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David Turnham

Challenging Children in Caring Classrooms

April 12, 2013 Even though the rain and cooler temperatures ended our week, we have had an opportunity to feel spring in the air! Please remember our dress code as the temperatures continues to rise. Shorts must reach past the fingertips and shirt sleeves must have a width of at least 4 inches (3 adult finger widths). It is also important to note that we keep the temperature in the building around 70. Congratulations to our PALS: Sara Tribbie, Marisol Lara, Jose Lopez, Abigail Quinn, Elijah Alvey, Leticia Velazquez, Haley Smock, Kloe Jennings, Paige Cook, Steven Harney, Karina Perez, Oscar Perez, Leticia Yanez, Marissa McCracken & Elizabeth Lara We are currently collecting canned goods and other non perishables, like soap and toothpaste, for the Community Action Center. This is a great opportunity to give to those in need. A box has been placed in the entryway. We will be collecting throughout the month of April. Assessment Results IREAD results will be available to parents next week. We do have preliminary results if you would like to know ahead of time. Please call Mrs. Kemp or Mrs. Jazyk. SRI and Dibels reports will be sent home next week. Additional News and Announcements Fine Arts Night will be here soon! Please mark your calendar for May A Bookfair will be held next week at David Turnham. This is a great opportunity for students to begin adding to their personal library for the summer. Students who dont read over the summer begin the new school year trying to catch up to the level they were when school ended. PTEO News We are still in need of dessert donations for the Spring Fling. You can bring them to school by the end of the school day on Friday, April 19th, or bring them to school in between noon and 4 on Saturday, April 20th. Our Walk a Thon will now be held on Friday, April 26. Keep collecting those pledges! We have lots of great incentives and big plans for new technology in our buildings.

PTEO OFFICER INTEREST SURVEY Thanks for having great kids, Mrs. Kemp Phone (812)-937-4300 Fax (812)-937-4317
We are currently looking for dedicated individuals interested in serving on the 2013-14 PTEO Board. You may nominate yourself or someone else. We all have talents to share! _________ Vice President ________ 4 year Board Member

I wish to nominate ______________________________________________________

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