Profession Particulars Respondents Percentage Private Employee 32 32% Govt Employee 22 22% Business Man 34 34% Any Other 6 6%

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Profession Particulars Private Employee Govt Employee Business Man Any Other Respondents 32 22 34 6 Percentage 32% 22% 34% 6%

35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0

32 22



Private Employee

Govt Employee Business Man

Any Other

2. Are you aware of the JCL brand Particulars Yes No

92% 8%

100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Yes No

3. How did you come to know about about the cormandal king cement. Particulars Word of Mouth Television Newspaper Wall Advertising Engineer Recommendation Magazine Respondents 8 11 13 7 19 3 Percentage 8% 11% 13% 7% 19% 3%

8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Series 1 Column1 Column2

4. If you are Purchasing Cormandal King Cement who recommended you? Particulars Dealer Engineer Contractor Friend Labour Relatives Respondents 7 28 14 5 2 2 Percentage 7 28 14 5 2 2

5. What made you to purchase india current brand Particulars Durability Crack free Construction Recommendation Quality of Cement Respondents 10 15 8 17 Percentage 103% 15% 8% 17%

6. Give your opinion on Price of JCL Compare to Competitors Particulars Respondents Very High 8 High 14 Affordable 26 Low 2 Total 7. Is JCL giving any discount on bulk Purchasing

Percentage 8% 14% 26% 2% 50%

Particulars Yes No

Respondents 36 14 Total

Percentage 36% 14% 50

8. Please give your opinion on the following aspect A. Advertisements Particulars Excellent Very Good Good Average Poor Respondents 29 8 4 9 0 Total Percentage 29% 8% 4% 9% 0% 50%

B. Packaging Particulars Excellent Very Good Good Average Poor

Respondents 8 22 15 4 0 Total

Percentage 8% 22% 15% 4% 0% 49%

C. Timely Delivery Particulars Excellent Very Good Good Average Poor

Respondents 4 14 23 8 1 Total

Percentage 4% 14% 23% 8% 1% 50%

D. Dealer Services Particulars Excellent Very Good Good Average Poor Respondents 11 15 12 11 1 Total Percentage 11 15 12 11 1 50%

E. Discount for Price Offer Particulars Excellent Very Good Good Average Poor

Respondents 5 10 14 13 8 Total

Percentage 5% 10% 14% 13% 8% 50

F. Credit Facility Particulars Excellent Very Good Good Average Poor

Respondents 3 6 19 16 5 Total

Percentage 3% 6% 19% 16% 5% 50%

9. Where did you Purchased the cement Particulars Respondents Direct From Company 10 Authorised Stockist 30 ThroughDealer Nearby 10 Total 10. What type of service you expect from the dealer Particulars Timely Supply of Cement Exchange Facility Assistance from the Company Respondents 19 21 12 Total

Percentage 10% 30% 10% 50%

Percentage 19% 21% 12% 50%

11. What type of service you expect from the dealer Particulars Timely Supply of Cement Exchange Facility Assistance from the Company Respondents 19 21 12 Total Percentage 19% 21% 12% 50%

12. Availability of cements when needed

Particulars Item

Respondents 56

Percentage 56

13. Should there be any changes in the present brand which you use Quality Particulars Yes No Respondents 30 20 Total Percentage 30 20 50%

Price Particulars Yes No

Respondents 28 22 Total

Percentage 28% 22% 50%

Durability Particulars Yes No

Respondents 23 27 Total

Percentage 23% 27% 50%

Packaging Particulars Yes No

Respondents 22 28 Total

Percentage 22% 28% 50%

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