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AMARC Europe - World Association of Community Radio Broadcasters AMARC Europe Association Mondiale des Radios Communautaires AMARC

C Europa Asociacion Mundial de Radios Comunitarias

Third AMARC Europe Conference

Transnational, Transgender, Transmedia, Transversal, Transforming, Transgressive, Transcultural
Montpellier, France, May 16/19 2012

Contact Information:
Mariano Sanchez, president AMARC Europe, Francesco Diasio, Regional Coorinator, AMARC Europe J. Paul Gambier, FRANC LR,

Event organised by:

With the support

AMARC- Europe Rue de la Linire 11, Tel +32.(0)2.609 44 40 , B-1060 Brussels

AMARC Europe - World Association of Community Radio Broadcasters AMARC Europe Association Mondiale des Radios Communautaires AMARC Europa Asociacion Mundial de Radios Comunitarias

TransRadio Transnational, Transgender, Transmedia, Transversal, Transforming, Transgressive, Transcultural

3rd AMARC Europe Conference 16-19 May 2013, Montpellier, France
Conference Agenda and Activities The three-day conference will consist of two formats: Plenary sessions, and interactive workshops.


Morning - Arrival of participants - Registration H 9.30 - OFFICIAL OPENING OF THE CONFERENCE h10.30 PLENARY SESSION H 11.45 General Assembly Election of the New Board Lunch break Afternoon SIDE EVENTS H 15.00 General Assembly Approval of new members Approval of Statutory amendments Presentation of reports from the previous board. Approval of budgets Presentation of candidates for elections Presentation of motions SIDE EVENTS h. 15.00 3 Parallel Workshops


H 9.30 PLENARY SESSION H 9,00 General Assembly Discussion about Action Plan Approval of motions Approval of Action Plan and motions Working committees Varia

h. 11.30 3 Parallel Workshops/ Grundtvig Meeting


SIDE EVENTS Departure of participants

Parallel Board h 17.00 report to the meeting CNRA Plenary H 16,30 FINAL SESSION Declaration of Montpellier Orientations to be included in the plan of Action and approved by the GA H 18,00 CONFERENCE CLOSURE

AMARC- Europe Rue de la Linire 11, Tel +32.(0)2.609 44 40 , B-1060 Brussels

AMARC Europe - World Association of Community Radio Broadcasters AMARC Europe Association Mondiale des Radios Communautaires AMARC Europa Asociacion Mundial de Radios Comunitarias

Official Opening of the Conference

Languedoc Roussillon Region representatives AMARC International President AMARC Europe President FRANC LR President
Plenary Sessions:
(All panelists are to be confirmed)

Keynote Speaker: Mme Dunja Mijatovic, OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media (1) Opening Plenary: TransRadio How to challenge binary stereotypes in the current media landscape: analogue vs digital; copyright vs copyleft; national vs transnational, local vs global, feminine vs. masculine Moderator: Gabriel Nissim, Chair of the Human Rights Committee of the Conference of INGOs, Council of Europe Marina Petrillo, Radio Popolare, Milan: from community radio to independent Broadcaster Representative of the LGBT Transnational Movement Emmanuelle Machet, European Platform Regulatory Authorities, Secretary General. Co-regulation and new regulatory frames models Marie Christine Vergiat, Member of the European Parliament, from transcultural to European citizenship. How to bridge global strategies to local struggles. (2) Communication and CommunicACTION: Public goods, social movements and community broadcasters European context of social rights, democratic processes in Europe and in the Mediterranean basin, social movements and community radios,.

Moderator: Evangelos Asprogerakas, Radio ENTASI, Greece Kamel Labidi, Former President of INRIC (Instance Nationale pour la Reforme Information et Communication), Tunisia. The reforms in Tunisia: social movements and new institutional rules Amelia Andersdotter, Member of the European Parliament. Pirates become Policy makers
AMARC- Europe Rue de la Linire 11, Tel +32.(0)2.609 44 40 , B-1060 Brussels

AMARC Europe - World Association of Community Radio Broadcasters AMARC Europe Association Mondiale des Radios Communautaires AMARC Europa Asociacion Mundial de Radios Comunitarias

Mario Lubetkin, Inter Press Service, Director. Global communication and social struggles (3) to be determined by members consultation Interactive Workshops (to be confirmed): Minority Languages: the promotion of minority languages in Europe through community radios. European citizenship. Networks and synergies within Europe. The workshop aims at preparing the European event which will take place at the European Parliament the 16th and 17th of October 2013. Moderated by CR and minority languages representatives; other minority languages European networks. EU programs for the sustainability of community radio stations. Lifelong Learning Programme (Grundtvig, Leonardo), Cooperation programs with South (EIDHR, Non State Actors projects), Cultural Programs. Other programs managed by particular EP Commissions (cultural commission, gender commission etc..) Synergies and coordination. Moderated by fundraising experts within the CR sector, with LLP representatives, MEP assistants. Training and professional qualifications for radio staff and volunteers. The workshop follow up previous activities within Amarc Europe members (I.e. National Federations of CR), and lead to assess the situation in Europe about the acknowledgement of professional qualification, and continue working on the European level. Alliances and strategy. The Arabic spring and the situation for community media in Arabic countries. After 2 years since the Tunisian revolution, community and free radio stations are developing, although regulatory frames are still not complete. The Tunisian laboratory, the Egyptian situation. The defense of human rights activists. With representatives of the free radio movement from the Southern shore of the Mediterranean (Syndicat Tunisien des Radios Libres), and Middle East. Information sharing and networking, Archiving issues. The exchange of programs and the promotion of common radio coverages for particular events, is one of the things that community radio discuss since long time. Language barriers and technological barriers can be overcome by clever strategies. Topics of common interest. Sharing the agenda. Archiving issues. Moderated by CR practitioners and experts, with CSO repreentatives. To be determined by members consultation Side events Projection Video: Radio Student (Slovenia), celebration of its 40th Anniversary. Radio Student is probably the first European Community Radio station, born in Ljubljana in 1969. Others: to be confirmed
AMARC- Europe Rue de la Linire 11, Tel +32.(0)2.609 44 40 , B-1060 Brussels

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