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WHAT is RA 8972? Republic Act No.

8972 otherwise known as the Solo Parents Welfare Act of 2000 is an Act that provides benefits and privileges to solo parents and their children, appropriating funds therefore and for other purposes. The Act aims to develop a comprehensive package of social development and welfare services to solo parents and their children to be carried out by the Department of Social Welfare and Development as the lead agency, various government services and other related NGOs. WHO are considered SOLO PARENTS? a. Parent left alone with the responsibility of parenthood due to: (1) death of spouse; (2) physical and mental incapacity of spouse as certified by public medical practitioner; (3) imprisonment of the spouse for at least one year (4) legal or de facto separation from spouse for at least one year; (5) annulment of marriage as decreed by a court or the church (6) abandonment of spouse for at least one year; (b) a woman who gives birth as a result of rape and crimes against chastity, provided the woman keeps and raises her child; (c) unmarried mother or father who has preferred to keep and care for the child;

(d) any individual or person who solely provides parental care and support to a child provided he/she is a duly licensed foster parent of DSWD, or duly appointed legal guardian by the court through adoption or legal guardianship (e) Any family member who assumes the responsibility as head of the family as a result of the death, abandonment, prolonged absence or disappearance of parents/solo parent for at least one year SERVICES for the REGISTERED SOLO PARENT and their CHILDREN a. Livelihood Development through self-employment, skills development and job placement b. Employment-related benefits such as

c. Psychosocial services
- counseling - Parent effectiveness session - critical incident stress debriefing - psychosocial care sessions - organization of solo parent associations/support groups d. educational services - scholarship grants to deserving children of solo parents in the tertiary; vocational level - access to non-formal education to solo parents and their children e. health services - access to essential health services at different levels public health care system - automatic availment of gamot na mabisa at abot-kaya f. housing services - provision of housing assistance to disadvantaged solo parents who has been found eligible under the criteria of the program - can be availed through the NHA housing assistance program and other housing services by SSS, GSIS, HDMF HOW to AVAIL the SERVICES

Parental leave
- granting of not more than 7 days leave which is non-cumulative and non-convertible to cash - An addition to all existing leave privileges provided by law


Flexible work schedule

- provision of flexible working arrangement to the solo parent provided that the weekly working hours is not affected

Protection against work discrimination

- No employer shall discriminate a solo parent employee with respect to their condition of employment in accordance to his/her status

HOW TO AVAIL THE SERVICES? a. APPLY for a Solo Parent Identification Card (Solo Parent ID) from the City/Municipal Social Welfare and Development Office (C/MSWDO) where he/she resides. b. Once the ID is issued, the solo parent can avail the services needed from the C/MSWDO and other agencies providing such assistance/services. If an ID is not yet available, a certificate of eligibility may be issued by the C/MSWDO provided that the assessment process has been completed REQUIREMENTS in SECURING a SOLO PARENTS IDENTIFICATION CARD (ID) 1) Residence certificate issued by the Barangay Captain 2) Documents/evidence that the applicant is indeed a solo parent (e.g. death certificate of spouse; declaration of nullity of marriage; medical certificate if incapacitated) 3. ITR or certification from barangay, municipal treasurer to establish income level of the family for purposes of identifying services needed. AGENCIES PROVIDING SERVICES Health Services DOH Educational Services Housing Services Work Related Benefits leave, flexible CSC work schedule) Health Services Psychosocial Services Livelihood -


Year 2003, DSWD IV-B advocated for the installation of a SOLO PARENTS DESK in the Local Government Units (LGUs) to give more focus in caring for the rights and welfare of the solo parents. This was pilot tested in CALAPAN CITY. The initiative proved successful as more solo parents were provided with various services since the installation of the Solo Parents Desk. Soon, the municipalities of Naujan and Baco , Oriental Mindoro installed a Solo Parents Desk in their own municipalities. Here are some of the innovative programs/services provided to the solo parents made possible through the institutionalization of a Solo Parents Desk: a. Livelihood Seminar-training on Aromatic and Decorative Candle-Making in Calapan City Fruit Preservation Training in Baco Engaged in Tiangge in Baco b. Provision of Philhealth Cards

Republic Act 8972



c. Tulong Ayos Bahay for the needy Solo Parents d. Others counseling, provision of IDs, educational assistance, etc.

The Law recognizes the Pains and Joys of Single Parenthood

NHA DOLE, (parental


Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) IV-B MIMAROPA Alabang-Zapote Road, Muntinlupa City (02) 850-8380-81/850-2140

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