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NSYSU Scholarship Regulations for Foreign Students

Amended 24 June, 2011

1. To further improve international aspects of the university, NSYSU provides qualified foreign students with financial aids, the details of information and application procedure of which are as followed. 2. Eligibility (1)The above-mentioned foreign students refer to those degree-seeking foreign students at undergraduate or graduate level, whose qualifications are stipulated in the NSYSU Admission regulations for International Students. (2)Students in the Foreign Exchange Student Program or the Dual Degree Program are not qualified for application. 3. Financial sources of this scholarship include the Ministry of Education, the NSYSU Campus Fund, Aim for Top University Project as well as donations from various sources. The amount and quota of the scholarship are in accordance to the budget received and the number of applicants. 4. After review of applicants, each applicant will receive a monthly allowance. Doctorate candidates receive NT 20,000/month, graduate candidates receive NT 15,000/month, and undergraduates receive NT 10,000/month. Each scholarship is valid for one academic year (September of that current year till the following August). Applicants must apply each year. Limitation: Undergraduates can apply for a maximum of 4 years, graduates a maximum of 2 years while doctorates a maximum of 4 years. 5. Application Qualifications: (1) New students : In accordance to NSYSUs International student admission procedures, students must attach the application for this scholarship along with their admissions application for review. (2) Current students must complete one full semester before being eligible to apply, and must meet the following requirements: Doctorate, graduate students must have at least taken 1 course in the previous semester, and possess an yearly average of GAP 2.93 at least (the mark of 75%), as well as not exhibiting any misconduct. For students writing their thesis that does not possess grades from the previous semester must obtain, in addition, a recommendation letter from their advisor as well as submitting their research plan. Undergraduates must have at least 9 credit hours in the

previous semester, and in one full school year, possess an average GAP 2.44 at least (the mark of 70%)mark of at least 70%, as well as not exhibiting any misconduct. (3)Both new and current students must not possess a full-time job outside of school in order to be eligible to apply.

6. Application timeline: (1) New students : To be included with the admissions application. (2) Current students : In April each year, apply to the International Affairs Office according to the time and regulations announced. 7. Application Requirements (ONE COPY of each) (1)for students who are not yet enrolled in NSYSU, please complete and submit the following forms & documents: Application form; Official mark transcript in English or Chinese for full academic year (sealed by original institution); Study Plan or Research Plan; Curriculum Vitae; Recommendation letter; Other relevant supporting documents (optional). (2)for students who have already enrolled in NSYSU, please complete and submit the following forms & documents: Application form; Official transcript in Chinese for full academic year Recommendation letter; Other relevant supporting documents (optional); Post office account passbook. 8. Members of the Scholarship Review Committee include the president, Vice president of Academic Affairs, dean of Academic Affairs, dean of International Affairs, and each departmental dean with the president as the chairperson. 9. Applicants must attend the scholarship information session held by the Office of International Affairs prior to the start of the school semester to understand their rights and responsibilities or else applicants are unable to gain the desired scholarship. 10. Discontinuance of Scholarship: (1)The scholarship will be discontinued in the following semester if the scholarship receiver did not meet the requirement of GPA for current semester. The scholarship will be continued if students meet the requirements of GPA which are 2.44 (the mark of 70%) for undergraduates and at least 2.93 (the mark of 75%) for postgraduates.

Master and PhD students who did not take any course and were conducting research thesis are not subject to this article. (2)Applicants receiving scholarship who wishes to go abroad for research or exchange will be subjected to the discontinuance of their scholarship for the duration of their time abroad. (i.e.: 3 months out of the year abroad, only 9 months of scholarship will be received) (3)After registration, excluding winter and summer breaks, within the time frame of the scholarship, if a student is absent from school for a month then their scholarship will be discontinued for that month. If a student is absent for 2 consecutive months, then the scholarship will be cancelled. However, under special circumstances or reasons, with the department heads approval, then the student is not subject to the discontinuance. (4)If an admitted student receiving the scholarship wishes to withdraw or postpone their enrollment, then their scholarship will be cancelled. Upon their return, they must re-apply. (5)If a student receiving scholarship is found to possess a full-time job outside of school, then their scholarship will be cancelled. (6)Students awarded scholarships who disobey NSYSUs rules and conduct will be subjected to punishment and the cancellation of their scholarship the next month forward. 11. If a student receives NSYSUs scholarship then they are unable to receive the Government of Taiwans scholarship for foreign students. If discovered to be such a case, then the grant from NSYSU will be cancelled. If for whatever reason, after review, it is found that the student is receiving both scholarships, then NSYSUs scholarship will be rescinded. The illegitimate gain in the aforementioned circumstances must be returned. 12. Matters not mentioned in this regulation will be subjected to other relative regulation guidelines. 13. This scholarship regulation is passed by the executive council and enforced with the presidents approval, and so it is with its amendments.

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