Nonlinear Dynamic Response of A Steel Catenary

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Proceedings of the Eleventh (2001) International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference Stavanger, Norway, June 17-22, 2001

Copyright 2001 by The International Society of Offshore and Polar Engineers ISBN 1-880653-51-6(Set); ISBN 1-880653-53-2 (VoL I1); ISSN 1098-6189(Set)

Nonlinear Dynamic Response of a Steel Catenary Riser at the Touch-Down Point

Luciano de A. Campos
Petrobras SA - E&P

Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Cl6vis Arruda Martins
Escola Polit6cnica da Universidade de S~io Paulo

Sao Paulo, Brazil

The oil industry, during the last years, has focused efforts to identify and develop economical and technically feasible solutions for production of oil and gas from deep water fields. The Steel Catenary Riser (SCR) appears as an alternative to flexible risers used in gas and oil export lines. The SCR dynamics at the Touch Down Point (TDP) vicinity has been studied by means of a boundary layer asymptotic technique (see Aranha, Martins & Pesce, 1997), establishing a simple analytical expression relating, in space and time, the dynamic curvature, the TDP motion and the oscillatory tension. The boundary layer solution, which results have been validated numerically and experimentally, was used as a basis to verify the results of a nonlinear time dependent dynamic analysis performed with ANSYS program. The peak to peak variation of dynamic bending moment and the time series of curvature, near the TDP, have been compared with the boundary layer solution. The sensibility of SCR to the sense of rotation of circular movement imposed at suspended extremity, a nonlinear effect produced by viscous drag, was captured by numerical results. The good agreement between the numerical and analytical results indicates that ANSYS can be used as a numerical analysis tool for the SCR design. Key Words: steel catenary riser, offshore riser, asymptotic solution, nonlinear time domain dynamic analysis.

Figure 1 - SCR configuration The global dynamic of SCR is non linear. The main sources of nonlinearity are the viscous drag and the unilateral contact forces between the riser and soil. Due to these nonlinearities, the commercial computer programs for SCR analysis generally use algorithms of dynamic simulation in time domain. The iterative process to solve the equilibrium equations is complicated by the existence of time and length scale discrepancies. Such discrepancies in conjunction with the small dynamic disturbances in relation to static configuration, motivate the use of boundary layer asymptotic methods to obtain an analytical solution for the dynamic bending moment at TDP (Aranha, Martins and Pesce. 1997). This analytical solution was validated numerically, in relation to hypothesis of dynamic linearization and the quasi-static character of the response in the vicinity of TDP. and experimentally from tests realized at S~o Paulo State Technological Research Institute (IPT). In this work, the numerical results of a non-linear dynamic analysis, accomplished with the ANSYS program, have been compared to the boundary layer solution.

INTRODUCTION The oil industry has become interested in the technical feasibility of the steel catenary riser (SCR) used to connect the oil and gas export lines to floating production systems (FPS) placed in deep waters. The total cost of a SCR is much lower than flexible line. The SCR, when installed, assumes a catenary form with a flexible joint at superior end. The inferior extremity of the catenary is the touch down point (TDP). The figure 1 illustrates a SCR installed on a TLP platform (Phifer, 1994).


The numerical results have been verified in space and time and showed a good agreement with the analytical ones. The ANSYS program has recovered the values of dynamic moment in the boundary layer region, as well as the sensitiveness of SCR to the sense of the circular motion imposed at the suspended end, a nonlinear effect associated with the viscous drag.

If flexural rigidity is neglected, one can obtain the static curvature at TDP( 0 = 0 ),

dO Zo = as-r- p -



THE BOUNDARY LAYER SOLUTION IN TDP REGION The flexural rigidity EJ assumes an important role in the vicinity of TDP, where occurs the maximum static curvature and the maximum variation of riser dynamic curvature (Aranha, Martins and Pesce, 1997). It can be defined a parameter called flexural length, given by ~ = ~ E J / T 0 , where T O is the static tension at the TDP, which measures the length scale in the region where EJ has an important influence. The asymptotic model assumes that the static and dynamic configurations of SCR can be approximated by a cable configuration. These configurations are determined considering a truncated model at the static TDP and the existence, in this point, of a hinge (linearization of dynamic problem). Starting from the linear solution of a cable in frequency domain, one can get the angle and dynamic tension in the hinge. Afterwards, the flexural rigidity effect (E J) is locally incorporated (boundary layer) in an analytical manner. The cyclic variation in the position of TDP on the soil, depends on the global dynamic of the cable and constitutes an important dynamic variable to be considered in the analysis of the SCR. The velocity of instantaneous TDP can be related to the transversal wave propagation velocity in the cable, in the TDP region, by means of Mach number (M). If the movement of instantaneous TDP is considered harmonic, then:

Taking T O(static tension at cable TDP) as an effective tension scale and L as a typical length scale, the equation (3) can be put in a non dimensional form,

_ e2

+ @Z = Z0 c o s 0
= EJ~~0/t

= non dimensional

where 8= ~/t flexural parameter.

The parameter 8 measures the influence of flexural rigidity in the global static of SCR. The equation (5) represents a typical singular perturbation problem that can be treated by a boundary layer technique. As 0(S) < < 1, near the static TDP of cable, one can assume that S ~, x , in this region, and introduce the local effect of EJ in equation (5), obtaining the differential equation of static equilibrium of riser at TDP vicinity, L2 d n Z f , 0 dx 4 d2Zf,o dx 2 q - - To (6)

where Zf, 0 represents the static configuration of riser at the TDP vicinity. The solution of (6) is given by,




1 Mf,o(S ) = ~(1 + sinal(s + ~,))[1-e -cs+x)/~]M 0 (7)

If Z = Z ( x , t ) defines the dynamic cable geometry, in the

where o ) X o : amplitude of TDP instantaneous velocity (perturbation velocity)

Co = TDP.


m+ m a

velocity of transversal wave near the (2)

vicinity.of the TDP, and x = x 0 ( t ) the instantaneous position, of the TDP, one can prove (2) for the dynamic problem of an ideal cable that,

[:t02(t)-c02](m+ ma)-~-(x0(t),t)) = F(t)



where m is the cable mass and m a is the added cable mass per unit of length. When M < 1, the contact of cable with soil happens in a soft way, because the instantaneous TDP velocity is smaller than the cable velocity to adjust its geometric configuration. If M >1 the cable impacts the soil. Using the Euler beam theory and the constitutive relationship M = E J z , w h e r e is the total curvature, the following static equilibrium equation can be obtained, where F(t) is the impact force between cable and soil. Once the soil imposes the geometric constraint Z ( x , t ) > 0 , and s i n c e Z ( x 0 ( t ) , t ) = 0 , then at x = x 0 ( t ) . At the same time, the impact force between cable and soil is greater than zero (rigid soil), so F(t)_>0. Both F(t) and the angle aZ/o~x must be zero when the velocity of instantaneous TDP ( 5~0 ) is smaller thane 0. When :k0 > c o , both F ( t ) and the angle



02Z - EJ -2-5- + T% = q cos0



aZ/o~x must be positive, occurring impact between cable and soil. Generally :~0 < < Co and the cable must satisfy the following boundary conditions in the vicinity of instantaneous TDP,



The general solution of equation (I 5) is given by, (9)

o (t),t) = 0

- ~ ( x o (t), t) = 0


Z(S,t)Zo - 21 (1 + sinal[3(s,t))[1 - e-~(~'t)]l + x(t)t /

The vertical velocity of instantaneous TDP is null when there is no impact between cable and soil. The vertical acceleration at this point, however, is different from zero, and is given by,

13(s, t) = (s - x 0 (t) + ~,) / ~,


:~o2 (ll)

Ro 0t 2 (x(t)'t) = (t----)

i = ~L/41+ z(t)/To
NUMERICAL MODEL The SCR has been modeled using the ANSYS program version 5.3. The characteristics of the riser (16"oil exporting riser) are described in table 1. Table 1 - Characteristics of 16" Riser h (water depth) D (external diameter) t (wall thickness) A (transversal section area) 575 m 0,4064 m 0,01581 m 0,0194 m 1,19 kN/m 2,06x 108 k N / m z 78000 k N . m 2

Because the dynamic perturbations are small around the initial static configuration, the dynamic problem can be linearized, in the vicinity of TDP, and the following boundary condition at cable static TDP is obtained,

Z(0, t) = 0


The static TDP of the cable, therefore, can be considered like a hinge in the linearised dynamic problem. It is possible to estimate the instantaneous TDP position from the linear frequency domain solution of the cable,

X 0 ( t ) = -- T O Or(0, t ) = X 0 c o s ( o t q where~(0,t)=0Z(0,t)/0t=

+ (p)






q (submerged weight per length unit) E (elasticity modulus) EJ (flexural rigidity)

hinge; To -

0X 2 =catenary curvature at O

(D = relative phase between dynamic angle and dynamic tension at O. As shown in Aranha et al. (Aranha, Pesce, Martins and Andrade, 1993), the amplitude of dynamic tension is essentially constant along the suspended length of the cable. In the vicinity of TDP, where 0 << 1, the static tension is given by T ( s ) = T O(1 + O ( 0 a )), s / L ~ O ( 1 ) , and one can write,

EA (axial rigidity) X B (suspended extremity abscissa) YB ( suspended extremity ordinate) (suspended length) 0 B (angle between catenary and horizontal at B) T B (static tension at suspended extremity)

4 x l 0 6 kN
781 m 586 m 1022 m 59'7 t411 kN 714 kN 43 m/s 10,45 m

T(s,t) _=_T O + z(t);

s/L ~ O(1)


T O(static tension at TDP) CO (transversal wave propagation velocity)

In the sub critical dynamic regime ( M <1), the inertia forces can be locally neglected and the equation governing the curvature in the boundary layer, can be written as,

~, (flexural length)

- E -~s: + (.1 + - ~ o )E = Xo;

a=z (.




The element used in riser modeling was PIPE59. The PIPE59 is a uniaxial tubular element, immersed in a fluid, that admits the application of Morrison wave and current forces and effects of added mass and nonlinear damping produced by viscous drag. The model includes nonlinear contact elements (CONTAC49), that simulate the interaction between riser and soil.


N U M E R I C A L R E S U L T S AND C O M P A R I S O N W I T H BOUNDARY L A Y E R S O L U T I O N A nonlinear time domain dynamic analysis has been realized for the sea states 3 and extreme in Campos Basin, imposing an equivalent circular harmonic motion at the suspended extremity of SCR.

For the sea 3, the circular motion has been considered in both senses, clockwise and counter-clockwise, to verify the influence of rotation sense in riser response at vicinity of TDP (Aranha, Martins and Pesce, 1997).

analytical and numerical results. The values of asymptotic expression slump for -0,75< s/~.<-1,25. The numeric model shows a similar behavior for -1,0< s/L<-l,5. For the range -1,5<s/L<-2,5, a qualitative discrepancy in moment response has been verified. One can speculate that such behavior could be associate with the flexural wave propagation at TDP vicinity, a characteristic that was not considered in the asymptotic model. The difference in the position of maximum values can be explained, basically, due to the incapacity of finite element model to represent the position of instantaneous TDP in a correct manner. The error is of the order of length element (1,25 m) in the TDP region. Figure 3 compares for sea state 3-AH, the peak-topeak variation of dynamic bending moment at boundary layer.

For the extreme sea, only the counter-clockwise sense has been analyzed. Table 2 compares the RMS values of dynamic tension, at riser static TDP. obtained with programs RISDIN3 and ANSYS. In this table R B is the equivalent movement radius.

80 70

. . . . 60 5O
. . . . . . .



Table 2 - RMS value of dynamic tension (RISDIN x ANSYS)



- .-. ..._ _ ~/j~ .........-i-x__j(_+/_+

-I ,5


. . . .


SEA 3-HH 4 3-hIP extreme

R B (m) 0,20 0,20 2,20

PERIOD (s) 7,74 7,74 12,04

RISDIN (kN) 28,0 31,9 266,8

ANSYS (kN) 28,0 30,9 258,3

I0 0 -2,5

.... ;-SUe,-2,0







Figure 3 - Peak-to-peak value of dynamic bending moment (asymptotic x ANSYS; sea 3-AH) The ANSYS recovered the influence that the rotation sense of circular motion exerts on the response of bending moments in the TDP boundary layer.

The agreement between the results of ANSYS (nonlinear time domain model) and RISDIN (linear frequency domain model) is good, even for the extreme sea condition that has a strong nonlinear effect. Figure 2 compares, for the sea state 3-HH, the peak-to-peak value for the dynamic bending moment at the boundary layer.



! F ~


T I , .-




i "-~ANSYS~HH ~ Asymptotic-HH
-i -


. . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . .






The curvature time histories have been compared, for specific sections along the riser length, for sea states 3-AH and extreme. Figures 4 and 5 show the non dimensional curvature time histories for the sea 3-AH.

- - -2,5

'~.a~"-2.0 -~.5




0,5 ~,0



Figure 2 - Peak-to-peak value for dynamic bending moment (asymptotic x ANSYS; sea 3-HH)

0.8 0,6 0,4 ~Mt at/k" 1="0"59 (crlticl

(I,2 i)

0,5 1 t/T 1,5

The agreement is good for s/2, >-0,75. The maximum value for numeric model occurs at s/X = -0,9 and for the asymptotic model at s/L = -0,76. For s/~<-0,75 there is a reasonable agreement between 3 Program for linear frequency domain analysis of cables (developed by EPUSP) 4 Circular motion in clockwise sense 5 Circular motion in counter-clockwise sense 237

Figure 4 - Non dimensional curvature - sea 3-AH; asymptotic

1,2 ! (1,8 0,6 0,4 0,2 0 .-0,2 .0,4


L "

j _ . _ _ _ - - - ~ . - - - . ~ _ _


s//, . . . . .

For extreme sea, only the counter-clockwise sense has been analyzed. The ANSYS program has recovered the sensitiveness of the riser to the sense of rotation imposed to its suspended end, an important nonlinear effect produced by the viscous drag. The dynamic curvature time histories, in boundary layer, were recovered even for the extreme sea condition, which is characterized by a strong nonlinear effect. The results of peak-to-peak variation of dynamic bending moment in boundary layer region, also shown a good agreement with the results of asymptotic expression.


1 t/T


Figure 5 - Non dimensional curvature - sea3-AH; ANSYS It should be noticed the existence of negative curvatures in ANSYS series at s / ~, = -1,0. A similar behavior has been observed in experimental results (4). Figures 6 and 7 show non dimensional curvature for extreme sea condition.

The numerical results, however, showed a qualitative discrepancy in relation to the analytical ones, in the contact region between riser and soil. Such discrepancy could be associated to a local effect produced by the flexural wave propagation, a characteristic that was not taken into account in the asymptotic model. This effect was observed in experimental results were negative curvatures have appeared in gages near the contact region, at the time interval when the riser should be stayed at rest on soil. Such discrepancies, however, are quantitatively irrelevant and do not affect the main conclusions in respect to validity of the boundary layer solution. The good agreement between the numerical and analytical results indicates that ANSYS can be used as a numerical analysis tool for the SCR design. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS

1,5 I 0,5 0


i/K// f/-x\ i%L/'/

0,5 1 trr 1,5

The authors express their gratitude to P E T R O B R J , S, Petr61eo Brasileiro S.A, for giving permission to publish this work and to Profs. J.A.P. Aranha e C.P. Pesce of EPUSP Ocean Engineering Department for their suggestions and comments.

Figure 6 - Non dimensional curvature - extreme sea-AH; asymptotic

2 1,5 s/~=+2.95 1 0,5 0 I

1. Aranha, J.A.P., Pesce, C.P., Martins, C.A. & Andrade, B.L.R.

Mechanics of Submerged Cables: Asymptotic Solution and Dynamic Tension. 3rd International Offshore & Polar Engineering

L_ k
1,5 1 l/T

Conference, Singapore, Jun. 6-11, 1993, vol. 2, pp. 345-356. 2. Aranha, J.A.P., Martins, C.A, Pesce, C.P., Analytical Approximation for the Dynamic Bending Moment at the TouchDown Point o f a Catenary Riser. 1997, (a ser publicado no HOPE). 3. Campos, L.A., An~lise de esfor~os ding~micos na regi~,o do "Touch Down Poinf' de um Riser Rigido em Caten~ia, Msc Thesis, University of S~,o Paulo, 1997 J.A.P. & Martins, C.A. Dynamic Curvature in Catenary Risers at the Touch Down Point: An Experimental Study and the Analytical Boundary-Layer Solution. 4. Pesce, C.P., Aranha, 7th International Offshore & Polar Engineering Conference, Honolulu, May 25-30, 1997, Proceedings, vol. 2 , pp 656-665. 5. Phifer, E.H., Kopp, F., Swanson, R.C., Allen, D.W. & Langner (1994), C.G. Design and Installation of Auger Steel Catenary Riser. Offshore Technology Conference, 26th, Houston, Texas, May 2-5, 1994; pp. 399-408. 6. Triantafytlou, M.S & Bliek, A. & Shin, H: Dynamic Analysis as a Tool for Open Sea Mooring System Design, Anual Meeting of The Society of Naval Architects and Marine Eng., November 1985, N.Y. 7. ANSYS User's Manual for revision 5.0 Vol. 1, II, III e IV, Houston, 1994.

__/_ f_ /r?--m/..

Fig.7 - Non dimensional curvature - extreme sea -AH; ANSYS CONCLUSION A dynamic response analysis of a steel catenary riser (SCR), from a finite element nonlinear model (ANSYS), has been realized and the results demonstrated a good agreement with ones of an analytical expression obtained by means of asymptotic techniques and boundary layer theory. The asymptotic expression for the dynamic bending moment in the TDP region, derived by Aranha, Martins & Pesce (Aranha, Martins and Pesce, 1997) and validated through experimental tests and simulations with specific software for riser analysis, was used as a basis for verification of numerical results. The sea states 3 and extreme of Campos Basin were analyzed. For sea state 3, a circular motion with clockwise and couItter-clockwise sense of rotation, has been imposed to the riser suspended end;


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