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Chemist : Chemical Overt : lahir, jelas


noun overt : jelas recognizable : bisa dikenali anvanced ; parah dying : sekarat terminal illness : penyakit mematikan ranging : berkisar tend : cenderung represent : menampilkan tip : puncak

Sympthom : gejala Iceberg : lapisan State : keadaan Merely : semata-mata Regarded : dianggap Posses : memiliki Chance : kesempatan Remainder : sisanya Infirmity: kelemahan Possess: mempunyai Precursor: pendahuluan, tanda Morbid: abnormal Atheroma: Tract : saluran : gangguan/kerusakan : tidak meyakinkan : pasien rawat inap : pasien rawat jalan

general practitioner: minor : kecil referral : rujukan life threatening : mengancam nyawa come across severe : parah : menjumpai

Distrurbance Inclonclusive In patient Out patient

fatty deposit in artery: an accumulation in the inner lining of an artery of a plaque of cholesterol and other constituents atheromatous plaque

inflammation of tonsils: inflammation of the tonsils of the mouth, caused either by bacteria or a virus, which makes the throat very sore and can lead to fever and earache earwax: the waxy secretion of glands lining the canal of the external ear (technical)

Impairment: perusakan

Infirmity: kelemahan Possess: mempunyai Precursor: pendahuluan, tanda Morbid: abnormal Atheroma:
fatty deposit in artery: an accumulation in the inner lining of an artery of a plaque of cholesterol and other constituents atheromatous plaque

inflammation of tonsils: inflammation of the tonsils of the mouth, caused either by bacteria or a virus, which makes the throat very sore and can lead to fever and earache earwax: the waxy secretion of glands lining the canal of the external ear (technical)

Impairment: perusakan


swelling caused by ear infection: inflammation of the ear, caused by infection Hay fever

allergic reaction to pollen: an allergic reaction to pollen that irritates the upper respiratory tract and the eyes, resulting in symptoms including a runny and itchy nose, itchy and watering eyes, and sneezing

Microsoft Encarta 2009. 1993-2008 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

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earwax: the waxy secretion of glands lining the canal of the external ear (technical)

Microsoft Encarta 2009. 1993-2008 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

(plural myocardial infarctions) noun

heart attack: the death of a segment of heart muscle, caused by a blood clot in the coronary artery interrupting blood supply

Microsoft Encarta 2009. 1993-2008 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. appendicitis noun
inflammation of appendix: inflammation of the appendix, causing severe pain

Microsoft Encarta 2009. 1993-2008 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

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