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Name Student number Faculty & Class : Fachryan Zuhri : 1106012224 : Engineering & English-4

1. Title of the article: Is Pop Culture Dumbing Us Down or Smartening Us Up? 2. Author(s): Anonymous 3. Explain in two or three sentences why you have chosen this article. I get excited about this article because I really like pop culture and I feel it makes my brain more relax and my knowledge is enriched. In other case, many parents think that pop culture such as playing video game or watching TV, makes their children dumb. But, exactly, it can be smartening their children especially for growing up their right brain. 4. Explain briefly in four or five sentences what is the article about. This article contains of Steven Johnsons argument about pop culture. He argues that when we watch TV shows, the part of our brain that monitors the emotional lives of the people around us, the part that tracks subtle shifts in intonation and gesture and facial expression, scrutinizes on the screen, looking for clues. He develops his argument that playing a video game is an exercise in constructing the proper hierarchy of tasks and moving through the tasks in the correct sequence. Compared by reading, video game is an example of collateral learning and reading is an explicit learning. He also reveals that on elementary school, the students shouldnt be given more homework because they could be playing a video game to give their minds a rigorous workout. 5. What is the writers message or purpose in writing this article? The writers message is what is making us smarter is precisely what we thought was making us dumber. 6. Give your personal comment on the article as a conclusion of your article review. I think this article is interesting, but there is no information about who the author is. Overall, it teaches us that no one thing in this world created for making us dumber at all. We should see from another side that it is also smartening us up.

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