Objectives of Social Accounting: 1. Effective Utilization of Natural Resources

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Objectives of social accounting

The general objectives of social responsibility accounting are to, first, determine and measure the net social contribution of the organization on a periodic basis. This not only includes the elements of internal costs and specific benefits of the organization, but also includes the elements of cost and external social benefits that influence segments of the community. Second, evaluate the social performance of organizations by identifying whether the organization's strategies and objectives are consistent with the social priorities and the organization's ambition to ensure individuals a reasonable percentage of profits. The relationship between the economic performance of business organizations and social welfare lies at the core of social responsibility accounting. This requires an appropriate mechanism to measure social performance. Third, disclose the activities that have social influence carried out by the organization. This objective underlines the need for appropriate data on the social performance of the organization and the extent to which it contributes to achieving social objectives.

It also highlights the need to convey such data to internal and external beneficiaries in a way that positively influences any decisions made regarding activities at the private and public levels. To achieve this objective, an integrated information system should be worked out to reflect the objectives, policies, programs, performance, and contributions of business organizations to social welfare. The system should be able to provide management and any relevant party with useful information for decision making (Gray & Babington, 2000; Gray, 1999, 2002; Ibrahim, 2003; Abul Azm, 1998).

Main objectives of social accounting are to help society by providing different facilities by enterprise and to record them. We can write them in following points

1. Effective utilization of natural resources Main objectives of making social accounting is to determine whether company is properly utilize their natural resources or not . 2. Help to employees Company can help employees by providing the facility of education to children of employees, providing mtransport free of cost and also providing good working environment conditions . 3. Help to society Because companies' factories spread the pollution in natural society which is very harmful for society . So , enterprise can help to society by planting the trees , establishing new parks near factory area. and also opening new hospitals 4. Help to customers In social accounting this the part of benefits given by company to society , if company provides goods to

customers at lower rate and with high quality . 5. Help to investors Company can help to investors by providing transparent accounting information to investors . Because of many objectives are related to safeguarding of natural resources so this accounting is also known as Social and Environmental Accounting, Corporate Social Reporting, Corporate Social Responsibility Reporting, Non-Financial Reporting, Sustainability Accounting

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