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The School of Management & Entrepreneurship Master of Business Administration





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Volkswagen blue chip advertisement Pizza hut recent advertisement Incredible India advertisement

4. 6. 8.




Volkswagen blue chip advertisement

It is created on the basis of the changing technology in the automobile industry. This advertising creates image of the Volkswagen as a most efficient and the very convincing to the customers in the target market. The target market of the Volkswagen is basically from the executive level or the corporates who needs the advantages of the changing the technological environment in their cars or personal automobiles which is very much influenced by the blue chip advertisement. Now looking at the aspects of the consumer behavior why I choose this ad to describe the consumer behavior as follows. Purchase of the car is the innate need of the consumer but the going for the Volkswagen car because of the brand created by the advertisement is the acquired need for the consumer.

The advertisement shows how the car of the Volkswagen creates the need due to their technological advancement shown as the animation or the signs of the music, better engine capacity, the higher mileage, and the attitude if the society towards the specific brand which are clearly reflect upon in this ad. The ad creates the need for the car because it provides the variety in their cars according to various price range provided in the market. Like Polo and Vento for the executive people and the Jetta and Passat for the professional and the business people. Because of the luxury and the comfort provided by the company it provides the behavioral orientation in the minds of the consumer. To buy the car of this brand is become the product oriented goal in the consumers mind. The brand personality created by this ad for the all models provided by the company is the basic motivation for the consumer for buying this product. It is the fulfillment of the self-esteem need in the society as per the need hierarchy of the Maslow. The advertisement has created the emotional motive for the customer because the brand image attached with the car provided by the company will affect the emotions of the individuals in the market such a way that if they will buy this car than it can achieve a good status in the society. As per the trio need theory it can be assumed that it will produce the need for achievement because of the status discussed earlier in this paragraph. Thus we can relate it with the motivation theories of the consumer behavior in the advertisement.

The advertisement also influences the personality of the consumer. Here, they are influencing the ego needs of the consumer because of the status and the personality attached with the brand. Here, they show the reality of the consumer in the society so that the consumer is convinced on the basis of the personality. In this advertisement the innovativeness is used through the using of the animation for the advancement of the technology provided by the company. The person is also influence for their need of the cognition because they are convincing the consumer on the basis of the overall personality of the consumer and they are providing the product variety as per the different segments of the consumer and they influence the personality of the consumer in their particular segment. Thus, the personality is used by the marketers of this company in this advertisement.

Considering the self in this ad as a part of the consumer behavior, the self-esteem is being fulfilled of the one consumer is shown as creation of the value in the society is being shown in this advertisement. Consumer will believe the fulfillment of the self-esteem by purchase of this car. The advertisement creates the ideal need for the consumers in this advertisement which results in the affection of the consumers towards the product. Fantasy created by this ad will produce the behavioral motives in the minds of the consumers in the automobile sector. I want to buy a car but I will take decision by seeing the advertisement I obviously go for Volkswagen car because it creates the self-fulfillment in myself because of the brand value attached with it and by seeing advertisement I can really differentiate the features of the car of this company with the car of the various other company. And the advertisement creates both the self and public selfconsciousness in the mind of the consumer because the one will buy a brand because he wants to influence self-image in the society. Thus, we can derive the central part of the self as the internal influence of the consumer in this particular advertisement.

By seeing at the other part of the consumers internal influence is the learning created by this advertisement. This advertisement provides the learning for its potential customer by showing the product mix in the single advertisement by the company. Learning is basically providing the knowledge about the product and product features to the consumer. The TV advertisement created by the Volkswagen influences the classical conditioning within the advertisement which creates the message directly provides the information about the changing technologies in the automobile industry and message indirectly interpreted by the consumer is the features and brand equity attached to the company Volkswagen. The repetition of the message by the company will allow the consumer to decode the message and interpret it very well and convert the message in the memory of the consumer. And the continuous repetition in terms of the once, twice or thrice in an hour will store the message as a long term memory in the consumers mind. The advertisement creates the brand specific memory, ad specific memory and the positive interpretation of their evaluation of the advertisement. Thus, the marketer of his ad had used the learning in their advertisement for inner influences of the consumer.

As a consumer, how an individual will interpret this ad is also very important aspect in this advertisement. I perceived this advertisement as the technological advancement and it generally provides the visionary and auditory stimuli because of the animations and background music added in the advertisement. The blue color used for the all car picture shows the logo color of the company. The sound also affects the mental state of the consumer and can convince the consumer for the trial of the car. The advertisement is creative enough to attract the consumers by their visual and auditory stimulus. It pulls the attention of the consumer very well. But the interpretation of the message is basically depends on the consumers own belief, and value system and in this ad is used in such a way that if consumer apply his own perception in the message but the outcome will be in the positive way.

Life style
By knowing about the brand we can obviously say that the cars provided by the company suits the life style of the every people. Company has segmented its target market by providing the various range of the products in such a way that everyone in the target market can at least have desire to buy the car of this company which will improve their life style. This is clearly shown in the advertisement. As discussed earlier in this paper every group of people have their own choice of the car in this company. It is the brand preferred over the competitor because of the brand affection of the consumer.

The pizza hut recent advertisement

In this advertisement, two girls takes initiative to resolves the conflict that occurs between their parents. Both the girls bring their parents to the pizza hut and orders the various range of the pizza. When pizza arrives they give a sign to their father to give the piece of the pizza to his wife by his own hand. As soon as their mother smells the pizza, she smiles and the conflicts between the husband and wife resolves. By this, they are showing that they are providing the number of different varieties of the pizza that they can most likely brand for the customer in the pizza, everyone will be happy by eating their own preference in the range of the pizza. The tagline given in this ad is pizza and much more. And the overall tagline given by the pizza hut as a company is where the magic never ends. The both taglines are appealing very much and how it affects the consumer behavior is illustrated as follows.

In this advertisement the basic goal is to resolve the conflict can be defined as generic goal but the choice of the pizza hut by their appeal of the never ending magic we can consider the appeal as a product oriented goal. Because of the taste of the pizza that is much more preferred by the wife she becomes very happy and the conflict resolves very quickly and that is showing as the magic of the pizza hut. The need for the hungry man is the innate need but here the urge created by the pizza hut due to their magic producing ability converts the need of the resolving conflicts into the acquired need. By showing this ad the company has tried to aware the consumers about their need towards the specific brand product. They are trying to put forward the emotional motives because the conflict is showing the aggression towards each other. The mental state of the mind is differing between two individuals but when both are bring forward to the pizza hut the state of the mind become similar this is the magic of the pizza hut showing in this advertisement. It creates the motivation amongst the customer that in every difficult situation when you come to the pizza hut the difficulties and problem will be converted into the happiness. They are creating the behavioral motives for the difficult situation that anyone can resolve the difficulties by the eating the pizzas at the pizza hut. People can use the brand for resolving their own difficulties in the life. They are pushing customer to trial of the product at least once. They are also providing the variety of the pizzas which shows the customization which creates the affection motives in the mind of the consumers as per this particular advertisement. The basic motivation provides by the tagline pizza and much more is it can fulfill the innate need of a hungry person because it contains the basic food items with the pizza itself. Thus, the marketers of pizza hut by showing this ad trying to motivate the consumers towards the most delicious food which can create magic for them.

The perception part of the advertisement is very interesting because the interpretation can go both the ways at positive and negative way as per the perception of the individuals. They may interpret this ad as pizza hut is the solution of the all conflicts in the life but in reality it is not the meaning of the message shown in the advertisement. The advertisement is created as per the visual, auditory and the taste stimuli. Actually they are trying to show the positive interpretation of the pizza hut can convert the needs of happiness into the reality by the taste of the various varieties of the pizzas available at the outlet which is the most prosperous thing in individuals belief system. The basic interpretation by the visual stimuli about the pizzas in the pizza hut can come from the garnishing and the designs of the vegetable on the vegetable and the applying the cheese and butter into it. The colors of the vegetables, the sounds that informs about the various varieties of the pizza will influences the auditory and the visual stimulus. But the main influence of this ad is it creates the feeling to the taste palates of the consumer. The flavors added in the pizzas, again changes the behavior of the consumers towards the pizza. The various levels of the spices and vegetables used in the pizzas also provide the behavioral influences in the minds of the consumer. The addition of the cheese and the buttery taste into the pizzas again influences the taste palates of the consumer as an individual. These are the two generic ways by which the advertisement message can be interpreted but the message can be sub classified in these two broader categories for every different and independent individual. In this ad, they have tried to influence the internal perception in the positive way but it can get the negative interpretation by the individual which is not required for the message delivery. By this advertisement they have presented the concept in such a way that the people can like the pizzas not the counterpart shown in the advertisement.

The learning in this advertisement can be described as they are trying to deliver the values attached with the brands. They promise the taste and the variety in the products that are liked by every individual as per their taste and preferences which will allow them to forget all their difficulties, sorrows and the problems and make them happy. This message is created as the classic conditioning principle in which the receiver of the message knows about the brand in the indirect manner. The message is about the taste, varieties and the services offered by the pizza hut and all these things are shown as the magic in this advertisement. Repetition of the advertisement in the TV often will create the memory for the brand which if continues convert in to the long term memory. The memory created by this ad is the brand specific, advertisement specific and the evaluation could be both the negative or positive ways as described earlier. And lastly this learning process is trying to change the behavior of the consumer towards the specific brand.

As a consumer I will assume myself as a fulfilling of the self needs of the foods by the pizza hut. I can prefer the pizza as one of the choice over the various alternatives of fast food available with me. But if I have to select one amongst the various pizza shops, I will select the pizza hut after seeing this advertisement. Because the brand personality attached with the pizza hut I can assume it as the ideal need of the fast food. This advertisement provides the real attachment with

the brand of pizza by their message of the magic in this advertisement. Thus, the internal influence of the self may work at this advertisement as the part of the consumer behavior. Ad is also changing the attitude of an individual towards the brand. The ad is trying to convince about the taste and how it convert the sadness into the happiness by just tasting the pizzas at the pizza hut which creates the cognition part of the attitude. They are trying to influence the affection by showing the various varieties available with them which is made by considering the needs and the preferences of the various groups of people. They are motivating the customer towards strong brand relation with the pizza hut.

The advertisement of the incredible India

This advertising is showing the different cultures the different values of the various people living in the India. It is basically advertisement of the tourism department of the India to develop India as a most credible and enjoyable tourist place. The advertisement is showing the various architecture, dances, sculptures, music and the values of these all in the Indian culture. The advertisement also shows the various adventures and the traditional games that are being played in the various region of the single country. It shows the combination of all the things that tourist can think about his/her tour. In Jammu and Kashmir you can see the boating, skiing, the mounting and ice skating as adventurous activities. This state is considered as the paradise on the earth because of the natural beauty of this state. The various lakes and ponds which really make you feel the paradise on the earth. In north eastern region you can find various architectures and the adventurous places. The tagline given as incredible India to this ad is considered as the most successful because it delivers the message that you can find everything at one single country. And this country is united bound by various diversifications in terms of the cultures, values and beliefs of the people living in various regions of this country.

It creates the emotional motives in the advertisement because it shows the emotions of the people attached with their religion, their land and their cultures such as the Ranotsava is the basic culture of the people living in Kutch and the desert od the Rajasthan where they shows their skills of the handmade cloths and various dances according to their culture. These all are the emotional motives for the people living in India but it may create the rational appeal for the people who are willing to come in India for a tour. By this ad, department of tourism has created urge for national citizens to respect the traditions of their own and for foreigners it is a message to attract hem towards India and choose it as their tourist destination. The goal in this advertisement is the generic goal for the tourist. Unity developed by the Indian citizens even though their cultures are different will create the eagerness in the minds of the foreigners to visit India at least once. The basic influences for motivation in this ad to the seekers of this ad is the traditions, architectures, sculptures, granthas, vedas, religious belief and variety of the dances and dramas. If one travel through all India it passes through the highest diversification that he/she can never see in any other place of the world. This ad could use the motivation by this way as the internal influence of their needs.

It shows the learning under the classical conditioning. The advertisement shows the things which an Indian may also dont know though he is leaving in India. Thus, it provides the learning for both the Indians and foreign nationals. Repetition of the advertisement results this message get converted into the long term memory. This ad provide the knowledge of the India as a whole so it should be converted in to the long term memory of the Indian but the advertisement is created in such a way that it converted to the long term memories of the foreigners as well. The memory here is advertisement specific but here the evaluation is always results into the positive side because it has nothing to take as a negative because each and every aspect of this ad is derived from the reality no single even is based on the imagination in this ad. Thus, in this advertisement the learning as a core value for the internal influence is used to result I the great success.

Looking forward to the perception in this advertisement, an individual can perceive this ad by all the sensory stimuli. The visual stimuli attached in this ad is the various places, beauty of the nature shown in this ad, the various architectures, sculptures, dances and dramas, the designs and colors of various dresses adopted according to different culture influences the visual senses. The sounds and music played at the background of this ad is also very attractive and the cultural music of the various regions and the classical music shown in this ad are also very effective to perceive the ad positively. The various cuisines of the people according to the region in which they are living, is providing the sensation to the taste palates of an individual. The touch feeling can be aroused from the feeling of touching the textures, adventurous equipment and traditional weapons that were used in India. Odors can be felt by variety of the trees and the flowers like sandal wood, rose, lotus, sunflower, tea and coffee, tobacco plants and fragrance of the various medicinal plants we can enjoy at various centuries and the gardens developed by the government of India. Allocation of this all will pull the attention of the various seekers of this advertisement and the interpretation will be always positive for this advertisement.

As self, I believe that it is the fulfilling of the self-esteem of every Indian as an individual. Because it the pride for every Indian that this country has something better than any other country. Following the self-concept

In this ad, the advertiser is trying to change the behavior of the consumers by showing the adventures and natural places that makes this country very good as tourist destination. The ad is designed on the basis of classical conditioning. They are giving the exposure of the advertisement by showing the various traditions followed at various regions of India. The meaning and importance of all this traditions are very noble knowledge for the seekers of this ad. Thus, this ad provides the learning to the people of India.

1. Schiffman L.G, Kanuk L. L. & Kumar S. R. (2010), Consumer Behavior, 10th edition, Delhi,
India: Pearson Education. P:

2. Solomon M. R. (2011), Consumer Behavior: buying, having and being, 9th edition, Delhi, India: PHI learning Pvt. Ltd. p: 54-254. 3. Volkswagen advertisement, Sat max TV. (viewed on 16-1-2012) 4. Pizza hut advertisement, Sony TV. (viewed on 20-1-2012) 5. Incredible India advertisement, Sab TV. (viewed on 22-1-2012)

Volkswagen advertisement
It is created on the basis of the changing technology in the automobile industry. This advertising creates image of the Volkswagen as a most efficient and the very convincing to the customers in the target market. The target market of the Volkswagen is basically from the executive level or the corporates who needs the advantages of the changing the technological environment in their cars or personal automobiles which is very much influenced by the blue chip advertisement. Now looking at the aspects of the consumer behavior why I choose this ad to describe the consumer behavior as follows. Purchase of the car is the innate need of the consumer but the going for the Volkswagen car because of the brand created by the advertisement is the acquired need for the consumer.

Pizza hut advertisement

In this advertisement, two girls takes initiative to resolves the conflict that occurs between their parents. Both the girls bring their parents to the pizza hut and orders the various range of the pizza. When pizza arrives they give a sign to their father to give the piece of the pizza to his wife by his own hand. As soon as their mother smells the pizza, she smiles and the conflicts between the husband and wife resolves. By this, they are showing that they are providing the number of different varieties of the pizza that they can most likely brand for the customer in the pizza, everyone will be happy by eating their own preference in the range of the pizza.

Incredible India advertisement

This advertising is showing the different cultures the different values of the various people living in the India. It is basically advertisement of the tourism department of the India to develop India as a most credible and enjoyable tourist place. The advertisement is showing the various architecture, dances, sculptures, music and the values of these all in the Indian culture. The advertisement also shows the various adventures and the traditional games that are being played in the various region of the single country. It shows the combination of all the things that tourist can think about his/her tour. In Jammu and Kashmir you can see the boating, skiing, the mounting and ice skating as adventurous activities. This state is considered as the paradise on the earth because of the natural beauty of this state. The various lakes and ponds which really make you feel the paradise on the earth. In north eastern region you can find various architectures and the adventurous places.



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