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Chapter 1 (form 3): Respiration

Respiration = process which energy is released from glucose

Glucose + oxygen ---- energy + carbon dioxide + water

Glucose food Oxygen from air (by breathing) Breathing is a process which involves an exchange of gasses with the environment Human breathing using respiratory system Organ 1) nasal cavity 2)trachea 3)Bronchi 4)Diaphragm 5) Ribs 6)Throats 7)Lungs 8)Bronchioles 9) intercostal muscle 10) alveoli (singular: alveolus) Question 1) Exchanged of gases with the surrounding called ____________________ 2) What is the process which releases energy from glucose ___________________ 3) Name 3 main organ in respiratory system _________________

Transport of oxygen around the human body

Nostril Nasal cavity Trachea Bronchus Bronchiole alveolus

The Machanism Of Breathing



Rib cage move upwards /raised Intercostal muscle contract Diaphragm contracts and flatens Volume of thoracis cavity increase Air pressure in thorasic cavity decrease Air enter lung

Rib cage move downwords/lower Intercostal muscle lowered Diaphragm relax and curve upwords Volume of thorasic cavity decrease Air pressure in thorasic cavity increase Air forced out of the lung

Effect of smoking

Diseases coronary artery, cerebrovascular diseases, bronchitis, emphysema, lung cancer, heart attack Harmful substances

Effect - stimulates production of cell in the trachea and

lung which lead to lung cancer - Narrow and harden the blood vessels, effect blood flow and cause heart attacks

Tar Carbon monoxide

stick to the lining of the lung and collect in the alveoli, irritates the lung which can cause cancer combine with haemoglobin in the blood, effect transport of oxygen

Nitrogen dioxide

Sulphur Dioxide

Dissolve in mucus layer in wall of trachea and alveoli, form acid which can destroy lung tissue Forms acid which destroy the lungs

Diseases of respiratory system Asthma

Influenza Pneumonia

Tuberclorosis (TB)



Lung cancer

Cause and effect - Cause by pollutant, dust, genetic gactor and food allergy - Air tubes partially blocked by thicker mucus - Virus spread by droplets in the air - Blocked nose, teary eyes, fever, cough - Causes by bacteria, viruses and chemical substance in polluted air - Lung filled with pus and fluid - Chest pain, fever and cough - Bacteria infection (mycobacterium tuberculosis) carried by water droplet and dust in the air - Prolonged coughs, spits out blood - Viral infection - Cough and produce a lot of mucus - Bronchus swollen , pain in the chest - Linked to smoker and people who work in dusty area, mines and quarries - Lung become lest elastic,Alveoli expand and burst - Thicked layer of scar prevent oxygen from diffusing, cause breathing difficulties - Results of smoking cigarettes and pollutants from factories vehicle emissions dust and asbestos.

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