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Community Heritage Project

Community Archaeology & Heritage Consultancy

The project ROIMHE is a cultural and social regeneration archaeological project, which looking to inspire the community to get involve in Archaeology and Local Heritage within West Belfast area. Heritage by the people for the people. It is empowered by the reality that within a locality there will be many people interested and excited by the material evidence for the past, which lies beneath their streets, houses, gardens, workplaces and is scattered across fields and woods.

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Bhal Feiste

Cultural Heritage is the footprint of Memory and Oblivion. As footprint is comprised of all of the products of human activity and their remains, both intentional and unintentional, tangible and intangible, which represent historical and social processes, which derive their meaning from them. This definition includes objects and ideas that are socially valorized as heritage elements, either within the context in which they are created or in later context, as much as objects and remains that have the potential to achieve this valorization at a later stage due to their representative nature. Cultural Heritage confronts us today with important issues, mostly in the present situation of cultural crisis we live now: legitimization, authority, individual, community, the natural, the domestic, tradition, innovation, science, participation, specialists, public.. Breochloch has addressed the importance of Cultural Heritage and has created a new research project devoted to its interdisciplinary study, to analyse how Cultural Heritage and its values are produced, managed and socialized, as well as the material elements and social practices that integrate it. It will do mostly from the perspective of Archaeology, a discipline well situated to cope with Heritage because of its understanding of materiality, spatiality and temporality of social realities.
ROIMHE is a cultural and social regeneration project based in a community archaeological project, which's looking to inspire the community to get involved in Archaeology and Local Heritage within Western side of Greater Belfast. The author of this document beleive firmly in one archaeology by the people for the people, motto of most of the community archaeological projects. This project wants to give the local people, whatever their age, skill level, family and work obligations the chance to participate in real archaeology. This involves not just practical investigations -excavations, surveying, field walking and so on- but also doing detailed recording, identifying finds, developing specialist knowledge and carrying out documentary investigations. Most enjoyable of all, it involves working in a team to define research objectives in the first place, offer interpretations of findings and disseminate these to a wider audience through displays, workshops and a variety of publications.

Seandlachot Iarthar


Bhal Feiste


Listed Buildings

Historic Parks & Gardens

Scheduled areas

Defense Heritage Site

Industrial Heritage sites

Archaeological sites







Seandlachot Iarthar


Bhal Feiste


From the outset it was planned that ROIMHE would address a number of issues, with particular attention being paid to the following specific objectives: Provide a sense of identity and community working together, based in our Heritage. To develop programs and strategies for cross community work. To give a chance to learn more and appreciate new experiences from active participation -especially schools and disavantaged groups- in uncovering the History of Belfast. To develop tools for Heritage management.

These targets were to be achieved by:

To develop an archaeological research on the premise to create options to help in the regeneration of the communities in the Western side of Belfast. To develop a turistic product based in the Cultural Heritage. And create an educational program based in the Cultural Heritage. To develop a range of cross-community activities.

Seandlachot Iarthar


Bhal Feiste

Archaeological program
AIMS To develop a Landscape Heritage Survey, based in the theoretical frame of Archaeology of Perception .


To provide a detailed landscape History and Characterization of the area. To involve the local community in their Heritage. To increase the physical and intellectual access to the Heritage.


Field survey based in the conditions survey Camsar criteria. Building recording. Assesments of the significance archaeological and historical evidences. Creation of an archive of material, including maps, documents and photos. Elaboration of SMR site gazzeter. Field Survey Training.

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Bhal Feiste

Cultural Heritage Management program

AIMS To promote the knowledge and conservation of our Heritage OBJECTIVES

To develop activities and events to promote the knowledge and conservation of our Heritage.


Discovering West Belfast-Website. The philisophy behind the Roimhe Website is create a flexible and sustaineble website to be mantained beyond the end of the project. Driven by technologies such as XML, it should allow users to create contents as long as they have log in. It is not dependent of any technical languages and put the power to creating contents in the hands of the users (such as webpages, interactive maps, upload imager or documents and even an events calendar). Contents of the website will ranges from the geology, archaeology, history and archives of West Belfast. It also include profiles and content about groups ans societies detailing their activities and how to join them.

Elaborate an interactive Map of Heritage at Risk. Developing tools to protect the past.

Desing and develop an Interpretation of the Heritage program.

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Bhal Feiste

Heritage Education program

AIMS To promote the understanding, study and awareness of the Heritage OBJECTIVES

To deliver educational benefits to an audience ranging from early years top to Higher Education and long life learning through the provision of fact sheets and educational resources. To provide high quality information to the existing Heritage audience, as well reaching new and wider community, using atractive formats in accesible locations.


Archaeological workshops based in local Heritage Desing and create educational material for all school in the area, in collaboration with Universidad de Cordoba (Spain). Training courses: Teachers The Heritage as educational tool in the classroom. General public. Rangers and Guides of Cultural Heritage

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Bhal Feiste

Regeneration program
AIMS To promote the social and economic use of the Heritage OBJECTIVES

To develop and support new initiatives to create business and jobs in the Heritage sector To provide activities and events to revalorize the Heritage


Archaeological Work Experience To provide a fulfilling and beneficial archaeological work experience placement for secondary schools aged 14 to 18 years old. To encourage young people to work as a team, to allocate tasks and complete a project to a tight deadline. Desing a develop an Heritage Trail. In aims to promote public access to and awarenwaa od historic sites in West Belfast. Non guided heritage trial for tourist. Guided Heritage Trial. Annual program of guided walks around hictoric places. Publication of Heritage Trials and information about the iset to visit in local magazines and Roimhe website.

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Bhal Feiste

Our work

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Seandlachot Iarthar


Bhal Feiste

Seandlachot Iarthar


Bhal Feiste

Seandlachot Iarthar


Bhal Feiste

136 Finaghy Rd. North. Belfast BT00JD

BREOCHLOCH Community Archaeology & Heritage Consultancy


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