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Intent- purpose Fit-strategy in accordance with resources and environment Stretch- misfit between resource and environment Leverage-concentrating, accumulating meager resources to meet aspirations

Hierarchy of intent

Most integrative vision mission goals objectives plans Most specific

Fewest in number

More in number

Mental image of what the future will or could be like Organizational projections

A realistic, credible and attractive future for an organization Burt Nanus Vision should describe set of ideals and priorities, a picture of future, a sense of what makes the company unique, core set of principles that company stands for and set of criteria's that will help define organizational success Oren Harari

Realistic Credible Attractive Futuristic Role in strategy formulation Provides clue were we are heading Place organisation in unique position Source of inspiration

Features of good vision

idealistic directional Unique Inspirational Well articulated

IOC aims to achieve international standards of excellence in all aspects of energy and diversified business with focus on customer delight through quality products and services

Why an organisation exists HUL commitment to national priorities which ensures company is a part of peoples life making a difference to India and Indians

Mission is essential purpose of organisation , concerning why it is in existence, the nature of business(ess) it is in, and customers it seeks to serve and satisfy

Vision is forward looking view Mission states what organization is and why it exists Vision deals with long term concept of organisation Mission states how organisation will interact with environment

Role in strategy formulation

Gives direction Clarify aspirations Reference point Integrating environment by suitable environment IOC maintaining national leadership in oil refining, marketing and pipeline transportation

Business definition
Statement of business organisation engaged presently or wish to pursue in future.


Personal wears

Non wears








High priced

Medium priced

Low priced

PETER F DRUCKER Who is customer? What does customer buy? What does customer value?

Product, technology, customer segment
Customer group

Customer function

Alternative technologies

Goals and objectives

Mostly used interchangeably Mexico & Latin America- objectives are long term while goals are short term USA vice versa

Issues in objective setting

Specificity Multiplicity Periodicity Reality quality

We want to make our product number one selling brand In terms of units sold Our objective is to maximize profit

Assignment 1
articulate the vision, mission, business definition of an organisation that you have thought of establishing in your future as an entrepreneur or intrapreneur.

Be imaginative and original

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