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Newsround Bulletin

New Crown Lesson 6 - 8:

動詞+ ing 「〜すること」というとき

動詞 you ..... (e.g. give you)「〜に。。。をあげます」などと説明するとき
You look happy. 「〜のように見えます」などと様子を説明するとき
A is longer than B. 2つのものを比べて説明するとき
A is the longest.  3つ以上のものを比べて「いちばん〜です」と説明すろとき
A is as big as B. 程度が同じことを説明するとき


Newsround is a British television programme for children.

It talks about the news and things happening now.

Today, we will listen to a show of Newsround

and understand the news!
Newsround Bulletin

1. Listen to the show. What are the stories?

Choose the three News Stories that are in the show:


Newsround Bulletin

2. Listen again and fll in the blanks.

Hi there! I'm Maddy from Newsround. It's (1)_______ the 5th (2)_______.

First up: more (3)_____! Up to 20 cm fell in some parts of Britain overnight. Now it's south-west
England and Wales that are looking the (4)______est.
So it (5)_____ like many of you could be staying at home - hundreds of schools
(6)____ closed earlier in the week and more could be later.

Meanwhile the 'Highway Agency' is trying to get more grit to councils to help them melt the snow
on roads and footpaths and make them less slippy.

In 'footie' (football) David Beckham has (7)____ he definitely wants to quit his American club LA
Galaxy and stay at AC Milan. That could give him a better chance of playing in one more World
Cup for England. Beckham was (8)________ in Glasgow last night after Milan's 2-all draw with
Rangers there:

“At the moment you know my lawyers are not talking to The Galaxy but you know I've expressed my
desire to stay at AC Milan now and it's just down to Milan and Galaxy to come to an agreement.
So hopefully that'll happen.”

(Football report!!) h € h€

And scientists in Columbia in South America have (9)______ the fossilised remains of a
(10)______ as (11)_____ as a bus. They reckon (think) the giant reptile lived 60,000,000 years ago
and weighed (12)_____ than a tonne. But what did it eat to get so big? This expert is from the
University of Toronto in Canada:

“Based on the evidence that we've seen it would have been capable of eating
something the size of a cow. Of course cows didn't live back then but do have evidence
of giant freshwater turtles and crocodiles as well as many different kinds of fish.”

That's it from me and the Newsround team. Join us again tomorrow for more top stories.

Newsround Bulletin

overnight 昨晩 to express
south-west 南西 come to an agreement
Highway Agency イギリスの道路公団
grit 凍結防止剤 (雪がある時)  reptile
council 議会 expert
to Melt 溶ける capable
footpath 歩道 evidence
slippy 滑り易い freshwater
at the moment 今
lawyer 弁護士

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