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Matthews: As you know the month of March was action packed for the school and the library as well. Listed below is an accounting of all the things that took place in the media center during this month. Benchmark testing both Robin and I administered the tests to students receiving small group accommodations. Reading Club 3rd, 4th, and 5th grades met and we continued our book study. Students and staff worked on finalization of book trailers. Read Across America prepared the media center to support school wide participation in this program. Week long activities planned - Decorations, book displays, character posters, parent involvement (reading), morning news segments, picture taking, character dress up day, parade, website links, top readers party, slide show of weeks activities. Assemblies made slide shows (activities around school) to be shown during entrance to assembly. AR book award presentations. PTA attended PTA meeting and prepared slide show and power point to support the meeting. Field Day (Fun on the Farm) book displays, morning news segments, storytelling, poster designs, lamination of posters, picture taking and video of events during Field Day, slide show of festivities. Inventory Completed the State of Georgia technology inventory. Also completed the Title One inventory. Intersession Both Robin and I began conducting intersession groups from 8:15 to 9:00 daily. This began in the third week of March and will continue through the third week of April. Websites Continuous updates made to both the school and media center webpages. Helped to resolve website with teachers and other staff. Lessons taught lessons on conducting research and PowerPoint usage. Worked with every third grade class to assist in helping students with researching, citing, and PowerPoint manipulation. Meetings Attended one team meeting with every grade level to relay information and discuss grade level media needs. Chaired the Planning and Organization committee to collaborate on school wide events, needs, and services for the upcoming month. Attended monthly Glynn County School media specialist team meeting. Attended Glynn County Library Council meeting. Addy Book Club collaborated with Phi Theta Capa members about dates for book talk and luncheon in April. Ordered materials for award presentations. Met with fifth grade classes to encourage participation in the book club. Accelerated Reader reviewed reports, took pictures, and made certificates and posters for student recognition. Awards were presented during both assemblies.

Newsletters School and media center newsletters were written and uploaded onto the webpages. Brunswick News Collaborated with the Brunswick News on the Octopi hatchlings, pet food drive, student essays, and technology usage to support learning. Year Books - Finalized year books and continued to promote and sell copies. Morning News worked with new fifth grade team to present morning news program. Also worked with the technology department on technical difficulties with equipment. Looking for funding to replace outdated equipment. Tech Request submitted more than 50 tech request tickets. Worked with individual teachers to resolve tech issues within the classroom. Continued Education - Attended district wide media meeting on GALILEO access and usage. Participated in hands on activities to learn how to manipulate resources available on elementary, middle and high school levels. Professional Development redistributed to staff the information presented in GALILEO meeting.

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