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VOCABULARY Choose the correct answer A, B, or C. Example: The film was really ______. I nearly fell asleep.

A exciting (B) boring C funny 1 I ______ a lot more money in my new job. A had B win C earn 2 The meeting is ______ 17May at 2.00 p.m. A at B on C in 3 Dans so ______. He pays for everything when we go out. A lazy B mean C generous 4 Im going to ______ a cake for Bills birthday. A make B do C cook 5 Its really sunny. Lets ______ for a walk. A get B go C have 6 ______ have black and yellow stripes on their bodies. A Flies B Mosquitoes C Wasps 7 Excuse me, could I ______ on these jeans, please? A get B take C try 8 My new camera doesnt work. Im going to take it ______ to the shop. A away B back C on 9 The bus was so ______ I couldnt move. A crowded B modern C noisy 10 He wont be very happy if he ______ his driving test again. A misses B passes C fails 11 Tower Bridge goes ______ the River Thames. A over B under C through 12 Did you ______ sightseeing in Prague? A do B make C go 13 He ______ me if I could tell him the way. A said B told C asked 14 Ive bought a new ______ for the athletics competition. A trainers B tracksuit C boots 15 Your ______ are cold! You should wear gloves. A arms B legs C hands 16 Dont be so ______! Youll have to wait. A impatient B untidy C mean

17 I look ______ my mother; we have the same eyes and nose. A as B like C to 18 Its ______ to run when the floor is wet. A safe B dangerous C clean 19 I fell ______ the steps and broke my arm. A along B into C down 20 This street is ______ at night you cant hear any traffic. A clean B safe C quiet 21 Say please. You have to be more ______. A rude B noisy C polite 22 A ______ has a very long neck. A giraffe B kangaroo C bear 23 Can you turn ______ the radio? I want to listen to the weather forecast. A off B on C down 24 Adrian asked me if I could ______ him some money. A lend B borrow C take 25 Im sorry Im late. I ______ the bus. A missed B left C lost

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