Personal Bond of Indemnity Philomena

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PERSONAL BOND OF INDEMNITY (at the request and cost of insurant) (To be executed by the insurant in the absence

of policy-document) From all men by these presents that I Philomena Anthony am the held and firmly bound unto the president of India (Hereinafter called the president) for the sum of Rs.5,000/-(Rs. Five thousand Only) (Face Value of the policies) of lawful money of India to be paid on the demand and without document to which payment will and truly to be made I bind myself, my heirs, executors, administrators and representatives firmly by these president. Sealed with my seal dated this 5th day April 2013, in the Christian year. Whereas on or about the day or 5 th day April 2013, I Philomena Anthony purchased from the Director General (Post), (hereinafter called the Director General) a Government of India Post office LI/EA policy numbered ZZPE3642941 of the face value of Rs.5,000/- bearing a monthly premium of Rs.11/- payable upto the age of 55 AND WHEREAS I have applied to the CHIEF POSTMASTER GENERAL for the settlement of my claim and payment of money in respect of the said policy and WHEREAS I have not produced the said policy ZZPE3642941 issued to Shri/Smt. Philomena Anthony by the Deputy Director, postal Life Insurance, NM.7, Hoilghata Street, Calcutta-700 001, AND WHEREAS represented to the chief postmaster General, Karnataka Circle the said facts and that the said policy has not been assigned OR transferred to no body OR dispose of in any other was and WHEREAS the Chief Postmaster General, Karnataka Circle, has under the direction of Director General, Post, New Delhi and on behalf of and as agent of president. Relieving on my executing for the better protection of president such bond as above written with such consideration as hereunder is written. Now the condition of the above written bond is such that if I my heirs executors, administrators and representatives do and shall when required so to do pay the president, his successors OR assigns the sum of Rs. together with all costs as between attorney and client Philomena Anthony and all charges, losses, damages and expenses that shall OR may have been in-curred by OR occasioned to the PRESIDENT, his successors OR assigns OR any of the servants of the Government by reason of the OR assigns any of the servants of the government by reason of OR consequent upon the payment being made in respect of the said policy and further that if my heirs, executors, administrators and respresentive shall and do from time to time and all times here after will and sufficiently save, defend, keep harmless and indemnified the President his successors and assigns and the officers and servants or the Government and each and every of them from and against all and all manner of action and actions suit and suits and other legal proceedings, costs, charges, damages and expenses whatsoever which shall or may at any time to times hereafter be brought, commenced or sued by any person or body corporate whosoever or whatsoever against or happen or be occasioned to the President his successors or assigns or assigns or any of the officers or servants of government for or on account of in Respect of or by reasons of the payment being made to me in respect of the said policy then the above written bond shall be void and the effect otherwise the same shall be and remain full force and virtue PROVIDED ALWAYS AND it is hereby expressively declared and agreed by me with and to the President his successors and assigns that in the defence and prosecution of any action suit or other legal proceedings referred to in the forgoing clase for indemnity or maintained in virtue thereof the president, his successors or assigns shall not be responsible or accountable to me, to my heirs, executors, administrators and respresentatives for any act omission or mistake in defence or Prosecution of such action or other legal proceedings and that in the defence or prosecution of such action suit or legal proceedings the president, his successors or assigns and his and other officers and servants shall be required to so such acts and take such steps only as shall in that behalf be proved and advised by the officers or the Government of India. Signed, sealed and Delivered by the above named:

(Signature and Address) (Insurant)

In the Presence and (Two witness to sign here) 1.

2. In the presence of ACCEPTED For and on behalf of the President Of India.

Verified by: (By. Development officers (P.L.I), P R I (postal), A S P O S (postal)

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