tbe screen.
Sandvik Mining and Construction
|nstallatlon o| caroan sba|t orlve
8e|ore settlng tbe vertlcal posltlon o| tbe motor |or tbe electrlcal olrect orlve, tbe borlzontal olstance between
tbe motor ano tbe screen must be set so tbat wben tbe two caroan sba|ts are stralgbt, tbe |lelble coupllngs are
not compresseo.
A|ter tbls, tbe vertlcal posltlon o| tbe motor must be |leo so tbat tbe centre llne on tbe screen sba|ts ls appro.
5 mm blgber tban tbe centre llne o| tbe motor sba|t. Durlng runnlng wltb materlal vertlcal posltlon sboulo be
close to 0 oegrees.
Vibrating 5creen
Sandvik Mining and Construction
|nstallatlon o| [ubo|le coupllng
A |lelble coupllng always allows to varylng oegrees oepenolng on type, structure ano olmenslons,
olsplacements ln |our ways: alal, raolal, conlcal ano torslonal.
Tbe stl||ness a||ects tbe way ln wblcb tbe coupllng reacts wben subjecteo to eacb o| tbe varlous posslble
Torsional displacement
7 degrees nominal load
Radial displacement
1-2 mm
Axial displacement
2-5 mm
Conical displacement
2-5 degrees constant
8-12 degrees temporary
Vibrating 5creen
Sandvik Mining and Construction
|nstallatlon o| [ubo|le coupllng
Notlce tbat coupllng must be |asteneo to
aoapter on motor sba|t ano/or aoapter on
vlbratlng sba|t wltb tbree bolts eacb eno.
Caroan sba|t ls also |asteneo wltb tbree
bolts / eacb eno to coupllng.
Pre-compresslon bano must be removeo
a|ter lnstallatlon.
Coupllng swells a|ter pre-compresslon bano
ls removeo ano tbere|ore lt ls very ol||lcult
to lnstall wltbout bano. Compresslon tool ls
provloeo by screen manu|acturer to make
coupllng removlng ano lnstallatlon easler ano
Cardan Adapter Pre-compression band
Vibrating 5creen
Sandvik Mining and Construction
Before start-up:
Peao tbe manual!
Make sure tbat screen booy can not toucb anytblng wben startlng tbe screen.
Make sure tbat all guaros are properly |asteneo ano all tbe sa|ety oevlces are lnstalleo ano tbey
are worklng properly.
A|ter start (|lrst 1-2 mlnutes) make sure tbat screen ls startlng ano runnlng properly.
5creen running:
Cbeck rotatlon olrectlons o| tbe motors, rotatlon olrectlon must be opposlte to eacb otber ln
LF screen ano ln |eeoer wltb two motors!
Cbeck stroke lengtb ano stroke angles ln eacb corner. Stroke lengtb must be wltbln one mm to
eacb otber ln tbe same eno o| tbe screen!
A|ter 4-6 bours cbeck tbat bearlng temperature ls even ln eacb bearlng.
Mecbanlsm normal runnlng temperature can be about 70C wben amblent temp ls 20 C.
Oll leaks ln mecbanlsm.
Vibrating 5creen
5tart up
Sandvik Mining and Construction
Vibrating 5creen
5tart up
MateriaI fIow in screen
Cbeck tbe |eeo o| tbe materlal, must spreao to wbole wlotb o| tbe screen.
Helgbt o| tbe materlal beo on |eeo ano olscbarge eno ( malmum on |eeo eno ~10 X aperture,
on olscbarge eno ~ 4 X aperture).
Flow speeo o| tbe materlal (0,25 - 0,45 m/s).
Screenlng result.
Cbeck tbat materlal goes wbere lt ls almeo to go, cbute arrangement.
Sandvik Mining and Construction
Vibrating 5creen
5tart up
When screen is stopping
Always run screen empty be|ore stopplng tbe screen, l| posslble.
Lmpty screen starts easler.
Stop tbe screen accorolng to manual.
|| screen ls not runnlng normally or tbere ls sometblng broken or parts are loose stop tbe
screen ano report to servlce people lmmeolately.
Uneven strokes.
Cbanges ln stroke angles.
Mlsslng bolts e.g. mecbanlsm bolts.
8roken sprlngs, screen booy, meola etc.
8earlng temperature too blgb.
Sandvik Mining and Construction
Vibrating 5creen
5tart up
After 50 operation hours
Wben screen bave been runnlng about 50 bours ano proouctlon starts tbe |lrst oays ano |lrst
week (about 50 bours) are cruclal |or screen ll|e tlme, operatlon ano rellablllty.
Wblle runnlng screen settles ano most lmportant tbat mecbanlsm |lnos lts place so retlgbtenlng
really must be oone a|ter 50 bours.
|astenlng / tlgbtness o| mecbanlsm bolts.
|astenlng / tlgbtness o| counterwelgbt.
|astenlng / tlgbtness o| etra counter welgbts.
belt pulleys, sprlngs, oust encapsulatlon etc.
|astenlng o| screenlng meolas
allgnment / tlgbtness tlmlng/v-belts.
Oll amount ano oll leaks o| mecbanlsm sboulo be monltoreo ourlng |lrst oays.
Mecbanlsm bas tenoency to leak a llttle blt a|ter |ew operatlon bours or oays. Tbls leak ls malnly
etra grease comlng out o| seallngs. Leaklng sboulo stop ln |ew bours or oays.
Sandvik Mining and Construction
A. Mecbanlsm
Tbe |lrst oll cbange |or tbe mecbanlsm must be oone no later tban 100 bours o| operatlon.
Pegular oll cbange must tben take place accorolng to tbe |ollowlng:
Clean or cbange tbe breatber regularly.
Tbe |lttlng between tbe bearlng ano tbe sba|t sboulo be lubrlcateo once a montb wltb
molyblensulpbloe ano grapblte grease. Tbls wlll prevent |lttlng corroslon between tbe sba|t ano
tbe bearlng.
Use tbe same oll cbange lntervals ano quallty |or tbe gear wbeels (wben appllcable) as |or tbe
mecbanlsm. Tbe correct oll level |or tbe gear wbeels ls tbe bottom o| tbe gear teetb.
Vibrating 5creen
lnspection and Maintenance scheduIe
Sandvik Mining and Construction
8. Motor
|nspectlon ano malntenance must to be oone accorolng to tbe motor manu|acturers
C. Cbeck weekly
Oll levels
Conoltlon o| screenlng meola (clotbs, mooule plates )
Conoltlon o| wear parts
Conoltlon o| sprlngs
Conoltlon o| tlmlng belts orlve
8olts jolnts (vlsual lnspectlon)
Stroke lengtbs ano angles
Vibrating 5creen
lnspection and Maintenance scheduIe
Sandvik Mining and Construction
D. Tlmlng-belts
Tbe |lrst cbeck o| tbe new belts sboulo be maoe a|ter a 10 to 20 operatlon bours ano net cbecks
must be oone every 500 operatlng bours. Tenslonlng ls always necessary wben tbe belts bave been
slackeneo |or a long sbutoown perloo or tbey teno to sllp ourlng sllgbt loaos.
D. Malntenance log
Sanovlk presupposes tbat a log ls kept by tbe owner to recoro all servlce ano malntenance work.
Tbls ls also a preconoltlon |or tbe Sanovlk guarantee.
Tbe equlpment ano components sball be servlceo ln accoroance wltb suppller's lnstructlons, ano
so tbat tbe measures taken can also be verl|leo a|terwaros.
Tbe log coulo take e.g. tbe |orm lllustrateo ln manual's enclosure (LNCLOSUPL 2).
Vibrating 5creen
lnspection and Maintenance scheduIe
Sandvik Mining and Construction
Vibrating 5creen
Maintenance / Adjusting
|| tbe screenlng per|ormance ls not satls|actory, cbeck |lrst tbat tbe screen mesbes are correct |or
tbe appllcatlon ano tbat tbe |eeo ano olscbarge arrangements are satls|actory. Feeo to tbe screen
must be arrangeo so tbat tbe materlal ls |eo unl|ormly across tbe entlre wlotb o| tbe screen.
Always make only tbe mlnlmum aojustments necessary to acbleve tbe oeslreo result.
Do consult tbe manu|acturer |or aovlce on tbe selectlon o| tbe optlmum stroke lengtb, angle ano
|requency, l| mesb slzes are cbangeo or ol||erent materlal ls |eo to tbe screen.
Aojustlng tbe screen settlngs
|| |urtber aojustments are necessary, tbey sboulo be maoe ln tbe oroer below. Try tbe actlon o|
eacb measure separately ano slngly. Try one actlon at a tlme ano observe tbe result be|ore taklng
on tbe net one:
Aojustable parameters:
Stroke lengtb aojustment.
Stroke |requency aojustment (by cbanglng v-belt pulleys or lnverter parameters)
Stroke olrectlon aojustment (LF-screens only)
Aojustlng tbe lncllnatlon o| tbe screen booy. |s oone by ll|tlng or lowerlng otber eno o| tbe
screen or |eeoer
Sandvik Mining and Construction
Stroke lengtb (G-|orce)
Aojustment o| tbe stroke lengtb ls oone by aoolng or removlng counterwelgbts. At botb
enos o| tbe same sba|t tbere bas to be eactly tbe same number o| counterwelgbts. LF-
screen vlbrators can be provloeo wltb ol||erent amounts o| counterwelgbts |n ol||erent
Always cbeck tbe screen speeo/stroke lengtb comblnatlon so tbat tbe malmum alloweo
acceleratlon (G-|orce) o| tbe screen ls not eceeoeo.
Stroke Stroke length
frequency Linear stroke screens (like LF) Circular stroke screens (like SC, CS,)
(stroke in centre of the screen)
920 rpm 9.5 mm 8 mm
820 rpm 12.0 mm 10 mm
730 rpm 15.0 mm 13 mm
Remember that increased stroke length shortens the bearing life
Tbe cbange ln rotatlon speeo wlll not bave any e||ect to tbe stroke lengtb.
To cboose tbe rlgbt counterwelgbt we recommeno you to consult wltb tbe manu|acturer
Vibrating 5creen
Maintenance / Adjusting
Sandvik Mining and Construction
Vibrating 5creen
Maintenance / Adjusting
Stroke |requency / rotatlon speeo aojustment
Potatlon speeo among wltb stroke lengtb a||ects on
G-|orces, more speeo more G-|orces wltb same
counter welgbts.
Aojusteo by cbanglng tbe pulleys ln belt orlve or by
|requency converter settlngs
Do consult tbe manu|acturer |or aovlce on tbe
selectlon o| tbe optlmum belt pulleys or |requency
converter settlng be|ore cbanglng tbe speeo.
Malmum G-|orces (oepenolng tbe welgbt o| unlt):
Clrcular stroke screens 3.4 3.7 G
Llnear stroke screens 4.5 5.0 G
Pemember tbat lncreaseo G-|orce sbortens tbe
bearlng ll|e tlme!
500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300
9 11 13 15 17 19 21
rotation speed (rpm)
Stroke length (mm)
Sandvik Mining and Construction
Vibrating 5creen
Maintenance / Adjusting
Stroke angle
Tbe stroke angle ls aojusteo by movlng tbe mecbanlsm on tbe screen. Tbe center olstance o|
tbe |astenlng screws (steps o| movlng) ls 100 mm. Tbe closer to tbe olscbarge enos tbe
mecbanlsm ls mounteo, tbe smaller tbe stroke angle ls. Tbe e||ect o| movlng tbe mecbanlsm
ls 3.5 oegrees per 100 mm o| movement. Tbe orlve equlpment must also be moveo wben tbe
mecbanlsm posltlon ls cbangeo.
Movlng mecbanlsm towaros |eeo eno => more vertlcal (steeper) stroke.
Movlng mecbanlsm towaros olscbarge eno => more borlzontal (lower) stroke.
Cbanglng stroke angle a||ects materlal speeo on screen.
Aojustlng tbe lncllnatlon o| tbe screen booy
|s oone by ll|tlng or lowerlng one eno o| tbe screen or |eeoer.
Sandvik Mining and Construction
Vibrating 5creen
5troke Ienght and stroke angIe
Shape of SC / CS / XS screens stroke
(screens, where the mechanism is close
to gravity point of the unit)
Stroke is circular
Shape of MSO-screens stroke
Stroke is elliptical in end of the screen, circular
in the middle
Stroke angle is hard to determinate.
In G-force calculations the stroke in the middle
should be used
Sandvik Mining and Construction
Vibrating 5creen
5troke Ienght and stroke angIe
Shape of LF-screens and feeders stroke
two shafts
Stroke is mainly linear (just a bit elliptic)
Stroke angle is about 60 degrees.
Sandvik Mining and Construction
One o| tbe most lmportant servlce proceoures ls to cbeck stroke lengtb ano stroke angle ln
eacb corner o| tbe screen or tbe |eeoer.
Stroke lengtb stlcker locateo ls ln eacb corner o| screen or |eeoer booy or can be measureo by
stlcker / magnetlc caro.
Vibrating 5creen
5troke Ienght and stroke angIe
Sandvik Mining and Construction
8y stlckers tbe stroke lengtb, ano on LF-screens also tbe stroke angle, can be cbeckeo wblle
tbe screen ls runnlng.
Linear stroke screens Circular stroke screens
Stroke length Stroke angle Stroke length
12 mm 55 degrees 12 mm
Vibrating 5creen
5troke Ienght and stroke angIe
Sandvik Mining and Construction
Vibrating 5creen
5troke Ienght and stroke angIe
Cbeck tbe stoke lengtb ano angle, l|:
A|ter screen lnstallatlon.
Wben sprlngs bas been replaceo.
Wben welgbt o| tbe screen cbanges (e.g. replaclng screenlng meolas).
Wben v-belts, tootbeo belts or belt pulleys are cbangeo |or aojustlng rotatlon speeo.
|| tbere ls any cbanges ln screenlng:
|eeo capaclty bas cbangeo
materlal bas cbangeo
screens per|ormance bas cbangeo |or some reason.
Stroke lengtbs ano angle sboulo be cbeckeo at least once a montb (most pre|erably cbeck stroke
lengtbs ano angles weekly)!
Sandvik Mining and Construction
Lvery screen or |eeoer bas lts natural |requency.
NaturaI frequency ls a |eature tbat re|lects bow
stl|| screen / |eeoer booles are, tbe blgber tbe
natural |requency tbe stl||er tbe booy ls.
Running speed frequency ls |eature tbat comes
|rom mecbanlsm sba|t rotatlon speeo.
|| |requencles mentloneo above are too close to
eacb otber screen ls ln resonance.
|n resonance zone screen booy, typlcally tbe
screenlng oecks can break oown ln |ew bours ano
wlll break eventually!
Natural |requency |rom eacb equlpment ls cbeckeo
ln |actory be|ore tbe oellvery
However natural |requency can cbange l|:
1. welgbt cbanges (beavler, llgbter screenlng meola,
aooeo rubber, etc.)
2. jolnts are loose
3. |rame ls worn
Click the screen above to see what
happens to screen body when
running in resonance
Vibrating 5creen
NaturaI Frequency & Resonance
Sandvik Mining and Construction
Symptoms o| resonance:
uneven stroke ln one corner
stroke lengtbs sboulo be tbe same ln tbe
same eno o| screen but can be ol||erent to
eacb otber ln |eeo eno ano ln olscbarge eno.
materlal |low ls not ln mloole o| tbe screen
|| materlal |low ls ln tbe otber sloe o| tbe
screen cbeck |lrst ls tbe screen lnstalleo ln
cracks ln screenlng oeck
cracks ln motor beo (MSO)
cracks ln sloe plates
cracks ln lattlce (|eeoers)
Vibrating 5creen
NaturaI Frequency & Resonance
Sandvik Mining and Construction
Symptoms o| resonance:
Materlal |low ls not ln tbe mloole o| tbe screen.
Vibrating 5creen
NaturaI Frequency & Resonance
Sandvik Mining and Construction
Vibrating 5creen
NaturaI Frequency & Resonance
Symptoms o| resonance:
Cracks ln tbe screen oeck constructlon
Sandvik Mining and Construction
Vibrating 5creen
NaturaI Frequency & Resonance
Symptoms o| resonance:
Cracks ln tbe motor beo
Sandvik Mining and Construction
Vibrating 5creen
NaturaI Frequency & Resonance
Symptoms o| resonance:
Cracks ln tbe sloe plate
Sandvik Mining and Construction
Notice that any kind of welding or excessive heating of screen body is not allowed without
consulting manufacturer first!
Vibrating 5creen
NaturaI Frequency & Resonance
Symptoms o| resonance:
Cracks ln tbe lattlce
Sandvik Mining and Construction
Adjusting the stroke Iength in C5 / X5 / 5V-H
Aojustment o| tbe stroke lengtb ls oone by cbanglng tbe
amount o| etra counter welgbt sectors
At botb enos o| tbe same sba|t tbere bas to be eactly tbe
same number o| counterwelgbts
Adjusting the stroke Iength in vibrating notor
units and in 5C-screens
Aojustment o| tbe stroke lengtb ls oone by cbanglng tbe
posltlon o| counter welgbts
Wben all tbe counter welgbts are on tbe equal posltlon, tbe
stroke ls tbe longest
At botb enos o| tbe same sba|t tbere posltlon o| counter
welgbts bas to be equal
AIways secure that notors are disconnected so
that screen is not abIe to start during the
naintenance in any circunstances!
Vibrating 5creen
5troke Iength adjustnent
Sandvik Mining and Construction
Adjusting the stroke Iength in LF / M5O / 5G / 5V
Aojustment o| tbe stroke lengtb ls oone by cbanglng tbe
number o| etra counterwelgbts. At botb enos o| tbe same
sba|t tbere bas to be eactly tbe same number o|
counterwelgbts. (8ut tbe counterwelgbt settlng as ln plcture 2
ls acceptable, l| tbe otber sloe o| tbe screen ls equal)
Aoolng etra counter welgbts lncreases stroke lengtb ano
removlng etra counter welgbts oecreases stroke lengtb.
Wben aoolng or removlng etra counter welgbts lengtb o|
|astenlng bolts must be cbangeo accorolngly (plc. 2).
See orlve unlt assembly orawlng (lncluoeo ln manual)|or correct
etra counter welgbt ano correct bolt le
Always secure tbat motors are olsconnecteo so tbat
screen ls not able to start ourlng tbe malntenance ln any
picture 1
picture 2 fastening bolts
Vibrating 5creen
5troke Iength adjustnent
Sandvik Mining and Construction
Aojustlng tbe stroke angle (LF / MSO / some |eeoers)
Aojustment o| tbe stroke angle ls oone by movlng vlbratlng mecbanlsm ln LF, MSO ano ln |eeoer tbat
oon't bave gear wbeel mecbanlsm.
Steps o| movlng ls 100 mm. Tbe closer to tbe olscbarge enos tbe mecbanlsm ls mounteo, tbe smaller
(more borlzontal) tbe stroke angle ls. Tbe e||ect o| movlng tbe mecbanlsm ls about 3.5 oegrees per
100 mm o| movement.
Always use new fasteners (bolts, nuts ano wasbers) ano same graoe as orlglnals wben mecbanlsm
locatlon ls moveo or wben mecbanlsm bas been removeo |rom tbe screen booy.
Type (stanoaro), tlgbtenlng torque ano quantltles o| |asteners can be |ouno ln maln assembly orawlng
(ln tbe manual).
Use torque wrencb!
Do not reuse mecbanlsm |astenlng bolts, nuts, wasbers.
A|ter 50 operatlng bours tbe |astenlng bolts o| tbe mecbanlsm must be retightened.
Moving directions Moving directions Moving directions Moving directions
Bigger (steeper) <----------------->Smaller (lower)
stroke angle stroke angle
Vibrating 5creen
5troke angIe adjustnent
Sandvik Mining and Construction
Adjusting the stroke angIe, nechanisn with gear wheeI, aIternative 1
Aojustment o| tbe stroke angle ls oone by cbanglng tbe angle between gear wbeels.
Pemove tbe cover plate D.
Turn tbe sba|t 8 so tbat tbe counter welgbt ls ln a oownwaro posltlon, tben lock tbe sba|t A, so lt
cannot rotate as sbown above.
Pemove tbe bololng block C (sba|t 8) ano pull out tbe tootb-wbeel untll lt ls |ree |rom wbeel A.
Turn tbe sba|t 8 ln tbe requlreo olrectlon. Clockwlse turnlng wlll lncrease tbe stroke angle ano
counter-clockwlse turnlng wlll oecrease lt. Lacb mark on tbe wbeel raolus wlll cbange tbe stroke by
Pusb back tbe gear wbeel 8 ano tlgbten tbe lock plate C accorolng to page 11 moments.
Cbeck tbe oll level ano seallng be|ore lnstalllng tbe cover plate D.
Above ls only presenteo prlnclple o| stroke angle aojustment.
Consult manu|acturer |or specl|lc lnstructlon |or eacb mecbanlsm.
Vibrating 5creen
5troke angIe adjustnent
Sandvik Mining and Construction
Adjusting the stroke angIe, nechanisn with gear wheeI, aIternative 2
Pemove tbe cover plate 5
Fl tbe locklng plate 1 to tbe cover
Fl tbe turnbuckle screw 2 to counterwelgbt 4 ano locklng plate 1
Turn tbe sba|ts by uslng turnbuckle screws 2, wltb sucb lntenslty tbat tbe locklng plate 1 ls posslble
to lock to counterwelgbt 3
Pemove tbe cover plate D (see orw ln Alt1)
Pemove tbe locklng o| gear wbeel 4, ano tben pull lt out untll lt ls |ree |rom wbeel 5.
Turn tbe sba|t 4 by turnlng tbe screw 2 lnto tbe requlreo olrectlon. Clockwlse turnlng wlll oecrease
tbe stroke angle ano counter-clockwlse turnlng wlll lncrease lt. Turnlng tbe gear wbeel by one
tootb, tbe stroke angle cbanges accorolng to tbe table below:
Pull back tbe gear wbeel 4 ano tlgbten tbe locklng accorolng to page 11 moments.
Pemove tbe turnbuckle screw 2
Pemove tbe locklng plate 1
Fl tbe cover plate 5
Cbeck tbe oll level ano seallng be|ore
lnstalllng tbe gear wbeel sloe cover plate.
Vibrating 5creen
5troke angIe adjustnent
Sandvik Mining and Construction
Vibrating Feeder
Adjusting stroke angIe
Sandvik Mining and Construction
Vibrating Feeder
Adjusting stroke angIe
Sandvik Mining and Construction
Vibrating Feeder
Adjusting stroke angIe
Sandvik Mining and Construction
Vibrating Feeder
Adjusting stroke angIe
Gear wheel part number
Number of teeth in gear
one tooths effection to
stroke angle
B13 713.0676-001 60 3,0
B16 MGF-B16-OP5 80 2,25
B20 MSS-B201-OP3 90 2,0
B24 MGF-B24-OP11 60 3,0
B30 ST5194-B30-OP4 70 2,57
|n|ormatlon about Sv-|eeoers
Sandvik Mining and Construction
Maln components o| vlbratlng mecbanlsm
1. 8earlng bouse
2. Space tube
3. Sba|t
4. Counterwelgbt
5. 8earlng
6. Ltra counterwelgbts
7. Cover
8. Counterwelgbt guaro
1. Bearing house
2. Space tube 3. Shaft
4. Counterweight
5. Bearing
7. Cover
8. Counterweight
4. Extra counterweights
Vibrating Units
Maintenece of vibrating unit
Sandvik Mining and Construction
Mecbanlsm wltb bearlng slze 38
Mecbanlsm ls equlppeo wltb speclal bearlng busblng |or bearlng. Tbls busblng ls between bearlng
bouse ano bearlng to make e.g. bearlng lnstallatlon easler.
8usblng ls |asteneo wltb bolts to bearlng bouslng.
Vibrating Units
Maintenece of vibrating unit
Sandvik Mining and Construction
8earlngs can be cbangeo wltb tbe sba|t ls stlll ln tbe
screen. Tbe sba|t may also be removeo |rom tbe
screen to cbange tbe bearlngs.
To get best result ano to make bearlng cbange easy
ano sa|e lt woulo be best l| wbole mecbanlsm ls
removeo |rom screen booy ano taken to e.g.
worksbop. Mecbanlsm ls bolteo to screen booy ln
SC/LF/MSO/SG -screens ano ln |eeoers.
Always use new bolts, nuts ano wasbers wben
mecbanlsm ls removeo or bolts are replaceo!
Cbeck bolt stanoaro |rom maln assembly orawlng!
Always cbange botb bearlngs per sba|t at tbe same
Always use new bearlngs recommenoeo by screen
manu|acturer (sto bearlngs wltb C3 or C4 clearance
are not sultable!).
Always use new seallngs recommenoeo by screen
Always measure bearlng bouse ano sba|t be|ore
lnstalllng new bearlng.
See tolerances |or eacb bearlng slze ln
MSO/LF/Sv/SG unlts |rom tolerance table attacbeo,
otber unlts as ln manual
g size
Bearing house Shaft
Diameter Tolerance Diameter Tolerance
B16 170P6
B20 215P6
B24 260P6
B30 320P6
B34 360P6
outside )
inside )
Vibrating Units
Change of bearings
Sandvik Mining and Construction
|t ls aovlsable to cbange tbe bearlngs l| one or more o| tbe |ollowlng symptoms appear ln tbe
Tbe bearlngs overbeat.
Tbere ls unusual nolse ln tbe bearlng ourlng operatlon
Tbe bearlng bas many operatlon bours or tbe clearance between tbe outer rlng ano tbe
rollers ls too slgnl|lcant.
8aslc prlnclple to remove bearlngs ls to move sba|t back ano |ortb to remove bearlngs |rom
bearlng bouses ano |rom tbe sba|t.
AIways secure that notors are disconnected so that screen is not abIe to
start in any circunstances!
Pemove guaros, caroan sba|t, coupllng aoapters, counterwelgbts ano bearlng covers |lrst.
Pemove |lrst bearlng |rom opposlte sloe o| orlve unlt by presslng sba|t ln |rom orlve unlts sloe.
Pemove guaros, caroan sba|t, coupllng aoapters, counterwelgbts ano bearlng covers |lrst.
Draln oll out |rom sba|t tube.
Pemove |lrst bearlng |rom opposlte sloe o| orlve unlt by presslng sba|t ln |rom orlve unlts sloe.
Vibrating Units
Change of bearings
Sandvik Mining and Construction
Vibrating Units
Change of bearings
AIways both bearings on one shaft shouId be changed at the sane tine. Wben one
bearlng bas starteo to breakoown, some lmpurltles mlgbt bave been carrleo on also to anotber
bearlng, wblcb tbere|ore coulo also be oamageo.
Wben cbanglng tbe bearlngs lt ls very lmportant to ensure cleanness ln every stage o| tbe work.
Clean all parts care|ully be|ore reassembllng. All parts o| tbe sba|t must be care|ully protecteo |rom
lmpurltles ourlng tbe work. Keep tbe vessels useo ln tbe oll cbange clean, ano remove all loose olrt
arouno on tbe oll-|llllng bole.
Use onIy bearings speciaIIy designed for vibrating screens. {nornaI C3 or C4 cIearance
bearings are not acceptabIe!
AIways change aIso the seaIing kit when changing the bearings
To cbange tbe bearlngs use tbe speclal tools, wblcb are numbereo ln tbe plctures on |ollowlng
1. Pulllng roos (2 pcs)
2. 8eam
3. Nuts (3 pcs)
4. Hyoraullc jack (15 50 tn)
5. Hyoraullc pump
6. Hlnorance plate
7. Supportlng plece (2 pcs)
8. Supportlng wagon
9. 8usblng
10. Pulllng roo
11. Flange
Consult manu|acturer |or speclal tools!
Sandvik Mining and Construction
Vibrating Units
Change of bearings
Dlsmountlng o| sba|t:
Clean tbe mecbanlsm |lrst!
1. Loosen all parts at botb enos o| tbe sba|t so
tbat tbe bearlngs can be seen ano can be |reely
2. 8y uslng speclal tools ano tbe sba|t, tbe
bearlng ls pusbeo out o| tbe bearlng bouslng
(|lgure 1) 8e|ore presslng tbe sba|t support
otber eno to avolo oamages (pboto 1).
figure 1
photo 1
Sandvik Mining and Construction
Vibrating Units
Change of bearings
3. Wben bearlng ls out |rom bearlng bouse pusb
tbe sba|t back but at tbe same tlme make sure
tbat tbe bearlng ooes not go back lnto tbe
bearlng bouslng by mountlng a blnorance plate
(pboto 2) between tbe bearlng ano bearlng
bouslng. Support tbe sba|t outsloe tbe bearlng.
(|lgure 2).
figure 2
Photo 2
4. Wben tbe bearlng bas passeo tbe |lrst sbouloer
o| tbe sba|t, pull lt by bano so tbat you can
cbange tbe support to tbe otber sloe o| tbe
bearlng. A|ter tbls loosen tbe bearlng.
Sandvik Mining and Construction
Vibrating Units
Change of bearings
5. Put tbe supportlng plece unoer tbe sba|t eno
on tbe sloe o| tbe looseneo bearlng (|lgure 3
ano pboto 3).
photo 3: item 7
figure 3
6. Loosen tbe otber bearlng ln tbe same way
Sandvik Mining and Construction
Vibrating Units
Change of bearings
7. Pull tbe sba|t out by uslng a supportlng
wagon (|lgure 4).
8. Clean all parts o| tbe sba|t care|ully. Cbeck
tbe olmenslons, conoltlon etc. o| all parts.
Peplace tbe oamageo or worn-out parts
wltb new ones.
figure 4
Sandvik Mining and Construction
Vibrating Units
Change of bearings
Damageo or worn-out parts sboulo be replaceo |or lnstance ln tbe |ollowlng cases:
Wben a bearlng |lt on a sba|t ls so loose tbat tbe lnner rlng o| tbe bearlng wlll turn on tbe
Do not bullo up tbe bearlng seat o| tbe sba|t by welolng slnce tbe materlal useo ln tbe
sba|t requlres a speclal welolng proceoure ano tbe rlsk o| breaklng tbe sba|t ls greater
a|ter welolng. Tbe outer rlng o| tbe bearlng bas swlvelleo ln tbe bearlng bouslng, tben tbe
bearlng bouslng must be replaceo wltb a new one.
|| tbe lubrlcatlon o| tbe |lttlng between bearlng ano sba|t bas been neglecteo tbe |lttlng rust
can oamage tbe sba|t. || tbls occurs tbe sba|t must be replaceo wltb a new one ano better
care o| regular lubrlcatlon neeos to be taken ln tbe |uture.
||, |or lnstance, stones bave oamageo tbe oll tube or tbere ls a sbarp oent ln tbe curve part
tben tbe tube must be cbangeo wltb a new one.
Sandvik Mining and Construction
Vibrating Units
Change of bearings
Mountlng o| sba|t:
1. Clean tbe sba|t tube by uslng cleaner ano
e.g. rags to get all olo oll ano posslble
metal cblps out |rom tbe tube (pboto 4).
2. Pull tbe sba|t ln by uslng a supportlng
wagon (|lgure 5)
3. Put tbe supportlng pleces unoer tbe sba|t
enos. Tbe sba|t sboulo now be
approlmately ln tbe rlgbt place.
figure 5
photo 4
Sandvik Mining and Construction
Vibrating Units
Change of bearings
3. 8e|ore lnstalllng tbe new bearlng, use plastlc sleeve to
guloe tbe bearlng to lts neck, especlally wltb blgger
bearlngs. Also use Antl|ret (e.g. SKF LGAF 3L/0,5) paste
to prevent |rettlng between bearlng ano bearlng bouse
(pboto 5 ano 6).
photo 5 photo 6
Sandvik Mining and Construction
Vibrating Units
Change of bearings
Tbe bearlng ls pusbeo lnto place uslng tools. At tbe
same tlme prevent any sba|t movement wltb tbe mloole-
pulllng roo (pboto 7). Tbe alal movement o| tbe
bearlng ln relatlon to tbe sba|t ls preventeo at tbe otber
eno o| tbe sba|t. Tbls wlll normally be per|ormeo on tbe
orlve sloe by mountlng lntermeolate rlngs on botb sloes
o| tbe bearlng. Tbe lnner rlng must be mounteo lnto tbe
sba|t neck be|ore tbe bearlng. Observe tbe rlgbt
posltlon o| tbe lntermeolate rlng ln relatlon to tbe
bearlng (Tbe grooves o| tbe rlngs must be towaros tbe
bearlng, |lgures 6 ano 7)
figure 6
photo 7
figure 7
Sandvik Mining and Construction
Vibrating Units
Change of bearings
4. Tbe bearlng at tbe otber eno ls pusbeo
lnto place ln tbe same way.
5. Measure tbe bearlng clearances ano wrlte
tbem oown.
6. Mount tbe parts outsloe tbe bearlngs.
Take speclal care not to oamage tbe sba|t
seallng ourlng mountlng. Peplace all
seallngs wltb new ones (O-rlngs, sba|t
seallngs, v-rlngs). Cbeck tbe conoltlon o|
wear rlngs. || tbey bave worn out, tbelr
sur|ace ls scratcbeo or l| tbere bas been
an oll leak ln tbe screen, cbange tbe wear
rlngs, too (Flgure 7).
figure 7
Filled with grease in connection with assembly
Sandvik Mining and Construction
Vibrating Units
Change of bearings
7. Always |lll tbe sba|t wltb |resb oll bal|way up tbe oll level mark. Wben |llllng sba|t tube pour oll tbrougb a |llter
to make sure tbat oll ls clean ln mecbanlsm. || oll level mark ls worn or mark ls mlsslng oll quantlty can be |ouno
|rom manual ano |rom maln assembly orawlng (oll quantlty ls |or one sba|t tube only). Make sure tbat vlscoslty
o| oll ls responolng amblent temperature. || tbe sba|t bas been looseneo |rom tbe screen booy, use measure H
as a measure o| tbe proper oll capaclty.
|t ls lmportant to always cbeck tbat tbe sba|t ls ln a level posltlon ln tbe screen. Tbls way su||lclent lubrlcatlon ln
botb bearlngs can be ensureo. |n case tbe sba|t ls atllt, put lntermeolate plates unoer tbe clusters o| sprlngs to
aojust tbe sba|t.
8. Use tbe value o| tbe tlgbtenlng moment |or |astenlng tbe sba|t assembly to tbe screen booy accorolng to tbe
assembly orawlng o| tbe screen).
Petlgbten tbe |llng screws ano all otber screw jolnts a|ter 2...3 oays o| operatlon.
9. Wrlte oown all wel|are measures per|ormeo on tbe oevlce to tbe malntenance log.
Sandvik Mining and Construction
Vibrating 5creen
Maintenance of Drive units
M5O screen
Usually wltb MSO screen motor(s) are attacbeo to
separate |rame wblcb ls bolteo to screen booy rlgbt
a|ter tbe mecbanlsm. Motors are vlbratlng wltb tbe
screen (plc. 1).
Power ls transmltteo by v-belt or tlmlng belt.
Motor ls attacbeo to motor beo wblcb ls aojustable.
|n plcture 2 ls sbown MSO orlve unlt wltb caroan
Power ls transmltteo by tootbeo belt |rom motor to
separate sba|t ano agaln oue [ubo|le coupllng to
Potatlon speeo ls aojusteo by cbanglng belt pulley on
motor sba|t ln botb orlve unlt type.
Lubrlcatlon o| caroan sba|t bearlngs, greaslng.
Cbecklng conoltlon o| belts.
Tlgbtenlng / cbange o| belts.
Cbecklng conoltlon o| coupllngs.
Llectrlc motors.
picture 1
picture 2
Sandvik Mining and Construction
Vibrating 5creen
Maintenance of Drive units
LF screen
Usually wltb LF screen orlve unlt ls lnstalleo to
separate |rame rlgbt net to tbe screen. Motors are
not vlbratlng wltb tbe screen (plc. 1).
Power ls transmltteo by tootbeo belt |rom motor to
separate sba|t (caroan) ano agaln oue [ubo|le
coupllngs to mecbanlsm.
Sba|ts are rotatlng lnoepenoently.
Motors are attacbeo to motor beos wblcb are
aojustable (plc. 2).
Potatlon speeo ls aojusteo by cbanglng belt pulley on
motor sba|t.
Lubrlcatlon o| caroan sba|t bearlngs, greaslng.
Cbecklng conoltlon o| belts.
Tlgbtenlng / cbange o| belts.
Cbecklng conoltlon o| coupllngs.
Llectrlc motors.
picture 1
picture 2
in picture 2 cardan shafts not shown
Sandvik Mining and Construction
Vibrating 5creen
Maintenance of Drive units
LF screen
Motors wltb lnverter.
Power ls transmltteo stralgbt |rom motors
oue separate sba|ts (caroan)
[ubo|le coupllngs ln botb caroan sba|ts.
Sba|ts are rotatlng lnoepenoently.
Motors are attacbeo to motor beos wblcb
requlres separate |rame.
Potatlon speeo ls aojusteo by cbanglng
lnverters parameters.
Cbecklng conoltlon o| coupllngs.
Llectrlc motors.
picture 1
Sandvik Mining and Construction
Vibrating 5creen
Maintenance of Drive units
5G and 5V feeders
Wltb |eeoers orlve unlts varles more tban
wltb screens. Motors are lnstalleo separate
Motors are not vlbratlng wltb tbe screen.
Power ls transmltteo stralgbt |rom motor to
mecbanlsm wltb caroan sba|t (plc. 1). Otber
sloe o| tbe |eeoer mecbanlsm sba|ts are
syncbronlzeo wltb gear wbeels (plc. 2).
Gear wbeels are lubrlcateo wltb oll.
Motor ls attacbeo to motor beo wblcb ls
Potatlon speeo ls aojusteo by cbanglng belt
pulley on motor sba|t.
Cbecklng conoltlon o| coupllngs.
Cbecklng oll level o| gear wbeel guaro.
Cbecklng conoltlon o| gear wbeels.
Cbecklng conoltlon o| coupllngs.
Llectrlc motor.
picture 1
picture 2
in picture 2 cardan shafts not shown
Sandvik Mining and Construction
Vibrating 5creen
Maintenance of Drive units
5G and 5V feeders
Motors wltb lnverter (ln Sv).
Power ls transmltteo stralgbt |rom motors
oue separate sba|ts (caroan)
[ubo|le coupllngs ln botb caroan sba|ts.
Sba|ts are rotatlng lnoepenoently.
Motors are attacbeo to motor beos wblcb
requlres separate |rame.
Potatlon speeo ls aojusteo by cbanglng
lnverters parameters.
Cbecklng conoltlon o| coupllngs.
Llectrlc motors.
picture 1
Sandvik Mining and Construction
Vibrating 5creen
Maintenance of Drive units
5G and 5V feeders
Wltb blgger |eeoers orlve unlts slmllar to
plcture 1 ls useo.
Power ls transmltteo oue tootbeo belt |rom
motor to separate sba|t (caroan) ano agaln
oue [ubo|le coupllngs to mecbanlsm.
Sba|ts are rotatlng lnoepenoently.
Motors are attacbeo to motor beos wblcb
are aojustable (plc. 2).
Potatlon speeo ls aojusteo by cbanglng belt
pulley on motor sba|t.
Lubrlcatlon o| caroan sba|t bearlngs,
Cbecklng conoltlon o| belts.
Tlgbtenlng / cbange o| belts.
Cbecklng conoltlon o| coupllngs.
Llectrlc motors.
picture 1
Sandvik Mining and Construction
Vibrating 5creen
Maintenance / Lubrication
M5O and LF ~screens and 5V feeders
A Sba|t oevlces
oll lubrlcatlon
8 8reatber
C Clearance between sba|t bearlng bearlng
Antl|ret grease
D Drlve unlt (grease lubrlcatlon |or caroan bearlngs)
LP 2 type grease (note amblent temperature)
H = height of oil level.
measured from center of
the tube
Sandvik Mining and Construction
Vibrating 5creen
Maintenance / Lubrication
bearing and
Grease nipples for cardan
Sandvik Mining and Construction
Vibrating 5creen
Maintenance / Lubrication
Pecommenoeo lubrlcants
A. Lubrication groups
B. Mineral oils
Sandvik Mining and Construction
Vibrating 5creen
Maintenance / Lubrication
Pecommenoeo lubrlcants
C. Lubrication groups D. Synthetic lubricants
Syntbetlc lubrlcants can be useo
wben operatlng ln low or blgb
temperatures or wben tbe cbanglng
o| tbe oll ls bopeo to be oone a|ter
longer perloos o| tlme.
Tbe vlscoslty o| syntbetlc oll sboulo
be corresponolng to tbat o| mlneral
oll wblcb otberwlse ls useo ln tbe
same clrcumstances.
Sandvik Mining and Construction
Vibrating 5creen
Maintenance / Lubrication
Mechanisn oiI voIunes {LF / M5O / 5V / 5G}
Mechanisn oiI voIunes {X5 / C5 / 5C}
Sandvik Mining and Construction
Vibrating 5creen
Maintenance / Tining-beIts
|nstallatlon ano tlgbtenlng lnstructlons o| tlmlng belts
Always secure tbat motors are olsconnecteo so tbat screen ls not able to start ln any
|nstallatlon tenslon
Syncbronous belt orlves operate by posltlve mesblng ano oo not requlre blgb lnltlal belt tenslons.
For optlmum belt per|ormance, bowever, belts sboulo be lnstalleo wltb a pre-tenslon sultable |or tbe envlsageo
orlve outy.
Tbe approprlate level o| pre-tenslon wlll lle between tbe malmum ano mlnlmum values oerlveo |rom tbe
|ormulae below.
As a general guloe, tbe lower level wlll sultable |or llgbtly loaoeo, smootb runnlng orlve wbereas orlves subject
to blgb sbock loaos ano/or |requent starts sboulo be tensloneo at tbe blgber level.
|n practlce, belts sboulo be lnstalleo at a tenslon su||lclent to prevent tootb jumplng unoer tbe most severe loao
conoltlons tbat tbe orlve ls llkely to enoure.
NOTL! Lcesslve belt tenslon wlll reouce belt ano bearlng llves ano may lncrease orlve nolse levels.
Pre-tenslon ls usually acbleveo by orlve centre olstance etenslon, but |or |leo sba|t appllcatlons, loler pulleys
can be useo.
8elt pre-tenslon ls set by applylng a |orce F(N) at mlo-span su||lclent to oe|lect tbe belt a olstance o(mm) relateo
to tbe lengtb o| belt span S(metres)-see below. |t ls necessary to ensure tbat tbe |orce ls applleo at rlgbt angles
to tbe belt span, ano evenly across tbe belt wlotb.
Sandvik Mining and Construction
Vibrating 5creen
Maintenance / Tining-beIts
8elt lnstallatlon
Provlslon sboulo be maoe |or aojustment o| tbe orlve centre olstance to allow |or lnstallatlon o| tbe belt arouno
tbe pulleys wltbout oamage, ano subsequent tenslonlng. A belt sboulo never be |orceo over pulley |langes as
lnternal belt oamage wlll result.
Tbe |ollowlng tables o||er guloance as to tbe necessary aojustments |or lnstallatlon ano also |or applylng
approprlate pre-tenslon.
Pulley allgnment
Mlsallgnment o| orlve pulleys results ln unequal tenslon across tbe belt wlotb ano etreme eoge wear.
Consequently, pulley allgnment sboulo be proveo uslng a stralgbt-eoge, ano sba|ts cbeckeo |or parallellsm.
Mlsallgnment on any syncbronous orlve sboulo not eceeo angular or 5mm/metre centre olstance parallel.
Sandvik Mining and Construction
Vibrating 5creen
Maintenance / Tining-beIts
|t ls lmportant tbat tbe orlve support |ramework be rlglo. A |lelble |rame allows small varlatlons ln centre
olstance wblcb a||ect belt tenslon. Tbls can result ln tootb jumplng ourlng blgb torque starts, partlcularly l|
mlsallgnment ls present.
Centre Distance Allowance For Installation
(Flanged Pulleys Removed)
and Tensioning (mm)
Additional Centre Distance Allowance For
Installation Over Flanged Pulleys
Belt Installation
(Any Drive)
Belt Pitch One Pulley
Both Pulleys
1000mm and under 1,8 0,8 5mm
Over 1000mm to 1780mm 2,8 0,8 L
Over 1780mm to 2540mm 3,3 1,0
Over 2540mm to 3300mm 4,1 1,0
Over 3300mm 5,3 1,3
Sandvik Mining and Construction
Vibrating 5creen
Maintenance / Tining-beIts
Taper lock busbes
To lnstall
1. Pemove tbe protectlve coatlng |rom tbe bore ano outsloe o|
busb, ano bore o| bub. A|ter ensurlng tbat tbe matlng tapereo
sur|aces are completely clean ano |ree |rom oll or olrt, lnsert
busb ln bub so tbat boles llne up.
2. Sparlngly oll tbreao ano polnt o| grub screws, or tbreao ano
unoer beao o| caps screws. Place screws loosely ln boles
tbreaoeo ln bub, sbown tbus ln olagram.
3. Clean sba|t ano |lt bub to sba|t as one unlt ano locate ln posltlon
oeslreo, rememberlng tbat busb wlll nlp tbe sba|t |lrst ano tben
bub wlll be sllgbtly orawn on to tbe busb.
4. Uslng a beagon wrencb tlgbten screws graoually an alternately
untll to torque sbown ln table below.
5. Hammer agalnst large-eno o| busb, uslng a block or sleeve to
prevent oamage. (Tbls wlll ensure tbat tbe busb ls seateo squarely
ln tbe bore.) Screws wlll now turn a llttle more. Pepeat tbls
alternate bammerlng ano screw tlgbtenlng once or twlce to
acbleve malmum grlp on tbe sba|t.
Insert push into pulley
Insert screws and locate on
Sandvik Mining and Construction
Vibrating 5creen
Maintenance / Tining-beIts
6. || a key ls to be |ltteo place lt ln tbe sba|t keyway
be|ore |lttlng tbe busb. |t ls essentlal tbat lt ls a
parallel key ano sloe |lttlng only ano bas TOP
7. A|ter orlve bas been runnlng unoer loao |or a
sbort tlme stop ano cbeck tlgbtness o| screws.
8. Flll empty boles wltb grease to ecluoe olrt.
Tighten screws alternately
Tighten screws finger tight
Sandvik Mining and Construction
Vibrating 5creen
Maintenance / Tining-beIts
To remove
1. Slacken all screws by several turns, remove one or two accorolng to number o| jacklng o|| boles sbown tbus
ln olagram. |nsert screws ln jacklng o|| boles a|ter olllng tbreao ano polnt o| grub screws or tbreao ano unoer
beao o| cap screws.
2. Tlgbten screws alternately untll busb ls looseneo ln bub ano assembly ls |ree on tbe sba|t.
3. Pemove assembly |rom sba|t.
To remove
Sandvik Mining and Construction
Vibrating 5creen
Maintenance / Tining-beIts
Sandvik Mining and Construction
Vibrating 5creen
Maintenance / Tining-beIts
Wltb lnstalllng a new tlmlng belt, tbe belt tenslon ls cbosen so as to avolo:
Tootb jump. Assure tbat tbe belt tensloneo aoequately to prevent
tootb jump unoer tbe most severe loao conoltlons tbat tbe orlve
wlll encounter.
Ltremely blgb belt tenslon. Avolo etremely blgb tenslon wblcb
results ln elevateo nolse levels ano reouceo belt ano bearlng ll|e.
Sandvik Mining and Construction
Vibrating 5creen
Maintenance / Tining-beIts
Tbere are two metboos to measure tbe correct statlc tenslon:
a) Tbe elongatlon metboo
b) Tbe vlbratlon metboo
a) Tbe elongatlon metboo
Tbe elongatlon proceoure |or oetermlnlng tbe correct belt tenslon ls baseo on measurlng tbe |orce to oe|lect
one span o| tbe belt by glven amount (see lmage below).
Drive Tightness
force {N}
C38 33.5 11 165
C34 32.5 11 155
C30 27 11 134
C24 26.5 12 100
C20 24.5 12 88
C16 20 12 75
Sandvik Mining and Construction
Vibrating 5creen
Maintenance / Tining-beIts
Wltb tbe belt lnstalleo on tbe orlve ano tensloneo to a level requlreo to ellmlnate all slack ln tbe system (snug
|lt) begln tbe tenslonlng proceoure. At tbe centre o| tbe span (t), apply a |orce perpenolcular to tbe span so
tbat tbe belt ls oe|lecteo by tbe oe|lectlon olstance (|) |rom lts normal posltlon. Make sure tbat at least one
pulley ls |ree to rotate. For belt wloer tban 50 mm, place a sectlon o| rlglo materlal sucb as a lengtb o| key
stock across tbe belt ano apply tbe |orce tbrougb tbls rlglo member to prevent belt olstortlon ano lnsure
proper tenslonlng.
Compare tbe oe|lectlon |orce wltb tbe range o| |orces calculateo ln anterlor steps.
|| tbls ls less tban tbe mlnlmum oe|lectlon |orce, tbe belt sboulo be tlgbteneo.
|| tbls ls greater tban tbe malmum oe|lectlon |orce, tbe belt sboulo be slackeneo sllgbtly.
Sandvik Mining and Construction
Vibrating 5creen
Maintenance / Tining-beIts
b) Tbe vlbratlon metboo
An alternatlve proceoure to measure tbe tenslon o| tbe belt ls to use a 8elt Tenslon Gauglng Lqulpment. Tbls
oevlce conslsts o| a small senslng beao wblcb ls belo across tbe belt to be measureo. Tbe belt ls tben tappeo to
lnouce tbe belt to vlbrate at lts natural |requency. Tbe vlbratlons are oetecteo ano tbe |requency o| vlbratlon ls
tben olsplayeo on tbe measurlng unlt.
Tbe relatlon between belt statlc tenslon (Ts) ano |requency vlbratlon (|) may be calculateo uslng tbe |ollowlng
Formula 16
Sandvik Mining and Construction
Vibrating 5creen
Maintenance / V-beIts
v-8elt belt lnstallatlon
8elts orlve tenslon ls very lmportant |or tbelr servlce ll|e span.
8elt pulleys are lnstalleo to tbe sba|t wltb taper lock busblngs.
Use beagon beao screws to pull taper lock busblng |rom sba|t.
Cbeck tbe type o| v-belts or tootbeo belt pulley |rom tbe pulley.
Always secure tbat motors are olsconnecteo so tbat screen ls not able to start ln any
Cbeck tbat belts ln use are o| tbe same brano ano tbat tbe batcb numbers |lt ln tbe same set. Wben tbe belts
are replaceo tbe wbole orlve set bas to be cbangeo.
Cbeck tbe pulley grooves |or cleanness ano compllance wltb tbe olmenslons specl|leo. Peplace any worn-out
Clean tbe olrty ones wltb a petrol rag, let tbem ory ano wlpe tbe grooves llgbtly wltb talc.
Set tbe olstance between tbe aes o| tbe pulleys to a mlnlmum ano |lt tbe belts by bano ln tbe pulley grooves.
Tbe use o| tools wlll oamage tbe belts.
Cbeck tbat tbe sba|ts are parallel ano pulleys are ln tbe groove llne.
Move tbe slack o| all belts so lt ls on tbe same sloe o| tbe pulleys.
Tlgbten v-belts llgbtly ano rotate tbe blgger pulley by bano tbrougb |our (4) turns.
Sandvik Mining and Construction
Vibrating 5creen
Maintenance / V-beIts
Tlgbten tbe belts evenly ano tben cbeck tbat tbe grooves are kept ln tbe same llne ano tbe sba|t ls parallel.
Wben tbe belts are tlgbteneo enougb, start tbe motor |or a moment, cbeck tbe belt tenslon ano tlgbten tbe
belts l| requlreo.
Cbeck tbe tlgbtness o| belt wltb proper measurlng tool.
Tlgbten v-belts llgbtly ano rotate tbe blgger pulley by bano tbrougb |our (4) turns.
Tlgbten tbe belts evenly ano tben cbeck tbat tbe grooves are kept ln tbe same llne ano tbe sba|t ls parallel.
Wben tbe belts are tlgbteneo enougb, start tbe motor |or a moment, cbeck tbe belt tenslon ano tlgbten tbe
belts l| requlreo.
Cbeck tbe tlgbtness o| belt wltb proper measurlng tool.
Cbeck tbe allgnment o| tbe belt grooves by uslng a stralgbt eoge placeo parallel to tbe pulleys. Tbe error must
not eceeo 0.0002 tbe centre olstance o| tbe pulleys.
Tbe tlgbtenlng o| tbe new v-belts must be cbeckeo a|ter 20-30 operatlng bours.
See manual |or correct tlgbtenlng values |or eacb belt type.
All tbe belts are looseo / tlgbteneo by sllolng aojustable motor beo.
Sandvik Mining and Construction
5creens & Feeders naintenance
Energency repair of cracks
Welolng ln vlbratlng equlpment booy ls not recommenoeo, but sometlmes
tbe only alternatlve to be able to run tbe equlpment be|ore tbe proper
malntenance. || welolng ls requlreo:
Always ln|orm tbe PL
Try to |lno (ano oocument) tbe reason o| cracks be|ore tbe repalr
|| no tlme |or welolng avallable, just orlll tbe bole to tbe eno o| crack
Lnsure tbat tbe eartblng ls not transmltteo tbrougb bearlngs
Open tbe crack by grlnolng
Welo botb sloe o| tbe plate, l| posslble
Use aooltlonal stl||eners, l| posslble. || you can not use stl||eners, grlo tbe sur|ace o|
tbe welo to tbe plate level
Don't leave tbe eno o| tbe welolng ln tbe blgb |orce area
A|ter tbe repalr, cbeck tbe |ree movement o| tbe unlts ano tbe stroke parameters
Lnsure tbat tbe customer wlll proceeo by repalr parts oroer
Sandvik Mining and Construction
Vibrating 5creens & Feeders
TroubIe shooting
Trouble Possible cause Correction
Screen does not start or it
stops during operation.
1. Electrical fault.
Check wiring and components and
2. Too high oil viscocity
Chnage oil to correspond ambient
3. V-belts slipping or broken.
Check condition and tension of
4. Timing belt broken.
Check condition and tension of
Screen running incorrectly (in
Screen contacts something during
operation (base,m chute, material,
ice etc.)
Arrange space for screen to run
V-belt/timing belt pulleys and/or V-
belts/timing belts are worn.
Change new ones.
Drive equipment is wrongly
positioned in relation to vibrating
Move and adjust according to
4. Screen base not solid enough. Support.
5. Springs broken or tired
Change springs. Screen is galloping
overloaded add springs.
Sandvik Mining and Construction
Vibrating 5creens & Feeders
TroubIe shooting
Trouble Possible cause Correction
Drive equipment deflects and
vibrates too much.
1. Fastenings has loosed. Tighten the fastening bolts.
Screen supporting frame
deflects and vibrates too
Construction is too light or
insufficient bracing.
Add support and brace.
Foundations of screen frame are not
strong enough.
Build up foundations.
Support structure critical frequency
too close to to operating speed.
Build up foundations.
Unusual noise during
There are loose or damaged parts in
the screen.
Tighten, repair or change the part.
At the same time check all screws
for tightness. Check the reason for
Screen contacts something during
Arrange space for screen to run.
3. Screen meshes are loose. Tighten according to instructions
4. Bearing damage. See bearing damage.
5. Broken spring.
Change spring after checking the
Sandvik Mining and Construction
Vibrating 5creens & Feeders
TroubIe shooting
Trouble Possible cause Correction
Unusual noise during
operation (continued).
There are stones, dust, tools etc
inside the counterweight guards.
Clean regularly.
7. There are stones between springs.
Clean the spring systems regularly
and prevent material from building
up between the springs.
Screen bearings overheat.
Incorrect amount of oil in vibrating
Check oil level.
2. Wrong type or old oil in shaft. Change oil.
3. Bearing damage. See bearing damage.
High temperatures in the
environment or material.
Arrange ventilation and change the
oil suitable for high temperatures.
5. Too high speed. Lower speed.
Sandvik Mining and Construction
Vibrating 5creens & Feeders
TroubIe shooting
Trouble Possible cause Correction
Bearing damage.
1 Normal life of bearing exceeded.
Check amount of operating hours
and always replace damaged
bearing with a new one. Check also
possible reasons for the damage.
2. Insufficient lubrication.
Check lubrication maintenance and
possible oil leakages.
3. Unsuitable oil. Change oil type.
Foreign material (steel, sand etc.) in
Check the cause (some damaged
part, dirty conditions during oil
change, dirty cans in handling of oil
Shaft is not in level position, when
the other bearing is overfilled and
the other underfilled with oil.
Adjust the screen to the right
position according to instructions.
6. Axial loads bearing stuck on shaft.
Use corrosion protection lubricant
between shaft and bearing. See item
Sandvik Mining and Construction
Vibrating 5creens & Feeders
TroubIe shooting
Trouble Possible cause Correction
Bearing damage (continued).
7. Too high speed. Lower speed.
8. Too high G-force. Reduce stroke length/speed.
Oil leakage.
1. Breather is clogged. Clean or change breather regularly.
Seals are worn out or damaged (for
instance during assembly). Do not
reuse old seals
Change the seals being careful that
the new ones are not damaged
during installation.
3. Wear ring is worn out.
Change wear ring to a new one. It is
advisable to change a new ring at
the same time with shaft sealing.
4. Oil level assembly loose or leakage. Tighten it.
Sandvik Mining and Construction
Vibrating 5creens & Feeders
TroubIe shooting
Trouble Possible cause Correction
Aperture in screen meshes is
clogging or screen capacity is
1. Stroke angle or form incorrect. Adjust according to instructions.
2. Stroke lenght is too short.
Adjust counterweights according to
3. Too low frequency.
Alter V-belt ratio by changing
Unsuitable meshes (for instance too
thick meshes in relation to aperture,
shape of opening unsuitable, too
small net opening percent etc).
Install suitable mesh.
Material includes plenty of clay,
mud or other impurities.
Wash material before screening.
6. Too high feed rate to the screen. Reduce the feed rate.
Incorrect rotation direction of the
Change the rotation direction.
Sandvik Mining and Construction
Vibrating 5creens & Feeders
TroubIe shooting
Trouble Possible cause Correction
Material flows mostly on one
side of the screen.
1. Incorrect feed to the screen.
Re-position the feed so that it is
evenly spread across the whole
width of the screen.
Screen is not running in the right
Check the horizontal position of the
spring pedestals.
Too much material collecting
at feed end of the screen.
1. Conveying rate of screen too low. See corrections above.
2. Too high feed rate or uneven feed. Adjust feed rate.
Material fed against the conveying
direction of the screen
Arrange feed as per manual chapter
Direction of the screen rotation
Check direction of rotation and
change if necessary.
Too heavy material load from the
chute above.
Adjust feed chute to remove head
Sandvik Mining and Construction
Vibrating 5creens & Feeders
TroubIe shooting
Trouble Possible cause Correction
Screen meshes wear or break
in some places rapidly;
unusual high wear of meshes.
Wrong tensioning of meshes in
some places, or generally in the
whole screen.
Check and retighten screen meshes
according to instructions regularly.
Fed material falls onto the screen
mesh instead of the receiving area.
Re-position feed arrangement.
Screen mesh unsuitable for
screened material.
Change the mesh. (for instance
steel wire mesh to rubber mesh).
High capacity of screen and highly
abrasive material.
Change the mesh. (for instance
steel wire mesh to rubber mesh).
Material spills from chutes
onto maintenance platforms
Feed or discharge chutes
unsuitable or incorrectly installed.
Re-install and seal. It is not
permitted to connect extra parts to
the screen body as this can impair
the operation or damage the screen.
Screen worn so badly that material
is leaking from feed or discharge
areas or side plates. This can
happen if wear plates are not
changed in good time or if they are
Check the condition and fixing of
wear plates and change in good
time according to instructions.
Check also tightening of the bolts
Sandvik Mining and Construction
Vibrating 5creens & Feeders
TroubIe shooting
Trouble Possible cause Correction
In dust sealed screens, dust
1. Leak in the dust enclosure. Seal.
Insufficient suction in the dust
Increase suction of vacuum inside
the enclosure.
Supporting springs of the
screen tilt too much.
Fastening screws in the springing
system loose.
Tighten and change if
Sandvik Mining and Construction
Vibrating 5creens & Feeders
Tbere are certaln tblngs wblcb are not alloweo to oo ln any clrcumstances wltbout consultlng
screen manu|acturer |lrst. Some o| tbese tblngs can sborten tbe screens ll|e tlme oramatlcally,
cause major |ault or cause severe accloent.
Some o| tbose tblngs are llsteo below:
Wben repalrlng or malntalnlng screen or |eeoer secure tbat anybooy can not start tbe screen or
Always use proper tools ano spare parts!
Welolng or ecesslve beatlng (torcblng) o| screen booy ls not alloweo!
consult screen manu|acturer |or welolng metboos l| welolng ls neeoeo ano posslble.
Cbanglng rotatlon speeo can brlng screen booy to resonance zone!
unnecessary lncreaslng o| rotatlon speeo also sbortens bearlng ll|etlme
Aoolng stroke lengtb by aoolng too mucb etra counterwelgbts lncreases screen booy G-|orce
ano can cause major |ault
aoolng G-|orce sbortens bearlng ll|etlme.
Always use proper tools ano spare parts!

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