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See quarterly data from 2007 till now at bottom of this page.

2012 saw the highest number of arrivals yet, with arrival number in the fourth quarter of 2012 also the highest ever at 6.33 million. After the prior turbulent years, 2012 was relatively quiet peacefull, though probably still suffering a bit in the first quarter from the heavy flooding in Thailand and Bangkok end 2011. At bottom of this page : current problems with tourism to Thailand. [previous content of this page, about the effect of the tsunami on tourism, has moved]


nt er na tio na l ar riv al s to Th ail an d fr o m

Si nc e so m e w he re in th e mi dd le of 20 08 a se ve re w orl d wi de re ce ssi on da m pe ne d th e de sir e to tra ve l. Th ail

In th e re ce nt pa st, bo th S A R S in ea rly 20 03 , an d th e Ts un a mi of de ce m be r 20 04 , ha d si gn ifi ca nt eff ec ts

N u m be rs sh o w nu m be r of to uri st


nt er na tio na l ar riv al s to Th ail an d fr o m

Si nc e so m e w he re in th e mi dd le of 20 08 a se ve re w orl d wi de re ce ssi on da m pe ne d th e de sir e to tra ve l. Th ail

In th e re ce nt pa st, bo th S A R S in ea rly 20 03 , an d th e Ts un a mi of de ce m be r 20 04 , ha d si gn ifi ca nt eff ec ts

N u m be rs sh o w nu m be r of to uri st


nt er na tio na l ar riv al s to Th ail an d fr o m

Si nc e so m e w he re in th e mi dd le of 20 08 a se ve re w orl d wi de re ce ssi on da m pe ne d th e de sir e to tra ve l. Th ail

In th e re ce nt pa st, bo th S A R S in ea rly 20 03 , an d th e Ts un a mi of de ce m be r 20 04 , ha d si gn ifi ca nt eff ec ts

N u m be rs sh o w nu m be r of to uri st


nt er na tio na l ar riv al s to Th ail an d fr o m

Si nc e so m e w he re in th e mi dd le of 20 08 a se ve re w orl d wi de re ce ssi on da m pe ne d th e de sir e to tra ve l. Th ail

In th e re ce nt pa st, bo th S A R S in ea rly 20 03 , an d th e Ts un a mi of de ce m be r 20 04 , ha d si gn ifi ca nt eff ec ts

N u m be rs sh o w nu m be r of to uri st


nt er na tio na l ar riv al s to Th ail an d fr o m

Si nc e so m e w he re in th e mi dd le of 20 08 a se ve re w orl d wi de re ce ssi on da m pe ne d th e de sir e to tra ve l. Th ail

In th e re ce nt pa st, bo th S A R S in ea rly 20 03 , an d th e Ts un a mi of de ce m be r 20 04 , ha d si gn ifi ca nt eff ec ts

N u m be rs sh o w nu m be r of to uri st


nt er na tio na l ar riv al s to Th ail an d fr o m

Si nc e so m e w he re in th e mi dd le of 20 08 a se ve re w orl d wi de re ce ssi on da m pe ne d th e de sir e to tra ve l. Th ail

In th e re ce nt pa st, bo th S A R S in ea rly 20 03 , an d th e Ts un a mi of de ce m be r 20 04 , ha d si gn ifi ca nt eff ec ts

N u m be rs sh o w nu m be r of to uri st



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Record Number of Tourists Visit Thailand in 2011

January 11, 2012 Richard Barrow Share

The statistics for 2011 have just been released by the Department of Tourism. In previous years we have seen growth of about 8-10%. However, for 2011, the official statistics show that there was an increase in foreign tourists to Thailand of 19.84%. In 2010, there were 15,936,400 tourists in Thailand. This number increased to an amazing 19,098,323 in 2011. This is in despite of political unrest and street fighting over the last few years and also the devastating flood in the latter half of 2011. They are already looking forward to the end of 2012 and predict we will see 20.5 to 20.8 million tourists. Increase in international arrivals were seen in most sectors around the world. In particular, East Asia and Europe increased by 26.56% and 11.4% respectively. The tourists in the top 10 for international visitors to Thailand in 2011 were from: 1. Malaysia (2.47 million) 2. China (1.76 million) 3. Japan (1.12 million) 4. Russia (1,014,493) 5. South Korea (1,014,292) 6. India (916,787) 7. Laos (887,677) 8. Australia, (854,064) 9. Great Britain (844,221) 10. United States (684,073) During November 2011 the number of tourists declined by 17.92% which was mainly due to the widespread floods. However, this improved by December when the decline was only 2.4%. What helped the overall picture were good results earlier in the year up to and including October. In the month of May 2011 alone, there was an increase of 70.26% compared to the same period the year before.

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Thailand tourism: hitting record highs

Jan 29, 2013 10:55am by Gwen Robinson 8inShare3 0 The hoardes of tourists flocking to Bangkoks temples and bars and to island resorts beyond tell the story of Thailands remarkable comeback from the impact of devastating floods in 2011 and violent street clashes in 2010. So, too, does the charmed performance of Thailands stock market, among the best performing markets in Asia last year, as well as record inward foreign investment, roaring bond market and robust economic growth after a miserable zero per cent growth in 2011. But the countrys tourism industry has notched up its own distinctive records, including a new high for the total number of tourist arrivals, at 22.3m last year, according to figures issued this week. The number is up 16 per cent from the previous year and with predictions by the Tourism Authority of Thailand of 24.5m tourist arrivals this year, is set for a fresh record. The predicted growth in arrivals is absolutely achievable, noted Charles Blocker, a director at hotel group Zinc InVision Hospitality and head of the tourism committee of the American Chamber of Commerce. You can expect Chinese arrivals to keep increasing so long as theres airlift capacity, and with continued political stability and economic recovery, further increases are almost assured. The figures show an extraordinary shift in the composition of Thailands top tourist groups, putting mainland China for the first time as the leading source of tourists, with 2.7m arrivals last year up a staggering 62 per cent from the previous year. China edged out Malaysia with 2.5m tourist arrivals. Russians came third, with Japanese, Koreans, Britons and Germans behind them. Tourism has for some time been the countrys top foreign exchange earner and last year generated revenues of nearly Bt100bn ($31bn at last years rate). While it officially accounts for less than 9 per cent of Thailands gross domestic product, analysts say the knock-on effect of the tourism dollars are far broader and cannot be quantified accurately. Sriyan Pietersz, head of equities research at JPMorgan in Thailand, noted that growth in related sectors, such as medical tourism, is quite significant, particularly from areas such as the Middle East. The tourism boost has also driven Thai tourism-related stocks, with the Stock Exchange of Thailands 13-member Thai tourism & leisure index (SETHOT) reaching record highs in January. But there are some challenges, including the recent strengthening of the Thai baht, which has appreciated over the past year by more than 3.4 per cent to 29 baht to the dollar including a near-2 per cent rise in the last three months alone.

While Thai business groups and some politicians warn of the impact on Thai exports as well as tourism, economists have largely brushed aside the impact of the stronger baht. We dont really see this level of baht strength having a serious impact on the Thai economy and you also have to look at the countrys very balanced current account, said Adrian Mowat, JPMorgans chief Asian and emerging markets strategist. Similarly, industry members and analysts play down the potential impact on tourism of any further political turmoil despite concerns about tensions between the red-shirted followers of the ruling Pheu Thai party and the yellow-shirted monarchists. Underlying such concerns are fears about the royal succession, with Thailands revered king in poor health. Even if Bangkok blows up again, remember that when people were being shot in the streets in 2010, tourists were still going to Thailands resort islands, said one hotel manager. One concern however remains the ever-present threat of natural disasters, such as the 2004 tsunami, which killed more than 240,000 people across Asia, and the 2011 flood crisis. Ultimately, there is strong cause for optimism, notes AmChams Blocker, although he adds: Thailand has many competitive and inherent advantages relative to its regional neighbours, but infrastructure and its ability to meet expectations needs to keep pace not only to attract new visitors to the country but also those who will keep returning.

Ghid turistic Thailanda
Thailanda este o tara asiatica de o diversitate unica, imbinand culoarea turcoaz a marii, cu ospitalitatea recunoscuta a populatiei, traditiile si cultura milenara, creand astfel o destinatie turistica completa, locul de nastere al pisicilor siameze si, de asemenea, al gemenilor siamezi. De peste 100 de ani, magnetismul si valoarea turistica a Thailandei, atrage vizitatori din intreaga lume, facandu-i sa isi doreasca sa se intoarca aici, an de an. Care este de fapt motorul fascinantiei pentru aceasta tara? Pe de-o parte este mostenirea culturala bogata, arta si arhitectura, pe de alta parte, fetele intotdeauna zambitoare ale thailandezilor si ospitalitatea lor

autentica, pietele aglomerate si pline de culoare, orasele fabuloase stravechi, numeroasele resorturi turistice moderne si luxoase, care prezinta servicii de o calitate de necontestat, precum si triburile autohtone neprihanite de invazia civilizatiei, traind in mijlocul junglelor vaste. Prin urmare, daca aveti un spirit aventuros si, in acelasi timp, apreciati confortul, Thailanda este tara in care ar trebui sa mergeti! Regatul Thailandei este un stat situat in partea de sud - est a Asiei, marginita de apele Golfului Thailanda in partea de sud si sud - est si de apele Marii Andaman si ale Stramtorii Malacca in partea de vest, avandu-i ca vecini pe Burma in partea de nord - vest si vest, Laos in partea de nord - est, Vietnam in partea de est, Cambodgia in partea de sud - est si Malaezia in partea de sud. Este o tara a contrastelor, cu o varietate aproape infinita. Aici va puteti intalni atat cu muntii inalti si incetosati, cu rauri limpezi si sinuosi, precum si cu jungle impenetrabile, cu animale si plante exotice, campurile de orez din Campia Centrala, plaje cu nisip fin si insulele tropicale de pe coasta estica. Thailanda este o tara a orhideelor si a safirelor albastre si stralucitoare, unde varfurile semete ale acoperisurilor templelor locale, patrunde adanc intr-un cer nesfarsit si senin, unde soarele mangaie cu razele soarelui pitorescul golf Siam, pe toata perioada anului. Aici este locul in care puteti cunoaste regatul ca in povesti, vara eterna si oceanul caldut, unde puteti uita de toate grijile voastre de peste an, pentru a va afunda intr-o vacanta a trupului si a sufletului. In timpurile moderne, Thailanda a devenit una dintre cele mai dezvoltate tari din aceasta parte a Asiei, unde zgarie - norii si luminile de neon ale reclamelor gigantice, nu sunt umbrite si nu umbresc bogata cultura nationala. Este tara "oamenilor liberi", asa cum declara cu mandrie populatia locala, cu o bucatarie excelenta si femei extraordinar de frumoase, prin exotismul lor. Nu exista o alta tara in lume care sa concureze cu Thailanda din punct de vedere al numarului de sarbatori. Festivitati religioase nenumarate continua pe toata durata anului. Daca vacanta voastra coincide cu desfasurarea uneia dintre ele, veti fi martorii unor spectacole fantastice, bucurie si distractie fara limita.

Templele sunt gazda statuilor magice ale lui Buddha, pentru care thailanezii au inradacinat o cultura adanca, de piosenie si respect. Marturie a acestei credinte profunde, stau nenumaratele temple construite chiar si in zonele nelocuite si mai putin practicabile ale tarii, precum si adevaratele armate de calugari. Thailanda prezinta o bogatie arhitectonica, culturala, culinara deosebita si traditii care se intalnesc doar aici. Odata ajunsi in Thailanda, va puteti bucura de fermele de crocodili, gradinile de orhidee, sau puteti asista la spectacole grandioase si interesante, desfasurate in jurul animalelor mult iubite de locuitori, elefantii. Este, de asemenea, unul dintre cele mai faimoase destinatii turistice ale lumii, in materie de scuba diving si snorkelling, regatul fiind udat de apele Golfului Thailanda si a Marii Chinei de Sud inspre est si de Marea Andaman, parte a Oceanului Indian, la vest. Majoritatea centrelor de scufundari sunt gasite in jurul resorturilor din Pattaya (in Golful Thailandei) si Phuket (in Marea Andaman). Cea mai buna perioada pentru scufundari in Marea Andaman este intre noiembrie si mai. Turistii dornici de aventura sunt sfatuiti sa apeleze la cateva dintre tururile specializate, organizate de agentiile de turism de acolo, pentru a profita la maxim de natura magnifica, orasele contrastante, traditiile si cultura thailandezilor. Daca sunteti pentru prima data in Thailanda, veti fi uimiti de varietatea si, in mod neobisnuit dar si foarte important, de calitatea si preturile foarte mici ale produselor turistice de aici, raspandite pe toata suprafata micului stat asiatic. Este foarte important doar sa stiti pentru ce sunteti acolo si ce aveti chef sa faceti. Apoi, daca vreti sa achizitionate cateva dintre aceste produse, fie ca este vorba de imbracaminte, mancare sau pur si simplu suveniruri, thailandezii sunt maleabili si puteti negocia, chiar si in magazinele publice. O vacanta in Thailanda nu poate fi completa fara celebrele masaje thailandeze, una dintre cele mai mari tentatii ale locului, care va poate oferi bucuria de a simti miraculoasele efecte ale adevaratelor tehnici milenare de masaj. Aici, masajul este ridicat la nivel de arta, oferindu-va posibilitatea sa traiti momente si sentimente de neuitat.

Cei care doresc pur si simplu sa se odihneasca, pot apela la unul din numeroasele resorturi frumoase, confortabile si luxoase ale tarii, fiecare dintre ele unic in felul si in totala armonie cu decorul natural minunat. Thailanda pare croita special pentru a servi ca destinatie turistica. Vegetatia tropicala luxurianta, apele calde ale marilor, hotelurile luxoase, plajele nesfasite, cu nisip alb si fin, toate la un loc, nu va vor lasa insensibili si indiferenti la vederea acestei tari fabuloase si vor face din vacanta voastra una cu adevarat incredibila.

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