Young Beth Jacob!: Morning Afternoon

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Young Beth Jacob!

Groups Begin @ 10:30am, Parents please tend to your children beforehand

Rabbi Avram Bogopulsky

President Leopoldo Kahn

Rabbi Blooms Class: @ 5:40pm

Groups with the Weisers-5:30pm

Shabbat Tazria/Metzora, April13 2013 Parshat Tazria/Metzorah pg. 608 Haftorah 1170 Parshas Tazria 1st, 2nd and 3rd Aliya: The laws of purity and impurity as they pertain to childbirth are discussed. The basic laws of Tzaras, its diagnosis by a Kohain, the possibility of a quarantine, and the laws of Tzaras as it relates to healthy and infected skin are discussed. 4th, 5th, 6th, & 7th Aliyot: The laws of Tzaras as it relates to a burn, a bald patch, dull white spots, and the presence of a Tzaras blemish on clothing is detailed. Parshas Metzora 1st and 2nd Aliyot: The purification process of the Metzora involving two kosher birds, a piece of cedar, some crimson wool, a hyssop branch, fresh spring water, a clay bowl, a Kohain, the Mikvah, seven days, a haircut and a Korban with its Mincha offering, is detailed. 3rd Aliya: The Korban of a poor Metzora is described. 4th, 5th, 6th, & 7th Aliyot: The laws dealing with blemishes that appear on a house are detailed. Following the laws of Tzaraas, the Torah turns its attention to various laws dealing with bodily discharges that render the individual Tameh. Male discharges, seminal discharges, menstruation, and other female discharges are detailed. Note: The basic laws of Family Purity are stated in verses 15:19-26.

Youth Morning Groups Tots: Below 1st Grade with Morahs Faye & Shayna Group 2: Active and Educational Programs with our Middle School Helpers Junior Cong: The Classic Reborn with Mr. Weiser

Tweeners Groups Shalosh Seudos in classroom A

WORLD!!! INFLATABLE il 14 Sunday Apr m Kids 6+ 12:30-4:15p e ick up at th Drop off & P on Valley park @ Missi o Del Rio N. 1640 Camin ) cludes lunch Cost: $13 (in r your kids Please cove le!!! waist to ank r Bottle!!! Bring a Wate


Sunday April 28 Princess Del Cerro Park 3:00-7:00pm Adults $12 Kids 6-11 $7.50 RSVP to the office 619-287-9890 Pre-Pay by April 25 Adults $10 Kids 6-11 $6

Get Excited!
Girls and Boys Mishmar-Wednesday @ 4:30-6:15pm-This week-Girls Bloomberry Pancakes-Sundays at 8:45-9:30am- Back & Bigger Girls Night Out-every other week, ages 13-18, Friday night, 9:00-10:00pm at the home of Yisroel & Malka Weiser Contact Mr. Weiser for details on Youth 619.933.6740

Shul Rummage Sale Volunteers Needed!!!

We are organizing a shul rummage sale (like a community garage sale) to help members clear out the clutter. We are looking for people with things to sell and for volunteers to help coordinate the sale. Please contact the Simons FMI.

Zachary & Sigalit Dimenstein would like to thank the Beth Jacob community for their heart felt prayers for a Refuah Sheleima for their daughter Noa Chaya Ruth who made a miraculous recovery.

Shabbat Schedule
Mincha.....................................6:45pm Candlelighting..........................6:58pm Shacharis Beit Midrash.............7:45am Daf Yomi...................................7:45am Shacharis Main Shul.................8:45am Latest Shema...........................9:35am Rabbi Adattos Chabura Class..4:45pm Pirkei Avos for men..................5:00pm Youth Groups...........................5:30pm

Rabbis afternoon Class...............5:45pm Mincha.........................................6:40pm Shabbos Ends..............................7:59pm Candles Next Week.....................7:03pm Sun Shacharis..............................8:00am Mon-Fri................................6:20/7:15am Sun-Thu Mincha/Maariv...............7:00pm Late Marriv...................................9:15pm

Weekly Schedule

To all guests and visitors who are here for Shabbos. Rabbi Warren Goldstein Monday, April 15, 6:00p.m. Congregation Darren & Jessica Bonert and Adat Yeshurun: children Shanna & Aviva visiting The Torah Speaks in the with the Ferrys. Language of Tomorrow Michael Attia from Mexico City SCY High Festive Yom visiting Jerry & Perla Attia. Haatzmaut Program, Monday April 15, 7:10pm @ SCY High. Mazal Tov!! Rabbi Yaakov & Shari Marks on the engagement of their daughter Miriam Malka to Ozzy Smith from Lakewood NJ. Happy Birthday Benny Behar


Our community offers a wide range of learning opportunities. Daf Yomi: Mon-Fri at 6:15 am, Sunday at 7:00 am, Shabbos at 7:45 am Up Early? Come learn 5:15am with Yaakov Klein and Chevra!! Daf Yomi: Sun-Thu at 8:15-9:15pm Amud Yomi: Contact Rabbi Simon Mr. Weiser Whats on Weisers mind? Call him to find out: 619.933.6740 Beis Midrash Learning: fresh brewed coffee and sweets. every Sunday @ 8:45am. Come and get a chavrusa and study.

Learning In Your Community


Refuah Sheleima
| DoniLepor | Marcy Maisel | Leon Janis | Bill Bloom |Eliot Klugman | Anita Weisman |

Prophets W/Rabbi Marks 8:00pm


Beginner Talmud w/Rabbi Marks 6:00pm Ladies Class F

Ladies Class w/The Rabbi 2:00pm Tastes of Talmud w/Rabbi Adatto 8:00pm

Parsha W/ The Rabbi TBApm Mishmar & Cholent 9:30pm

Coming Up!!
Lecture-South Africas Chief Opening April 2013 in the College Area!!! Emet Kosher Market Store&The Grille International Fusion. Restaurant. Market. Deli. Bakery. Cafe Corner by Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf Company. Located @ 6548 El Cajon Blvd. and Rolando.
For opening update check our website:
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Ladies Class with Rebbetzin Bogopulsky @ 4:45pm

Rabbis Afternoon Class: Are Diseases Contagious? @ 5:45pm

Beth Jacob Special Summer Camp Scholarship Fund!!

Interested applicants should contact the office to obtain the granting conditions. Deadline: April 15, 2013

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