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A Publication of the CIBA Parent Advisory Council March, 2013

Hi everyone, Finally the snow is gone! Before we know it, we will have forgotten this "challenging" winter and will begin to think of throwing frisbees and riding bikes.....and CIBA graduation, Class of 2013, of course! RESIGNATION: Is with a heavy heart that I announce the resignation of our PAC co-president, Charles Maric, who has accepted a new job involving travel and very little "extra" time. Charles has been a wonderful supporter of PAC, always rolling up his sleeves, washing dishes, cooking hamburgers, enthusiastically chaperoning dances, and offering enlightening perspectives while planning PAC activities. As Charles always said, "The students work very hard at CIBA. We are here to make sure they have fun. Period". Not such a lofty goal. Best wishes, and thank you Charles, for keeping us focused on what is really important. ELECTION OF OFFICERS: I invite parents to step forward and get involved in PAC. It is fantastic to get to know the students, other parents, and the faculty and staff at CIBA. To me, knowing our CIBA community is one of the most rewarding aspects of PAC! We will hold elections of PAC officers at the June 5th meeting and are putting together a slate of officers. Please consider helping in some capacity- we need you! Send an e-mail to our PAC mail box to let us know. FUNDING: We will be finishing out the year with a bowling night, a dance in June, an evening at Buffalo Wild Wings with proceeds benefiting PAC, and awarding PAC scholarships to graduating seniors. We have analyzed our PAC budget and are in need of additional funding to continue sponsoring these activities for students! You will be receiving a letter from us soon on how to give to PAC. WE APPRECIATE YOUR FINANCIAL SUPPORT OF ANY AMOUNT SO THAT WE MAY CONTINUE TO OFFER ACTIVITIES FOR STUDENTS. Please call me if you have any questions. Thank you- and enjoy the weather! Sandy 860-872-7749

Get Connected!
1. Join the PAC Facebook Page!
Please like our Facebook page and follow all the PAC activities! There are two ways to find us:
Search for CIBA PAC in the search bar at the top of Facebook Follow the link on the New for Families and Parents page in the Parents section of

2. Make sure that we have your information!

Help us build our parent database. If you have not already provided it, please send the information below to: Parent/Guardian names: Email address(es): Student name(s): Student grades(s):

Mark your calendars for Wednesday June 12th for a fundraiser dinner night at Buffalo Wild Wings in Manchester. Just by coming out to have dinner at the restaurant between 6 and 9pm and showing a special ticket (see last page of this newsletter) the PAC will receive a donation of 15% of your total bill (minus any alcohol). Its an easy way to help PAC just by going out for a family dinner and having a fun time. Please share the tickets with your family and friends the more people that show up, the more money we raise!

Buffalo Wild Wings Fundraiser Night

Due to a conflict with the Junior Prom we have decided to postpone the spring fling dance. We are looking at dates in early June. More details soon!

Spring Fling Dance Postponed

School Based Health Center

Did you know that CIBA students have access to a school based health center located in East Hartford High School? School Based Health Centers (SBHC) are comprehensive, primary health care facilities located within or on the grounds of schools, licensed as outpatient medical clinics by the Department Public of Health. SBHCs are staffed by a multidisciplinary team of licensed professionals with particular expertise in child/adolescent health, i.e., nurse practitioner, medical doctor, social worker, dentist and dental hygienist. The Centers are created to build the capacity of the school to provide comprehensive, primary preventative health and mental health services, health promotion and health education activities. Note that this is separate from the school nurse. In order for a student to utilize this service there is a parent permission slip that must be signed. You can access additional information, a pamphlet and the permission slip form on this website:

Spain & China Trips

During spring break in April of 2014 there are two trips available for students to consider. One is to Spain and one is to China. These are mainly geared towards students taking these languages, but they may be open to any student. On each trip the students will experience local culture and visit significant landmarks. Please inquire with the following contacts for more information on either trip: Spain - Ms. Lemaseurier or Mr Arpin China Mrs Yang or Mr Spiller

SAB Corner April News from the Student Activity Board!

Aprilisanotherbusymonth!AsthemarkingperiodendsandIBexamsgetcloser,webegintofocusmoreontheannual MichaelAbelonMemorialWalk.AschoolwideassemblywasheldonApril5thtoexplaintheeventtoallstudentsandseek volunteerstohelpwiththemanyactivitiesonthedayofthewalk.Thiswasalsoadressdowndayfundraiserandthe secondannualMurderMysteryDinner.Almost$700wasraisedforthefoundationfrombothofthoseevents.Manystudents volunteeredandweareexcitedaboutthewalk.Wehopeyouaretoo!Besuretomarkyourcalendarforthedayofthewalk May18th.Wellhavelotsofraffleandauctionprizes,aswellasgamesandactivitiesinadditiontothewalkitself.Hopetosee youthere! MurderMysterydinnernight(HorroratHomecoming)washeldonApril5thalsoandwasalotoffun.Thestudentsand familiesinattendancehadagreattimetryingtofigureoutwhodunnit?!Thankstoallwhoparticipatedanddonatedfood forthepremysteryscoopdinner.WewillholdaKaraokeNightafterschoolonApril11from35.Therewillbea$3entry feeandsingerswillpay$1persong.WehavelotsofgreattalentatCIBAsoitissuretobeagoodtime. OtherAprilactivitiesincludeaSeniorCitizenProm.InteractispartneringwiththeRotaryclubtohostthiseventfrom47pm onApril24th.OnApril27InteractwillbeinvolvedwithRebuildingTogetherinManchester,CTfrom912.Thatsamenightis JuniorPromatManeelys.April29willbeaBostonMarketfundraiserforMAMFinGlastonburyfrom4toclose.Socomeout andpickupdinneratBostonMarketallforagoodcause! MarkyourcalendarfortheseupcomingMayandJuneevents: May1JuniorClassBiologyfieldtriptoAveryPointforProjectOceanology May18AbelonWalk! May28AwardsNight May30HungerGames,CoffeeHouse6:30 May31SeniorPromandNYtrip June1AbelonFlapjackBreakfastatApplebeesinManchester

PAC email address:

Save the Date - Future PAC Mtgs:

May 1st, 2013

Send an email to the above address to be added to the PAC email list!

June 5th, 2013

The PAC Board of Directors/Volunteers: Presidents: Sandy Leubner, Vice-President: Nancy Barnwell, Treasurer: Tom Eversons, Secretary: Sandhya Pai; Communication Coordinator: Heidi Ellis; Hospitality Coordinator: Alina Bafumo; Dance Coordinator: Nicole Miller; Fundraising Co-Chairs: Deb & Scott Megquier

CIBA PAC June 12 2013 6:00-9:00 PM 112 Buckland Street Manchester, CT


CIBA PAC June 12 2013 6:00-9:00 PM 112 Buckland Street Manchester, CT


East Hartford High School April 24th 2013 6:00-9:00 PM 112 Buckland Street Manchester, CT

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