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Non Profits and Internet

Nathan Duyck Kaushik Gopalakrishnan

Introduction Social Cause Donations Cases

Non-Profit vs. For-Profit

Mission centered around a social cause Customers involved in fulfilling others needs Revenue often includes donations Requires two way interaction No specific price range

Non Profits on Internet

Number of Non Profits Websites

Life Cycle for Community

Big data

Social media


How do we learn about a cause ?

Newspaper 51%

Websites, 37% Social Media, 24%

TV, 63%

Friends (all generations): 45-46%

When to use the Internet Know target audience

Younger generation Women>men in Social Media

Risks in use

Overuse leads to fatigue Must supplement, not replace traditional methods of engagement


Donation Websites
Stats 2010 Volunteering = 2.1B hours = 1.1M full-time jobs, 47% of Can population 2010 Donations = $10.6B, 84% of Can population

2008 U.S. Elections

Social Media hits the national stage Obama
Bottom-up, grassroots Listen Responsive Freedom to commit Numerous socio-economic and ethnic groups Texting

Top-down Talk Rigid Members Rich Caucasians

Social Media Involvement

Social Media-ites are influencers of others

Obama vs McCain
Website Traffic 2x Donations Obama McCain YouTube Viewers 4x $0-$200 26% 20% Facebook Friends 5x $201-$999 27% 20% =>$1000 47% 60% Online Staff 10x Total $452.8M $204.4M

Accessible data

Houdini database Layers of accessibility: providing source material

Daily adjustment, increased conversion rates

Popular Vote Result

Empowerment: 60% trust someone like them, 21% trust government officials

Obama McCain

69,498,516 59,948,323

52.9% 45.7%

Txt Msg: All of this happened because of you. Thanks, Barack.

Justin Trudeau hopes to be Canadas next Prime Minister

To start out, hes going to need some cash

How should Justin raise cash?

Social Media:
Social media is growing fast, but its not a heavy weight when it comes to donations, its more pocket change. With a goal of $10K, Texas Music Festival was able to raise $130K in just 4 days not quite enough though. Getting warmer

Text Message Campaign:

Campaign Website:

Non-Internet Based Campaign:

Now weve found the big bucks like Obama

With plenty of cash, Justin is off to the races.

But every politician needs a website

Cool Campaign Videos:

What page should Justin build first for his website?

Videos are interesting medium to communicate the purpose. However users do not have the patience to go through them Nearly 90 percent go to the About us page to understand the mission
Volunteering information is only useful once the user has developed interest

Amazing About Us page:

Groovy opportunities to get involved

Savvy explanations about how donations are used

Information on donations are also useful provided user is interested in the campaign

With a functioning website, Justin is now a legitimate candidate.

Next, Justin strategically positions himself as an activist by starting a petition.

How should Justin maximize petition signatures?

Social Media:
Social media is growing fast, but its not a heavy weight when it comes to donations, its more pocket change.
With a goal of $10K, Texas Music Festival was able to raise $130K in just 4 days not quite enough though. Getting warmer

Snail Mail :

Campaign Website:

Non-Internet Based Campaign:

Now weve found the big bucks like Obama

Justin is considered a hero for his petition.

But how best to woo Ontarian voters?

Social Media Campaign: Website Campaign: Newspaper ads: TV ads:

How should Justin woo Ontarian voters?

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