Law and Religion - KU Leuven

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Law and Religion - KU Leuven

Legend: Required in stage Optional in stage First term

Academic Year 2012-2013

Contact Who's who Law and Religion(B-KUL-B0B07A) 4.0 ECTS English 26.0 First term Basic

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KULeuven Nederlands

Torfs Henri (coordinator) | Ventura Marco EDUCATION RESEARCH ADMISSIONS POC Kerkelijk recht
All programmes > Course: Law and Religion



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Content: Insight in the legal position of religion, religious groups and movements in society within anEuropean and multi-religious perspective. Relation betweenchurch and state, church financing, relationship civil and ecclesiastical legal order. The legal context of several controversial elements of the moment. Skills: To explore a concrete issue about religion and society. Be able to sketch the legal context and develop a grounded person meaning about it.

Activities 4.0 ects. Law

4.0 ECTS


and Religion (B-KUL-B0B07a)

26.0 First term


Torfs Henri| Ventura Marco POC Kerkelijk recht Content Aims Course material

First attention will be paid to the different phases of law and religion evolution: 1)1789-1917 the post American and French revolutions; separation, questione romana and kulturkampf, Tanzimat and reforms in the Ottoman Empire; law and religion in the colonial empires in the XIXth century; 2) the first half of the XXth century: the communist revolution, state atheism, concordats with Mussolini, Hitler, Franco and Salazar; 3)1948-1979 the establishment of the United Nations system; the impact on religious freedom of the European integration; the decolonization process, 4) 1979-2000 the revenge of God, the rise of political Islam and religious fundamentalism; the crisis of the secular state; 5)2001- the post Nine Eleven; legal pluralism and religious laws; Muslim issues and Islamic law; the debate on secularism. By means of concrete issues and thorough analysis of freedom of religion to learn to think about future Legal structures with respect to the relation between law and religion. Here is tried to stimulate the critical approach of different points of view, by means of the controversial issues of the moment.


Evaluation: Law and Religion (B-KUL-B2B07a)

Mode of evaluation : Oral with written preparation Category : final examination during examination period Type of evaluation : Closed book Explanation The exam for this course comprises of two questions. 1) closed book question on the reader and content of the courses. 2) Students can prepare a short (3') presentation on a specific topic. Prof. Torfs will give more details about the exam during the classes. Information about the exam will be published on Toledo: community'Faculty of canon Law: Notice Board'. Please contact Eric De Wilde if you do not have access to this community.

Copyright KU Leuven | reacties op de inhoud: Realisatie: ICTS | Laatste wijziging: 12 juli 2012 Disclaimer[19/11/2012 11:48:44 p.m.]

Law and Religion - KU Leuven[19/11/2012 11:48:44 p.m.]

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