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National President Prsident national

Quebec Director Directeur qubcois

National Secretary-Treasurer Secrtaire-trsorier national

205 PLACER COURT, TORONTO, ONTARIO M2H 3H9 TEL: (416) 497-4110

March 5, 2012 Greetings, Included in this package are electronic copies of the Environmental Noise Impact Reports for the CAW Clean Wind Energy Project. The enclosed report provides the results of noise modeling for the Enercon E48 turbine for constrained operation at 500kW, as it will be operated under the existing FIT contract. Our wind turbine has received a Noise Certificate of Approval from the Ministry of Environment for unconstrained operation at 800kW. However, as noted, our union will be operating the wind turbine at a constrained operation of 500kW. Under constrained operation the maximum noise levels at surrounding receptors are lower than those approved previously by the MOE as part of the application for the CofA. This report expands upon the information provided to the Ministry of Environment on November 17, 2011 for the turbine under constrained operation at 500kW. At that time only the detailed simulation results were provided; this report provides additional background explaining the simulation methodology and results. In the spirit of openness and transparency, I am happy to make these reports available to the public. I will stress that all results crafted in these reports, as in any noise modeling assessments, are based on estimates. Over the coming months, our union will commission additional noise assessments that will draw on actual noise data during the turbines operation. We will also make these assessments available to the public. I hope that this information proves useful to all those interested. Sincerely,

Ken Lewenza National President

National Automobile, Aerospace, Transportation and General Workers= Union of Canada (CAW-Canada) Syndicat national de lautomobile, de larospatiale, du transport et des autres travailleurs et travailleuses du Canada (TCA-Canada)

Environmental Noise Impact Report:

Enercon E48 500 kW constrained operation

CAW Clean Wind Energy Project

Original Release: November 17, 2011 Revised: March 1, 2012

CAW Clean Wind Energy Project

Environmental Noise Impact Report 500 kW

Canadian Auto Workers Union

Clean Wind Energy Project Environmental Noise Impact Report 500 kW Constrained Operation

Table of Contents

1 2
2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6

Introduction ....................................................................................... 1 Project Layout ................................................................................... 2

Project Location............................................................................................................ 2 Zoning and Land Use ................................................................................................... 2 Points of Reception (POR) ........................................................................................... 2 Topography .................................................................................................................. 3 Transformer Location ................................................................................................... 3 Other Wind Farms within Five Kilometres ..................................................................... 3

3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6

Noise Sources ................................................................................... 6

Wind Turbine Description ............................................................................................. 6 Transformer Description .............................................................................................. 6 Guaranteed Sound Power Levels ................................................................................. 6 Octave Band Data ........................................................................................................ 7 Tonality ........................................................................................................................ 7 Impulsivity .................................................................................................................... 7

4.1 4.2

Receptors .......................................................................................... 8
Noise Receptors ........................................................................................................... 8 Noise Receptor Classification ....................................................................................... 8

5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4

Detailed Noise Impact Assessment ............................................... 12

Calculation Method ......................................................................................................12 Atmospheric Sound Attenuation ..................................................................................12 Ground Porosity ..........................................................................................................12 Additional Considerations ............................................................................................12

6.1 6.2

Results and Compliance ................................................................. 13

Calculated Noise Levels ..............................................................................................13 Assessment of Compliance .........................................................................................15

Qualifications and Limitations ....................................................... 16

M. K. Ince and Associates Ltd.

March 1, 2012

CAW Clean Wind Energy Project List of Appendices Appendix A: Detailed Noise Calculation Results Appendix B: Zoning Map of Surrounding Area List of Tables

Environmental Noise Impact Report 500 kW

Table 1: Wind Turbine Location ................................................................................................. 6 Table 2: Sound Power Level in dB(A) by Wind Speed at 10 m Above Ground Level .................. 7 Table 3: Point of Reception Noise Area Classifications .............................................................. 9 Table 4: Noise Impact Summary Table - Points of Reception....................................................13 Table 5: Noise Impact Summary Table - Participating Receptors ..............................................14 List of Figures Figure 1: Map of Area Surrounding Proposed Turbine - NTS 41/A "Owen Sound" ..................... 4 Figure 2: Ontario Base Map of Showing Proposed Turbine Site and Existing Noise Receptors . 5

M. K. Ince and Associates Ltd.

March 1, 2012

CAW Clean Wind Energy Project

Environmental Noise Impact Report 500 kW

MKI was retained by CAW to prepare an Environmental Noise Impact Assessment for the proposed Clean Wind Energy Project (the Project) in the Town of Saugeen Shores, Ontario. This assessment follows previous assessments which formed the basis of Noise Certificate of Approval (C of A) applications to the Ministry of the Environment (MOE). This assessment differs from previous assessments in the following ways: 1. It has been prepared for the Enercon E48 turbine constrained to 500 kW, rather than the Enercon E48 turbine unconstrained at 800 kW maximum output. 2. It uses a guaranteed maximum sound power level of 100.0 dB(A) plus a 1.0 dB(A) measurement uncertainty safety factor for a total of 101.0 dB(A) for the turbine at 500 kW, as opposed to the guaranteed maximum sound power level of 102.5 dB(A) plus a 1.0 dB(A) measurement uncertainty factor for a total of 103.5 dB(A) for the turbine at 800 kW. 3. It will not form a part of an application for a Noise C of A to the MOE. It is provided for information purposes only. 4. Appendices are limited to detailed noise simulation results and a zoning map which served as a source for establishing the original noise receptor information. Confidential noise specifications from Enercon have been specifically excluded as it is understood that the CAW intends to release the report to the public for information purposes. In all other ways this report contains the same information and follows the same guidelines as previous reports used as the basis for Noise C of A applications. This report: a. Provides information on noise sources and receptors, including maps of the project area with the single turbine location, noise receptors, and noise contour lines for 10 m/s wind speed (worst case). b. Outlines all critical points of reception and points of reception over 1 km away from the single wind turbine. c. Outlines and defines the noise area classification of all points of reception. d. Provides a summary table of calculated noise levels at all points of reception, as predicted by the required ISO 9613-2 (Acoustics-Attenuation of sound during propagation outdoors) method.

M. K. Ince and Associates Ltd.

March 1, 2012

CAW Clean Wind Energy Project

Environmental Noise Impact Report 500 kW

2.1 Project Location

The Canadian Auto Workers Union (CAW) is the largest private sector union in Canada. Since 1956, the CAW (then part of the UAW) has developed a Family Education Centre near Port Elgin, Ontario. The facility was modernized in 1988 and is now a year-round, 47-acre site capable of hosting conferences, summer camps, and indoor/outdoor recreational activities. The wind turbine proposed for the facility will generate a substantial amount of renewable energy and reduce the facilitys environmental impact. The location of the proposed wind turbine is outlined in Figure 1 and Figure 2, on the following pages. The CAW Family Education Centre lies on the east shore of Lake Huron, roughly 500m southeast of the shoreline and 2 km southwest of downtown Port Elgin. The area is exposed to some of Ontarios most energetic winds. The potential turbine site is located within the eastern portion of the CAW Family Education Centre property, directly southwest of the 90 degree bend in the Ring Road. The property is situated within National Topographic System (NTS) 1:50,000 map sheet 30 M/5. Turbine coordinates are listed in Table 1. Sports fields immediately surround the proposed turbine location from the north to the southeast. Agricultural fields lie beyond the CAW property boundary from the north clockwise through the southwest. A big box commercial area is located roughly 800 metres to the east of the site along Highway 21. From the southwest clockwise to the north lies a small bluff, parallel to the shoreline and covered in mature-cedar, at a minimum distance of approximately 120 metres. Lake Huron lies roughly 350 metres beyond the bluff. CAW Road (Bruce County Road 25) runs northwest-southeast and is roughly 180 metres from the proposed turbine location at its closest approach. A small airfield lies approximately 1.1 km to the south of the proposed turbine location. 2.2 Zoning and Land Use

Land use in the area is quite diverse and includes institutional, agricultural, residential, commercial, cottage, recreational, and urban uses. A zoning map of the area is included in Appendix B. The land immediately north of the project site and clockwise to the south-east is zoned as Planned Development. These lands are either currently producing or out-ofproduction agricultural lands that are presently under construction for a housing development. The development plan is included in Appendix B and was used to locate future receptors in the noise assessment for the original Noise C of A application. An easement, approximately 30 m wide, borders the eastern boundary of the CAW property. To the south, immediately across CAW Road, lies a small, commercially-zoned area. Detached Residential zoning dominates the area from the south-west through to north. 2.3 Points of Reception (POR)

Points of reception (POR) surround the single turbine on all sides. PORs greater than one kilometre away from the proposed turbine are outlined and defined in Section 4. The majority of PORs are residences, seasonal cottages, or future residences. No seniors residences, M. K. Ince and Associates Ltd. 2 March 1, 2012

CAW Clean Wind Energy Project

Environmental Noise Impact Report 500 kW

daycares, hospitals, or schools are known to be included amongst the receptors used in this analysis. UTM coordinates and elevations for all PORs are presented in Section 4 and in Appendix A. 2.4 Topography

The topography surrounding the CAW Family Education Centre is generally flat, but slopes gently toward Lake Huron. As discussed in Section 2.1, there is a small bluff that runs parallel to the Lake Huron Shore. This bluff is approximately 5 to 10 metres in total height. 2.5 Transformer Location

The transformer for the single Enercon E48 will be located either inside the base of the tower. There is no transformer substation for this single turbine. 2.6 Other Wind Farms within Five Kilometres

Enbridge Ontario Wind Power L.P. operates the closest wind power project to the CAW Family Education Centre. The nearest turbine from this project is over 5 km away, in an adjacent municipality.

M. K. Ince and Associates Ltd.

March 1, 2012

CAW Clean Wind Energy Project

Environmental Noise Impact Report 500 kW

Figure 1: Map of Area Surrounding Proposed Turbine - NTS 41/A "Owen Sound"

M. K. Ince and Associates Ltd.

March 1, 2012

CAW Clean Wind Energy Project

Environmental Noise Impact Report 500 kW

Figure 2: Ontario Base Map of Showing Proposed Turbine Site and Existing Noise Receptors

M. K. Ince and Associates Ltd.

March 1, 2012

CAW Clean Wind Energy Project

Environmental Noise Impact Report 500 kW

3.1 Wind Turbine Description

The selected wind turbine for the CAW Clean Wind Energy Project is the Enercon E48; an 800 kW, 3-bladed, horizontal axis, upwind turbine with a 48 m rotor diameter and a 76 m hub height. The turbine is being constrained to 500 kW operation under the existing Feed-in Tariff (FIT) Contract. The turbine is gearless in design and has a variable speed generator. The rotor is designed to operate between 16 - 30 rpm. The turbine location is detailed in Figure 2 and in Table 1. Table 1: Wind Turbine Location Project Name: CAW Clean Wind Energy Project Type of Coordinates: UTM NAD83, Zone 17 Identifier 1 Make and Model Enercon E48 Location Coordinates Easting Northing 467355 4919406 Ground Elevation (m) 195.8


Transformer Description

The transformer for the single Enercon E48 will be located inside the base of the tower. A specific make and model has yet to be defined. The transformer will be rated at approximately 1 MVA. The low voltage side of the transformer will be 400 V and the high voltage side will be 600 V. The noise emission level from a transformer of this size does not make a significant contribution to the overall sound power level of the wind turbine. For this reason the transformer is not included as a noise source in the analysis contained in this report. 3.3 Guaranteed Sound Power Levels

The guaranteed sound power level data for the Enercon E48 was provided by Enercon Gmbh. Guaranteed maximum sound power levels were provided for a range of wind speeds for unconstrained operation at 800 kW, with a maximum of 102.5 dB(A) at wind speeds equal to and above 10 m/s wind speeds. For constrained operation at 500 kW only a single maximum sound power level of 100.0 dB(A) was provided. In order to produce a worst-case sound power level curve for constrained operation at 500 kW, the sound power level curve for unconstrained operation at 800 kW has effectively been capped at 100.0 dB(A), keeping all other sound power levels the same. On top of this, a 1.0 dB(A) safety factor was added to account for potential field instrument measurement inaccuracy. Table 2 details the guaranteed sound power levels provided by Enercon, and those used for noise calculations as a function of the wind speed at 10 m above ground level. No modifications were made to the sound power levels based on wind shear considerations. M. K. Ince and Associates Ltd. 6 March 1, 2012

CAW Clean Wind Energy Project

Environmental Noise Impact Report 500 kW

Table 2: Sound Power Level in dB(A) by Wind Speed at 10 m Above Ground Level
Wind Speed at 10 m Above Ground Level (m/s) Guaranteed Maximum Sound Power Level provided by Enercon (dB(A)) Enercon E48 800 kW 6 7 8 9 10 Maximum 98.8 101.3 101.9 102.5 102.5 Enercon E48 500 kW 100.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 Measurement Uncertainty Safety Factor (dB(A)) Sound Power Level Used in Calculations (dB(A)) Enercon E48 500 kW 99.8 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0


Octave Band Data

The octave band data used in this analysis were generated by the WindPro 2.7 software used for wind farm design and noise calculations. The generated octave band data are typical based on turbine power output, rotor dimensions, and RPM and have no tonal quality (see Section 3.5). The generated octave values are shown in Appendix A. 3.5 Tonality

Tonality refers to higher levels of noise emitted from a narrow band of frequencies, experienced as a particular pitch or tone. Most modern turbines do not have a tonal quality to their noise emission that is significant enough to require a noise penalty. The Enercon E48 noise specifications suggest that tonal penalties are not required according to IEC 61400-11:1998. 3.6 Impulsivity

Impulsivity refers to noise level periodicity, experienced as pulsating sound. No impulsive noise is created under foreseeable worst case scenario operating conditions of an Enercon E48.

M. K. Ince and Associates Ltd.

March 1, 2012

CAW Clean Wind Energy Project

Environmental Noise Impact Report 500 kW

4.1 Noise Receptors

The analysis in this report includes all critical PORs surrounding the turbine on all sides, as well as additional PORs beyond 1000 m from the proposed turbine. Figure 2 and Appendix A illustrate the POR locations in relation to the proposed turbine. POR distances from turbines are summarized in Table 3, included on the following page. A list of residences, businesses, and future development surrounding the CAW Family Education Centre was obtained from Ontario Base Maps of the area, a developers website, and on-site visits to confirm the closest and most critical PORs. Some PORs have been represented as single block areas. This is intended to simplify the evaluation of a group of receptors while maintaining the evaluations full integrity. Predicted noise levels within these block areas correspond to the highest noise level within the area. Block area distances to the turbine correspond to the shortest distance from the area to the turbine. Co-ordinates listed for the block areas define the bounds of the area. All single-storey, two-storey, and bungalow residences have been modeled as two-storey residences. POR height was defined as 4.5 metres above ground level at the centre of the residence. Block PORs were modeled as 4.5 m height over the entire area (not at the centre of the area). 4.2 Noise Receptor Classification

All PORs impacted by the project are classified as Class 2 Areas a mix of urban and rural noise characteristics. This is consistent with the institutional and suburban nature of the turbine surroundings and with the previous CofA for the site. Table 3 on the following page describes and classifies the PORs included in the calculation.

M. K. Ince and Associates Ltd.

March 1, 2012

CAW Clean Wind Energy Project

Environmental Noise Impact Report 500 kW

Table 3: Point of Reception Noise Area Classifications

Receptor Label A Description for Noise Calculation Purpose Two-storey Residence MOE Noise Area Class 2 UTM NAD83 Zone 17 Coordinates Zoning Easting Detached Residential 466,961 468145 468220 B Two-storey Commercial Area 2 Highway Commercial 468286 468520 468391 468162 468059 Urban Development (Two-storey Residences) 467976 2 Planned Development 467947 468000 468078 468057 468117 Two-storey Commercial Area Highway & Resort Commercial, Detached Residential 467964 467974 468137 468166 468149 Detached Residential & Planned Development 467708 467708 468069 468071 Northing 4,919,576 4919237 4919113 4919076 4919479 4919545 4919276 4918979 4919027 4919098 4919140 4919018 4918985 4918803 4918883 4918905 4918920 4918901 4918863 4918976 4918874 4918754 4918768 200.6 202.5 201.0 202.3 Elevation (m) 181.9

Two-storey Residence

M. K. Ince and Associates Ltd.

March 1, 2012

CAW Clean Wind Energy Project

Receptor Label Description for Noise Calculation Purpose MOE Noise Area Class

Environmental Noise Impact Report 500 kW

UTM NAD83 Zone 17 Coordinates Zoning Easting 466957 467144 467056 466986 466480 466451 466510 466495 466352 466315 466359 Northing 4919356 4919244 4919123 4919052 4918651 4918693 4918759 4918873 4919042 4919262 4919359 4919469 4919456 4920111 4920354 4920222 4920018 4919759 4919822 4919573 4919649 4919584 4919525 4919405 4918386 4918415 4918502 4918480 4919152 4919504 4919496 4919143 4919695 4919671 4919513 4919544 4,919,594 188.0 195.9 197.4 200.3 183.8 Elevation (m)

Two-storey Residences & Cottages

Detached Residential

466414 466559 467525 467747 467779 467584 467674 467491 467164 466969 466846 466781 466973 467673

Two-storey Mobile Home Park

Mobile Home Park Residential

467620 467671 467706

Two-storey Housing Development (East)

467461 2 Planned Development 467663 467677 467477

Two-storey Housing Development (North) Two-storey Residences & Cottages Two-storey Residences & Cottages Two-storey Residences & Cottages

467420 2 Planned Development 467390 467656 467674

Detached Residential Detached Residential Detached Residential








M. K. Ince and Associates Ltd.


March 1, 2012

CAW Clean Wind Energy Project

Receptor Label Description for Noise Calculation Purpose Two-storey Residences & Cottages Two-storey Residences & Cottages Two-storey Residences & Cottages Two-storey Residences & Cottages Two-storey Residences & Cottages Two-storey Residence & Vehicle Repair Shop Two-storey Residence & Cottages Shop Two-storey Residences & Cottages Two-storey Residences & Cottages Shop Corner of Property Two-storey Residences & Cottages Two-storey Residences & Cottages MOE Noise Area Class 2

Environmental Noise Impact Report 500 kW

UTM NAD83 Zone 17 Coordinates Zoning Easting Detached Residential Detached Residential Detached Residential Detached Residential Detached Residential Business District Commercial Business District Commercial Detached Residential Detached Residential Detached Residential Detached Residential Detached Residential 467,186 Northing 4,919,649 Elevation (m)



























2 2

467,414 467,196

4,919,181 4,919,557

197.2 186.9

467,175 467212 467194 467186

4,919,568 4919500 4919460 4919434 4919394 4919352 4919480 4919578


Participating On-site Guest Houses



467150 467112 466966 467051


M. K. Ince and Associates Ltd.


March 1, 2012

CAW Clean Wind Energy Project

Environmental Noise Impact Report 500 kW


5.1 Calculation Method

Calculated noise levels for all PORs were determined using the General ISO 9613-2 calculation method built into WindPro 2.7. 5.2 Atmospheric Sound Attenuation

The analyses in this report assumed sound attenuation conditions between the turbine and PORs corresponding to 100 C and 70% relative humidity. These atmospheric conditions are the most favourable to sound propagation and therefore produce the most conservative noise model. The attenuation coefficients used for each octave band (listed in Appendix A) are in accordance with Interpretation for Applying MOE NPC Technical Publications to Wind Turbine Generators, October 2008 document. 5.3 Ground Porosity

A global ground porosity value of 0.7 was used in all modeling. 5.4 Additional Considerations

As previously described, the nearest adjacent wind project is more than 5 km from the site. Furthermore, the proposed project does not have a transformer substation and does produce tonal noise. These elements are not part of the noise calculations in this report.

M. K. Ince and Associates Ltd.


March 1, 2012

CAW Clean Wind Energy Project

Environmental Noise Impact Report 500 kW


6.1 Calculated Noise Levels

Table 4 presents a summary of noise levels for all points of reception, calculated using the ISO 9613-2 calculation method built into WindPro 2.7. The results for the lone participating receptor are shown in Table 5. The calculation details are summarized in Sections 2 to 5 and in Appendix A. Appendix A also contains maps showing noise contours for 10 m/s wind speeds (the worst case). Table 4: Noise Impact Summary Table - Points of Reception
Shortest Distance to Wind Turbine (m) Calculated Sound Pressure Level (dBA) at selected Wind Speed (m/s) 6 or less
45.0 35.1

Point of Reception ID

Description for Noise Calculation Purpose

Height (m)

ID of Closest Turbine

45.0 36.3

45.0 36.3

49.0 36.3

51.0 36.3

MOE Requirements for Class 2 Areas A Two-storey Residence Two-storey Commercial Area Urban Development (Two-storey Residences) Two-storey Commercial Area Two-storey Residence Two-storey Residences & Cottages Two-storey Mobile Home Park Two-storey Housing Development (East) Two-storey Housing Development (North) Two-storey Residences & Cottages Two-storey Residences & Cottages 4.5 429 1










30.7 28.9 32.6

31.9 30.1 33.8

31.9 30.1 33.8

31.9 30.1 33.8

31.9 30.1 33.8


4.5 4.5 4.5

797 556 248

1 1 1









































M. K. Ince and Associates Ltd.


March 1, 2012

CAW Clean Wind Energy Project

L Two-storey Residences & Cottages Two-storey Residences & Cottages Two-storey Residences & Cottages Two-storey Residences & Cottages Two-storey Residences & Cottages Two-storey Residences & Cottages Two-storey Residence & Vehicle Repair Shop Two-storey Residence & Cottages - Shop Two-storey Residences & Cottages Two-storey Residences & Cottages - Shop Corner of Property Two-storey Residences & Cottages Two-storey Residences & Cottages 4.5 270

Environmental Noise Impact Report 500 kW

1 39.3 40.5 40.5 40.5 40.5


























































4.5 4.5 4.5

302 232 219

1 1 1

38.5 40.8

39.7 42

39.7 42

39.7 42

39.7 42













Table 5: Noise Impact Summary Table - Participating Receptors

Point of Reception ID
Receptor Description

Height (m)

Smallest Distance to Wind Turbine (m)


ID of Closest Turbine

Calculated Sound Pressure Level (dBA) at selected Wind Speed (m/s) 6 or less 7




On-site Guest Houses



M. K. Ince and Associates Ltd.


March 1, 2012

CAW Clean Wind Energy Project 6.2 Assessment of Compliance

Environmental Noise Impact Report 500 kW

Noise levels at all PORs are in compliance with the requirements outlined in the Interpretation for Applying MOE NPC Technical Publications to Wind Turbine Generators, October 2008 document. The previous noise impact assessments performed for unconstrained turbine operation at 800 kW also showed that the noise levels at all PORs were in compliance with the aforementioned requirements.

M. K. Ince and Associates Ltd.


March 1, 2012

CAW Clean Wind Energy Project

Environmental Noise Impact Report 500 kW


M.K. Ince & Associates Ltd. has prepared this report in accordance with its proposal and information provided by its Client. The information and analysis contained herein is for the sole benefit of the Client and may not be relied upon by any other person. The contents of this report are based upon our understanding of guidelines and regulations that we believe to be current at this time. Changes in guidelines, regulations, and enforcement polices can occur at any time, and such changes could affect the conclusions and recommendations of this report. While we may have referred to, and made use of reports and specifications prepared by others, we assume no liability for the accuracy of the information contained within those reports and specifications.

M. K. Ince and Associates Ltd.


March 1, 2012

CAW Clean Wind Energy Project

Environmental Noise Impact Report 500 kW

Appendix A Detailed Noise Calculation Results

M. K. Ince and Associates Ltd.

March 1, 2012

WindPRO version 2.7.490 Sep 2011

Project: Printed/Page

CAW Single turbine

3/1/2012 2:54 PM / 1
Licensed user:

M.K. Ince & Associates Ltd. Wind Energy Engineering II Cross St. CA-DUNDAS, ON L9H 2R3 +1 905 628 0077 Thomas Bernacki /

3/1/2012 2:52 PM/2.7.490

DECIBEL - Main Result

Calculation: E48 - At Site Plan, 500 kW 101.0 Class 2 demand
Noise calculation model: ISO 9613-2 General Wind speed: 6.0 m/s - 10.0 m/s, step 1.0 m/s Ground attenuation: General, Ground factor: 0.7 Meteorological coefficient, C0: 0.0 dB Type of demand in calculation: 1: WTG noise is compared to demand (DK, DE, SE, NL etc.) Noise values in calculation: All noise values are mean values (Lwa) (Normal) Pure tones: Pure and Impulse tone penalty are added to WTG source noise Height above ground level, when no value in NSA object: 4.5 m Don't allow override of model height with height from NSA object Deviation from "official" noise demands. Negative is more restrictive, positive is less restrictive.: 0.0 dB(A) New WTG

Scale 1:40,000 Noise sensitive area

UTM NAD83 Zone: 17 East North Z WTG type Row Valid Manufact. data/Description Type-generator Noise data Power, Rotor Hub Creator Name rated diameter height [m] 48.0 [m] 75.6 First LwaRef Last LwaRef Pure Octave wind wind tones data speed speed [m/s] [dB(A)] [m/s] [dB(A)] E48 at 500 kW 6.0 99.8 10.0 101.0 0 dB Generic *)

UTM NAD83 Zone: 17 [m] [kW] 1 467,355 4,919,406 195.8 E48 at 500 kW Yes ENERCON E-48 reduced-500 500 *)Notice: One or more noise data for this WTG is generic or input by user


Calculation Results
Sound Level
Noise sensitive area No. Name UTM NAD83 Zone: 17 Demands Sound Level Demands fulfilled ? East North Z Imission height Max Noise Max From WTGs Noise [m] [m] [dB(A)] [dB(A)] A Shipley Res 466,961 4,919,576 181.9 4.5 0.0 36.3 Yes B commercial area 468,145 4,919,237 202.3 4.5 0.0 30.0 Yes C suburban development 467,947 4,919,098 201.0 4.5 0.0 31.9 Yes D commercial area II 467,974 4,918,905 202.5 4.5 0.0 30.1 Yes E CAW Road Residential 467,708 4,918,976 200.6 4.5 0.0 33.8 Yes F residential and cottage area 467,213 4,919,610 183.8 4.5 0.0 41.3 Yes G commercial III 467,671 4,918,502 200.3 4.5 0.0 28.1 Yes H potential development (East) 467,548 4,919,304 197.4 4.5 0.0 42.6 Yes I planned development (North) 467,476 4,919,620 195.9 4.5 0.0 41.5 Yes J 12 Goble Place-GPS 467,256 4,919,594 188.0 4.5 0.0 42.7 Yes K 10 Goble Place-GPS 467,232 4,919,618 185.7 4.5 0.0 41.4 Yes L 6 Goble Place-GPS 467,211 4,919,635 184.7 4.5 0.0 40.5 Yes M 4 Goble Place-GPS 467,186 4,919,649 184.0 4.5 0.0 39.7 Yes N 5 Goble Place-GPS 467,248 4,919,687 184.2 4.5 0.0 39.6 Yes O 11 Goble Place-GPS 467,279 4,919,681 184.9 4.5 0.0 40.1 Yes P 15 Goble Place-GPS 467,311 4,919,665 187.8 4.5 0.0 40.8 Yes Q 107 CAW Rd-GPS 467,169 4,919,269 195.3 4.5 0.0 42.0 Yes R 89 CAW Rd-GPS 467,319 4,919,190 196.5 4.5 0.0 42.5 Yes S 89 CAW Rd-GPS-Shop 467,312 4,919,168 196.6 4.5 0.0 41.7 Yes T 77 CAW Rd-GPS 467,416 4,919,124 197.4 4.5 0.0 40.1 Yes U 77 CAW Rd-GPS-Shop 467,368 4,919,104 197.2 4.5 0.0 39.7 Yes V Corner of Property-GPS 467,414 4,919,181 197.2 4.5 0.0 42.0 Yes W 17 Virginia Lane-GPS 467,196 4,919,557 186.9 4.5 0.0 42.4 Yes X 15 Virginia Lane-GPS 467,175 4,919,568 185.8 4.5 0.0 41.5 Yes

To be continued on next page...

WindPRO is developed by EMD International A/S, Niels Jernesvej 10, DK-9220 Aalborg , Tlf. +45 96 35 44 44, Fax +45 96 35 44 46, e-mail:

WindPRO version 2.7.490 Sep 2011

Project: Printed/Page

CAW Single turbine

3/1/2012 2:54 PM / 2
Licensed user:

M.K. Ince & Associates Ltd. Wind Energy Engineering II Cross St. CA-DUNDAS, ON L9H 2R3 +1 905 628 0077 Thomas Bernacki /

3/1/2012 2:52 PM/2.7.490

DECIBEL - Main Result

Calculation: E48 - At Site Plan, 500 kW 101.0 Class 2 demand
...continued from previous page Noise sensitive area No. Name Y Guest House Area UTM NAD83 Zone: 17 Demands Sound Level Demands fulfilled ? East North Z Imission height Max Noise Max From WTGs Noise [m] [m] [dB(A)] [dB(A)] 467,202 4,919,478 187.1 4.5 0.0 44.5 Yes

Distances (m)
NSA A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y WTG 1 429 808 667 797 556 248 958 218 246 213 246 270 296 301 285 263 231 219 242 289 302 232 219 242 169

WindPRO is developed by EMD International A/S, Niels Jernesvej 10, DK-9220 Aalborg , Tlf. +45 96 35 44 44, Fax +45 96 35 44 46, e-mail:

WindPRO version 2.7.490 Sep 2011

Project: Printed/Page

CAW Single turbine

3/1/2012 2:54 PM / 3
Licensed user:

M.K. Ince & Associates Ltd. Wind Energy Engineering II Cross St. CA-DUNDAS, ON L9H 2R3 +1 905 628 0077 Thomas Bernacki /

3/1/2012 2:52 PM/2.7.490

DECIBEL - Detailed results

Calculation: E48 - At Site Plan, 500 kW 101.0 Class 2 demand Noise calculation model: ISO 9613-2 General
Shipley Res (A) Sound Level Wind speed Demands WTG noise Demands fulfilled ? [m/s] [dB(A)] [dB(A)] 6.0 45.0 35.1 Yes 7.0 45.0 36.3 Yes 8.0 45.0 36.3 Yes 9.0 49.0 36.3 Yes 10.0 51.0 36.3 Yes

commercial area (B) Sound Level Wind speed Demands WTG noise Demands fulfilled ? [m/s] [dB(A)] [dB(A)] 6.0 45.0 28.8 Yes 7.0 45.0 30.0 Yes 8.0 45.0 30.0 Yes 9.0 49.0 30.0 Yes 10.0 51.0 30.0 Yes

suburban development (C) Sound Level Wind speed Demands WTG noise Demands fulfilled ? [m/s] [dB(A)] [dB(A)] 6.0 45.0 30.7 Yes 7.0 45.0 31.9 Yes 8.0 45.0 31.9 Yes 9.0 49.0 31.9 Yes 10.0 51.0 31.9 Yes

WindPRO is developed by EMD International A/S, Niels Jernesvej 10, DK-9220 Aalborg , Tlf. +45 96 35 44 44, Fax +45 96 35 44 46, e-mail:

WindPRO version 2.7.490 Sep 2011

Project: Printed/Page

CAW Single turbine

3/1/2012 2:54 PM / 4
Licensed user:

M.K. Ince & Associates Ltd. Wind Energy Engineering II Cross St. CA-DUNDAS, ON L9H 2R3 +1 905 628 0077 Thomas Bernacki /

3/1/2012 2:52 PM/2.7.490

DECIBEL - Detailed results

Calculation: E48 - At Site Plan, 500 kW 101.0 Class 2 demand Noise calculation model: ISO 9613-2 General
commercial area II (D) Sound Level Wind speed Demands WTG noise Demands fulfilled ? [m/s] [dB(A)] [dB(A)] 6.0 45.0 28.9 Yes 7.0 45.0 30.1 Yes 8.0 45.0 30.1 Yes 9.0 49.0 30.1 Yes 10.0 51.0 30.1 Yes

CAW Road Residential (E) Sound Level Wind speed Demands WTG noise Demands fulfilled ? [m/s] [dB(A)] [dB(A)] 6.0 45.0 32.6 Yes 7.0 45.0 33.8 Yes 8.0 45.0 33.8 Yes 9.0 49.0 33.8 Yes 10.0 51.0 33.8 Yes

residential and cottage area (F) Sound Level Wind speed Demands WTG noise Demands fulfilled ? [m/s] [dB(A)] [dB(A)] 6.0 45.0 40.1 Yes 7.0 45.0 41.3 Yes 8.0 45.0 41.3 Yes 9.0 49.0 41.3 Yes 10.0 51.0 41.3 Yes

WindPRO is developed by EMD International A/S, Niels Jernesvej 10, DK-9220 Aalborg , Tlf. +45 96 35 44 44, Fax +45 96 35 44 46, e-mail:

WindPRO version 2.7.490 Sep 2011

Project: Printed/Page

CAW Single turbine

3/1/2012 2:54 PM / 5
Licensed user:

M.K. Ince & Associates Ltd. Wind Energy Engineering II Cross St. CA-DUNDAS, ON L9H 2R3 +1 905 628 0077 Thomas Bernacki /

3/1/2012 2:52 PM/2.7.490

DECIBEL - Detailed results

Calculation: E48 - At Site Plan, 500 kW 101.0 Class 2 demand Noise calculation model: ISO 9613-2 General
commercial III (G) Sound Level Wind speed Demands WTG noise Demands fulfilled ? [m/s] [dB(A)] [dB(A)] 6.0 45.0 26.9 Yes 7.0 45.0 28.1 Yes 8.0 45.0 28.1 Yes 9.0 49.0 28.1 Yes 10.0 51.0 28.1 Yes

potential development (East) (H) Sound Level Wind speed Demands WTG noise Demands fulfilled ? [m/s] [dB(A)] [dB(A)] 6.0 45.0 41.4 Yes 7.0 45.0 42.6 Yes 8.0 45.0 42.6 Yes 9.0 49.0 42.6 Yes 10.0 51.0 42.6 Yes

planned development (North) (I) Sound Level Wind speed Demands WTG noise Demands fulfilled ? [m/s] [dB(A)] [dB(A)] 6.0 45.0 40.3 Yes 7.0 45.0 41.5 Yes 8.0 45.0 41.5 Yes 9.0 49.0 41.5 Yes 10.0 51.0 41.5 Yes

WindPRO is developed by EMD International A/S, Niels Jernesvej 10, DK-9220 Aalborg , Tlf. +45 96 35 44 44, Fax +45 96 35 44 46, e-mail:

WindPRO version 2.7.490 Sep 2011

Project: Printed/Page

CAW Single turbine

3/1/2012 2:54 PM / 6
Licensed user:

M.K. Ince & Associates Ltd. Wind Energy Engineering II Cross St. CA-DUNDAS, ON L9H 2R3 +1 905 628 0077 Thomas Bernacki /

3/1/2012 2:52 PM/2.7.490

DECIBEL - Detailed results

Calculation: E48 - At Site Plan, 500 kW 101.0 Class 2 demand Noise calculation model: ISO 9613-2 General
12 Goble Place-GPS (J) Sound Level Wind speed Demands WTG noise Demands fulfilled ? [m/s] [dB(A)] [dB(A)] 6.0 45.0 41.5 Yes 7.0 45.0 42.7 Yes 8.0 45.0 42.7 Yes 9.0 49.0 42.7 Yes 10.0 51.0 42.7 Yes

10 Goble Place-GPS (K) Sound Level Wind speed Demands WTG noise Demands fulfilled ? [m/s] [dB(A)] [dB(A)] 6.0 45.0 40.2 Yes 7.0 45.0 41.4 Yes 8.0 45.0 41.4 Yes 9.0 49.0 41.4 Yes 10.0 51.0 41.4 Yes

6 Goble Place-GPS (L) Sound Level Wind speed Demands WTG noise Demands fulfilled ? [m/s] [dB(A)] [dB(A)] 6.0 45.0 39.3 Yes 7.0 45.0 40.5 Yes 8.0 45.0 40.5 Yes 9.0 49.0 40.5 Yes 10.0 51.0 40.5 Yes

WindPRO is developed by EMD International A/S, Niels Jernesvej 10, DK-9220 Aalborg , Tlf. +45 96 35 44 44, Fax +45 96 35 44 46, e-mail:

WindPRO version 2.7.490 Sep 2011

Project: Printed/Page

CAW Single turbine

3/1/2012 2:54 PM / 7
Licensed user:

M.K. Ince & Associates Ltd. Wind Energy Engineering II Cross St. CA-DUNDAS, ON L9H 2R3 +1 905 628 0077 Thomas Bernacki /

3/1/2012 2:52 PM/2.7.490

DECIBEL - Detailed results

Calculation: E48 - At Site Plan, 500 kW 101.0 Class 2 demand Noise calculation model: ISO 9613-2 General
4 Goble Place-GPS (M) Sound Level Wind speed Demands WTG noise Demands fulfilled ? [m/s] [dB(A)] [dB(A)] 6.0 45.0 38.5 Yes 7.0 45.0 39.7 Yes 8.0 45.0 39.7 Yes 9.0 49.0 39.7 Yes 10.0 51.0 39.7 Yes

5 Goble Place-GPS (N) Sound Level Wind speed Demands WTG noise Demands fulfilled ? [m/s] [dB(A)] [dB(A)] 6.0 45.0 38.4 Yes 7.0 45.0 39.6 Yes 8.0 45.0 39.6 Yes 9.0 49.0 39.6 Yes 10.0 51.0 39.6 Yes

11 Goble Place-GPS (O) Sound Level Wind speed Demands WTG noise Demands fulfilled ? [m/s] [dB(A)] [dB(A)] 6.0 45.0 38.9 Yes 7.0 45.0 40.1 Yes 8.0 45.0 40.1 Yes 9.0 49.0 40.1 Yes 10.0 51.0 40.1 Yes

WindPRO is developed by EMD International A/S, Niels Jernesvej 10, DK-9220 Aalborg , Tlf. +45 96 35 44 44, Fax +45 96 35 44 46, e-mail:

WindPRO version 2.7.490 Sep 2011

Project: Printed/Page

CAW Single turbine

3/1/2012 2:54 PM / 8
Licensed user:

M.K. Ince & Associates Ltd. Wind Energy Engineering II Cross St. CA-DUNDAS, ON L9H 2R3 +1 905 628 0077 Thomas Bernacki /

3/1/2012 2:52 PM/2.7.490

DECIBEL - Detailed results

Calculation: E48 - At Site Plan, 500 kW 101.0 Class 2 demand Noise calculation model: ISO 9613-2 General
15 Goble Place-GPS (P) Sound Level Wind speed Demands WTG noise Demands fulfilled ? [m/s] [dB(A)] [dB(A)] 6.0 45.0 39.6 Yes 7.0 45.0 40.8 Yes 8.0 45.0 40.8 Yes 9.0 49.0 40.8 Yes 10.0 51.0 40.8 Yes

107 CAW Rd-GPS (Q) Sound Level Wind speed Demands WTG noise Demands fulfilled ? [m/s] [dB(A)] [dB(A)] 6.0 45.0 40.8 Yes 7.0 45.0 42.0 Yes 8.0 45.0 42.0 Yes 9.0 49.0 42.0 Yes 10.0 51.0 42.0 Yes

89 CAW Rd-GPS (R) Sound Level Wind speed Demands WTG noise Demands fulfilled ? [m/s] [dB(A)] [dB(A)] 6.0 45.0 41.3 Yes 7.0 45.0 42.5 Yes 8.0 45.0 42.5 Yes 9.0 49.0 42.5 Yes 10.0 51.0 42.5 Yes

WindPRO is developed by EMD International A/S, Niels Jernesvej 10, DK-9220 Aalborg , Tlf. +45 96 35 44 44, Fax +45 96 35 44 46, e-mail:

WindPRO version 2.7.490 Sep 2011

Project: Printed/Page

CAW Single turbine

3/1/2012 2:54 PM / 9
Licensed user:

M.K. Ince & Associates Ltd. Wind Energy Engineering II Cross St. CA-DUNDAS, ON L9H 2R3 +1 905 628 0077 Thomas Bernacki /

3/1/2012 2:52 PM/2.7.490

DECIBEL - Detailed results

Calculation: E48 - At Site Plan, 500 kW 101.0 Class 2 demand Noise calculation model: ISO 9613-2 General
89 CAW Rd-GPS-Shop (S) Sound Level Wind speed Demands WTG noise Demands fulfilled ? [m/s] [dB(A)] [dB(A)] 6.0 45.0 40.5 Yes 7.0 45.0 41.7 Yes 8.0 45.0 41.7 Yes 9.0 49.0 41.7 Yes 10.0 51.0 41.7 Yes

77 CAW Rd-GPS (T) Sound Level Wind speed Demands WTG noise Demands fulfilled ? [m/s] [dB(A)] [dB(A)] 6.0 45.0 38.9 Yes 7.0 45.0 40.1 Yes 8.0 45.0 40.1 Yes 9.0 49.0 40.1 Yes 10.0 51.0 40.1 Yes

77 CAW Rd-GPS-Shop (U) Sound Level Wind speed Demands WTG noise Demands fulfilled ? [m/s] [dB(A)] [dB(A)] 6.0 45.0 38.5 Yes 7.0 45.0 39.7 Yes 8.0 45.0 39.7 Yes 9.0 49.0 39.7 Yes 10.0 51.0 39.7 Yes

WindPRO is developed by EMD International A/S, Niels Jernesvej 10, DK-9220 Aalborg , Tlf. +45 96 35 44 44, Fax +45 96 35 44 46, e-mail:

WindPRO version 2.7.490 Sep 2011

Project: Printed/Page

CAW Single turbine

3/1/2012 2:54 PM / 10
Licensed user:

M.K. Ince & Associates Ltd. Wind Energy Engineering II Cross St. CA-DUNDAS, ON L9H 2R3 +1 905 628 0077 Thomas Bernacki /

3/1/2012 2:52 PM/2.7.490

DECIBEL - Detailed results

Calculation: E48 - At Site Plan, 500 kW 101.0 Class 2 demand Noise calculation model: ISO 9613-2 General
Corner of Property-GPS (V) Sound Level Wind speed Demands WTG noise Demands fulfilled ? [m/s] [dB(A)] [dB(A)] 6.0 45.0 40.8 Yes 7.0 45.0 42.0 Yes 8.0 45.0 42.0 Yes 9.0 49.0 42.0 Yes 10.0 51.0 42.0 Yes

17 Virginia Lane-GPS (W) Sound Level Wind speed Demands WTG noise Demands fulfilled ? [m/s] [dB(A)] [dB(A)] 6.0 45.0 41.2 Yes 7.0 45.0 42.4 Yes 8.0 45.0 42.4 Yes 9.0 49.0 42.4 Yes 10.0 51.0 42.4 Yes

15 Virginia Lane-GPS (X) Sound Level Wind speed Demands WTG noise Demands fulfilled ? [m/s] [dB(A)] [dB(A)] 6.0 45.0 40.3 Yes 7.0 45.0 41.5 Yes 8.0 45.0 41.5 Yes 9.0 49.0 41.5 Yes 10.0 51.0 41.5 Yes

WindPRO is developed by EMD International A/S, Niels Jernesvej 10, DK-9220 Aalborg , Tlf. +45 96 35 44 44, Fax +45 96 35 44 46, e-mail:

WindPRO version 2.7.490 Sep 2011

Project: Printed/Page

CAW Single turbine

3/1/2012 2:54 PM / 11
Licensed user:

M.K. Ince & Associates Ltd. Wind Energy Engineering II Cross St. CA-DUNDAS, ON L9H 2R3 +1 905 628 0077 Thomas Bernacki /

3/1/2012 2:52 PM/2.7.490

DECIBEL - Detailed results

Calculation: E48 - At Site Plan, 500 kW 101.0 Class 2 demand Noise calculation model: ISO 9613-2 General
Guest House Area (Y) Sound Level Wind speed Demands WTG noise Demands fulfilled ? [m/s] [dB(A)] [dB(A)] 6.0 45.0 43.3 Yes 7.0 45.0 44.5 Yes 8.0 45.0 44.5 Yes 9.0 49.0 44.5 Yes 10.0 51.0 44.5 Yes

WindPRO is developed by EMD International A/S, Niels Jernesvej 10, DK-9220 Aalborg , Tlf. +45 96 35 44 44, Fax +45 96 35 44 46, e-mail:

WindPRO version 2.7.490 Sep 2011

Project: Printed/Page

CAW Single turbine

3/1/2012 2:54 PM / 12
Licensed user:

M.K. Ince & Associates Ltd. Wind Energy Engineering II Cross St. CA-DUNDAS, ON L9H 2R3 +1 905 628 0077 Thomas Bernacki /

3/1/2012 2:52 PM/2.7.490

DECIBEL - Assumptions for noise calculation

Calculation: E48 - At Site Plan, 500 kW 101.0 Class 2 demand Noise calculation model: ISO 9613-2 General
Noise calculation model: ISO 9613-2 General Wind speed: 6.0 m/s - 10.0 m/s, step 1.0 m/s Ground attenuation: General, Ground factor: 0.7 Meteorological coefficient, C0: 0.0 dB Type of demand in calculation: 1: WTG noise is compared to demand (DK, DE, SE, NL etc.) Noise values in calculation: All noise values are mean values (Lwa) (Normal) Pure tones: Pure and Impulse tone penalty are added to WTG source noise Height above ground level, when no value in NSA object: 4.5 m Don't allow override of model height with height from NSA object Deviation from "official" noise demands. Negative is more restrictive, positive is less restrictive.: 0.0 dB(A) Octave data required Air absorption 63 125 250 500 1,000 2,000 4,000 8,000 [db/km] [db/km] [db/km] [db/km] [db/km] [db/km] [db/km] [db/km] 0.1 0.4 1.0 1.9 3.7 9.7 32.8 117.0

WTG: ENERCON E-48 reduced 500 48.0 !O! Noise: E48 at 500 kW
Source Source/Date Creator Edited Enercon 11/22/2011 USER 11/22/2011 10:23 AM Status User value User value User value User value User value Hub height Wind speed LwA,ref Pure tones [m] [m/s] [dB(A)] 75.6 6.0 99.8 No 75.6 7.0 101.0 No 75.6 8.0 101.0 No 75.6 9.0 101.0 No 75.6 10.0 101.0 No Octave data 63 125 250 [dB] [dB] [dB] 81.4 88.4 91.8 82.6 89.6 93.0 82.6 89.6 93.0 82.6 89.6 93.0 82.6 89.6 93.0 500 [dB] 94.4 95.6 95.6 95.6 95.6 1000 [dB] 94.2 95.4 95.4 95.4 95.4 2000 [dB] 91.3 92.5 92.5 92.5 92.5 4000 [dB] 86.5 87.7 87.7 87.7 87.7 8000 [dB] 77.0 78.2 78.2 78.2 78.2

Generic data Generic data Generic data Generic data Generic data

NSA: Shipley Res-A

Predefined calculation standard: Imission height(a.g.l.): 4.5 m Noise demand: 4.0 [m/s] 5.0 [m/s] 6.0 [m/s] 7.0 [m/s] 8.0 [m/s] 9.0 [m/s] 10.0 [m/s] 45.0 dB(A) 45.0 dB(A) 45.0 dB(A) 45.0 dB(A) 45.0 dB(A) 49.0 dB(A) 51.0 dB(A) Distance demand: 0.0 m

NSA: commercial area-B

Predefined calculation standard: Imission height(a.g.l.): 4.5 m Noise demand:

WindPRO is developed by EMD International A/S, Niels Jernesvej 10, DK-9220 Aalborg , Tlf. +45 96 35 44 44, Fax +45 96 35 44 46, e-mail:

WindPRO version 2.7.490 Sep 2011

Project: Printed/Page

CAW Single turbine

3/1/2012 2:54 PM / 13
Licensed user:

M.K. Ince & Associates Ltd. Wind Energy Engineering II Cross St. CA-DUNDAS, ON L9H 2R3 +1 905 628 0077 Thomas Bernacki /

3/1/2012 2:52 PM/2.7.490

DECIBEL - Assumptions for noise calculation

Calculation: E48 - At Site Plan, 500 kW 101.0 Class 2 demand Noise calculation model: ISO 9613-2 General
4.0 [m/s] 5.0 [m/s] 6.0 [m/s] 7.0 [m/s] 8.0 [m/s] 9.0 [m/s] 10.0 [m/s] 45.0 dB(A) 45.0 dB(A) 45.0 dB(A) 45.0 dB(A) 45.0 dB(A) 49.0 dB(A) 51.0 dB(A) Distance demand: 0.0 m

NSA: suburban development-C

Predefined calculation standard: Imission height(a.g.l.): 4.5 m Noise demand: 4.0 [m/s] 5.0 [m/s] 6.0 [m/s] 7.0 [m/s] 8.0 [m/s] 9.0 [m/s] 10.0 [m/s] 45.0 dB(A) 45.0 dB(A) 45.0 dB(A) 45.0 dB(A) 45.0 dB(A) 49.0 dB(A) 51.0 dB(A) Distance demand: 0.0 m

NSA: commercial area II-D

Predefined calculation standard: Imission height(a.g.l.): 4.5 m Noise demand: 4.0 [m/s] 5.0 [m/s] 6.0 [m/s] 7.0 [m/s] 8.0 [m/s] 9.0 [m/s] 10.0 [m/s] 45.0 dB(A) 45.0 dB(A) 45.0 dB(A) 45.0 dB(A) 45.0 dB(A) 49.0 dB(A) 51.0 dB(A) Distance demand: 0.0 m

NSA: CAW Road Residential-E

Predefined calculation standard: Imission height(a.g.l.): 4.5 m Noise demand: 4.0 [m/s] 5.0 [m/s] 6.0 [m/s] 7.0 [m/s] 8.0 [m/s] 9.0 [m/s] 10.0 [m/s] 45.0 dB(A) 45.0 dB(A) 45.0 dB(A) 45.0 dB(A) 45.0 dB(A) 49.0 dB(A) 51.0 dB(A) Distance demand: 0.0 m

NSA: residential and cottage area-F

Predefined calculation standard: Imission height(a.g.l.): 4.5 m Noise demand: 4.0 [m/s] 5.0 [m/s] 6.0 [m/s] 7.0 [m/s] 8.0 [m/s] 9.0 [m/s] 10.0 [m/s] 45.0 dB(A) 45.0 dB(A) 45.0 dB(A) 45.0 dB(A) 45.0 dB(A) 49.0 dB(A) 51.0 dB(A) Distance demand: 0.0 m

NSA: commercial III-G

Predefined calculation standard: Imission height(a.g.l.): 4.5 m Noise demand: 4.0 [m/s] 5.0 [m/s] 6.0 [m/s] 7.0 [m/s] 8.0 [m/s] 9.0 [m/s] 10.0 [m/s] 45.0 dB(A) 45.0 dB(A) 45.0 dB(A) 45.0 dB(A) 45.0 dB(A) 49.0 dB(A) 51.0 dB(A) Distance demand: 0.0 m

WindPRO is developed by EMD International A/S, Niels Jernesvej 10, DK-9220 Aalborg , Tlf. +45 96 35 44 44, Fax +45 96 35 44 46, e-mail:

WindPRO version 2.7.490 Sep 2011

Project: Printed/Page

CAW Single turbine

3/1/2012 2:54 PM / 14
Licensed user:

M.K. Ince & Associates Ltd. Wind Energy Engineering II Cross St. CA-DUNDAS, ON L9H 2R3 +1 905 628 0077 Thomas Bernacki /

3/1/2012 2:52 PM/2.7.490

DECIBEL - Assumptions for noise calculation

Calculation: E48 - At Site Plan, 500 kW 101.0 Class 2 demand Noise calculation model: ISO 9613-2 General NSA: potential development (East)-H
Predefined calculation standard: Imission height(a.g.l.): 4.5 m Noise demand: 4.0 [m/s] 5.0 [m/s] 6.0 [m/s] 7.0 [m/s] 8.0 [m/s] 9.0 [m/s] 10.0 [m/s] 45.0 dB(A) 45.0 dB(A) 45.0 dB(A) 45.0 dB(A) 45.0 dB(A) 49.0 dB(A) 51.0 dB(A) Distance demand: 0.0 m

NSA: planned development (North)-I

Predefined calculation standard: Imission height(a.g.l.): 4.5 m Noise demand: 4.0 [m/s] 5.0 [m/s] 6.0 [m/s] 7.0 [m/s] 8.0 [m/s] 9.0 [m/s] 10.0 [m/s] 45.0 dB(A) 45.0 dB(A) 45.0 dB(A) 45.0 dB(A) 45.0 dB(A) 49.0 dB(A) 51.0 dB(A) Distance demand: 0.0 m

NSA: 12 Goble Place-GPS-J

Predefined calculation standard: Imission height(a.g.l.): 4.5 m Noise demand: 4.0 [m/s] 5.0 [m/s] 6.0 [m/s] 7.0 [m/s] 8.0 [m/s] 9.0 [m/s] 10.0 [m/s] 45.0 dB(A) 45.0 dB(A) 45.0 dB(A) 45.0 dB(A) 45.0 dB(A) 49.0 dB(A) 51.0 dB(A) Distance demand: 0.0 m

NSA: 10 Goble Place-GPS-K

Predefined calculation standard: Imission height(a.g.l.): 4.5 m Noise demand: 4.0 [m/s] 5.0 [m/s] 6.0 [m/s] 7.0 [m/s] 8.0 [m/s] 9.0 [m/s] 10.0 [m/s] 45.0 dB(A) 45.0 dB(A) 45.0 dB(A) 45.0 dB(A) 45.0 dB(A) 49.0 dB(A) 51.0 dB(A) Distance demand: 0.0 m

NSA: 6 Goble Place-GPS-L

Predefined calculation standard: Imission height(a.g.l.): 4.5 m Noise demand: 4.0 [m/s] 5.0 [m/s] 6.0 [m/s] 7.0 [m/s] 8.0 [m/s] 9.0 [m/s] 10.0 [m/s] 45.0 dB(A) 45.0 dB(A) 45.0 dB(A) 45.0 dB(A) 45.0 dB(A) 49.0 dB(A) 51.0 dB(A) Distance demand: 0.0 m

NSA: 4 Goble Place-GPS-M

Predefined calculation standard: Imission height(a.g.l.): 4.5 m Noise demand:

WindPRO is developed by EMD International A/S, Niels Jernesvej 10, DK-9220 Aalborg , Tlf. +45 96 35 44 44, Fax +45 96 35 44 46, e-mail:

WindPRO version 2.7.490 Sep 2011

Project: Printed/Page

CAW Single turbine

3/1/2012 2:54 PM / 15
Licensed user:

M.K. Ince & Associates Ltd. Wind Energy Engineering II Cross St. CA-DUNDAS, ON L9H 2R3 +1 905 628 0077 Thomas Bernacki /

3/1/2012 2:52 PM/2.7.490

DECIBEL - Assumptions for noise calculation

Calculation: E48 - At Site Plan, 500 kW 101.0 Class 2 demand Noise calculation model: ISO 9613-2 General
Distance demand: 0.0 m

NSA: 5 Goble Place-GPS-N

Predefined calculation standard: Imission height(a.g.l.): 4.5 m Noise demand: 4.0 [m/s] 5.0 [m/s] 6.0 [m/s] 7.0 [m/s] 8.0 [m/s] 9.0 [m/s] 10.0 [m/s] 45.0 dB(A) 45.0 dB(A) 45.0 dB(A) 45.0 dB(A) 45.0 dB(A) 49.0 dB(A) 51.0 dB(A) Distance demand: 0.0 m

NSA: 11 Goble Place-GPS-O

Predefined calculation standard: Imission height(a.g.l.): 4.5 m Noise demand: 4.0 [m/s] 5.0 [m/s] 6.0 [m/s] 7.0 [m/s] 8.0 [m/s] 9.0 [m/s] 10.0 [m/s] 45.0 dB(A) 45.0 dB(A) 45.0 dB(A) 45.0 dB(A) 45.0 dB(A) 49.0 dB(A) 51.0 dB(A) Distance demand: 0.0 m

NSA: 15 Goble Place-GPS-P

Predefined calculation standard: Imission height(a.g.l.): 4.5 m Noise demand: 4.0 [m/s] 5.0 [m/s] 6.0 [m/s] 7.0 [m/s] 8.0 [m/s] 9.0 [m/s] 10.0 [m/s] 45.0 dB(A) 45.0 dB(A) 45.0 dB(A) 45.0 dB(A) 45.0 dB(A) 49.0 dB(A) 51.0 dB(A) Distance demand: 0.0 m


Predefined calculation standard: Imission height(a.g.l.): 4.5 m Noise demand: 4.0 [m/s] 5.0 [m/s] 6.0 [m/s] 7.0 [m/s] 8.0 [m/s] 9.0 [m/s] 10.0 [m/s] 45.0 dB(A) 45.0 dB(A) 45.0 dB(A) 45.0 dB(A) 45.0 dB(A) 49.0 dB(A) 51.0 dB(A) Distance demand: 0.0 m


Predefined calculation standard: Imission height(a.g.l.): 4.5 m Noise demand: 4.0 [m/s] 5.0 [m/s] 6.0 [m/s] 7.0 [m/s] 8.0 [m/s] 9.0 [m/s] 10.0 [m/s] 45.0 dB(A) 45.0 dB(A) 45.0 dB(A) 45.0 dB(A) 45.0 dB(A) 49.0 dB(A) 51.0 dB(A) Distance demand: 0.0 m

WindPRO is developed by EMD International A/S, Niels Jernesvej 10, DK-9220 Aalborg , Tlf. +45 96 35 44 44, Fax +45 96 35 44 46, e-mail:

WindPRO version 2.7.490 Sep 2011

Project: Printed/Page

CAW Single turbine

3/1/2012 2:54 PM / 16
Licensed user:

M.K. Ince & Associates Ltd. Wind Energy Engineering II Cross St. CA-DUNDAS, ON L9H 2R3 +1 905 628 0077 Thomas Bernacki /

3/1/2012 2:52 PM/2.7.490

DECIBEL - Assumptions for noise calculation

Calculation: E48 - At Site Plan, 500 kW 101.0 Class 2 demand Noise calculation model: ISO 9613-2 General NSA: 89 CAW Rd-GPS-Shop-S
Predefined calculation standard: Imission height(a.g.l.): 4.5 m Noise demand: 4.0 [m/s] 5.0 [m/s] 6.0 [m/s] 7.0 [m/s] 8.0 [m/s] 9.0 [m/s] 10.0 [m/s] 45.0 dB(A) 45.0 dB(A) 45.0 dB(A) 45.0 dB(A) 45.0 dB(A) 49.0 dB(A) 51.0 dB(A) Distance demand: 0.0 m


Predefined calculation standard: Imission height(a.g.l.): 4.5 m Noise demand: 4.0 [m/s] 5.0 [m/s] 6.0 [m/s] 7.0 [m/s] 8.0 [m/s] 9.0 [m/s] 10.0 [m/s] 45.0 dB(A) 45.0 dB(A) 45.0 dB(A) 45.0 dB(A) 45.0 dB(A) 49.0 dB(A) 51.0 dB(A) Distance demand: 0.0 m

NSA: 77 CAW Rd-GPS-Shop-U

Predefined calculation standard: Imission height(a.g.l.): 4.5 m Noise demand: 4.0 [m/s] 5.0 [m/s] 6.0 [m/s] 7.0 [m/s] 8.0 [m/s] 9.0 [m/s] 10.0 [m/s] 45.0 dB(A) 45.0 dB(A) 45.0 dB(A) 45.0 dB(A) 45.0 dB(A) 49.0 dB(A) 51.0 dB(A) Distance demand: 0.0 m

NSA: Corner of Property-GPS-V

Predefined calculation standard: Imission height(a.g.l.): 4.5 m Noise demand: 4.0 [m/s] 5.0 [m/s] 6.0 [m/s] 7.0 [m/s] 8.0 [m/s] 9.0 [m/s] 10.0 [m/s] 45.0 dB(A) 45.0 dB(A) 45.0 dB(A) 45.0 dB(A) 45.0 dB(A) 49.0 dB(A) 51.0 dB(A) Distance demand: 0.0 m

NSA: 17 Virginia Lane-GPS-W

Predefined calculation standard: Imission height(a.g.l.): 4.5 m Noise demand: 4.0 [m/s] 5.0 [m/s] 6.0 [m/s] 7.0 [m/s] 8.0 [m/s] 9.0 [m/s] 10.0 [m/s] 45.0 dB(A) 45.0 dB(A) 45.0 dB(A) 45.0 dB(A) 45.0 dB(A) 49.0 dB(A) 51.0 dB(A) Distance demand: 0.0 m

NSA: 15 Virginia Lane-GPS-X

Predefined calculation standard: Imission height(a.g.l.): 4.5 m Noise demand:

WindPRO is developed by EMD International A/S, Niels Jernesvej 10, DK-9220 Aalborg , Tlf. +45 96 35 44 44, Fax +45 96 35 44 46, e-mail:

WindPRO version 2.7.490 Sep 2011

Project: Printed/Page

CAW Single turbine

3/1/2012 2:54 PM / 17
Licensed user:

M.K. Ince & Associates Ltd. Wind Energy Engineering II Cross St. CA-DUNDAS, ON L9H 2R3 +1 905 628 0077 Thomas Bernacki /

3/1/2012 2:52 PM/2.7.490

DECIBEL - Assumptions for noise calculation

Calculation: E48 - At Site Plan, 500 kW 101.0 Class 2 demand Noise calculation model: ISO 9613-2 General
Distance demand: 0.0 m

NSA: Guest House Area-Y

Predefined calculation standard: Imission height(a.g.l.): 4.5 m Noise demand: 4.0 [m/s] 5.0 [m/s] 6.0 [m/s] 7.0 [m/s] 8.0 [m/s] 9.0 [m/s] 10.0 [m/s] 45.0 dB(A) 45.0 dB(A) 45.0 dB(A) 45.0 dB(A) 45.0 dB(A) 49.0 dB(A) 51.0 dB(A) Distance demand: 0.0 m

WindPRO is developed by EMD International A/S, Niels Jernesvej 10, DK-9220 Aalborg , Tlf. +45 96 35 44 44, Fax +45 96 35 44 46, e-mail:

WindPRO version 2.7.490 Sep 2011

Project: Printed/Page

CAW Single turbine

3/1/2012 2:54 PM / 18
Licensed user:

M.K. Ince & Associates Ltd. Wind Energy Engineering II Cross St. CA-DUNDAS, ON L9H 2R3 +1 905 628 0077 Thomas Bernacki /

3/1/2012 2:52 PM/2.7.490

DECIBEL - Map 10.0 m/s

Calculation: E48 - At Site Plan, 500 kW 101.0 Class 2 demand Noise calculation model: ISO 9613-2 General

New WTG 35.0 dB(A)

0 250 500 750 1000m Map: , Print scale 1:12,500, Map center UTM NAD 83 Zone: 17 East: 467,355 North: 4,919,406 Noise calculation model: ISO 9613-2 General. Wind speed: 10.0 m/s Noise sensitive area Height above sea level from active line object 40.0 dB(A) 45.0 dB(A) 50.0 dB(A)

55.0 dB(A)

WindPRO is developed by EMD International A/S, Niels Jernesvej 10, DK-9220 Aalborg , Tlf. +45 96 35 44 44, Fax +45 96 35 44 46, e-mail:

CAW Clean Wind Energy Project

Environmental Noise Impact Report 500 kW

Appendix B Zoning Map of Surrounding Area

M. K. Ince and Associates Ltd.

March 1, 2012

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