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Communication & Network Concepts

1. What is a communication channel? Name the basic types of communication channel available? Ans. Communication channel means the connecting cables that links various work stations. There are three basic types of cables. i)Twisted-pair ii)Co-axial iii) Fiber -optic 2. What is meant by Topology? Name some popular topology? Ans. The pattern of interconnection of nodes in a network is called topology. i)Bus or Linear ii)Ring iii)Star iv)Tree 3. Define the following : i)RJ-45 ii)HTML

iii)GSM iv)WLL Ans. i) RJ-45:- It is an 8-wire connector, which is commonly used to connect computers on the local area network i.e. LANs especially Ethernet. It is short form Registered Jack-45. ii) HTML: - It is a document layout and hyperlink specification language. It is the short form of Hyper Text Mark Up Language. iii) GSM: - It is a short form of Global System for Mobile Communications, which is one of the leading digital cellular systems. iv) WLL: - It is the short form of Wireless Local Loop, which is meant to serve subscribers at homes or offices. 4. What is the purpose of using Repeater in context of Networking? Ans. The purpose of using Repeaters in Networking is to amplify and restore signals for long distance transmission. 1) What is a Firewall? What are the different firewall techniques? Ans. The system designed to prevent unauthorized access to or from a private network is called Firewall. There are 4 types of firewall techniques. a) Packet Filter b) Application Gateway c) Circuit-level Gateway d) Proxy Server 2) When would you prefer (i) bridges over hubs (ii) switch over router. Ans. (i) When we need to filter network traffic based on MAC address, we prefer bridges over hubs. (ii)When we need to filter network traffic based on IP address, we prefer switch over router.

Prepared By Sumit Kumar Gupta, PGT Computer Science

Page 2 of 12 1) Discuss various types of network .Differentiate between LAN & WAN ? Ans. There are three types of networks. (a) Local Area Network (LAN). (b) Metropolitan Area Network (MAN). (c) Wide Area Network (WAN). Local Area Network (LAN): Small computers networks that are confined to a localized area( e.g., An office, a building or a factory ) are known as Local Area Networks. Metropolitan Area Network(MAN): The networks which are spread over a city( e.g., Cable TV networks) are called Metropolitan Area Networks. Wide Area Network(WAN): The networks which are spread across countries are known as Wide Area Networks. LAN 1. Diameter of not more than a few kilometers. 2. A total data rates of at least several Mbps. 3. Complete ownership by a single Organization. 4. Very low error rates. 2) WAN Span entire countries. Data rates less than 1 Mbps. Owned by multiple organization. Comparatively higher error rates.

The Microsystems Organization has set up its new branch at Sikkim for its Office & Web based activities .It has 4 wings of buildings as shown in the diagram :

Wing Z

wing Y

wing X U


Prepared By Sumit Kumar Gupta, PGT Computer Science

Page 3 of 12 Content to Center distances between various blocks No. of Computers Wing X Wing Z Wing Y Wing U 40 m Wing X to Wing Z Wing Z to Wing Y Wing Y to Wing X Wing Y to Wing U Wing X to Wing U Wing Z to Wing U 50 130 40 15

60 m 135 m 70 m 165 m 80 m


Suggest a most suitable cable layout of connections between the wings and topology. Ans. The most suitable cable layout can be

Wing Z

wing Y

wing X U ii)


Suggest the most suitable place to to house the server of this organization with a suitable reason with justification. Ans. The server should be placed in the building with maximum numbers of computers .So we suggest that the server should be placed in the wing Z as wing Z has maximum number of computers and installing the server in this building will reduce the network traffic. iii) Suggest the placement of the following devices: 1. Repeater 2. Hub. Ans. 1. As per the suggested layout separate repeaters need not be installed as each building / wing will be having a hub that acts as a repeater. 2. One hub per wing. iv) The organization is planning to link its head Office situated in Delhi with the offices as Sikkim. Suggest An economic way to connect it; the company is ready to compromise on the speed of connectivity .Justify your answer. Prepared By Sumit Kumar Gupta, PGT Computer Science

Page 4 of 12 Ans. An economic way of connecting is Dial-up or broadband as it can connect two computers at an economic rate though it provides lesser speed than other expensive methods. 1. What is URL? What is WWW? Ans. URL refers to Uniform Resource Location, which indicates the resource on which a method is to be applied. It refers to World Wide Web. Which allows and supports the internet users to create, link or display the multimedia web pages. 2. What is protocol? Ans. It is the set of rules which governs data communication for a network. 1) What is bandwidth? How is it measured? Ans. It refers to the difference between the highest and lowest frequencies of a transmission channel. It is measured in bps(bits per second). 2) Define the following: (i) Data channel Ans. It is the medium used to carry information or data from one point to another. (ii)Baud Ans. It is the unit of measurement for the information carrying capacity of a communication channel. It is Synonymous with bps(bits per second) mall computers networks that are confined to a localized area( e.g., An office, a building or a factory ) are known as Local Area Networks. Metropolitan Area Network (MAN): The networks which are spread over a city( e.g., Cable TV networks) are called Metropolitan Area Networks. Wide Area Network (WAN): The networks which are spread across countries are known as Wide Area Networks. LAN WAN 1. Diameter of not more than a Span entire countries. few kilometers. Data rates less than 1 2. A total data rates of at least Mbps. several Mbps. Owned by multiple 3. Complete ownership by a organization. single Organization. Comparitively higher error 4. Very low error rates. rates.

Prepared By Sumit Kumar Gupta, PGT Computer Science

Page 5 of 12 3) The Microsystems Organization has set up its new branch at Sikkim for its Office & Web based activities .It has 4 wings of buildings as shown in the diagram :

Wing Z

wing Y

wing X U Content to Center distances between various blocks No. of Computers Wing X Wing Z Wing Y Wing U 40 m Wing X to Wing Z Wing Z to Wing Y Wing Y to Wing X Wing Y to Wing U Wing X to Wing U Wing Z to Wing U


50 130 40 15

60 m 135 m 70 m 165 m 80 m


Suggest a most suitable cable layout of connections between the wings and topology. Ans. The most suitable cable layout can be

Wing Z

wing Y

wing X U


Prepared By Sumit Kumar Gupta, PGT Computer Science

Page 6 of 12 vi) Suggest the most suitable place to to house the server of this organization with a suitable reason with justification. Ans. The server should be placed in the building with maximum numbers of computers .So we suggest that the server should be placed in the wing Z as wing Z has maximum number of computers and installing the server in this building will reduce the network traffic. vii) Suggest the placement of the following devices: 1. Repeater 2. Hub. Ans. 1. As per the suggested layout separate repeaters need not be installed as each building / wing will be having a hub that acts as a repeater. 2. One hub per wing. viii) The organization is planning to link its head Office situated in Delhi with the offices as Sikkim. Suggest an economic way to connect it; the company is ready to compromise on the speed of connectivity .Justify your answer. Ans. An economic way of connecting is Dial-up or broadband as it can connect two computers at an economic rate though it provides lesser speed than other expensive methods.

1. What is URL?What is WWW? Ans. URL refers to Uniform Resource Location, which indicates the resource on which a method is to be applied.It refers to World Wide Web. Which allows and supports the internet users to create, link or display the multimedia web pages. 2. What is protocol? Ans. It is the set of rules which governs data communication for a network. 1) What is bandwidth? How is it measured? Ans. It refers to the difference between the highest and lowest frequencies of a transmission channel. It is measured in bps(bits per second). 2) Define the following: (i) Data channel Ans. It is the medium used to carry information or data from one point to another. (ii)Baud Ans. It is the unit of measurement for the information carrying capacity of a communication channel. It is Synonymous with bps(bits per second) Q.1. Expand the following term: (i) XML (ii) HTML (iii) GSM (iv) WLL (v) PPP (vi) DHTML (vii) CDMA

Prepared By Sumit Kumar Gupta, PGT Computer Science

Page 7 of 12 (viii) (ix) (x) Ans. (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (vi) (vii) (viii) (ix) (x) HTTP URL TCP/IP eXtensible Markup Language Hypertext Markup Language Global System for Mobile Wireless Local Loop Point to Point Protocol Dynamic Hypertext Markup Language Code Division Multiple Access Hypertext Transfer Protocol Uniform Resource Locator Transfer Control Protocol/ Internet Protocol

Q 2. - Differentiate between LAN and WAN? Ans - Local area network (LANs) are computer network confined to a localized area such as an office or a factory. Wide Area Networking (WANs) are computer network spread over large distances, say across countries. Q.3.- Differentiate between INTERNET and INTRANET? Ans. The internet is world wide network of computer networks, around the Globe. Internet uses a set of protocols called TCP/IP. internet is not owned by anybody. On the other hand Intranet is network , which is privately owned. Intranet also uses same set of protocols as Internet. Q. 4. Name two transmission media for networking. Ans. Coaxial Cable and Microwave Q.5.- Indian Public School in Darjeeling is setting up the network between its different wings. There are 4 wings named as SENIORS(S), JUNIOR (J), ADMIN (A) and HOSTEL (H). Distances between various wings are given below: Wing A to Wing S 100 m Wing A to Wing J 200 m Wing A to Wing H 400 m Wing S to Wing J 300 m Wing S to Wing H 100 m Wing J to Wing H 450 m Number of Computers: Wing A Wing S Wing J Wing H

10 200 100 50

Prepared By Sumit Kumar Gupta, PGT Computer Science

Page 8 of 12 (i) Suggest a suitable topology for networking the computer of all wings. (ii) Name the wing where the server is to be installed. Justified your answer. (iii) Suggest the placement of Hub/Switch in the network. (iv) Mention an economic technology to provide internet accessibility to all wings. Ans. (i) Star or Bus (ii) Wing S, because maximum number of computers are located at wing A. (iii) Hub/ Switch in all the wings. (iv) Coaxial cable/ Modem/ LAN/TCP-IP/Dial-up/DSI/Leased lines or any other valid technology. Q. 6. The Great Brain Organization has setup its new Branch at Srinagar for its office and web based activities. It has 4 wings of buildings as shown in the diagram: Wing Z Wing Y

Wing X

Wing U

Number of Computers blocks Wing X 50 Wing Z 30 Wing Y 150 Wing U 15 Wing X to Wing Z Wing Z to Wing Y Wing Y to Wing X Wing Y to Wing U Wing X to Wing U Wing Z to Wing U

Center to Center distances between various

50 m 70 m 125 m 80 m 175 m 90 m


Suggest a suitable Cable layout of connections between the wings and topology. (ii) Suggest the most suitable place ( i.e. wing) to house the server of this organization with suitable reason, with justification. (i) Suggest the placement of the following devices with justification: (a) Repeater (b) Hub/ Switch (ii) The Organization is planning to link its head office situated in Delhi with the offices at Srinagar. Suggest an economic way to connect it; the company is ready to compromise on the speed of connectivity. Justify your answer. Prepared By Sumit Kumar Gupta, PGT Computer Science

Page 9 of 12 Ans. (i) (ii) Bus Topology The most suitable place to house the server is Wing Y as it has the most number of computers thus cabling cost will be reduced and most traffic will be local. (iii) (a) As per suggested layout separate repeaters need not be installed as each building/wings will be having a hub that acts as a repeater. (b) One hub per Wing. (iv) An economic way of connecting is dial-up or broadband as it can connect two computers at an economic rate though it provides lesser speed than other expensive methods.

Q 1. - Differentiate between LAN and WAN? Ans - Local area network (LANs) are computer network confined to a localized area such as an office or a factory. Wide Area Networking (WANs) is computer network spread over large distances, say across countries. Q.2. - Differentiate between INTERNET and INTRANET? Ans. The internet is world wide network of computer networks, around the Globe. Internet uses a set of protocols called TCP/IP. internet is not owned by anybody. On the other hand Intranet is network, which is privately owned. Intranet also uses same set of protocols as Internet. Q. 3. What is a world wide web? Ans: The World Wide Web is a set of protocols that allows us to access any document on the net through naming system based on url. Q.4. Define wireless communication? Ans: Wireless communication is simply data communication without the use of landline. Q. 5. The cyber mind organization has setup its new branch at Mizoram for its office and web based activities. It has 4 wings of buildings as shown in the diagrams: Wing Z Wing Y

Wing X

Wing U

Prepared By Sumit Kumar Gupta, PGT Computer Science

Page 10 of 12 Number of Computers blocks Wing X 50 Wing Z 130 Wing Y 40 Wing U 15 Wing X to Wing Z Wing Z to Wing Y Wing Y to Wing X Wing Y to Wing U Wing X to Wing U Wing Z to Wing U Center to Center distances between various

40 m 60 m 135 m 70 m 165 m 80 m


Suggest a most suitable Cable layout of connections between the wings and topology. (ii) Suggest the most suitable place (i.e. wing) to house the server of this organization with suitable reason, with justification. (iii) Suggest the placement of the following devices with justification: (a) Repeater (b) Hub/ Switch The Organization is planning to link its head office situated in Delhi with the offices at Srinagar. Suggest an economic way to connect it; the company is ready to compromise on the speed of connectivity. Justify your answer Ans. (v) Bus Topology (vi) The most suitable place to house the server is Wing Y as it has the most number of computers thus cabling cost will be reduced and most traffic will be local. (vii) (a) As per suggested layout separate repeaters need not be installed as each building/wings will be having a hub that acts as a repeater. (b) One hub per Wing. (viii) An economic way of connecting is dial-up or broadband as it can connect two computers at an economic rate though it provides lesser speed than other expensive methods.

Q.6.What are the advantage and limitation of email? Ans: Adv: 1.Low Cost 2. Speed 3. Waste reduction Limitation: 1. Hardware requirement 2. Impermanent 3. Hard to convey emotion. 4. Hasty Medium

Prepared By Sumit Kumar Gupta, PGT Computer Science

Page 11 of 12 Q.7. Expand the following term: (xi) XML (xii) HTML (xiii) GSM (xiv) WLL (xv) PPP (xvi) DHTML (xvii) CDMA (xviii) HTTP (xix) URL (xx) TCP/IP Ans. (xi) eXtensible Markup Language (xii) Hypertext Markup Language (xiii) Global System for Mobile (xiv) Wireless Local Loop (xv) Point to Point Protocol (xvi) Dynamic Hypertext Markup Language (xvii) Code Division Multiple Access (xviii) Hypertext Transfer Protocol (xix) Uniform Resource Locator (xx) Transfer Control Protocol/ Internet Protocol Q. 8 Define following: (a) FTP (b) Telnet (c) TCP/IP (d) Hacker (e) Cracker Ans. (a) FTP:-It stands for File Transfer Protocol; it is used to transfer the file from one location to another on the WWW. (a) Telnet:-It is used for remote login,but using this protocol we can work on a remote computer by knowing its id and password. (b) TCP/IP:- It is Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol; It is used when any message is transferred on the internet. TCP divide the message into packets and reassemble them at destination and IP provides address to these packets. (c) Hacker:- Hackers are more interested in gaining knowledge about computer and possibly using this knowledge for playful pranks. (d) Cracker:-Crackers are the malicious programmers who break into secure system. Q.9 What is 80-20 rule? Ans. According to this rule always try to minimize the network traffic by keeping the server in the or part of the network where maximum computer lies. Q.10 Explain the terms FIREWALL, COOKIES, HACKERS and CRACKERS. Ans. Firewall: It is a system designed to prevent unauthorized access to and from a private network is called a firewall.

Prepared By Sumit Kumar Gupta, PGT Computer Science

Page 12 of 12 Cookies: These are the messages that a Web server transmits to a Web browser so that the Web server can keep track of the users activity on a Specific Web site. Hackers: Hackers are the experts who are interested in gaining knowledge about computer systems and possibly using this knowledge for useful purposes. Crackers: They are the malicious programmers who break into secure Systems, for the purpose of stealing and corrupting data.

Prepared By Sumit Kumar Gupta, PGT Computer Science

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